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Hi there, I´m speaking for many users who bought the HCL on an early stage and now there is a need to switch to the HC2. I cannot understand why Fibaro is not working on a supported way to migrate de HCL. They would sell a lot of HC2, because so many people are waiting and nobody wants to start from scratch, especially when you have a lot of relais.... There should be an Fibaro-Supported Thread in this Forum. @fibaro what do you think?
Hi Everyone Smart Message Hub v1.2 (SMsgH v1.2) is now available. This release includes fixes tor three bugs that had various impacts and support for international characters. Thanks to @Sankotronic and @szmyk for locating the faults and extra feature for international characters "FIRST TIME USERS" - Please read below and follow the instructions laid out for first time users UPGRADING FROM 1.1b to 1.2 - Please use this Post - if you are a current user and may wish to consider avail of the fixes or extra feature This scene enables a user to send a message from either a scene or a virtual device to a number of notification and TTS services with a startScene call fibaro:startScene(682, {message, target}) -- Using ID of scene fibaro:startScene(SMsgH, {message, target}) -- Using HomeTable reference The scene also enables messages to be re-routed or queued depending on whether the house is set to Away mode, Sleep mode or if internet is not available. (See below for more details) A demo VD {v1.1} is also available to help demonstrate the scene features. SCENE FEATURES Smart Configuration options include the ability to re-route and/or queue all messages under certain conditions. (Internet unavailability , home occupancy mode presentState = Away) Messages with international characters are also supported Notification messages can be redirected to Home Center 2 Popup notification service if the internet is offline or unavailable Notification messages can be queued if the internet is offline or unavailable. All Messages in the queue will be released as one combined message once the internet come s back online. All TTS messages can be redirected to Home Center 2 Popup notification service if the internet is unavailable or offline or if the sonosAPI is offline if this solution is being leveraged All TTS messages can be queued if presentsState = Away. All TTS messages in the queue will be announced once presentsState = Home Simplified the message invocation method to startScene Invoked via startScene(SMsgHid, {message string} (SMsgHid is the id of the SMsgH scene when it is saved to your system ) See below for examples messageHub global no longer required (please delete when you have migrated all your scenes to using 1.1) Added support for sleepState (no TTS messages if set to Sleep) Additional support for HC2 popup notifications Types (Critical, Successs, Info, Warning) Images (use full url) Buttons (represented as a table) - See @Sankotronic [TUTORIAL] on popup notifications to see how to format Added ability to delay unloading of TTS messages by predefined time in seconds Added support for custom language in for TTS and Notify redirects default Popup title and subtitle Minor bug fixing and code cleaning Configuration options also include a default message notification target, title, subtitle and volume but all these can also be specified as part of the message invocation. There are three levels of debug verbosity. In normal mode there is a minimal amount of information displayed as the scene is triggered. The two other modes allow for much more expressive displaying of scene variables as well as configuration settings if enabled deBgVar is enabled in the scene so you can see the interactions- it can be disabled in normal running mode SCENE MESSAGING OPTIONS The supported services in this release include the following (supported in 1.0 & 1.1) Pushover Notifications -------------------------------------------------------> [TUTORIAL] on creating Pushover account and set up allinone ( jompa68 scene) Telegram messages hc2email (Home Center 2 email service) hc2push (Home Center 2 push notification service) hc2popup (Home Center 2 Popup Notification service) -------------------> [TUTORIAL} Popup Noification and Custom Inages Sonos-api based TTS --------------------------------------------------------> [TUTORIAL] Setting up and using Alternative Sonos VD using node-sonos-api Sonos VD Remote based TTS -----------------------------------------------> Discussion on Sonos Remote V1.0.0 beta I have also included a Companion Demo VD. The virtual device will allow the user to demonstrate the scenes queuing/unloading capabilities. CAUTION: The companion VD in demo mode can adjust the presentState and sleepState globals and will cause any other scene you may have with this as a trigger to execute A simplified version of the LAN Monitor VD called the WWWAPI Monitor will monitor just the sonos-api if desired and does not any in-built notification options like