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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team

7 Screenshots

About This File

Main features

Watch and control Gardena Smart System devices. 


Connects to your Gardena account, retrieves information about smart devices configured within that account and allows you to control them. Installation if fully automated: there is only a single scene to provide status gathering, sending commands and creating virtual devices in HC2.


  • Detection of new Gardena devices and automatic creation of corresponding Fibaro virtual devices.
  • Polish and English languages are supported.
  • Easy installation: just put your account information and start the scene.
  • Source code is easy to maintain and develop (rich debug information, separation of supported device types from data presentation, translation system included, etc.).
  • Five categories of Gardena devices supported: gateway, irrigation control, watering valve, sensor, and mower.


What you need 

At least Gardena Smart Gateway configured and access to your Gardena account. Any sensor, watering device or mower connected to that account will become available in Fibaro ecosystem.


  1. Create LUA scene with the file provided in the archive.
  2. Put your Gardena account details (GARDENA_ACCOUNT and GARDENA_PASSWORD).
  3. Start the scene - it will automatically create global variables and virtual devices based on your account information.
  4. Update virtual device: set names, icons and categories as you wish.

Optional configuration

Read comments in Lua scene.
Each configuration parameter is described there in detail.


I don't want to import all devices from my account. How to achieve that?

You may do that by configuring IGNORE_CATEGORY variable if you would like to exclude all devices of a given type (like "sensor") or you may remove unwanted VDs manually and change CREATE_VIRTUAL_DEVICES to false so as not to recreate deleted devices.

Can I use two or more Gardena accounts in my HC2?

Sure. Just make a clone of the main Lua script, update account details and give a unique value to ACCOUNT_UNIQUE_ID variable.

Can I provide my own translation or change fields displayed in a virtual device?

Yes, it is simple. All language specific information is given in two variables: translations and repeatedTrans. Look for them in source code and that should make things clear. Also field definitions are provided in source code. Look for "TYPEconfig" variable (mowerConfig, e.g.) and change what you need. For labels the first value in each item is a number used for ordering elements, second is a default (English) label, third is a format ([d] is for timestamps, [u ] is for units retrieved from Gardena API). In the end, remember to use UPDATE_DEVICE_DEFINITION variable to apply changes in virtual device definition.


Edited by macjoker
Version 1.2 - Mower support update

What's New in Version 1.2   See changelog


Mower support update

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User Feedback

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ing data from Gardena services...
I am getting the following error from the installation script. Any idea how to fix it? Thanks


[DEBUG] 21:35:13: 2022-04-11 21:35:13.093196 [ error] Handshake error: wrong version number
[DEBUG] 21:35:13: 2022-04-11 21:35:13.093777 [ error] Handshake error: sslv3 alert handshake failure
[DEBUG] 21:35:13: HTTP error: Transport endpoint is already connected



Works better than the Gaerdena app!

I have more and better control over the mower.


· Edited by MARCUSP.I.L

   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

Great work, just a few recent bugs - easy set up..


Response from the author:

Right. The Gardena API was changed. I've made an update for water valve to work properly.

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