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  1. So I have been working on integrating my ceiling fan & light into my HC3 hub. I want to treat the fan control as a device and the light control as a device. But the problem is that I need buttons and sliders for user interaction. I get that the focus is primarily on z-wave integration but it is very shortsighted to imagine that everything the user installs in his/her Smart Home will be z-wave enabled. Furthermore, it seems that Fibaro does not have much market share in the United States. Consequently we are left in the dust having to integrate our devices ourselves. The Fibaro tech support seems very non-responsive to its community of owners and simply patches bugs without sharing new and updated features. For example, I noticed there is a new thermostat UI that appeared recently. Or at least I did not see it before a certain recent FW update. I presume it was made available because Fibaro needed it to sell their own thermostat device. Truly, I love my hub. The use of a web interface is far superior to using a smart phone app, IMHO. And, if I cannot easily find a z-wave enabled device, I can create or help someone else create a device handler for this device. I use and enjoy my Alexa but home automation is far more than telling Alexa to turn on my lights. And why should I rely on an internet device for more sophisticated control strategies? Right now my z-wave continues to operate even when my ISP goes offline. My ceiling fan will rely on my WiFi operating but it does not have to go to the cloud to be controlled. Only my Nest Thermostat will lose connection to my hub when my internet goes offline. When the time (and money) comes, I will replace it with something z-wave or maybe WiFi but not cloud controlled. I think the biggest takeaway from this rant is that there needs to be a means to create custom UIs for child devices. An added bonus would be a few different control objects. Things like a select box, a multi-select box, a check box (or something that looks like a pushbutton?), ways to group things (a container) or a means to draw a line between sections. Granted that images may be memory hogs so adding a bunch of icons or other small pictures would be memory intensive but small icons that could be added to a global list in the device might mitigate some of that. It seems that many of these structures are integral to the HTML world and a part of the web client. We just need a way to safely use them in the UI. Also, a comprehensive list of Lua methods that we can use along with simple descriptions of their use. Fibaro relies too heavily on its community so leverage that community to learn and share their knowledge on use. Fibaro need not shy away from providing this list because they don't want to write extensive descriptions of each and every method. Reward your faithful users with better tools to take advantage of your systems and you may be rewarded with an increase in sales. You could think of it as hiring a huge team of unpaid integrators who develop creative ways to solve problems. I was impressed with one user who described his sophisticated solution to control his home energy use based on the hourly electric rates that his utility company makes available each day. We don't have that need in North America (yet) but I am aware of a niche market that could be tapped for remote locations who exist off-grid and use solar energy exclusively. Thank you for your time in reading this. I feel better having expressed myself even though I figure this will be ignored or looked at as impractical. Have a great day (or night). Peter
  2. Witam, wczoraj nie mogłem się w żaden sposób dostać do centrali Yubii choć wszystkie sceny działały poprawnie a samą centrale widziałem w sieci domowej. Skorzystałem z opcji RECOVERY. Niestety teraz żaden silnik NICE nie odpowiada. Próbowałem wgrywać rózne backupy i nic. czy ktoś ma jakiś pomysł co tu sie na rozrabiało i jak to rozwiązać?
  3. Hi Fibaro A lot of other domotic systems use custom backgrounds... for example a picture of the living room as a background for that room in the app... I think that this is simple implementable, no? Something to consider? Thanks! Peter, Belgian Fibaro user since 2012
  4. is it possible to integrate Proscenic devices with the Fibaro system? I currently have a Proscenic 808C humidifier that can be controlled by a remote control and an application. https://www.proscenic.com/pl/808c-humidifier-p0134.html This humidifier has a built-in wi-fi radio module. It would be nice to control it directly from Fibaro via Quick Apps.
  5. Cześć! Czy ktoś z was korzysta równolegle w 1 mieszkaniu z automatyki Fibaro i Home Assistant? Aktualnie mam centralę HC3 z 40 urządzeniami fizycznymi z-wave, 4 kamery IP, oraz kilkanaście zarządzalnych urządzeń z dostępem przez www czy aplikacje. Dodatkowo całość jest sterowana przez 69 scen automatycznych oraz głosowo przez integrację z Amazon Alexa. Zastanawiam się czy równolegle nie postawić Home Assistant (mam akurat na to mocnego NASa z wolnymi zasobami) aby uruchomić część integracji i jakiegoś ciekawego dashboardu. Na pewno centrala HC3 zostanie ze mną już na wiele lat do obsługi urządzeń z-wave i innych, planuję także w przyszłości jeszcze rozbudować system o nowe urządzenia i funkcjonalności. Chciałbym pozbyć się przede wszystkim używania kilku różnych aplikacji w telefonie do obsługi różnych urządzeń, dążę do stworzenia pełnej automatyzacji i zarządzania głosowego gdy zajdzie taka potrzeba. Czy Fibaro umożliwia wymianę danych z Home Assistant (np. do przesyłania danych z czujników temperatury)?
