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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, Actually I have (connection)issues with an widget from outside the wifi area. The scene on YUBII works perfect (ist is opening a gate via smart implant). But the widget on my Homescreen is disabled. I delete the widget and create a new one. I trigger the widget, it works for one time but afterwards it is disabled. I open YUBII start the scene and some times the widget is enabled and works for one time then it disabled and so on. Since it works within the wifi area I guess there is an access issue with the fibaro server. Which User is used by the widget to start the scene on my HC3 from remote? How can I inspect what the widget does? As mentioned the scene called from YUBII works. Thanks Gerhard
  2. so im quite astonished that in the widget options on the android app, there is NO widgets to quickly access virtual devices. The only option is to open the app and hunt down for which virtual device i want to control., be it VSL for example... it really limits the "quick access" you'd expect from a smart phone/tablet app. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for quickly accessing them?
  3. Hello Im looking for at faster way to arm/disarm my system from a widget. I know it´s possible with a scene-widget but then there is no requirement of a PIN (or fingerprint) which seems bad if a phone is dropped outside the house for some reason. Because of that I also don´t want to use GPS, which by the way doesn´t seem to work that great and what happens if the phone goes to batterysave-mode and turns off GPS? Also a battery drainer... I have lockcode on my phone but my wife is not keen on that (you need to have instant access to Instagram and Pinterest! ?) Lockcode one app itself makes it a hassle to control the home. Anyone has a smart solution to that? Right now there is at least 4 clicks (open app, open alarmpanel, click on icon, slide arm/disarm) and that is if you are at the home screen of the app, otherwise there is 5 clicks, not WF (wife friendly). A possibility to make a scene ask for a PIN would be great. Also a widget that shows the icon of a device (or a VD widget) that could show the status of the device (on=locked padlock icon / unlocked = unlocked padlock-icon), push notes is one way but will require one to actually controll the alarm to check status. There is a few things to implement in the Fibaro Apps to make it user friendly, now it´s something between geek-friendly and user-friendly, not anywhere near wife-friendly Burglary alarm (Caddx AC948) integrated with one Universal sensor and one Smart Implant, if I can get this wife friendly I might switch the AC948 to a Moxa PLC integration to connect all my sensors to the HC2.
  4. Perhaps not the right place for this question, but figured since it's related to beta testing of a new version, it's close enough. Please move otherwise! I am a happy fibaro user with some 40 different devices, and something I've been missing is the possibility to add virtual devices as a widget. Over the last years the app has evolved and more widget options has been added, but not VD. Maybe it's not that common to use VDs as much, or some other technical reason for not supporting it. But for me I don't see a need to have individual switches and dimmers as a widget, then I would have 10s of them.. With that kind of "desktop" I might as well get an iPhone So, is i possible to add this for a coming version of the Android app? Now I use third-party (imperihome) on the side only for the VD widgets.. And would love to get rid of that app and have all I need with the fibaro app.
  5. HI tio all, I would like to run a scene from a widget in my iOS device (iPhone 7 plus), but don't work if I protect the scene wit a PIN... Can someone help me? thanks in advances, Paolino
  6. Witam, chciałbym zapytać, czy jest możliwość skonfigurowania sceny w centralce HCL tak, żeby była wyzwalana jedynie manualnie - np za pomocą widgetu w telefonie? chodzi o stworzenie sceny, która dla przykładu wyłączy wszystkie swiatła w mieszkaniu po wyzwoleniu jej ręcznie poprzez widget w telefonie. Z góry dzięki za pomoc!
  7. Hello, I love the new widget slide in the iOS. As I have found out, it only is for scenes not devices. I have a garage door opener device I really like to control with the widget. This way I can quickly open the garage door without even unlocking my phone. Any Ideas how to build this scene? Should be easy, the garage control is only a on/off relay switch. But all scenes seems to need a trigger? How would the magic scene look like? Tried with only Garage door == ON THEN but didn't work.. I want to trigger the scene myself, but the magic scene needs a trigger How to solve ? Please help, should be a quick fix for most of you skilled people Regards, Thomas
  8. I can´t start a scene from a widget when it´s pin protected, how come? I would like to open/close the garagedoor from a widget but protect the opening scene from opening by mistake.
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