the LAN Monitor VD 2.5.Smart Message Hub users should use either the WWWAPI Monitor or LAN Monitor 2.6 Special thanks extended to @Sankotronic @petergebruers, @jompa68 and @szmyk for their contributions leading to 1.2 Once the scene configuration is complete I would recommend running the demonstration virtual device. This will give you a better understanding of the options and features as well providing some sample messages that you can run. Ideas for subsequent revisions are always welcome _f RELEASE CHANGELOG v1.0 - First release (march 4th 2017) v1.1 - Second release (march 17th 2017) v1.2 - Third Release (june 24th 2017) ================================================ FIRST TIME USERS - INSTALLATION & CONFIGURATION ================================================ The code is available in both lua and txt format below Paste code into scene and run - All global variables will be automatically created (Please do not adjust global triggers in scene header) Configure options as required at top of scene (line 100 onwards) Configure enable smart redirects Configure HC2 email settings, HC2 push settings and TTS services Configure default message titles, subtitles and volume Configuration notification settings, tokens, etc Enable/Disable increased debug and config verbosity for troubleshooting MESSAGE INVOCATION This message hub can be called from either a scene or a virtual device using a startScene call. The following is an example Sample invocations are included below Please see the section on Message Invocation lower down in this post of you wish to send messages with international characters local message = "Warning: Utility room freezer temperature is 10 degrees" local target = "hc2popup" local volume = "25" -- (can be left as "" if not TTS message) local title = "new alert title" local subtitle = "new subtitle" local popType = "Critcal" local popImg = "" local popButtons = "" fibaro:startScene(IDofSMsgHscene, {message, target, volume, title, subtitle, popType, popImg, popButtons}) Note: Replace IDofSMsgHscene with HomeTable reference of numerical ID of the SMsgH scene when it is installed on your system You need to include all parameters up to last one you populate. For example, if you want to specify a subtitle, you need to include message, target, volume and title as well. You CANNOT leave out a parameter in the call. Leave as "" if not used/required and default will be invoked. **USER CONFIGURATIONS & SETTINGS** OPTIONS FOR SMART RE-ROUTING OF MESSAGES The following four options can be set to true or false depending on what features you wish to enable. local tts2popup = "true" Set to true to enables re-routing of sonos TTS messages from either the Sonos VD or the sonos-api solution to HC2 notification Popup if the sonos-http-api or Internet is unavailable/offline to your local LAN local tts2queue = "true" Enable to Silence TTS announcement in sleepState, TTS announcements are NOT queued, they are simply discarded local tts2sleep = "true" Enable a Delay before TTS announcements are unloaded (seconds). Leave as "" for no delay local ttsUnloadDelay = "" -- seconds Set to true to enable Sonos TTS messages to queue when presentState = 'Away'. When presentState is set to Home it triggers the scene to automatically unload all the messages in the TTS queue to the default player that has been named in the configuration section local notify2popup = "true" Set to true to enable all notifications to re-route to HC2Popup notifications if the internet is unavailable/offline to your local LAN local notify2queue = "true" Set to true to enable all notifications to queue when presentState= 'Away'. When presentState is set to Home it triggers the scene automatically and unloads the message in the notifications queue to the default notification service that has been named in the configuration section below The scene as provided has all these 4 options set to true and this is the recommended setup if you wish to leverage full functionality and the demo OPTIONS TO MONITOR THE INTERNET STATUS To achieve the most benefit from this scene the internet and sonos-api should be dynamically monitored. Dynamically monitoring the internet will enable messages (TTS and notifications) to be queued while the internet if offline. Queued message can also be sent as hc2 pop notifications on the local LAN. The preferred monitoring option is named here. The example below is setup to use the LAN Monitor VD 2.5 local ipMonitor = "networkTable" There are 3 options available: Select 'manual' if you wish internet and sonos-api to be permanently set to online. Please note that this option does NOT enable queuing of notification messages. Select 'networkTable' to leverage the LAN Monitor VD 2.5, Select 'wwwapiTable' to leverage the new simplified WWWAPI Monitor 1.0 HC2 EMAIL CONFIGURATION hc2emailUsers = {["su"]="2", ["frank"]="1564", ["sylvia"]="1565"} List all users that you want to be able send messages to. The user id's are located from the HC2. Select