  6. Hello, I have a serious and urgent problem. I set up a Home Center 3 in one of my friends house. After finishing everything and installing all the modules, I wanted to give him mobile access through Yubii App. To my surprise I find the app giving me an error with title: " homecenter is not fully configured yet" Below are screenshots to support my findings
  7. I have some device connected to z-wave plugs that can measure the energy consumption and aeon labs plugs are used. Now I would like every month a report how many kWh, all summary of consumption. Best would be to get that report by email. Is something like this possible in the HC3 lite with LUA? Can anybody help me to get started: - how to get all consumption summary - how to send an email - how to run the script only once per month Thanks
  8. Hi everyone. I wrote this message some time ago but no one replied to me (by now I understand that Yubii Home / Fibaro we use it in four cats or in any case those who do it may rely on an installer for which there is no info and a nice discussion group as to instead there is an example for Home Assistant & Co., okay). I have a somewhat particular configuration ... after a thousand searches I was able to find a Yubii Home gateway which is basically a Fibaro Home Lite 3 plus the management of Nice radio devices at 433 and 868 MHz and I managed to " home automation "of my 11 shutters with which I have been opening and closing through 11 Nice TT2N control units for a few years using a Nice remote control. Not wanting to throw away all the control units (and above all not finding ZigBee / Z-Wave / WiFi devices that are as tiny as my TT2Ns and therefore can fit in my crowded 503s ..), I folded for this gateway and ... it's bad. The Yubii app for Android is decent, even a little more, but I have some doubts with using it via Google Home, and more precisely: 1) When I connect Fibaro accounts in Google Home, in my opinion, the pairing does not end "well" as it should, since not all the devices detected (the 11 shutters) are proposed, but simply returns to the account list of the various brands and it seems that Fibaro is not connected. But returning to the Google home ... home (;)), however, the rooms and the various shutters that I created from the Yubii Home interface are there and work both individually and per room, so it seems ok. 2) The 3 scenes I created that basically open all the shutters, close and stop them (I had to create them because, being 11 devices at 433 MHz, it was necessary to distance each shutter by 2 seconds, otherwise with interference there is it was always something that didn't work randomly, but that's okay, in 20 sec. they all start) they work if I'm the one to start them via Google assistant, but nothing to do if my her does it with her voice. I wonder ... his user from the Yubii Android app uses them quietly (the Widgets are comfortable I must say), so the grants are there, so why is he unable to use them from GH, perhaps because it was the admin who hooked them to the home? Either it's a bug, or you tell me if it just happens to me. 3) I did a test that left me perplexed: I tried to connect Fibaro account to GH with my hers user account ... error. Then from the web interface of the Yubii gateway I made her admin (Settings - Access - TRANSFER OF THE ADMINISTRATOR ROLE), always error. With my user (which I renamed to my liking) but which is the one that started admin from the beginning, the default one to be clear, everything ok. Well ... In summary ... to work it works, only the user user cannot recall the scenes from GH, as if there was some grant problem, mah ... Give me a tip, I'd like to understand if I'm the one who's wrong, but it seems to me simply a bug on the Fibaro server side (only they don't reply on their forum, really sucks). Thank you all...
