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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

Virtual Devices

The category contains virtual devices submitted by users.
Downloading and submission terms have to be accepted.
Types of files accepted: LUA, VFIB, ZIP, TAR, RAR, JSON.
Virtual devices have to be described properly, screen shots are optional.
Support topics are created automatically here Virtual devices
Report topics and files that are no longer supported by authors.
All the files submitted have to be approved by administrators.

85 files

  1. Eth008_with_status.vfib

    This is an enhanced version VD fot the ETH008 relay board.
    This VD does not only control the board but it also reports back the relay status read via the /status.xml web request.
    This VD also makes a very simple example of how to get XML data from any other device and put it into variables.
    Examples of usage:
    Controlling 24V AC volts solenoids for watering the garden Controlling motorized heating valves with the relay board. Controlling lights with the relay board.  
    All you need to do is put in the ip address and the port (80) of the ETH008 board in the VD and make sure "http authentication" is turned of in the ETH008 settings.


       (0 reviews)



  2. Gardena Status

    Main features
    Watch and control Gardena Smart System devices. 
    Connects to your Gardena account, retrieves information about smart devices configured within that account and allows you to control them. Installation if fully automated: there is only a single scene to provide status gathering, sending commands and creating virtual devices in HC2.
    Detection of new Gardena devices and automatic creation of corresponding Fibaro virtual devices. Polish and English languages are supported. Easy installation: just put your account information and start the scene. Source code is easy to maintain and develop (rich debug information, separation of supported device types from data presentation, translation system included, etc.). Five categories of Gardena devices supported: gateway, irrigation control, watering valve, sensor, and mower.
    What you need 
    At least Gardena Smart Gateway configured and access to your Gardena account. Any sensor, watering device or mower connected to that account will become available in Fibaro ecosystem.
    Create LUA scene with the file provided in the archive. Put your Gardena account details (GARDENA_ACCOUNT and GARDENA_PASSWORD). Start the scene - it will automatically create global variables and virtual devices based on your account information. Update virtual device: set names, icons and categories as you wish. Optional configuration
    Read comments in Lua scene.
    Each configuration parameter is described there in detail.
    I don't want to import all devices from my account. How to achieve that?
    You may do that by configuring IGNORE_CATEGORY variable if you would like to exclude all devices of a given type (like "sensor") or you may remove unwanted VDs manually and change CREATE_VIRTUAL_DEVICES to false so as not to recreate deleted devices.
    Can I use two or more Gardena accounts in my HC2?
    Sure. Just make a clone of the main Lua script, update account details and give a unique value to ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_ID variable.
    Can I provide my own translation or change fields displayed in a virtual device?
    Yes, it is simple. All language specific information is given in two variables: translations and repeatedTrans. Look for them in source code and that should make things clear. Also field definitions are provided in source code. Look for "TYPEconfig" variable (mowerConfig, e.g.) and change what you need. For labels the first value in each item is a number used for ordering elements, second is a default (English) label, third is a format ([d] is for timestamps, [u ] is for units retrieved from Gardena API). In the end, remember to use UPDATE_DEVICE_DEFINITION variable to apply changes in virtual device definition.


       (3 reviews)



  3. Google Calendar Synchronization

    Hi All,
    I came across the problem of making my private Google Calendar's entries available in HC2 with the intention of using it in some of my home's automation scenarios. Since I was unable to find any simple solution on the internet I did create my own and here it is 
    The scene runs on my HC2 since few weeks without any issues. I did schedule the scene using Sankotronic's Main Scene for Time Based Events and it is synchronizing my Google Cal every hour.
    There are three basic steps to make the scene working for you:
    ·       Provide the link to your google calendar by modifying the address hold in the local variable
    local gCalUrl = https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/xxxxxxx.ics
    Create global variable GCalendar which will hold the synchronized Google Calendar entries  
    Maintain the translation table monthMapping to map the names of the months to your local language. This is needed due to the fact that global variable “Month” could the name of current month in your local language – which is the case for me.  
    Once GCalendar global variable is synchronized with Google Calendar I can use it in "good morning" scene which is reading the agenda for the day once I'm brushing my teeth in the morning  
    Any comments highly appreciated. 
    Global variable GCalendar is holding the information on upcoming events. The information is structured in the following way:
    GCalendar = { Name, StartDate, EndDate, WholeDay }; Name holds the name of Calendar event, StartDate and EndDate are the event's start and end-date accordingly, WholeDay is a flag with values "Yes" in case the event was defined as "whole day" and "No" if this isn't the case.
    jompa68 did create VD which shows today's events from your calendar for current date. VD is attached below (hope you don't mind jompa68 but having it in the first post makes it easier to find  ). 

    Update 8.3.2017
    Thanks to @jompa68 I realized there is no handling of recurring events. Honestly I did not think this small topic can be so much complicated... anyway. Some basic recurrence rules should now be supported by the script.
    Update 12.3.2017
    @emielstroeve figured out that calendar events marked as "whole day" were not recognized by the script. Version 1.2 solves this problem by adding the missing functionality. I did extend the structure of GCalendar variable with additional field "WholeDay". The field contains "Yes" in case the event is defined as "whole day" otherwise the field is set to "No".


       (0 reviews)



  4. HC2 Icon Preview VD standalone

    HC2 Icon Preview VD provides easy way to search custom icons installed on Fibaro Home Center 2 to find their ID number. User can also use it to list through all virtual devices and set their main icon and also icon of all VD buttons and sliders. This capability greatly speeds up building of new virtual devices with many buttons and sliders since their icons can be set at once.
    Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.120 or greater
    Any internet browser on computer locally connected to HC2
    Provides simple preview of all room, scene and VD custom icons imported to HC2 what makes it great tool for developers and users to find icon ID numbers Provides easy way to setup main icon and icon of all buttons and sliders of all virtual devices installed with just one click on Setup VD icon button VD automatically updates list of the installed virtual devices and icons Multi-language support with 27 languages included (see APPENDIX 1 for the list in user manual). VD can use HC selected language or user can select any other available language. VD will be automatically translated to selected language (visible after refreshing page on browser or refreshing network data on Fibaro mobile application) Global variables are automatically added, monitored and repaired and does not require user intervention  
    Please check provided User Manual and this video by Mr Apple @MarcoTorino71:
    HC2 Icon Preview VD v2.1 Standalone Beautiful main icon User manual EN  
    Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author.
    This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the ABC VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.
    2.1 – VD completely redesigned and added possibility to set virtual devices main and all buttons and sliders icon. Added checking of global variables integrity and automatic repair. It also automatically updates list of available virtual devices on HC2 and list of custom icons after each change. 1.0 – Code optimized and resolved some bugs 0.1 – First release  
    Here is look of the HC2 Icon preview VD:

    Enjoy coding and your new HC2 Icon Preview virtual device! 


