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  1. Hello, I have purchased an aeotec Siren, gen5, https://aeotec.com/z-wave-siren. After some difficulty i managed to pair it with my fibaro hc-lite. For those who need help with that, it wouldnt get detected and i had to try a few times, after holding down the button for over 30seconds, the light stayed on and for a few seconds (probably did some sort of factory reset), then i clicked the button again and it paired quickly. However, it paired as a switch, on and off. Does not allow me to have special settings ect. Under the advanced settings there are some things you can do with the siren, like change the tone or the sounds level ect, howevere would be nice if you could change the tones based on certain scenes? Has anyone figured that part out? Thanks,
  2. Hi guys, So I am wondering whether it is possible to use a 3rd party USB stick such as the Aeotec Gen5 z wave stick to configure the z wave network with Fibaro HC2? The reason I want to do this is in case the HC2 fails, I can connect the a replacement HC2 to the z wave stick which "remembers" the network, so I don't have to manually add the modules to the new HC2. Basically I might end up with some zwave modules that are not connected to a physical switch and are less accessible, making it a pain to re add them if the HC2 fails (which I believe happens quite rarely?) Thanks
  3. I have a Fibaro HCL With some different Fibaro Z-wave units...and i bought the Aeotec Garage door Controller, its Nice to open and Close garage from the app - BUT the description told me that i could see a LOG for when the garage door was opened and closed, and i could Connect other Z-wave external Devices, f eks a camera that can start when the garage door opens, or maybe a light that come on when the door opens and shuts off when the door Closes. Aeotec say this needs to be done by Programming the Fibaro Controller, but i cant find any Place how i can make a scene or make a setup for this. Anyone have experience With this and can help? I can only see if the door is open or closed - see photo under here. The photo With the blue circkle around is what i can see aboue the Aeotec Garage door Controller. Kind regards, Inge Nordgaard
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Aeon Labs Minimote Icons (black and white)
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Here are some refreshed icons for Aeon multisensor 6 Gen5 One temperature icon more for bonus!
  6. Hi, I have a some Smart Dimmer 6 modules from Aeotec which are connected to a HCL (v4.160). Including and switching/dimming works OK, but I cannot use them in a scene (graphical). Is there any way, that can be solved (e.g. by adding the template manually)? Thanks. Willem-Jan
  7. Dear friends, have a problem with adding Home Energy Meter Gen5 (ZW095) from Aeotec to my HC2 (v4.150). The device was added but left unconfigured. It doesn't read value of currents and a voltage values shown on the screen but there is no change in time (see attached screen shoots). On the Aeotec web site I found out information that there is no information about compatibility of ZW095 with HC2 (https://aeotec.com/z-wave-gateways). But on the forum I've seen some topics about setting up of ZW095 in the HC2 interface. That's why I can't understand if it my personal issue with adding ZW095 or it's a real incompatibility.
  8. Hey I’m very new to home automation and I ended up choosing Fibaro and it works okey. I’m using an power adaptor measuring the usage in our office but I want to measure all power im consuming. I’m living in an apartment so I can’t access the power meter but I have the fuse box inside. Picture added. First I was thinking to flirt with the property owners and add one optic camera like IKEA Sparsnäs https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=sv&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://m.ikea.com/se/sv/catalog/products/art/90292645/&usg=ALkJrhg7TS3H1EfCZjKDzwuJ1bxWXP1H7Q Hope the link works. But then someone told me that it can’t be integrated with Fibaro so here I am asking you for help. I found Power Clamp but can I connect that inside my apparent?
  9. Hi All I’ve just bought an Aeotec Wallmote Quad controller. When I add it to my HC2, I can select what to do when I press or hold any of the four buttons. Nice! But: I want to use it to control a Fibaro Dimmer. The Wallmote has swipe commands that should do this, but I can’t get it to work. Please help!