  9. Hi guys, I was installing Fibaro radiator heads for my customer, when we realized, how inexplicably awkward is the software that is handling this product. The shame is on me, becuase I didn't tested it properly before we accepted the order. Here I want to ask any Fibaro technicians, how could any product developer allow the production of a radiator head, when user is NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE THE SETPOINT PERMANENTLY from the Yubii app, and also USERS DONT HAVE ACCESS TO CLIMATE PLAN IN YUBII APP... Like this is not a mistake, this is a ridiculous mistake and a huge fault of developers. I just can't explain, how can this happen in a company like Fibaro.. What does that problem mean? My customer (not a PC oriented person) asked me to create a plan for his house..Day 23 celsius, and night 22 celsius (what I did, according to his demand) A few days later he called me, that they are cold , so he wants to put all radiators to 24 celsius permanently for day and night either..just set it to 24 everywhere.. Belive or not, i had to come to the conclusion, that its not possible. User can't set manualy a temperature permanenty..just for certain time period..max 24 hour, than it jumps back to the plan value.. Hold on, this is not the entire story... As the plan is not reachable from mobile APP, i needed to remotely deactivate the plan for him..i thought this way we can find a workaround... No... Even if you don't have a plan, you can't set any value permanently on your radiator.. Example..Lets say, you dont have any cilimate plan, and your radiators are running on 22 celsius.. Later you want to change this permanently to 21 celsius...BUT YOU CANT You can do it only for max 24 hours...than it jumps back to 22 celsius... I was thinking, maybe if we set the time to 00h:00min, it will help... We couln't even try it, becuase in the Yubii app the minimum value is 10 min... So what was I supposed to do? Should I told him, that he needs to manualy set all his 18 radiators every single day to the desired temperature? I would appreciate any suggestions... Thanks
  10. Hi I have strange behavior of door windows sensors from Fibaro, with both old and V2 versions When opening a door and then closing it within about upto 30 seconds or so the "closed" status is received with a 10 seconds delay by the HC2 So the door sensor shows "closed" in the HC2 interface exactly 10 seconds after closing and scenes triggered run accordingly. Open status is always, always received without delay!!!! I have a HC2 with 95 physical sensors, zwave traffic is on average each 6.5 seconds (zwave monitor) Can some one help me with this? I am stuck
  11. Hi, I'm trying to get my central heating pump to switch on when my Aeotec TRV valve is open. This ought to be easy. The TRV has a parameter which allows it to report the value position when it changes: Parameter 6: Valve percentage report Reports the valve percentage on change. Size: 1 Byte, Default Value: 0 Setting Description 0 Reporting disabled 1 - 100 Reporting Delta in percent It should be possible to create a scene that switches on the Fibaro Switch 2 which is connected to the heating pump/boiler relay. Now I've installed the devices I can't see how to do this from the Home Centre 2 UI. I don't see any way of specifying the value change message value in a scene. I also can't see how to see the messages that are received from the TRV to verify that they are being received. I guess that initially I need to work out how to switch this parameter 6 on - Fibaro don't appear to have added template support for the Aeotec TRV (nor my TKBHome thermostats ). Is this going to be a problem, or can I set them manually somehow? Can someone please give me a steer? Many thanks, Joe
  12. Hello sir, I am Raja from Abu Dhabi. We are one of the home automation systems integrators in Abu Dhabi. We have one new project in that project we have Fujikawa curtains. We want to control those curtains with home center lite. That Fujikawa curtains have Dry contact interface for home automation integration. We want to know which Fibaro relay module will connect with that curtains Dry contact interface? For your reference, I have attached the Dry contact interface images also. kindly please check it. Thank you, Regards, Raja.
  13. Hello, I have an Akuvox SIP Intercom and I don't know how to add it to HC2. Can you please help me
  14. Hi can anyone help me please? I want to send a value from my Node-red and assign it to a Global variable value on my HC2. The Global variable i wish to update is "message" and the value is "Connection established". Tried some flows from here but always get JSON error. Hop someone can help ... Thanks
  15. Hello, I'm interested to learn more about scripting to automate the home with HC3. Which "languages" would you recommend to learn? I know there is documentation about LUA on manuals.fibaro.com, but I don't have any "programming skills" yet. So that a step to far for me at the moment. I also found this app https://getmimo.com/ (not sponsored content), maybe this is something easy to understand the basics. Let me know if you have any other suggestion!
  16. Hi all! My Google home integration stopped working after II think) the last update of HC2. In the Google Home app the Fibaro Devices in the rooms are listed but unavailable. Relinking the Fibaro account in the Google home app results in a failure. Anyone got the same problem? Regards, Stefan.