       (0 reviews)



  5. Heating

    Heating VD, which I use especially when I go on winter holidays.
    On the day of departure we have no time to adjust heating, so a few days before using this VD I set the date/time when the heating should be turned off and date/time when it should be turned on again. Of course you can use this VD everyday just to turn on/off heating or to set the heating timer on/off.
    When it turn off the heating it just turn on vacation mode for every zone.
    instant turn on/off the heating in all zones set the date and time when the heating will be turned off and/or turned on _ - change on/off setting time ❌ - clear timer ♻️ - refresh button - you don't need to touch it. It's called programmatically displaying the current state (on/off) sending push messages about changing heating state (by scheduler)  
    change the VD labels to your own language set mobile device id to get push messages about changing heating state -- USER MODIFICATION local pushDeviceId = 0 -- mobile device id to send push messages local scheduleFreq = 1 -- [min] -- END OF USER MODIFICATION Screenshot:




       (0 reviews)



  6. Helios KWL Modbus Integration

    Helios-KWL has a Modbussupport. I found an implementation in C for Loxone (https://www.loxwiki.eu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=1639038)
    and created a VirtualDevice for HC2,


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  7. Holiday Lights

    Holiday Lights [Christmas Lights]
    Hello dear Fibaro community!
    Christmas time is near so I made this VD to make it possible to automate turning On/Off some lights by using some smart plugs and relay modules, by setting favorite program on RGBW modules and some Philips HUE bulbs that you want to. It is possible to do that manually by just pressing button on VD, or it can be automated completely if you are using Main scene for time based events control scene! But more about that at the end of this post.
    ABOUT Holiday Lights VD
    It looks like this:

    As you can see from above pictures this VD is very simple. Holiday Time button changes value of predefined global variable "HolidayTime" which enables to automate control of holiday lights. Button LightsOn/Off changes value of predefined global variable "HolidayLights" and turns On or Off lights that you define in code of this button. Let see first what global variables you need to add to variable panel:
    Following are predefined global variables (bottom part in panel) that you need to add before importing this VD:
    Name of variable   - possible values
    HolidayTime     - possible values: No, Yes or values in your language mapped properly in code (this variable is also used in Very Smart Light™ scene)
    HolidayLights   - possible values: Off, On or values in your language mapped properly in code (this variable is also used in Very Smart Lights™ scene)
    HomeTable       - predefined global variable table with device and scene IDs. Recommended to use since z-wave devices can change their ID with re-inclusion and then is necessary  to edit only scene which make this table and only device ID in scene headers. Much less time and effort is needed than without that option! But if you don't use this feature then you MUST delete following lines from button code:
    -- get the table from global if not using then delete this line!!! local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) Now when you added above variables you can import VD.  
    IMPORTING Holiday Lights VD
    Select on HC web GUI Devices and then click on Add or remove device on top of the left column (see picture):

    Next window will open and you will click on "Choose Files":

    Open file dialog will open where you will select downloaded file Holiday_Lights.vfib.json and press Select or Open or Choose button.
    SETTING UP Holiday Lights VD
    Virtual device will import and open on General tab where you need to import icons:

    To import icons click on button Change Icon and new window will open:

    Now click on button Choose File and file dialog will open where you will select first icon from the Download folder where they are after downloading and click on button Select.
    Name of the selected icon will show on the right side of the Choose File button. Now press button Add. Repeat same procedure for another icon. When you finished importing icons select Off icon by clicking twice on it to select it for VD main icon. If you don't want to see virtual device default blue box icon then do same for buttons!
    You will need icons ID numbers and the easiest way to find out is to drag icon from General tab to the desktop! On desktop it will have name like User1058.png. That number in the name of the icon is it's ID number. If you drag to the desktop first imported icon, then second icon ID will have ID number plus one, eg. User1059.png.
    We are almost done. Just need to click on Advanced tab and edit code of each button and Main loop. In code for button Lights On/Off you need to put names of global variables that you use and do proper mapping of your values to the values used in code, then you need to put your icons IDs and you can change message text which you will get if you try to turn On holiday lights when HolidayTime is set to No. See code bellow:
    -- GLOBAL VARIABLES -- enter names and value mapping of your -- global variables or leave as it is and add to variables panel -- get the table from global if not using then delete this line!!! local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")); -- enter name of your global variable for holiday time and map -- your values this global value is set with this VD local holidayTime = "HolidayTime"; local holidayTimeMapping = {Yes="Yes", No="No"}; -- enter message when holiday time is not active and trying to turn -- holiday lights On. local messageHolidayTimeOff = "Holiday time is set to No!"; -- enter name of your global variable that indicates holiday lights are -- turned on and map your values. This global variable value is set with -- this VD local holidayLights = "HolidayLights"; local holidayLightsMapping = {On="On", Off="Off"}; -- VD ICONS ---------------------------------------------------- -- enter ID numbers of corresponding icons on your system local iconHolidayOn = 1056; local iconHolidayOff = 1055; Then you need to setup some smart plugs and relay modules that you will use to control Christmas lights. Just add ID numbers between {} brackets separated with comma like in code bellow:
    -- SETUP RELAY, SMART PLUG TO BE CONTROLLED -------------------- -- put in bracket separated by comma ID of smart plugs, switches, -- and dimmers that you want to turn On/Off with this button local deviceID = {238, 140, 1002}; If you have some Philips HUE lamps that you like to use to change colors by other scene or mobile application then you can add their ID numbers between {} brackets separated by comma, if not then just skip this part. At this moment VD will only turn on HUE lamps at predefined brightness, or turn them off. To make them to change color you can use one of many mobile applications from Apple AppStore or Google play. It is possible to make scene that will be started and then run in loop and change HUE lamps color by some program and I may make one but can't promise that it will be available on time since it requires a lot of testing. But if you are interested to have one please leave comment.
    If you use Phillips HUE virtual device then set variable VDlightIDtype to "VD" or to "PlugIn" if you use plugins. Set VDdim to the brightness value at which you want bulbs to be turned On (for VD 0-100, for PlugIn 0-254). VDRefreshType you need to set to "Button" if you use Philips HUE VD version 2.0b with button refresh or to "Main" if you use version with Main loop refresh. VDrefreshButton and VDbrightnessSlider are set to numbers that are ok for Philips HUE VD v2.0. If you use other versions or made by you then please put correct button and slider number see code bellow:
    -- SETUP HUE VD OR PLUGIN TO BE CONTROLLED ---------------------- -- enter lights ID controlled by VD or plugin (like HUE) separated -- by comma between brackets or if none leave brackets empty local VDlightID = {jT.dnevni.stojeca, jT.dnevni.lampa1, jT.dnevni.lampa2, jT.fontana.svjetlo1, jT.fontana.svjetlo2, jT.blagovaona.lampa1, jT.blagovaona.lampa2}; -- enter if it is VD (virtual device) "VD" or plugin type "PlugIn" -- REMEMBER!! If you use VD then brightness, color and saturation can be -- set from 0 to 100 and if you use PlugIn then brightnes, color and -- saturation can be set from 0 to 255!!! local VDlightIDtype = "VD"; -- enter brightness value for HUE lamps to which to turn on local VDdim = "30"; -- if it is VD type then enter type of refreshing of VD lights: -- "Main" for main loop or "Button" for button. If it is button then also -- enter nuber of the button bellow: local VDrefreshType = "Button"; -- enter number of refresh button on VD for light local VDrefreshButton = "5"; -- enter number of brightness slider on VD for light local VDbrightnessSlider = "2"; -- NOTE! If you are using Very Smart Lights™ scene then open to edit -- and set VDholidayFlag to 1 for above HUE lamps so when you turn on -- holiday lights then Very Smart Lights scene will not control above -- lamps util Holiday Lights are turned off. Also you can set -- useholidayLights to "Yes" and adjust dimming of the other lighting -- to prefered levels while holiday lights are turned On. Same applies -- for RGBW modules! And now if you have RGBW modules and you want to use your new made programs then you can add to RGBWlightID their ID numbers between {} brackets separated by comma. You can setup different programs for each RGBW module for all seven days of the week! See bellow code as example for two RGBW modules:
    -- RGBW MODULE PROGRAM SETTINGS ----------------------------------------- -- enter lights ID controlled by RGBW MODULE separated by comma between -- brackets or if none leave brackets empty local RGBWlightID = {120, 122}; -- RGBW module has some default programs and more can be added by users, -- here you can define your favorite program for each day of the week -- that will be used for holiday time local RGBWfavorite = {{493, 492, 493, 492, 493, 492, 493}, {1, 3, 4, 2, 1, 4, 3}}; From above example you can see that first RGBW module with ID 120 is playing custom made programs with ID 492 and 493. This are simple programs that are changing four default colors red, yellow, green and blue in different sequence and different speeds and look like this:

    The other RGBW module with ID 122 is playing default programs, Fireplace on Sunday, Aurora on Monday, Storm on Tuesday and so on. If you want to find out what is ID of your new program then you can make new scene with just this line of code:
    fibaro:debug("RGBW running program ID number is: "..fibaro:getValue(100, "currentProgramID")) Change 100 for ID number of your RGBW module. First start new program on RGBW module and then run this scene to see program ID number.

    if you setup and using Main scene for time based events control that can be downloaded from here:
    Then you can setup this VD so that lights are turned On and Off at specific time of the day. Here is example:
    -- SCHEDULED VD SETUP --------------------------------------------------- -- here you can setup VDs that will be executed at predefined time of -- day in format "00:00". You can set up more than one time during day. -- Also you can enter flag for each day of the week when VD will be -- executed or not. See more details bellow. -- enter VD IDs that will run at scheduled time separated by comma. local runVDSchedID = {100}; -- enter here which button to press to execute command local runVDSchedButton = {"2"}; -- enter at what time of day will VD button be pressed separated by comma. -- You can define more than one time in format "00:00" for one VD -- or even use local or global variables like sunsettime or sunrisetime -- Example: {{"13:30", "19:20"}, {sunrisetime, "13:00", sunsettime}} -- in above example first VD button will be pressed at 13:30 and 19:20 -- while second VDs button will be pressed at sunrisetime, 13:00 and -- at sunsettime local runVDSchedHour = {{"07:00", "09:00", "19:00", "23:59"}}; -- enter here flag for each day of the week for VD to press button -- at above scheduled time. if flag 1 the VD button will be pressed and -- if flag 0 then will not be pressed for that day. Remeber, Sunday is -- first day of the week on HC2! Example for two VDs: -- {{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0}} - in this example -- first VDs button will be pressed only on Sunday, and second VDs -- button will be pressed on weekdays but not on weekends (Saturday -- and Sunday). local runVDSchedWeek = {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}}; -- enter here flag for sending push message when VD buttons is pressed -- 1 for sending message, 0 no messages local runVDSchedPushFlag = {0}; -- enter here message content that will be sent to you when VD is -- executed. If above flag is 0 for any of the VDs then just put -- empty "" for it. local runVDSchedPushMessage = {""}; From above example, button on Holiday Lights VD with ID 100 will be pressed at four different times each day of the week and no push message will be sent. Since it is only one button that flips On/Off, at 7h in the morning lights will be turned On (if where Off), then at 9h will be turned Off. Again at 19h turned On and minute before midnight turned off again.
    This is just one way it can be done, but here are many other ways that I will add after posting some other scenes like Very Smart Lights™, Good Morning, Good Night, etc.
    Enjoy coding and Holiday lights!! There is more to come soon!