  10. Problem in configs, and this option "eat" battery.
  11. Hi Fibaro Team Please add support for Gen 5 HEM device https://aeotec.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/6000161943-home-energy-meter-gen5-user-guide- Thanks _f @T.Konopka, @M.Baranowski
  12. Hi , I am looking to measure the three things in relation to my house power and will be using Aeotec HEM clamps (all single phase) Power consumed by the house Power generated by the panels Excess power generated by panels if house consumption is less than panel generation So far this is my proposed setup I may need a second HEM at position 1 to measure excess current heading back to the grid I was wondering if anybody has this type of setup and how are the clamps arranged ? Thanks _f
  13. Hi, Has anybody used a Aeotec wallmote with a HC2 ? I'm looking for feedback on usability and integration http://aeotec.com/z-wave-wireless-switch Thanks _f
  14. Hi, I have a 14 of these multi sensors around my house and I am trying to configure them as best as I can. All of my devices are USB powered and were included under usb power. All are running 1.7 fw I am also trying to rule out these devices as a potential root cause for what looks like busy zwave traffic / slow responses. I looked at the parameters and there would seem to be options that can be tweaked. For example i can switch off reporting for UV as all my devices are internal. I was wondering has any user changed specific parameters, why they changed them and what was the impact/benefit. Thanks _f
  15. Hello there, I jus tried to add Aeon Labs Home Energy Meter to scene and there is some very strange options regarding HEM in a scenes. I see there options, like Armed, Disarmed, .... Also in scene actions there is initial state, arm, disarm, force arm, .... Can anybody confirm, that he has the same behaviour of scene, till i report it through my dedicated support line? What i see in block scenes:
  16. hi, I bought a bunch of MS6 devices Some included okay and some are proving a challenge I've noticed that some half include (ie I might get temp and motion but no humidity) I also noticed that some are including as ID 0 I tried different power supplies, different cables, close to the HC2 and not so close I tried the factory reset (hold include button down for 20 seconds) I just trying to figure out if I missed something or just got a bad batch Thanks
  17. Hi, I have a Home Energy monitor (HEM2) and have the clamp in the main live into my meter box to try and understand what the house is drawing power wise. I seem to be getting two power readings that are different with both changing over time but none seem fully accurate. One power reading seems accurate some times and the other power reading seems more accurate at other times if I look at what is running in the house at the time. I have only one clamp but the inclusion created 12 devices in in total 1471 (device id = 1471) 1471.0 & 1471.0.1, 1471.0.2 (device ID 1472, 1473, 1474) 1471.1 & 1471.1.1, 1471.1.2 (device ID 1475, 1476, 1477) 1471.2 & 1471.2.1, 1471.2.2 (device ID 1478, 1479, 1480) 1471.3 & 1471.3.1, 1471.3.2 (device ID 1481, 1482, 1483) I can get power readings on 1472 & 1475 1472 - api details (power = 895.79w) {"id":1472,"name":"House Energy 1","roomID":234,"type":"com.fibaro.energyMeter","baseType":"com.fibaro.meter","enabled":true,"visible":true,"isPlugin":false,"parentId":1471,"remoteGatewayId":0,"interfaces":["energy","power","zwave"],"properties":{"parameters":[{"id":3,"lastReportedValue":1,"lastSetValue":1,"size":1,"value":1},{"id":5,"lastReportedValue":50,"lastSetValue":50,"size":2,"value":50},{"id":6,"lastReportedValue":50,"lastSetValue":50,"size":2,"value":50},{"id":7,"lastReportedValue":50,"lastSetValue":50,"size":2,"value":50},{"id":9,"lastReportedValue":10,"lastSetValue":10,"size":1,"value":10},{"id":10,"lastReportedValue":10,"lastSetValue":10,"size":1,"value":10},{"id":11,"lastReportedValue":10,"lastSetValue":10,"size":1,"value":10},{"id":101,"lastReportedValue":14,"lastSetValue":14,"size":4,"value":14},{"id":102,"lastReportedValue":590080,"lastSetValue":590080,"size":4,"value":590080},{"id":103,"lastReportedValue":2049,"lastSetValue":2049,"size":4,"value":2049},{"id":111,"lastReportedValue":-740793856,"lastSetValue":-740793856,"size":4,"value":-740793856},{"id":112,"lastReportedValue":120,"lastSetValue":120,"size":4,"value":120},{"id":113,"lastReportedValue":1800,"lastSetValue":1800,"size":4,"value":1800}],"zwaveCompany":"AEON