  17. Dear FIBARO Forum user, As of 02.03.2020, we are changing the login method for the FIBARO Forum website. After this date, the only way to log in to FIBARO Forum will be to use the FIBARO ID account. It's another step into unifying FIBARO services under the FIBARO ID universal login method. Visit FIBARO Forum to discover the potential hidden in smart home devices! Improve your knowledge and skills through materials provided by our users. Share your opinion with others. If you have a FIBARO ID account, you will now use this account to log in to FIBARO Forum. If you do not have a FIBARO ID account and you want to keep access to FIBARO Forum website, we ask that you register one. Please keep in mind that if you wish to keep your profile history (content), the email address assigned to your FIBARO ID account needs to be the same as the one used on FIBARO Forum. You can register your FIBARO ID account at https://id.cloud.fibaro.com/registration Best regards, FIBARO Team
  18. Witam Tak jak w tytule, mimo wielu prób nie mogę połączyć Fibaro z Google Home Wchodzę w Home, chcę dodać nową usługę, wybieram z listy Fibaro Smart Home, loguje się do Fibaro ID, wyskakuje komunikat "łącze twoje konto Fibaro Smart Home". Na pierwszy rzut oka wszystko prawidłowo, niestety po "połączeniu" nie wyświetla urządzeń Fibaro w Home ani nie wyświetla Fibaro na liście powiązanych usług. Próbowałem już wszystko resetować, konfigurować na nowo w aplikacji Fibaro, próbowałem dodać Fibaro do Home z różnych telefonów i efekt zawsze jest taki sam.Szukalem już na forum i w internecie rozwiązań jednak nic nie znalazłem dlatego proszę was o jakieś rady,pomysły jak można rozwiązać ten problem. Zestaw jaki posiadam to centrala Home Center Lite, dwie głowice termostatyczne i dwa czujniki temperatury.
  19. Hi There, Long time since I've been here so I might have missed something, sorry for that. I'm figuring out a way to evade the use of the CR123A batteries since they are quite expensive and have the flaws off being empty ;) And the use of batteries at all being not that environmentally friendly. The Idea I have is this: In my (new) home, I'm going to have a Fibaro Motionsensor in every room corner. In this corner, about 30 cm above the floor, I have a 220v socket. Im going to drill a extra hole next to it and place a empty flush mounted box there with a blind plate on it. In the box will come a AC-DC 220v to 3.3v Stepdown regulator (Mean Well IRM-02-3.3 AC/DC). Via a (in wall) Cat6a UTP cable I plan to transport the 3.3v to the upper corner of the room with the motionsensor. I know the CR123A is 3v but I'm guessing the cable might drop the .3v in transport. The maximum cable length shall be no more than 3m. Else I need to have a stepdown 3.3v to 3v in the motionsensor. In the place where normally the CR123A comes I plan to 3D print a 'fill- up' part to connect the wires to the motionsensor. So in case of a flaw I do not need to solder in a corner 2,6m high. ;) My questions here: - Anyone did something like this, power the motionsensor via wallpower of any kind? - Someone know the maximum length of a 3.3v cable - Any other ideas or segestions are welcome I plan to make a 'how to' here, so if you are interested come back later. :D
  20. I just set up a Home Center 2 and used my iPhone and iPad to test everything all along the way. Once I learned what the limitations to the system are and how to work around some of them I thought I was ready to hand it over to the customer. My customer has Android phones so I thought I should test everything with my Android phone as well as become familiar with the subtle app differences, as there usually are a few. That's where the problems began. Scenes that ran flawlessly when executed from my iOS devices or windows computer all of a sudden seem to freeze the Home Center 2 entirely and don't allow you to do anything except power cycle the device. Scenes that run when started in iOS regardless if the alarm was sounding off or not, now won't run from the Android if the system is in the state of alarm (sirens sounding after a zone is breached once armed). And once I start to run a scene from the Android device and get the warning that scenes cannot be run when in the state of alarm, those same scenes that worked flawlessly regardless of alarm state fifteen minutes ago on my iOS devices not won't run from my iPhone or iPad either. Frustrating...
  21. Hello, as there is no forum dedicated to Fibaro Smart Implant, i don't know where to post this question - so i'm trying it here. I have a Fibaro Smart Implant connected to Garage door. It is connected from Out 1 to impulse output of Garage doors. If this two wires from garage output are connected, garage door will open, close or stop. As I power source, I'm using external power adapter with 12v output. Implant works okay, without any problems it can be added to z-wave network. Im not using external button with it to open/close the garage. So I only want it to be controlled remotely with mobile/pc etc. Basically I connected it the same ways as is shown in manual. I also changed all the parameters etc. The problems is, that with this settings and connection scheme it worked for few hours without any problems, but, after some time it just stopped working without any reason. I tried to readd the Smart Implant to z-wave network, but it didn't help. If I manually connect the two wires that Fibaro should connect, garage door is working without any problems. I also check the operation of smart Implant with multimeter - it beeped for one second as it should. But, only if the cables are not connected to the garage door. If I connect it to the garage system, Fibaro is just stop connecting it without any reason. Thanks for your help!