       (0 reviews)



  8. Honeywell_Lyric_API

    This is an API for Honeywell Lyric T6. The idea is based on Remco B's version for the Honeywell Evo.
    Using a virtual device with API scene, you can change setpoint and set away, holiday and schedule modes. Because it is a virtual device, you can call these buttons from any other scene. For example I use it while tracking my phones location, this creates options for GeofenceMode in combination with ScheduleMode
    You will need a webserver (or access to a webserver) for the initial setup. This is to retrieve some keys from Honeywell. As soon as you have the keys, you do not need the webserver anymore. For further details please follow instruction in the pdf and use at own risk.
    release 1.1 added checkCertificate option to bypass https check.
    Installation instructions Honeywell Lyric API.pdf


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  9. HTTP MQTT (php) bridge



       (0 reviews)



  10. Hydrawise Control VD standalone

    Hydrawise Control VD v1.0 standalone
    VD constantly sending messages about watering delay if rain is detected and stops functioning properly.
    SOLUTION - Please download Main loop code and paste it over current code in VD main loop ---> Hydrawise Main loop v1.1.lua
    Hydrawise Control VD provides seamless integration of Hunter Hydrawise irrigation controllers with Fibaro Home Center 2. It uses Weather State and Forecast module made by same author in its latest version to automatically delay watering depending on current and forecast rain precipitation.  
    Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.620 or greater with devices added to the Sprinklers panel
    Hunter Hydrawise irrigation controller with account and generated API key
    Sankotronic Lab Emoji VD v1.1 standalone
    Sankotronic Lab Weather State & Forecast suite v2.8.1 or greater
    Recommended Sankotronic lab Netatmo Weather Station suite v3.3.1 or Netatmo Public Weather Station suite v1.0
    Automatic watering delay - Works with Weather State & Forecast suite and 7 most popular weather services on the planet to automatically delay watering depending on current and forecast rain precipitation. It is also recommended to use Netatmo Weather Station suite or Netatmo Public Weather station for more accurate measurements of rainfall. Manual watering - User can activate any selected watering zone or all zones manually with preselected duration. Manual watering delay – user can manually set watering delay for one, several or all zones. Watering state at a glance - VD icon shows current overall status of the watering system by changing VD main icon and label accordingly. Weather history – VD is recording weather state and forecast measurements for last 7 days by default. User can change number of history days. Multi-language support - VD has built in multi-language support with 27 languages included (see APPENDIX 1 for the list). VD can use HC selected language or user can select any other available language. E-mail and push messages are also translated
    VD Icons setup - Easy setup for VD icons. User can download HC2 Icon Preview VD to easily
    find icon ID numbers
    Global variables - are automatically added, monitored, repaired and cleaned and does not require user intervention  
    Please check provided User Manual
    Hydrawise Control VD v1.0 Icon packs User manual EN v1.0  
    Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author.
    This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the ABC VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.
    1.0 - First public release  
    Peek in spoiler:
    Enjoy coding and your new Hydrawise Control! 


       (0 reviews)



  11. Internet_connection.vfib



       (0 reviews)



  12. Inverter_AC2_On_Off.vfib

    Switches Relais 2 on Venus GX.


       (0 reviews)




    This Virtual Device reads the information on the level of ionized 
     radiation from the http://radioactiveathome.org/map/ .
     There are sensors distributed all over Europe, some in US, 
     Japan and other countries.
     For the VD to be functional the following has to be adjusted:
     The global variable 'temprad" has to be created
     Icon of the slider has to be updated as ' yellow radiation with timer'
     The code has to be adjusted in USER CONFIG Section (Values marked with ENTER in comments).
     ThingSpeak API Key if one wants to push data to ThingSpeak
     IDs of the Icons (green, yellow, orange, red, yellow with timer)
     Coordiantes of the locaton of the sensor 
     How to know where are the sensors located and how to get their 
     coordinates :
     The map of the sensors is at: http://radioactiveathome.org/map/
     Click on the dot of the sensor you want to know the location ID
     You will see the popup with the information of the sensor. 
     Note 'Details Sensor' number
     You need to see the source of the http://radioactiveathome.org/map/
     Enter 'view-source:http://radioactiveathome.org/map/' 
     into the browser (eg. Chrome)
     Press Ctrl-F to find the sensor number you noted earlier
     Next to the number found you will see the coordinates
     Enter coordinates into the code below.

     What is new in version 0.67:
     - Multilangual support
    What is new in version 1.67:
     - The VD is not anymore auto-refreshed 
       with the time interval set by slider, but 
       it is refreshed by pressing a button.
       This is to have it triggered by Main Timer Scene
    What is new in version 1.68:
      - German translation added (by gobbli of forum.fibaro.com) 
    What is new in version 1.69:
       - Dutch and Slovak translation added (by Bodyart of forum.fibaro.com) 
       - Italian and Croatian translation added (by Sankotronic of forum.fibaro.com) 
     Credits to:
     andre                    from forum.lic.pl -  author of the idea
     rusconidesigner   from forum.fibaro.com  - author of the multicolor radiation icons
     gucio1234            from forum.fibaro.com & forum.lic.pl  -  who make final version of the VD
     Sankotronic         from forum.fibaro.com - who make some changes + Croatian and Italian translation
     jompa68              from forum.fibaro.com - from whom I got multilangual concept
     gobbli                  from forum.fibaro.com - author of Deutsch translation
     Bodyart               from forum.fibaro.com - author of Dutch and Slovak translation






       (0 reviews)