Labs","zwaveInfo":"3,3,67","zwaveVersion":"1.19","pollingTimeSec":0,"configured":"true","dead":"false","deviceControlType":"0","deviceIcon":"102","emailNotificationID":"0","emailNotificationType":"0","endPointId":"0","energy":"1379.51","liliOffCommand":"","liliOnCommand":"","log":"","logTemp":"","manufacturer":"","markAsDead":"false","model":"","nodeId":"212","parametersTemplate":"317","power":"895.79","productInfo":"0,134,0,2,0,28,1,19","pushNotificationID":"0","pushNotificationType":"0","remoteGatewayId":"0","saveLogs":"true","serialNumber":"","showEnergy":"true","smsNotificationID":"0","smsNotificationType":"0","unit":"kWh","useTemplate":"true","userDescription":"","value":"0.00"},"actions":{"reconfigure":0,"reset":0},"created":1480078127,"modified":1480078127,"sortOrder":406} 1475 - api details (power = 2.44 kw) {"id":1475,"name":"House Watts","roomID":234,"type":"com.fibaro.energyMeter","baseType":"com.fibaro.meter","enabled":true,"visible":true,"isPlugin":false,"parentId":1471,"remoteGatewayId":0,"interfaces":["energy","power","zwave"],"properties":{"parameters":[{"id":3,"lastReportedValue":1,"lastSetValue":1,"size":1,"value":1},{"id":5,"lastReportedValue":50,"lastSetValue":50,"size":2,"value":50},{"id":6,"lastReportedValue":50,"lastSetValue":50,"size":2,"value":50},{"id":7,"lastReportedValue":50,"lastSetValue":50,"size":2,"value":50},{"id":9,"lastReportedValue":10,"lastSetValue":10,"size":1,"value":10},{"id":10,"lastReportedValue":10,"lastSetValue":10,"size":1,"value":10},{"id":11,"lastReportedValue":10,"lastSetValue":10,"size":1,"value":10},{"id":101,"lastReportedValue":14,"lastSetValue":14,"size":4,"value":14},{"id":102,"lastReportedValue":590080,"lastSetValue":590080,"size":4,"value":590080},{"id":103,"lastReportedValue":2049,"lastSetValue":2049,"size":4,"value":2049},{"id":111,"lastReportedValue":-740793856,"lastSetValue":-740793856,"size":4,"value":-740793856},{"id":112,"lastReportedValue":120,"lastSetValue":120,"size":4,"value":120},{"id":113,"lastReportedValue":1800,"lastSetValue":1800,"size":4,"value":1800}],"zwaveCompany":"AEON Labs","zwaveInfo":"3,3,67","zwaveVersion":"1.19","pollingTimeSec":0,"configured":"true","dead":"false","deviceControlType":"0","deviceIcon":"102","emailNotificationID":"0","emailNotificationType":"0","endPointId":"1","energy":"1379.51","liliOffCommand":"","liliOnCommand":"","log":"","logTemp":"TxtGreen","manufacturer":"","markAsDead":"false","model":"","nodeId":"212","parametersTemplate":"317","power":"2436.61","productInfo":"0,134,0,2,0,28,1,19","pushNotificationID":"0","pushNotificationType":"0","remoteGatewayId":"0","saveLogs":"true","serialNumber":"","showEnergy":"true","smsNotificationID":"0","smsNotificationType":"0","unit":"W","useTemplate":"true","userDescription":"","value":"0.00"},"actions":{"reconfigure":0,"reset":0},"created":1480078127,"modified":1480078127,"sortOrder":409} The energy readings from both are the same Does anybody know which parameter I should be using thanks frank
  18. Is the AEOTEC ZW112-C Door/Window sensor 6 Supported? 20170730 Working manual configuration
  19. Hey! Anyone have experience with the Aeotec Smart Switch 6 and HC2? Does it work and does it have templates?
  20. I have just bought an Aeotec Door/Windows Sensor 6 and found that it has included ok but does not report if the sensor has been breached or in a safe state. Can anyone help me on this? Link to sensor on amazon so you know which one i am talking about: - http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B016ZV42GU I have tried the following to rectify this: - * Carried out a reset of the device * Removed and included the device to the HC2 * Soft Reconfigure There is no firmware update due for the device. I have attached the templates just in case it will help. At a bit of a loss. If anyone can that, that would be cool. Thanks, Andy
  21. Hello guys, I have got there strange behavior with HEM-3 version 1.8. With this particular device, there only Meter on Phase 2 meassure correctly, but phase 1 and phase 3 meassure only 50% of energy, based on voltage multiply by current. See attachments for seeing the difference. I also shut down reports for whole HEM. And customer has not power factor 0,5, i'm 100% sure about that. Electrical connection is corect. Did you met this strange behavior or something similar to this? There are some strings in CZ. Výkon = power. Cel. W. Fáze 1 = Power on Phase 1, ...
  22. Has anyone added an Aeotec Smart Dimmer 6 Gen 5 ?? when I add it using the mobile interface it says that the process has failed but when I check on the web interface it shows the device added several times. Its working but its weird
  23. Hello! Does anyone know if the Aeotec HEM DSB28-1C (60A) is supported by HCL? Im thinking of buying this one, but want to make sure it works with my system first. Many thanks in advance.
  24. Just chance upon a z-wave compatibility guide which I believe many forumers have been looking for. http://www.vesternet.com/compatibility/z-wave-compatibility-guide
  25. Does the HC2 support the Aeon Labs LED Bulb? Thx
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