  22. Hi guys! recently I bought a fibaro hc2. there was said to me that I can develop my own plugins. But I can't find any documentation for it... (the http://developer.fibaro.com) isn't existing anymore only it redirects me to the Rest API section and Lua documentation I really wanted to build a plugin so that the devices of Plugwise "http://plugwise.com" are compatible with the fibaro. (i know that it is possible) Hope that some of you can help me. and have documentation or something else where I can work with Kind regards, pepijn dik
  23. Hi all, I’m trying to wire a Guardline Driveway Motion sensor’s output to a Fibaro Universal sensor, and wondered if anyone who’d done it before could help me out please? My idea for how to do it is below, the colours i’ve used have no relevance to the coloured cables of Fibaro. Top is the Fibaro and bottom the Guardline device. What do you think?
  24. Hi there, I have an Aotec HEM clamp in my fuse box, which measures the total consumption of the house. On the Home Center 2 (Tab Consumption ---> Energy Panel), this data appears as "Current Power" (Potencia Actual) and I can see the graphs for days, months, years. However, I can not export the data in an Excel. I click the buttom "Export" and nothing is downloaded. When I do the same with the rest of the measurements (ex. blind 1,2...), an Excel csv is downloaded. Does anyone know why this happens? Does anyone know how I can download this data? Thank you in advance.
  25. This is my first topic in a series of post I'm going to write about the advanced LUA scenes I wrote for my home automation project. My goal is not flipping a light scene with a phone but for 90% autonome home automation. Besides posting LUA code I give you more insight why I came to this routine. It may help you with designing your own automation routines. Disclaimer: I am not a professional programmer and I post the scenes as is. I have no time to make the LUA scenes generic like other great members do on this forum. I just post my LUA code to share knowlegde and inspire you to create awesome things! Advanced home wake-up routine with Philips Hue and HC2 Applies to: Fibaro Home Center 2 and Philips HUE bridge. GOALS Use my Philips Hue led strips as a wake-up light. Use 1 app to schedule the whole home wake-up routine. Start the morning routine when walking downstairs (check motion). Turn on the lights only when it’s dark (read lux). In our bedroom we integrated a Philips Hue lightstrip in the ceiling and use this with the Philips Hue app as a wake-up light. It beautifully fakes a sunrise in our whole room. As we use the Hue app to set our wake-up alarm I use this app to trigger the Home Center to run a wake-up routine for the rest of the house. TL;DR Set recurring wake-up schedule in the Philips Hue app. Home Center LUA scene 1 reads schedules at 04:00 with the keyword Wake in it. If schedule is set for today and motion is detected at the hallway after the scheduled time (scene 2), run wake-up routine. HOW I IMPLEMENTED IT IN WORDS Reading Hue schedules from the bridge cannot be done with the Fibaro Hue plug-in. Therefore I wrote a LUA scene to read the Hue schedules from the Hue bridge and run the wake-up routine at the schedules wake-up time. I achieved this with 2 LUA scenes: Scene 1 runs every minute and polls the Hue bridge schedules at 04:00. If a wake-up is scheduled for today write the wake-up times to a global variable. Every minute it checks if there is a wake-up planned by reading the same global variable and if so it sets the WakeUpReady global variable to 1. Scene 2 runs when motion detected by a Fibaro Motion Sensor. If it detects motion it checks if the global variable WakeUpReady is set to 1 and runs the wake-up routine. SCENE 1 EXPLAINED You can download the full LUA scenes at the bottom of this post. I only describe snippets of my code to make you understand what it does and show the challenges I ran into. TAG YOUR HUE SCHEDULE WITH A WAKE-UP STRING IN IT! To know which schedules are used for wake-up I set all those schedules with the Wake keyword in it. Like Wake-up weekday’s and Wake-up weekends. In the LUA scene I find these schedules with the code: if name:find('Wake') and status == 'enabled' then ... end RECURRING DAY’S ARE SAVED AS A BITMASK IN THE HUE BRIDGE The Hue API states: The Hue bridge saves the recurring day’s as a bitmask. You have to convert this bitmask to weekday’s. So you can check if the alarm is set