  14. Irrigation Control standalone

    Irrigation Control standalone
    INTRODUCTION Finally a solution that brings seamless and easy Irrigation control to HC2. This solution overrides all limitations of the HC2 sprinklers panel. With this solution it is possible to set watering duration up to 100 minutes. Also no more overlapping zone watering times. Adjustment of watering is done according to current and forecast weather and rain amount and then zone watering start times automatically adjusted so there is no more overlapping and pressure drops in the system. Your beautiful garden will stay beautiful with this solution  
    Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.600 or greater with devices added to the Sprinklers panel
    Sankotronic Lab Weather State & Forecast suite v2.8.1 or greater
    Sankotronic lab Netatmo Weather Station suite v3.3.1 or Netatmo Public Weather Station suite v1.0
    Watering delays and duration adjustment - Works with Weather State & Forecast suite and 6 most popular weather services on the planet to automatically adjust or delay watering depending on current and forecast temperatures and rain precipitation Irrigation pump control – If irrigation system has water supply pump then user can setup pump device ID and irrigation control will take care to start pump before watering cycle starts and stop pump when watering cycle is finished. Sprinklers panel - Works with HC2 Sprinklers panel and overrides panel limitations of 15 minutes watering duration and eliminates overlapping of watering zones by recalculating and setting of zones watering start times depending on adjusted watering duration times. From version 1.2 it is also possible to setup each zone watering start times manually to overlap them and shorten time needed for watering cycle. Watering cycles - User can setup any number of watering cycles with VD and then save them to sprinklers panel with one press of the button. Cycle watering start time and zones watering duration and weekdays all can be setup with this VD and then transferred to sprinkler panel. Auto and Off mode - User can set all watering zones to auto or off mode at once with press of a button Manual watering - User can activate any selected watering zone manually with preselected duration. Great option for maintenance and check of the sprinklers. Watering state at a glance - VD icon shows current overall status of the watering system by changing VD main icon and label accordingly. Watering history – VD is recording all watering cycles times and durations per zones and weather state and forecast measurements. Separate VD is provided for displaying history data. Multi-language support - VD has built in multi-language support with 27 languages included (see APPENDIX 1 for the list). VD can use HC selected language or user can select any other available language. E-mail and push messages are also translated
    VD Icons setup - Easy setup for VD icons. User can download HC2 Icon Preview VD to easily
    find icon ID numbers
    Global variables - are automatically added, monitored, repaired and cleaned and does not require user intervention  
    Please check provided User Manual
    Since v1.2 has a new VD layout to upgrade, first delete Irrigation Control VD and remove global variable "IrrigationMain_XX" where XX is ID of the old VD and then import new Irrigation Control VD. Irrigation History VD v1.0 can remain installed and users do not have to replace it.
    Irrigation Control VD v1.2 Irrigation History VD v1.1 Icon packs User manual EN v1.2  
    Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author.
    This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the ABC VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.
    1.0 - First public release 1.2 - please see change log for detailed list of changes  
      Look and feel:
    Enjoy coding and your new Irrigation Control! 


       (1 review)



  15. Jakość powietrza Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska

    VD wyświetlające jakość powietrza w Polsce wg. stacji GIOS. Poprzez GIOS dane są pobierane raz na godzinę z WIOS więc nie ma potrzeby częściej odpalać głównej pętli niż jest ( a przy większej niż kilka zapytań z jednego IP na godzinę blokują dostęp)
    Konfiguracja - utworzyć zmienną globalną "powietrze". W polu IP VD wpisujemy adres serwera (obecnie api.gios.gov.pl), w polu PORT wstawić kod stacji pomiarowej z której interesują nas pomiary. Kody stacji pomiarowych są wysyłane na adres email administratora (id2) po wciśnięciu przycisku "Lista stacji". Ręczne pobieranie danych przycisk "Pomiar"
    W VD pod przyciskiem "Pomiar" trzeba sobie ustawić ID do powiadomień przez PUSH i EMAIL po każdej zmianie warunków powietrza, oraz ID ikon do wyświetlania.
    W pliku zip ikony do VD
    /Wątek przeniesiony z FIBARO Aktualizacja/Rozwiązania Społeczności/Urządzenia Wirtualne/Jakość powietrza v0.2 wg Głównego Inspektoratu Ochrony Środowiska/
    jakosc powietrza - ikony.zip


       (0 reviews)



  16. Jakość Powietrza w/g Airly (API v2)

    Urządzenie wymaga podania tokena uzyskanego od airly:  https://airly.eu/pl/api/ . Wystarczy się zarejestrować by bezpłatnie uzyskać ten kod. Nalezy go wpisac we wskazane miejsce w kodzie pętli głównej VM. 
    Urządzenie znajduje automatycznie najbliższy czujnik i wyświetla  dane jak w załączonym zrzucie ekranu.
    Ma możliwość ustawienia zmiennej globalnej o nazwie definiowanej w konfiguracji co daje możliwość na przyklad sterowania oczyszczaczem powietrza.
    W konfiguracji znajdziecie tez możliwość zdefiniowania warunków wysyłania informacji PUSH na smartfona.
    W załączonym pliku oprócz kodu urządzenia znajduje się komplet ikon, które należy najpierw dodać do centralki, a potem w kodzie urządzenia wpisać odpowiednie numerki. Te numery są indywidualne i niekoniecznie takie w każdej centrali. Żeby zobaczyć jaki numer odpowiada jakiej ikonie, w okienku zmiany ikony należy nacisnąć na ikonie prawy klawisz myszy i wybrać "otwórz grafikę w nowej karcie". Żądany numer zobaczymy w adresie strony. Jako główną ikonę przypisujemy tą szarą z numerkiem 0.


       (0 reviews)



  17. Keyboard

    1. The TCP Port setting is used to store the input timeout in seconds. Adjust as required.
    2. Change the myGlobal button and code to suit the name of the global you wish to set.


       (0 reviews)



  18. Konnected Alarm Panel

    Hello Everyone,
    I 've tried Konnected alarm panel in parallel with my old alarm system, and it is working great. (Konnected)
    My task that was assigned to myself was to integrate Konnected directly to my HC2.
    So with a little LUA magic we have ready the Konnected Virtual Device for HC2.
    You can find the Virtual Device Repository here.


       (0 reviews)



  19. LookO2 - Air Quality Sensor

    Current Version: 1.15
    Fibaro Marketplace: https://marketplace.fibaro.com/items/looko2-air-quality-sensor

    Jakiś czas temu poruszałem tu temat pomiaru Czystości Powietrza (szczególnie PM2.5) we własnym mieszkaniu lub na zewnątrz z określonej okolicy.
    W założeniu chodziło o to aby Fibaro potrafiło pobierać dane z własnego czujnika a następnie wyświetlać je i wykorzystywać dalej w działaniu (np. uruchomienie oczyszczacza)
    Nie znalazłem gotowego rozwiązania, a z dostępnych (w racjonalnej cenie) najsensowniejsze wydawało się zastosowanie własnego czujnika Looko2 - z obserwacji, dane wyglądają na dość dokładne,
    stosują dobre czujniki i udostępniają API (tu wymagany token).
    Jak dla mnie idealnie było by, gdyby, przynajmniej ostatnia średnia odczytu i podstawowe dane były dostępne bezpośrednio przez API Web interfejsu urządzenia, w lokalnym LANie
    - ale podobno nie można mieć wszystkiego więc póki co zadowalam się API w chmurze