Configuration, then Access Control to see the current users. HC2 PUSH CONFIGURATION hc2pushUsers = {["DadiPh"]="563", ["MumiPh"]="155", ["DogiPa"]="175"} List all users that you want to be able send push messages to. The mobile devices ID can be found by going to http://<HC_IP>/docs/ and looking under iosDevices section. local defhc2pushUser = "563" -- identify default hc2push user Select a default user from this list and this is used if there is no user specified as part of the message invocation. TTS PREFERENCES Select your TTS preference. If you use the sonos-http-api solution please enter API. If you use the Sonos VD Remote solution please enter REM. local ttsMethod = "API" Default volume for TTS announcements local defTTSvolume = "12" This allows you to select a default volume and this aplies to both the API and REM sonos solutions. This volume can be changed by including a different volume in the message invocation SONOS-API PREFERENCES Configure this section if you have selected API in the above section. APIplayers = {"hallway","kitchen","bed5_office","landing"} List all the sonos players you want to send TTS messages to. The zone/player names must match exactly what is on your sonos native application local defAPIzone = "bed5_office" The default player/zone selected is used to unload the TTS message when presentState = Home. The default player must be included in the overall players list above local APIipaddress = "" local APIport = "5005" The ip address and port are of the device that is hosting the sonos-api local defAPIlanguage = "Amy" The final item here is the language or voice code for the respective TTS service. Thisoculd be something like en-gb for google or Amy for AWS Polly SONOS REMOTE VD PREFERENCES Configure this section if you have selected REM in the above section. REMplayers = { ["kitchen"] = {vd="295", btn="28"}, ["hall"] = {vd="765", btn="27"}, } List all the sonos player virtual devices you want to send TTS messages to. The virtual device id's and process button id’s much match exactly what is on your HC2 for each virtual device. Please note the process button may differ if you have modified the standard virtual device. local defREMvd = "hall" -- Id of player vd for unloading queue The default player/zone is user to unload the TTS message when presentState = Home. This zone must be included in the overall REMplayers table and the name must match exactly. local defREMlanguage = "en-gb" The final item in this section is the language or voice code for the respective TTS service DEFAULT TITLES AND SUBTITLES This scene has default titles and subtitles and these are used if no title or subtitle is included in the message invocation. local defTitle = "Alert Title" local defSubtitle = "Alert Subtitle" Adjust the default titles and subtitles as you require. Note: Subtitles are only used for PopUp Notifications NOTIFICATION SERVICES There is a broad range of notification services available to use. Some are native to the home center and others are third party services provided by external vendors. local defmessageSvc = "pushover" Select the default notification service that you wish to use. This default service will be used if no service is invoked in the message and is also used as the service to unload the queued messages when presentState = Home PUSHOVER CONFIGURATION This service is provided by pushover.org. You will need to register with them and obtain a token and user key. local POtkn = "" local POusr = "" Once registered you will need to select the devices that you wish to send the pushover notifications to. Once they are added to your pushover account you will need to add their details below. Currently there is only one setting for device which means that all messages to pushover will be send to the devices named in this list. Priority can be set at ) like I have below local POdevice = "Dad_Ph, Kit_iPad, Landing iPad" local POpriority = "0" TELEGRAM CONFIGURATION This service is provided by telegram.org. You will need to register with them and obtain a token and a chat ID local TGtoken = "" local TGchatID = "" DEBUG VERBOSITY OPTIONS This allows a number of levels of debug verbosity. There is a minimal amount of debug window responses running in normal mode but these two capabilities allow the user to observe extra information in the debug window when the scene is running. local deBugVar = true -- deBugVar will display the scene variables local deBugCfg = false -- deBugCfg will display the scene configaution that you have set OCCUPANCY/PRESENCE STATE I am also supporting the presentState as it is defined by Sankotronic and others. -- "PresentState" is predefined global value that determines if you are at home -- or away. This variable value is set by other scene or VD. Enter name of your -- global variable between "" if called different or leave as it is local presentState = "PresentState"; -- Enter corresponding values that you use for presence in your language. Change -- the one in