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Found 11 results

  1. Version 1.0.3


    UHAS v1.0.3 (Universal Home Automation System) for HC2 UHAS INTRODUCTION UHAS is a set of scenes and Virtual Devices (VD) that provide the following capabilities: Auto translation of all scenes, VD's, predefined global variables, and messages to 31 different languages (19 directly supported by HC2) (NOTE – not all languages are translated, and users are very welcomed to help with translations that are not yet done) Scheduled and repeating events based on time of day, week, month, and season including Scene FTBE which provides repeating and scheduled actions Advanced Notification Center (ANC) brings centralized notifications with support for most popular services like Pushover, Telegram, GroupMe, WhatsApp and Signal, Sonos TTS and LaMetric TIME smart clock notifications Advanced Lighting Control (ALC) with integration for Philips HUE, Nanoleaf, LIFX and Blebox devices (will be provided in separate package) Very Smart Blinds (VSB) automation Presence monitoring and control with geofencing and Netatmo presence Weather state and forecast with notifications and integration for Netatmo weather station and WeatherFlow and Tempest weather stations Home consumption monitoring and recording Appliance monitoring - with notifications Safety alarms fire and flood Security alarm integration ready with provided global variables Irrigation control based on FIBARO devices Scenes ready to use with Fibaro dimmer 2, Fibaro keyFob, Fibaro Swipe, Fibaro Button and Remotec ZRC-90 central scene activation with built in support for ANC HC2 system status notifications, automatic backups and many more... UHAS OVERVIEW UHAS has been developed for the Fibaro Home Centre 2 (HC2) home automation controller, as a series of modules, which are responsible for one particular action or job, and the user can interact with them as a group, or on their own. UHAS provides an advanced Home Automation (HA) set of features, ready to be used out of the box with minimum user effort to set up and run. Running code is provided as part of the system, doing most of the settings for the user or a systems installer. UHAS is primarily intended to be used by users of the Fibaro HC2 system who wish to have fully featured HA without the need to learn LUA programming and spending a lot of time with coding Virtual Devices and scenes. UHAS can also become a part of a mature Fibaro system installation which has developed with many modules to cover more advanced HA and more devices. UHAS Virtual Devices and scenes use proprietary code developed by author. This code is developed to minimise users involvement in installation and setting of the system. Most of the necessary setting is done by the UHAS components and other settings are simplified and minimised as much as possible. This was also possible because all UHAS VD's and scenes use role system that is used to find necessary components for actions to be performed. UHAS Virtual devices category is set automatically during translation or changing of the main icon. This means that most of the VD's should show in proper category in new mobile app as lights, blinds, gates, ambience, climate, safety, security, multimedia, remotes and other. The same goes for scenes, when scenes save their settings after first manual run then also category is set. UHAS PREREQUISITES Fibaro Home Center 2 (HC2) with firmware version 4.120 or higher (recommended but not necessary expanded RAM memory to at least 2Gb) Configured and installed z-wave devices – I.e., light switches, motion sensors, lux detectors etc. INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE NEW USERS - Please download provided UHAS v1.0.3 Installation package and UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN EXISTING USERS - if your UHAS is: Not yet started with installation then please download full package UHAS v1.0.3 Installation package and install. Still on v1.0 or V1.0.1 then please first download UHAS v1.02. upgrade package and install. Lastly download and install UHAS v1.03. upgrade package Installed v1.0.2 then please download UHAS v1.03. upgrade package and install. NOTE - Upgrade instructions are provided in UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN ADDITIONAL NOTE - In UHAS Installation and User Manual v1.0.3 EN instructions for ALC scene upgrade say: UPGRADE INSTRUCTIONS – This upgrade is recommended. To upgrade and keep your ALC Scene settings please copy new code from ALC Scene v1.3.3.lua from line: -- NEW v1.3.3 - copy code from here to the end of scene code to keep your settings above this line to the end of code. The mentioned line I forget to add to the code before making upgrade package, therefore please copy new code from line: -- THE CODE BELOW DOES NOT REQUIRE MODIFICATION BY THE USER to the end of code. Thanks goes to @MiZ for pointing that out 🙏 IMPORTANT NOTE UHAS uses its own unique global code variables. This means that UHAS will NOT influence the current system scenes, scripts, or virtual devices in any way, even if any of Sankotronic’s earlier UHAS beta versions and standalone scenes or VD's (Virtual Devices) are being used. There is no need for any changes to be made to the existing code before the installation of UHAS. The UHAS global variables are created and controlled automatically by the system so that you do not need to maintain them manually. UHAS INSTALLATION PACKAGE CONTENT (29.1Mb) 92 Virtual Devices 53 scenes Icon sets for all the above VD's and scenes THANK YOU! ❤️ I want to BIG thank to @clowg for helping me with translations and writing manual these last days speeding up publishing UHAS. BIG thank to @gucio1234 and his son Cyprian for making logo for UHAS and 3D printed with real gears! I just love it ❤️ I also want to thank many of you who helped during testing of UHAS beta versions and with translations! @clowg, @speedoxx007 ,@Bodyart, @jimicr, @gucio1234, @jompa68, @Sjekke, @robw, @rbhun, @lennypenny, @FunkFib, @MarcoT, @Orgli, @MarcoTorino71 and many others. Your help is greatly appreciated. Apologies to all other not mentioned nice people who contributed in making UHAS. I also want to thank gurus of this forum @petergebruers, @jgab, @cag014, @SmartHomeEddy and others for help with coding in LUA. And of course a BIG thank to Fibaro for providing Home Center 2 and Home Center 3 for developing purposes! BIG THANKS! also to all UHAS users for their donations! Your support is greatly appreciated! 🙏 TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the UHAS. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required.
  2. Hello sir, I am Raja from Abu Dhabi. We are one of the home automation systems integrators in Abu Dhabi. We have one new project in that project we have Fujikawa curtains. We want to control those curtains with home center lite. That Fujikawa curtains have Dry contact interface for home automation integration. We want to know which Fibaro relay module will connect with that curtains Dry contact interface? For your reference, I have attached the Dry contact interface images also. kindly please check it. Thank you, Regards, Raja.
  3. Hello, I've 8 Somfy IO RS100 Hybrid in my new home (neutral, phase, up & down) and before I've some standard motors (with neutral, ground up and down). This motors can be control with IO homecontrol radio protocol, but mine are actually connected with wire. I add the roller shutter 3 and test the calibration, but the up during 2-3 sec and the down too. Anybody have the same problem or configuration (or both :)) and the right configuration ? Thanks
  4. Version 1.0.0