    Tutaj podziękowania w stronę zespołu LOOKO2, który wykazał się otwartością na moje pytania dotyczące danych z czujnika a nawet dodał do API parametry, których pierwotnie tam nie było.
    Wirtualka została przekazana również do nich, więc być może pojawi się także na stronie projektu.
    Po cichu liczę, że na jej bazie FIBARO może przygotuje kiedyś jakiś plugin, być może ze statystyką danych na wykresach centralki
    Jeśli chodzi o samo urządzenie to wygląda następująco:


    Całość tzn. plik wirtualki, ikony, oraz opis parametrów znajdują się w dołączonym zipie.
    Po imporcie urządzenia, należy dodać niezbędne ikony oraz dodać ich ID do configa wirtualki.
    Ponadto należy podać tam ID interesującego nas czujnika - ja nie mam jeszcze własnego więc
    pobieram dane z dostępnego w pobliżu, oraz token - można go uzyskać mailowo od suportu Looko2.
    W celu działania PUSHy oraz dalszego wykorzystania jakości, należy dodać zmienną globalną
    o nazwie określonej w konfiguracji. (W przypadku wielu urządzeń / czujników - dla każdego tworzymy nową zmienną), oraz określić ID urządzeń mobilnych/
    Wszystkie parametry opisane są w dołączonym pliku oraz komentarzach w konfiguracji samego urządzenia.
    Cała konfiguracja znajduje się w pierwszej części kodu urządzenia i nie powinna sprawiać żadnych problemów.

    Czas odświeżania danych z API również można modyfikować w konfiguracji - wstępnie zdefiniowałem go na 15 minut.
    W mojej ocenie jest to zupełnie wystarczające a częstsze odświeżanie danych nie ma sensu, bo prezentowane w API dane
    to średnia ostatnich odczytów - co czyni odczyt bardziej poglądowym niż odczyt chwilowy.
    Całość kodu znajduje się w pętli głównej, podczas testowania urządzenia (pewnie około 2 miesiące) zdarzyły mi się sporadyczne
    zawieszenia - może 2 - dlatego nie zdecydowałem się na pakowanie kodu pod przycisk i wyzwalanie go sceną.
    W przypadku interfejsu webowego urządzenie prezentuje jakość poprzez ikonę oraz nr indeksu jakości w dolnej belce pod ikoną urządzenia.
    Po wyświetleniu szczegółów, prezentowane są dokładne dane o aktualnej jakości powietrza. Nazwa urządzenia oraz lokalizacja IN / OUT prezentowana w szczegółach urządzenia, pobierana jest z API czujnika,
    natomiast pomieszczenie odzwierciedla umiejscowienie czujnika w strukturze pomieszczeń centralki FIBARO.
    Procentowe zanieczyszczenie wyliczane jest w oparciu o dostępne normy (z wyjątkiem PM1 - tu nie znalazłem danych więc jako normę przyjąłem 20 µg/m3 - oczywiście można to zmienić w konfiguracji)
    Do zmiennej globalnej zapisywana jest informacja o ogólnej jakości powietrza z ustawionego czujnika (0 najlepsza, 1 dobra, itd.) - zakres zgodny z dostępnymi normami i dostępny na stronie czujników

    W przypadku urządzeń mobilnych występują drobne problemy z wyświetlaniem m.in z przejściem do nowej linii - szerzej problem opisałem tutaj:
    Ogólnie po wprowadzeniu prawidłowego tokenu, wszystko powinno działać bez większych problemów.
    Bez podania tokenu urządzenie będzie wyświetlało informacje o błędzie z tym związaną.


       (0 reviews)



  20. LOQED Touch Smart Lock Virtual Device for FIBARO Home Center 2

    What features does the LOQED Touch Smart Lock offer with Fibaro?
    The LOQED Touch Smart Lock & Fibaro integration is done via the local bridge API.
    Currently, the following functionalities are supported:
    Send real-time status changes of the lock (open, unlock, lock) and battery, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth state to the Fibaro HC2 gateway.
    Receive commands from the Fibaro HC2 gateway to change the lock state (open, unlock, lock).
    Only English language supported, however you can edit the VD code to add your own language.
    Currently this VD can’t decode json data POSTed by the bridge, as FIBARO API simply ignores any unknown data and accept only JSON key args:[{}]. Therefore, one can’t decode who opened/closed the LOQED via App (or if it was manually, with knob).
    Security consideration: the LOQED bridge sends any status change (e.g. "the door was opened") to Fibaro over an unsecure HTTP connection in your Wi-Fi network. There is no way to add digital signature (like used by LOQED QuickApp on e.g. Home Center 3) into the Home Center 2 VD. Note that this does not affect opening/locking the door, it is only concerns the status information.
    A supported gateway, such as:
    Fibaro Home Center 2
    Step 1: create API key
    Go to https://app.loqed.com/API-Config and log in with your LOQED app e-mail address and password (note that you will be logged out of the LOQED app). Click on the “API Configuration tool" button. Click the “Add new API key” button. Set any name and create the API key. It is normal the “Remove unlocking/locking checkbox is greyed out.
    After the key is created, click on the "view / edit" button. Leave this screen open.
    Step 2: Install the Loqed VD on the Fibaro HC2 gateway
    Login into your Fibaro gateway.
    Download the VD, unzip the content, go to "Devices" -> "Add or Remove Device"->"Import virtual device" and click "select file".
    Select the "LOQED.vfib" file and upload it.

    Once uploaded, few things need to be set in the VD, go to advanced tab of the VD:
    enter the LOQED Bridge IP Address into the VD "IP Address" field enter 80 for the VD "TCP Port" field

      in each every Button (Lock, Unlock and Open) code window, change these two variables: local loqed_key_id = 0 local loqed_key = 'TE9RRUQgVkQgdi4wMSBmb3IgSG9tZSBDZW50ZXIgMiAoYykgdGlubWFu' to the values from the LOQED API Config website
      loqed_key_id is LOQED API Config -> "API Keys (incoming webhooks)" -> "Local Key ID"
    loqed_key is LOQED API Config -> "API Keys (incoming webhooks)" -> "Key"

    Save the VD.

    You should get now some values displayed in the VD,

    if this is working please change the loop value in VD mail loop window to something like e.g. 10 minutes 
    instead of the 10 seconds
    which are fine for test, but not daily use.