quotes or leave as it is local presentStateMapping = {Home="Home", Away="Away"}; HOMETABLE There is also support for the hometable solution. Hometable is a approach to storing all device ID in a global variable. Please Uncomment the following line if you wish to use Hometable data in scene -- local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")); POPUP MESSAGE TYPES Default popup message type, possible values: Success, Info, Warning, Critical. Please define popup message default popup type, button caption and buttons if you wish These defaults can be left as is or modified/translated into your own language local defPopType = "Info" local defPopCaption = "OK" local defPopButton = { { caption = defPopCaption, sceneId = 0 }} Please refer to Sankotronic Tutorial "Popup Notifications and Custom Images" for format and examples POPUP REDIRECT TITLES AND SUBTITLES Please amend the text sent to PopUp Notification when Internet or TTS is offline to your own language if you wish. Both Title and subtitle can be modified local TTSofflineTitle = "Announcement" local TTSofflineSubtitle = "TTS is offline, TTS announcement sent as popup notification" local WWWofflineSubtitle = "Internet is offline, TTS announcement sent as popup notification" SAMPLE MESSAGE INVOCATIONS The message function can be invoked with as little as one parameter or as many as five parameters. The following examples will provide a good understanding. Send message to default notification service, with default titles/subtitles fibaro:startScene(682, {message}) -- Replace 682 with id of your SMsgH v1.1 scene or a hometable reference Send message to specific notification service (The notification service must match exactly what is contained in the notifySve table in the variables section) fibaro:startScene(682, {message, target}) (The hc2user in the message invocation must match exactly what is contained in the hc2emailUsers table in the user configuration section) fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2email"}) - send to superuser fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2email frank"}) - send to user frank fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2email frank su"}) - send to user frank and superuser (The hc2push device in the message invocation must match exactly what is contained in the hc2emailUsers table in the user configuration section) fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2push DadiPhone"}) - send to superuser fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2push MumiPhone SarahiPhone"}) - send to mumphone and sarah phone (The sonos player name in the message invocation must match exactly what is contained in either the APIplayers or REMplayers table in the user configuration section) The target can also specify sonos player or VD id for TTS with options fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "kitchen"}) -send TTS to kitchen, default volume fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hallway", "10"}) -send TTS to kicthen, volume=10 Custom titles and subtitles can also be specified. These will overwrite the default titles and subtitles. Subtitles are only available for HC2 Popup notifications. They can be used with or with a target notification. If the target is omitted it will send to the default notification service that has been named in the configuration section local message = "what ever the message is" fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "", "", "Alert !!", "The wine fridge temp is rising"}) Finally an example of a Message to popup with specified popup type local message = "kitchen window has been breached" fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2popup", "", "Alarm", "House Breach", "Critical"}) MESSAGE WITH INTERNATIONAL CHARACTERS If you want to send message with special characters just use urlencode function: fibaro:startScene(682, {"message", "hc2email", "", "title"}) -- without special chars fibaro:startScene(682, {urlencode("message ąść"), "hc2email", "", "title"}) -- with special chars fibaro:startScene(682, {urlencode("message ąść"), "hc2email", "", urlencode("title ČčĆ抚ĐđŽžáäéè")}) -- with special chars COMPANION DEMONSTRATION VD INSTRUCTIONS (1.1) A number of sample notification and TTS messages can be activated giving the user an understanding of the message invocation format and options Demonstration mode enabled the toggling of 'Internet online/offline', presentState Home/Away, sleepState Sleep/Awake modes. This capability allows the used to observe the queuing and unloading of queued notification messages and TTS messages in action. Import the VD into your home center 2. Review the messages and adjust based on your own implementation of Smart Message Hub Send messages and TTS as required To demonstrate the queuing and unload of queue’s Set demo mode to ON. Send messages and TTS and observe in selected notification services and apps, Set internet to offline, sent messages and observe queuing, Set internet to online, observer unloading of queue. Set presetState to Away, send messages and observe queuing. Set presentState to Home and observe unloading of queue. Set sleepState to Sleep and observe TTS are silenced. For normal operation - set Demo mode to OFF FILES [Smart Message Hub SCENE] SMsgH 1.2.lua (lua file) WWWAPI Monitor Virtual Device [VIRTUAL DEVICE] WWWAPI_Monitor_1.0.vfib Companion Virtual Device [VIRTUAL DEVICE] SMsgH_Demo_1.1.vfib