for today. The first step is to convert decimal to a binary. I did this with the folowing LUA function: function bin(dec) local result = "" repeat local divres = dec / 2 local int, frac = math.modf(divres) dec = int result = math.ceil(frac) .. result until dec == 0 local StrNumber StrNumber = string.format(result, "s") local nbZero nbZero = 8 - string.len(StrNumber) local Sresult Sresult = string.rep("0", nbZero)..StrNumber return Sresult end Then I have a binary representation of the scheduled weekday’s. For example: mo tu we th fr sa su 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 You see the alarm is set for monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and saturday. With this I can determine if the alarm is set for today: if name:find('Wake') and status == 'enabled' then local huedays, huetime = string.match(timepattern, 'W(.*)/T(.*)') -- Hue starts at monday, LUA starts at sunday, so I have to fix this. local dayofweek = os.date("*t").wday-1 if dayofweek == 0 then dayofweek = 7 end local scheduleddays = bin(huedays) -- dayofweek+1 because a week is 7 days and binary is 8 digits, so -- a have a pre 0 local waketoday = string.sub(scheduleddays, dayofweek+1, dayofweek+1) if waketoday == '1' then wakeUpAlarms = wakeUpAlarms .. huetime:sub(1, -4) .. '|' end ... end WRITE WAKE-UP TIME TO GLOBAL VARIABLE If there is an alarm schedule for today write it to a global variable for later use: if wakeUpAlarms ~= '' then fibaro:setGlobal("WakeUpTime", wakeUpAlarms:sub(1, -2)) -- remove last | else -- If no schedules are set, write disabled to the global variable. fibaro:setGlobal("WakeUpTime", "disabled") end SET WAKEUPREADY GLOBAL VARIABLE FOR MOTION SENSOR LUA SCENE The LUA scene runs every minute using the code: setTimeout(tempFunc, 60*1000) At 04:00 it checks the schedules in the Hue bridge, but every minute it checks the WakeUpTime global variable to set the wakeupReady global variable to 1. This variable triggers the second LUA scene used by the motion sensor. local wakeupTime = fibaro:getGlobal("WakeUpTime") if wakeupTime ~= "disabled" then local waketimes = {} for match in (wakeupTime..'|'):gmatch("(.-)"..'|') do table.insert(waketimes, match); end for k, v in pairs(waketimes) do if os.date("%H:%M") == v then fibaro:setGlobal("WakeUpReady", 1) fibaro:debug("It's wake-up time! Set motion detector ready!") end end end SCENE 2 EXPLAINED (MOTION SENSOR PART) With scene 1 I created a global variable setting to determine if the wake-up routine must run. Now I create a second scene to act if there is motion in our hallway. CHECK FOR MOTION AND IF ALARM IS NOT ARMED First I want to check if there is motion and if the alarm is not armed with the line: if tonumber(fibaro:getValue(158, "value")) > 0 and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(158, "armed")) == 0 then ... RUN WAKE-UP ROUTINE ONLY IF IT’S DARK OUTSIDE The Philips Hue wake-up schedule runs always because our bedroom had curtains and the room is always dark. Downstairs I only want to run the wake-up routine when it’s dark outside. The wakeupReady global variable check’s if the routine needs to run when there is motion (set with scene 1). The line below gets the current lux reading from the Fibaro motion sensor: fibaro:getValue(160, "value") If the illuminance is below 20 I want to turn on my lights. if wakeupReady == "1" then fibaro:setGlobal("WakeUpReady", 0) -- Disable trigger for current wake-up time. -- check lux local currentLux = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(160, "value")) -- id 160 is sensors light device. -- If it's dark then start wake-up routine if currentLux < 20 then fibaro:debug("Illuminance measuring " .. currentLux .. " lx, starting wake-up routine.") fibaro:call(44, "setValue", "8") -- Spots keuken (8%) fibaro:call(29, "setValue", "5") -- Tafel eethoek (5%) fibaro:call(106 , "turnOn") -- Bolles (aan) fibaro:call(118 , "turnOn") -- Spot voordeur (aan) fibaro:call(156, "sendPush", "Started wake-up routine. Debug: " .. currentLux .. " lx") else fibaro:debug("Illuminance measuring " .. currentLux .. " lx, do nothing.") end ... DOWNLOAD MY SCENES COMPLETE LUA CODE You can download the full LUA scene code from GitHub: Scene 1: Wakeup.lua Scene 2: MotionRoutine1.lua You have to change the device id’s from my motion sensors in this scene to your own id’s! And don't forget to set the scenes to run automatic in the Fibaro Home Center 2
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