    File: ikony_sceny.zip Modified icons for most common HC3 scenes - blinds, lights, blinds + lights. Size 128x128px, PNG, transparent background. ikony_sceny.zip
  5. Hello community! I have a task: Every evening user want to set time for the curtains to open in the morning with the alarm clock. Ideal - the user simply sets the alarm in the phone and the home center gives the command to open the curtains when triggered. But I did not find such option in IFTTT. Another one - set time to open the curtains in mobile app (iOS and Android), without having to enter the web configuration. Does anyone have a solution to this problem? Or maybe any suggestions what I need to use? Thank you!
  6. Hi All, I have a "thing" with all my venetian blinds. When the position is , for example "62" and I tell them to go to "62" , they go to 45 When I again tell them to go to "62" they go to 18..... but never to 62 exact. This is only the case with the blinds "lamel/vertical blind" position, not with the open/close position of the blinds itself... Someone have an idea what might be wrong here ?
  7. Version 1.0.0


    As an interim solution I have created three venezian blind icons out of the original Fibaro slider. They show closed (zu), 50% open and open (auf) - not perfect so maybe somebody can enhance or create better ones? To have a better recognition I would love to see all icons from the side (such as the 50% one): one closed, one 50% and one open. Actually my 50% one should be the one which shows 100% open...
  8. Hi everyone, Just wondering if anyone knows a good supplier of motors for roller blinds in australia, preferably melbourne. I have existing rollerblinds and wan to motorise them, preferably with solar power. So far, everyone i contact says i need to buy brand new blinds. Any help or recommendations would be great. Cheers, Nick
  9. Guest

    Luxaflex powerview support

    Integration with Luxaflex powerview would be great. API should be documentet here: https://github.com/sander76/powerview-api
  10. Hello, Im looking for some help in finding a suitable motor for my Venetian Blinds, I have 2 windows in each room which are around a meter wide, i'm going to need to invest in 10 motors. I am just wondering what other people in the UK are using. I have seen a few links for Chinese websites, most of which don't have prices on them and then don't respond to e-mails. I know a lot of people are using Somfy, but the cost is so high, ideally i don't want this project to start running into thousands. Has anyone got any suggestions? what motors are you using? what did you pay? are you happy with them? Thanks in advance guys.
  11. Hi All. I'm from the UK and looking to add in some roller blinds to my Fibaro HC2. Can anyone recommend any good and compatible Roller blind systems. i have been on the hunt but not too sure what to go for. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Hal
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