- 210 replies
- lua
- smart message hub
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How to extract information from the module into the debug screen? i tried this: no return, empty fields model1 = fibaro:getValue(238, "model"); manufacturer1 = fibaro:getValue(238, "manufacturer"); productinfo1 = fibaro:getValue(238, "productInfo"); serial1 = fibaro:getValue(238, "serialNumber"); fibaro:debug("model1 = " ..model1); fibaro:debug("manufacturer1 = " ..manufacturer1); fibaro:debug("productinfo1 = " ..productinfo1); fibaro:debug("serial1 = " ..serial1);
- 8 replies
- product infor
- hc2
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Czy jest szansa aby ALEXA "mówiła" i "rozumiała" po polsku i to w Polsce ? Chciałbym jej "umiejętności" wykorzystać do sterowania systemem Fibaro za pomocą komend głosowych. Czytałem o jej możliwościach i czekam na jej sprzedaż w naszym kraju. Czy ktoś ma jakieś informacje na ten temat ?
- 9 replies
- programowanie
- hc2
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DSC PC 1616 integration with Fibaro HC2
pos posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
Hi I though I was going to try to integrate and use my wired PIR sensors from my extended PC1616 + TL260GS IP/GPRS alarm in my Fibaro HC2. I opened the Fibaro DSC plugin and added the IP of the ethernet TL260 module, wrote in TCP port 3062 port and a pin I just created in the DSC alarm (no master code properties. But I have tested with a mastercode after that also). It immediately added zones and partitions (but is the naming conventions really correct in the plugin??). If I after that create a simple scene where I with a few seconds loop print the "value" and "lastBreached" from some DSC PIR:s, the values of them all are 0 even though I am dancing around with my laptop in the whole house in front of the PIR sensors watching lua debug output I therefor conclude that the Fibaro plugin cannot see when the PIR sensors triggers.... After that I googled a bit saw a post regarding Vera that said that the sensors must be "armed" for vera to see them and be able to trigger. I then tried to click "arm" on partion 1 in the DSC plugin where all zones are located. Nothing happens. More googling.... --snip-- On the DSC 1616, the force arm function will only work if the zone attribute for the faulted zone(s) have force arm enabled.By default, only zone types 05 (Interior, Away/Stay), 06 (Delay,Away/Stay), 09 (24HR Supervisory), 22 (Momentary keyswitch), 23 (maintained keyswitch), 26 (24HR Non-Alarm), 31 (Day Zone) and 37 (Night) allow force arm, unless you specifically enable the option in zone programming.If any other zone type is faulted when trying to force arm the panel, the panel will not be armed. --snip-- I have however not changed anything in the DSC. But all sensors are located in the same partiton. If you arm a DSC partition I assume you either must allow force arm like the post above says or be very sure you try when you have had no motion at all for a while. But the latter wont work... I really just want to see the triggers from the DSC PIR sensors and not change anything in the alarm. Any one that knows what is going on and what I need to to do solve it? Do I have to change any settings in the DSC? What am I missing here? How to I arm it? Do I need to arm? And wont the DSC alarm go of then?? Thanks in advance /Peo -
Hi, I am considering HCL to replace my VeraLite, which suddenly went dead... Majority of tasks I expect are simple, so HCL would satisfy this. But I have a bit complex one with heating: I currently have 8 thermostats in different rooms. Those are working indepently based on their program using scenes. For instance: Living rooms temperature is during Weekend from 7:00 to 20:00 is 22 degrees and from 20:00 to 7:00 19 degrees and 22 degrees from 16:00 to 20:00 + 19 degrees from 20:00 to 16:00 during Working day. Similarly for bedroom, bathroom, etc. So far I understand HCL would support this. However, I am using something like multiple button for defining modes like Home, Holiday, Weekend off, etc. This is the first selection and based on this above described scenes are running. So the sample with the Living room applies for Home, but for Holidays the temperature is 15 degrees, for Weekend off 17 degrees till Sunday 15:00 and 22 degrees after. Is HCL relativelly easily able to manage this? I am not a programmer and I am using PLEG in Vera, but how it is this solveable in HCL? HC2 is 2x more expensive than HCL and HCL is 2x expensive than Vera, so it is my concern...
