Hi Following the great debacle that was my attempt at upgrading to 4.101 and the subsequent recovery and restore I had to do ( https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/23287-version-1038-recovery/) I now have a situation where I can only triple click to turn lights on and off that were working beautifully with a single click just days ago
They are on a dual relay, a single relay and a dimmer as well .. they all work wonderfully on interfaces, and the other relays and dimmers on lighting are all good throughout the house .. just these few.
I've had these installed for a while now, and seem to think there was a trick to getting them to change from triple click to single click, but can't remember what I did ( old age ) I kind of remember a setting, but can't find that now, so they may just be missing parameters post restore .. ??
Should I be doing a soft reconfigure, reload parameters or just remove them and re add them ?
Update as I typed I tried ;
Soft reconfigure didn't change anything ..
Reloading Parameters didn't help ..
on a relay switch ..
Anyone, before I remove and re add them and then have to go through and change all my old scripts on these ones, have any ideas ..
So I didn't remove them but updated to 4.102 and all is well. nothing changed my end, but they are now functioning as expected.
Obviously the failed update to 4.101 and subsequent restore corrupted something that the successful update to 4.102 resolved
Yey for Beta's !