    Step 3: Setup Variables on the Fibaro HC2 gateway
    Go to "Panels" -> "Variables Panel"
    Scroll down to "Predefined variables"
    Click on "Add"
    For variable name use "LOQED"
    Add two extra values, you need totally 4 of them
    For the values use following values:
    open unlocked locked unknown

      Click on save.

    Later, you will be able to run your own block and LUA scenes, based on the LOQED variable values.
    Step 4: Create webhook scenes on the Fibaro HC2 gateway
    Go to scenes, and click on create -> new -> LUA
    You need totally 4 scenes, the scene name does not matter, the scene ID is only important (for LOQED webhook).
    For the vd_id please use the LOQED VD device ID, which you previously wrote down.

    for "Open State" scene
    --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- change the xxx below to the LOQED VD ID on your HC2 local vd_id = xxx fibaro:call(vd_id, "setProperty", "ui.LabelStatus.value", "Open") fibaro:setGlobal("LOQED", "open")
    for "Locked State" scene
    --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- change the xxx below to the LOQED VD ID on your HC2 local vd_id = xxx fibaro:call(vd_id, "setProperty", "ui.LabelStatus.value", "Locked") fibaro:setGlobal("LOQED", "locked")
    for "Unlocked State" scnene
    --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- change the xxx below to the LOQED VD ID on your HC2 local vd_id = xxx fibaro:call(vd_id, "setProperty", "ui.LabelStatus.value", "Unlocked") fibaro:setGlobal("LOQED", "unlocked")
    for "Unknwon Position" scene
    --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- change the xxx below to the LOQED VD ID on your HC2 local vd_id = xxx fibaro:call(vd_id, "setProperty", "ui.LabelStatus.value", "Unknown position") fibaro:setGlobal("LOQED", "unknown")
    Write down the scene IDs, you will need them in Step 7
    Step 5: Test VD / Scenes
    Go to "Your Home" on your HC2 webpage, to be able to see the VD and scenes together.


    Clicking on the Open, Unlock and Lock buttons of the VD should controll your LOQED Lock, additionally you should see in the VD "Lock state" label some messages,
    e.g. when you click on "Unlock" the status will be "Unlock clicked" right after you clicked, and "Unlock executed" right after your LOQED Lock recieved that command.
    Executing (simply manually click on start) of the 4 scenes, should change the VD "Lock state" label to "open", "locked", "unlocked" and "unknown position".
    If all these tests are successful, you can continue with the next step.
    Step 6: Create a user and set access permissions on the Fibaro HC2 gateway
    Go to Settings->Access Control
    Create new local user, e.g. loqed
    Setup password for the user, please don't use any special characters

    Change the user Access Control rights, give the user full access to the LOQED VD and these 4 LUA webhook scenes


    Step 7: Create webhooks on LOQED bridge
    The LOQED bridge can send any status change of the lock to your gateway as soon as they happen. For this, you need to set some URL's on the LOQED Bridge.
    You need to create 4 webhooks on the LOQED Bridge to inform the gateway about the 4 different lock statuses.
    Go to https://app.loqed.com/API-Config --> "Outgoing Webhooks via LOQED Bridge" --> click the button "Add/delete webhooks".
    On that page, add the following URLs:

    (only for the night lock trigger, change the 123 to the ID of the "Locked State" scene)

    (only for the latch trigger, change the 124 to the ID of the "Unlocked State" scene)

    (only for the open trigger, change the 125 to the ID of the "Open State" scene)
    (only for the unknown state trigger, change the 126 to the ID of the "Unknwon Position" scene)
    Above, "gw_user" and "gw_password" is your gateway's username and password created in previous step, "gw_ip" is the IP of ypur Home Center 2

    That's it! You can now control your LOQED Touch using Fibaro Home Center 2.

    If you have any questions regarding this VD, comments or improvements requests, please send me PM


       (0 reviews)

    1 comment


  21. Main scene FTBE

    Main scene FTBE v1.3.4
    UPDATE (30 December 2019)
    Changed only Main scene FTBE code. Changed function for time of day calculation and added use of SleepState global to set time of day to morning when Awake and current time is between midnight and sunrise time.
    KNOWN ISSUES v1.3.4
    Sunrise and Sunset VD will not show correctly default sunrise and sunset time set by user in Main scene in case that that times are used due to problem with HC settings. If sunset time is before sunrise time then user must check that night time is not set to start after sunrise. Sunrise & Sunset VD does not check this time automatically. INTRODUCTION
    Main scene FTBE is the beating heart of the HA system. It is the only scene necessary to loop endlessly because it is the source of most important events generated on our gateways and that are time based events! It is looping once every minute making sure that our gateways are aware of the current time, part of the day, week, month and season of the year. Many actions done by our gateways are depending on current time like raising or lowering blinds, lighting control, waking up of our home and us, brewing coffee at proper time (this is extremely nice!), reminding us of important events and many other things. This scene will take care of that  by changing various global variables at appropriate time thus activating other scenes triggered by them and the user can even configure it to start other scenes or press buttons on VD's at predefined intervals or at scheduled times.
    Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.110 or greater FEATURES
    Consists of scene and three VD's. Main scene FTBE loops and takes care of all timers like darkness, time of day, week days, month and season. Can also be setup to run other scenes, activate buttons on VD's or change global variables value at predefined times. VD's are used to set values of timers and show them on HC2 interface Can be setup to send push messages for scheduled execution of scenes and VD's Can track users location and calculate distance from home Darkness can be changed either by user set sunrise and sunset times or by light level measured by devices Part of the used global variables are automatically added to the system by Sunrise & Sunset VD and are automatically repaired INSTALLATION & UPGRADE
    Please check provided User Manual where all steps are explained in detail and check video from @MarcoTorino71:
    Main scene FTBE v1.3.4 Sunrise & Sunset VD v1.4.0 Home Status VD v1.0 Home Timers VD v1.0.1 Icons for scene and VD's User Manual EN v1.3 CREDITS
    Many thanks to many Fibaro forum users for help with testing and suggestions for improvements.
    Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions.
    It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author.
    This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the Main scene FTBE. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.


