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Smart Home Forum by FIBARO Team


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Everything posted by dareszek

  1. dareszek

    All-in-One Scene

    Hello, Thank you very much, everything works, the scene is really cool. I breathed a sigh of relief :), Yours sincerely, Darek.
  2. dareszek

    All-in-One Scene

    Hello, after updating HC2 to version 4.630, the scene just "died" and stopped working. I updated to version 7.6 and the scene still stops on the code / function snippet responsible for the "l" variable: function getLedStatus () sysStatus = "" local l, ledStr, ledTxt, onOff = "", "", "", {["on"] = "& # 127760", ["off"] = "O", ["blink"] = "<span class = 'blink'> & # 127760 </span> "} l = api.get ("/proxy?url=") ledStr = onOff [l.service] .. onOff [l.update] .. onOff [l.recovery] .. onOff [l.learn] .. onOff [l.zwave] .. onOff [l.internet] .. onOff [l.ethernet] .. onOff [l.power] intValue.internet = l.internet .. "line" if l.update ~ = "off" then sysStatus = sysStatus..orF .. "SW Update Available:" ..eF..lsbF .. "<span class = 'blink'>" .. api.get ("/ settings / info ") [" newestStableVersion "] .. eF .." </span> <br> "end --if l.update ~ = "off" then sysStatus = sysStatus .. "Upgrade Available <br> New SW: <b>" ..lsbF..api.get ("/ settings / info") ["newestStableVersion" ] .. eF .. "</b> <br>" end if l.zwave ~ = "off" then sysStatus = sysStatus..rF .. "Warning! Z-Wave overload, system freeze expected. <br>" ..eF end - if l.zwave ~ = "off" then sysStatus = sysStatus .. "Warning! <br> Z-Wave overload, system freeze expected. <br>" end return "& nbsp & nbsp & nbsp <ledFmt> & nbsp <sup> <fs4>" ..ledStr .. "</sup> </fs4> </ledFmt> & nbsp" end - =============================== getLedStatus Attaching screen with debug. From the descriptions in the forum it appears that there is something wrong with the API. The All-In-One scene is great and it would be a shame to give it up, do you have any solution? unfortunately I am not a programmer to deal with this ... :(. Please give me a hint of help. Kind regards...
  3. Hello everyone, I have an R5-10K-T2 SAJ inverter, unfortunately I did not find an open API in it. The only thing I can see (because it displays data on an internal web server via Wi-Fi) is its status, which in the path http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/status/status.php displays a string of numbers that can be identified by what mean ... Unfortunately, I can't cope with the implementation to HC2 to expose the data. Can anyone tell me how to get php data? after entering the abovementioned path http: // I get the sequence: 3, 14352, 559, 99, 29, 6380,189,0,0,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535,65535 , 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 1157, 5001, 2413, 182, 2419, 186, 2438, 186, 6684, 341, 1126, 2 . Maybe some of the users have such an inverter and somehow coped with it? Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer and hence the problem ... I am asking for help and best regards
  4. Hello everyone, let me refresh the topic a little bit. I bought a video intercom such as you describe, but in Poland called IPSAFE from the company safeautomation. I have a question, I tried to integrate the HTTP command into a VD device but unfortunately something is not working for me. Scenes start ok, "pressing" the button not really ... have you tried with VD and did you succeed? I used the path as for the scene: http://XXX.YYY.WWW.ZZZ/api/callAction?deviceID=2200&name=pressButton&arg1=2 Regards Darek
  5. Hi, unfortunately, the Fibaro team can make big jokes with us. Not a word about the update that was promised TODAY !!! On Monday it was impossible because I quote the words "we will release the update together with the new application" ... And what? the application has been published and the update has not. Joke out of place !!! No words, even - "sorry". I wonder what they will come up with now that it did not work out. In my eyes, Fibaro loses confidence ... Greetings to all the "disappointed"
  6. Hello, very correct note regarding the connection with HC...
  7. As a FIBARO team will not deal with what works as well as possible, we all have to wait for it - it means to escape Sad, but true ... @robmac, let us know what your transfer is and what is happening. greetings
  8. No... i żadnej reakcji na powyższe... ze strony Fibaro. Chyba wielu z nas mocno zniechęca lub już zniechęciło się do naszych instalacji Fibaro po wydaniu "kasy" i to nie małej jak już przedmówca wspomniał. Nie jestem programistą jak niektórzy na tym forum, ale jakoś ogarnąłem system... bynajmniej tak myślałem. Niestety spotyka mnie coraz więcej sytuacji, że system ma "zonk'a" i zatrzymuje swoją "pracę" bez powodu... 503 to już normalka. Ja sobie potrafię poradzić z wejściem do mojego "inteligentnego" domu, ale co mam powiedzieć dziecku, które np. dziś dzwoniąc do mnie informuje mnie, że "domeczek" się nie otworzył, alarm się nie rozbroił... Tata zlikwiduj to FIBARO - słyszę... miało być tak pięknie. Przykro mi, że, poświęcenie wielu godzin nad wdrożeniem systemu i dostosowanie go do własnych potrzeb nie odnosi sukcesu a wręcz jest coraz gorzej... Dziś miarka się chyba przebrała... system zatrzymał się bez powodu !!! (nie pierwszy raz) - dziecko w deszczu przed bramą... (dobrze że ma klucze ) Chyba czas na zmiany systemu SMART bo taki on niestety nie jest, i w pełni zgadzam się autorem tematu. Pozdrawiam zawiedzionych...
  9. No, unfortunately it does not work with me ...
  10. Hi, read this is a cool solution from the forum. Good luck
  11. Hi @Sankotronic , Hi, I updated your virtual devices and FTBE scene to version 1.3.0. Everything is great, but Home status v1.1 updates the main icon and does not update the device's button icons. I can not infer which part of the code does not set the global variable to the current main icon number. I attach screenshots and I am asking for a suggestion. Regards Darek
  12. Hi everyone, I join the topic and confirm, no information from the computer about the state of discharged battery ... version 4.511. Jokingly ... I received a notification from the child that the light does not come on;) Greetings
  13. The problem of "freezing" still remained unchanged, but the message "can not ..." does not appear in the scenes ...
  14. [email protected] A jeśli można zapytać, kiedy planujecie wydać stabilną wersję ? z poprawionym "cannot query interpreter state"? Pozdrawiam
  15. Hello also: FIBARO probably did not try, I still have the same problem in version 4.160. Thanks
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