Hi, I rebooted my HC2 this morning and it failed to start correctly afterwards. Only the right 3 led's were lighting. I completed the recover process (power off, press learn button & hold, power on, release learn button) It went through the recover process and rebooted. The right most three leds are working again The z-wave light is flashing and now the "download available" light is flashing - (I was on 4.11 but assume it has recovered a previous version) I can't still access the HC2 web interface (about 20 mins since recovery) or do I need to wait longer ? Is there anything else I can try besides trying the recovery process over and over again Thanks -frank
- 15 replies
- recovery
- failed restart
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Switching the system ON only when person is inside the room
moosairshad posted a question in Scenes and Interface
Hi I want to implement a bathroom which switches lights only when a person is present inside. And it will OFF the system when no body is there. Can Anyone help me how to do this -
Hi, I have project working on it, putted three HCL and one HC2 in each different floor and want to make an HC2 as master and the rest of HCL as slave so I can control the whole project without connecting in each different home center alone. so I tried this steps: opened HC2, clicked on configuration and tried to find "Gateway connections" but doesn't exist !!! is there any way to linked all the devices with each other? note: HC2 has a version 3.538 . Thanking in advance,
Witam Prośba do zespołu projektantów systemu. Może już czas na usprawnienie edytora skryptów LUA ? Można by dodać kilka nowych funkcji ( występujących w innych, popularnych edytorach ) takich jak: ctrl+g - skocz do linii numer ... ctrl+f - wyszukaj frazę ...... ctrl+h - zamień frazę .... na nową .... ctrl+s - zapisz poprawki ctrl+F1 - okno z pomocą - opis funkcji biblioteki fibaro pozycjonowanie kursora ( x, y ) - jest numeracja wierszy, brak numeracji kolumn własny dobór kolorystyki "elementów" skryptu (komentarzy, funkcji, łańcuchów znakowych, liczb itd. ) Wiem, że to nie jest potrzeba pierwszej kolejności ale wielu z nas aby dokonać zmian kopiuje skrypt, przenosi go do innego edytora i tam robi poprawki. Następnie poprawiony skrypt ponownie wkleja do edytora HC2. Usprawnienie edytora HC2 poprzez dodanie tych kilku funkcji wyeliminowałoby ten zbędny "zabieg".