       (3 reviews)



  22. Manage_pincode_lock

    Virtual device to manage user codes for YALE locks


       (0 reviews)



  23. MPPT_1_HQ..5M.vfib



       (0 reviews)



  24. Nanoleaf Aurora VD standalone

    Nanoleaf Aurora VD v2.0.1
    (standalone version)
    Nanoleaf Aurora light panels https://nanoleaf.me/en/ brings new way of lighting experience. Nanoleaf Aurora VD enables Fibaro Home Center 2 to control this lights and show their status. This is new updated version.
    Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.120 or higher (tested up to 4.530) Nanoleaf Aurora starter kit with firmware 1.5.1 up to 3.0.6  
    Control brightness, hue, saturation, color temperature and activate Aurora effects VD automatically updates list of the available effects when added or deleted with Nanoleaf mobile application Scroll with buttons through available effects on VD and activate Selected and running effect type can now be recognized by small icon in front of the effect name.
    Support for Rhythm module. VD automatically recognizes if Rhythm module is attached to Aurora light and enables selection of input between built in microphone or aux input. Use Process button to control Aurora light by other scenes and VD Built in button for generating authorization token for easy connection to Aurora light Multilanguage support with 27 languages. VD will be automatically translated to HC selected language or user can select any other available language. Easy setup for VD icons with automatic setup of icons for buttons and sliders too. (UHAS™ compatible version has even more easier icon setup) User can setup VD to have separated on and off buttons or to have toggle on/off button Light can be turned on/off with buttons and brightness slider. Even if brightness slider is used to turn off Aurora light, VD remembers last brightness settings so if light is turned back on with button it will be turned on at last brightness level. Self adding and checking of global variable data integrity. Automatic repair of global variables without user intervention New approach to programming other code to control this VD enables future upgrades without needing to change that code. (See more about that in User Manual provided)  
    Please check provided User Manual where all steps are explained in detail and this video made by @MarcoTorino71:
    To upgrade from v2.0 to v2.0.1 just paste provided code in package over old Main loop code and redo settings
    To upgrade from v1.0s and v1.1 to version 2.0.1  just delete old version and import new version of VD.
    Nanoleaf Aurora VD v2.0.1 (standalone) Icons for VD User manual v1.3 EN  
    Many thanks to
    gucio1234 and BodyArt from forum.fibaro.com for help with testing, translations and manual.
    Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and Conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications, and distributions.
    It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. 
    This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the Nanoleaf Aurora VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required. 
    Nanoleaf and Aurora are registered trademarks or trademarks of Nanoleaf Energy Technology ShenZhen Limited registered in PR China and other countries.
    1 April 2019
    Nanoleaf Aurora light panels latest firmware update 3.0.8 is out. If you upgrade to this latest firmware Nanoleaf Aurora VD v2.0 will not be able to show VD main icon for effects anymore due to color mode type name "effects" changed to "effect". Even if effect is selected VD will have icon set for solid color. Other functionality of the VD remained intact and will function properly with this latest firmware.
    12 September 2019
    Nanoleaf Aurora VD is working with the latest Aurora firmware 3.2.0. Problem from 1 April this year with icon functionality is solved!
    2.0.1 - Corrected bug in VD main loop that prevented saving updated effect
    2.0 - Code rewritten to enable recognizing type of the running and selected effect. Further optimized part of the code and cleaned some bugs.
    1.1 - Corrected some bugs in code and replaced light unreachable icon
    1.0 - First release of standalone version build on code of VD for UHAS™
    Here is look of the Nanoleaf Aurora VD:
    Enjoy coding and your new Nanoleaf Aurora virtual device!


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  25. Nanoleaf Canvas VD standalone

    Nanoleaf Canvas VD v1.0.1
    (standalone version)
    Nanoleaf Canvas light panels https://nanoleaf.me/en/ brings new way of lighting experience. Nanoleaf Cavas VD enables Fibaro Home Center 2 to control this lights and show their status.
    Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware  4.530 (can work on older versions same as Nanoleaf Aurora VD down to 4.120) Nanoleaf Canvas starter kit with firmware 1.1.0 or greater  
    Enables HC2 to control Nanoleaf Canvas lights and show their status
    Control brightness, hue, saturation, color temperature and activate Canvas effects VD automatically updates list of the available effects when added or deleted with Nanoleaf mobile application Scroll with buttons through available effects on VD and activate Selected and running effect type can now be recognized by small icon in front of the effect name.
    Canvas control light panel has built in Rhythm module and there is no AUX input available. Rhythm module is automatically activated when rhythm effect is activated Use Process button to control Canvas light by other scenes and VD Built in button for generating authorization token for easy connection to Canvas light Multilanguage support with 27 languages. VD will be automatically translated to HC selected language or user can select any other available language. Easy setup for VD icons with automatic setup of icons for buttons and sliders too. (UHAS™ compatible version has even more easier icon setup) User can setup VD to have separated on and off buttons or to have toggle on/off button Light can be turned on/off with buttons and brightness slider. Even if brightness slider is used to turn off Aurora light, VD remembers last brightness settings so if light is turned back on with button it will be turned on at last brightness level. Self adding and checking of global variable data integrity. Automatic repair of global variables without user intervention New approach to programming other code to control this VD enables future upgrades without needing to change that code. (See more about that in User Manual provided)  
    Please check provided User Manual where all steps are explained in detail.
    Nanoleaf Canvas VD v1.0.1 (standalone) Icons for VD User manual v1.1 EN  
    Many thanks to @gucio1234 and @Bodyart from forum.fibaro.com for help with testing, translations and manual.
    Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and Conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications, and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. 
    This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
    Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the Nanoleaf Aurora VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required. 
    Nanoleaf and Canvas are registered trademarks or trademarks of Nanoleaf Energy Technology ShenZhen Limited registered in PR China and other countries.
    1 April 2019
    Nanoleaf Canvas light panels latest firmware update v1.2.0 is out. If you upgrade to this latest firmware Nanoleaf Canvas VD v1.0 functionality will remain intact and will continue function properly.
    12 September 2019
    Canvas VD is working flawlessly with Canvas latest firmware version 1.5.0
    1.0.1 - Corrected bug in VD main loop that prevented saving updated effect
    1.0 - First release of standalone version build on code of VD for UHAS™
    Here is look of the Nanoleaf Canvas VD:

    Enjoy coding and your new Nanoleaf Canvas virtual device!


       (1 review)



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