How to make a button in a VD what will restart your HC2 ? Thanks for your help -sbo
Hello I just start on fibaro and on a light switch I installed fibaro dimmer but on s1 I have set my push botton but it does not operate .... any idea why? i know it must be a stupid question ... thx in advance Greg
Hello, i have HC2 v 4.110. When a create new connected heating devices from relay and temperature sensor at Connections Panel and make heating schedule at Heating Panel - how do i change current temperature from smart phone? is there new device (like video door bell) should be automatically added to main screen? I have no new virtual device
Hi All, I'm trying to setup a very simple scene: Requirements: At 20:00 AND when Magnet contact is safe lock door When I configure this in a block scene it doesn't work. It ignores the time trigger and it is immediately closing the lock. What am I doing wrong or is this a bug in Hc2 4.110? Cheers, Landshark
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- block scene
- hc2
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Hoping someone can shed some light on this... Trying to send a HTTPS GET request to an AWS API Gateway endpoint. Here's the Lua code (obviously I've removed any privileged information for the purposes of posting here): httpClient = net.HTTPClient(); httpClient:request ( 'https://**********.execute-api.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/****/***********', { options = { method = "GET", headers = { ['x-api-key'] = '*****************************' } }, success = function (response) fibaro:debug (response.data) end, error = function (err) fibaro:debug ("Error:" .. err) end }) I get an 'Error:Transport endpoint is already connected' message in the debug window. That's not a response from the API (no requests get logged on the AWS side, so the HC2 isn't getting as far as making the request at all.) If I try making a HTTPS request to another URL (like Google for example) it works with no issue. Also I know the API endpoint works, because I can call it from CURL and it does exactly what I expect. It's just from a scene. Seems like others have had the same issue, specifically with AWS API Gateway. Anyone know how to get this to work? Cheers, Dan
Hi, From various failed device pairings/inclusions I now have 163 initialisation errors when I restart or backup my HC2 I tried deleting the devices but they appear to delete but when I backup or restart the devices re-appear Does anybody know how I might get rid of these ? Thanks -f
- 2 replies
- init errors
- hc2
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Hi all. Wonder if anyone can help with this issue i have. I have setup a plugin for WOL (Wake On Lan) so i can press a virtual button on my phone and it turns on a PC. I now want to include this in to a scene so when i start the scene, the PC turns on with other devices. Ony wanted this since getting the amazon Echo service working with my setup. Idea is to walk in the room and say, Alexa, Turn on Cinema and all will just turn on and work. Issue is, i can't add in the WOL plugin with a scene. Has anyone managed to do this and if so, how? Thanks, Hal
When you have access to more than one gateway and they are added to your remote account, after login the portal, you get to see all the gateways you have access to, by serial number. for eg : HC2-03**** Is it possible to give the gateways, their own name, so that within your account, they can be identified more easily ? With several gateways to controll, I cant always remember their serial number...
- 11 replies
Hi, I was wondering if you guys could help me out by pointing me in the right direction. The next step in my home automation project is adding the bathroom ventilation. At the moment, this is done by turning a manual dimmer: This activates this fan (I have rotated this picture as it is hanging upside down on the sealing) : I have done some research and found that a lot of people do it with a Fibaro RGBW module, or with a Fibaro in-wall switch. What would you guys recommend. Dimming is not crucial, as I would be automating the running of the fan with a humidity sensor and would switch it off as soon as possible. However, manual control is kind of a must for me. I don't want to not be able to turn on the fan if the HC2 is down. If you need any more info, please let me know! Thanks for your advise! Cheers, Kristof
- 1 reply
- ventilation
- hc2
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Questions about the push mobile phone app push
fibarojiang posted a question in Scenes and Interface
Hello, I'm hc2 can work normally, but I couldn't get a push notification from fibaro phone app, mobile phone has no closing software notification, push and no effect, I hc2 version is 4.09, and I come from China. Thanks -
Hi, I'm experiencing synchronization issues: Setup is as follows: HC2: Main Gateway, 4.100 HCL: Slave Gateway, 4.100 Problem: devices from Slave sync into unassigned instead of in the right rooms and sections on the HC2. Tried removing and re-adding the slave, tried synchonising, tried importing, tried manual importing. Nothing seems to work. The only option I have to fix this is to manually re-assign every device from the slave to the correct rooms in the HC2. At one point I was thinking that I should remove all the rooms and sections from the HC2 that are handled by the HCL, thinking that upon synchronising they would get imported with the devices and with correct room mapping. Removed a couple of rooms from the HC2 and re-synched. No luck. Didn't try removing entire sections. Would rather wait for the feedback of Fibaro or the community. When working with a Master/Slave Gateway setup: should all sections and rooms of the slave gateway be manually configured in the master gateway? Or should they automatically sync from the slave to the master? Is this problem stemming from room and section conflict issues or is there something else going on? Any help? Thank you, APGC
Implemented doorbird. Advice is to use Axis Generic cam in order to display live feed from the door bird intercom.
Hello Everyone, Today I was notified that LightwaveRF has publicly released a new API document. Hopefully, this will spawn a new raft of Virtual Devices that control LightwaveRF products as, if you live in the UK, you find this platform just works without major headaches and beta upgrades. The link is below: https://api.lightwaverf.com/introduction_basic_comms.html