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  1. Hello. I installed a UPS in my house wich is monitored and controlled by a Raspberry Pi. Is there a posibillity to shutdown the HC2 with an API command via HTTP from a Rasperry PI? There will be a power down for about 3 hours next week in my small town, my UPS can keep up the power for about 35 minutes. So I'll try to shutdown the Rasperries and the HC2 if the load of the UPS is smaller the 5%. I would be happy if there is some solution out there [EDIT] I forgot to tell that the Firmware fo my HC2 is 4.056. [/EDIT]
  2. I have : - wall switches and dimmers from TKB HOME. They are TZ65D and TZ 66D. - sockets switches and sockets dimmers from TKB HOME. They are TZ67F and TZ69F. All of them are connected to HC2 with software 4.100 but I observed my problem with earlier software versions as well. If I operate my switches/dimmers from HC2 they are working OK and the HC2 reflects the state of the devices. If I operate my switches manually they are working OK but most of the cases they do no report the current state to HC2. Eg . If I manually switch ON the light, the light is switched ON but HC2 shows it is OFF. That gives me problem with some scenes which should be triggered regarding if the certain light is on or off. I tried to reconfigure z-wave mesh network for some devices but it did not help. Any hint / idea on this ... What is your experience of using TKB Home devices with FIBARO HC2 ?
  3. Hello Fibaro. Just another issue which I wanted to ask for: So far it is not possible to get an overview of the system state including central logging of scene/VD output. If I want to know whether a scene is running or not, I have to go into the scene to check output. Very annoying with many scenes and not really comfortable. Same is with output (debug messages, messages) from scenes. I have to go through all scenes to check the outputs. I would like to have one place where all such internal states are displayed. One Dashboard where I can see which scene/VD is actually running, which not. Where I have the outputs of all scenes in chronological order with an automated mechanism to identify the individual scene messages - i.e. "timestamp - scene name - message". I think it would make the HC2 much more comfortable to handle. User can see with a glance if there are problems with a scene or can get an quick overview if system is working normal. In addition it would be good to have certain states presented there as well. Like whether the HC2 is in armed or disarmed mode, last breach, last alarm etc. Actually I am trying to build that myself out of the REST API with some python scripts but I think it would be great to have this provided as a Fibaro feature. The actual functions for this are too scattered between screens. Like there is already one central event page but I think in the acutal form with all the small symbols and text and sorting it is not very "readable" and it is not including the scene messages. I see which motion sensor was breached but only in the devices view where I not have any chronological sorting. I just see all the motion sensors and have to find out myself, which one was breached when. Would be happy if others jump in or present their ideas or solutions for this. Regards.
  4. When you have multiple HCLs as a slave and HC2 as a master for covering whole project, it's needed to import some devices. Sometimes imported devices in HC2 has a different value, from those in HCL. Please Fibaro, can you make additional command to REST API that represent button "Synchonize" located in "Gateway connections". It's realy pain, to make virtual device for such synchonization.
  5. Hi guys! I have problem with Login to android tablet application. It says that hc2 cannot be find ! But, in adding, all the IP and others are okey. I thas been checked with fibaro finder. After trying new user, It connects but after 3 times closing the app, It wont work again. Where is the problem ? thanks in advance
  6. Hi all, I am looking to build out my understanding of the HC2 Rest API. Specifically its capacity to execute a lot of calls (as opposed to what functions are available) and what else leverages the API and battles for capacity. I have two reasons for posting the topic - (a) I may be having an issue and am trying to debug and (b) increasing my systems knowledge. My understand is that the API is used the following... If an http request is made to the HC2 from an external system If a http request is made from a browser to the HC2 .. but is it used for ... The android app I run on my tablets/phones ( yes ? ) The iOS app running on some ipads/phones ( yes ? ) If the HC2 scene makes a http request to an external system ( assume no ? ) Does the HC2 FW itself leverage the API in anyway ( assume not ?) If a scene executes a http request to localhost / (assume yes ?) .. what else uses it ? now if I send a lot of API calls.. What would people expect to be a resonable number before thresholds are hit (100 per second, 400 per second, 1000 per second ?) ----- assuming the are basic calls, (ie return a sensor state, true-false, return, global variable value,etc What starts to happen to system resources ? ---- Do I start to run out of memory ----- Do I see my CPU utilisation start to peak close to 100% ------ or does the system stay stable and the eveything start to slow down ? Thanks Frank
  7. Hello, I do not know if somebody posted it here. Fibaro, can you add label from virtual device to a condition into block scenes? It could save us many trouble with compare some desired values with label in VDs. I know, i can make it into Global variables, but they are unreliable (mine opinion only), because i think parameter "invokeScenes" is set to false by default. Many times happened to me that scene did not run, even if Global variable had desired value.
  8. Hi everyone I want to start a complaint about the Qubino flush relay's still not supported by Fibaro. Still templates are not available for these modules. I do not know why Fibaro still are not supporting these modules but to my opninion they should starting supporting these by now. Especially keeping in mind all other brands are supported much better. I did sent templates to Fibaro several times. A lot of customer have these units, probably because they support energy metering. So Fibaro, what's goinig on here? Please reply so we have as many as qustumers possible to put some pressure in Fibaro!
  9. Hi, I have 3 FGD212 Dimmers (with Bypass 2) which, from time to time, are turning off the light for no clear reason (no scene to trigger this) and after a couple of minutes turn on back the lights. All three of them are doing this, but not at the same time and not with same frequency. All of them are working with calibrate settings and all were updated from 3.3 to 3.4 firmware. On a couple of cases I noticed some messages related to voltage in log box (between HC2 logo and weather panel), but disappeared quickly. All of them are in the main electrical circuit, so I think that if indeed was a voltage problem all three should turn off at exactly the same time - but this does not happen.. My HC2 have 4.090 firmware. There is an API or something to see historical messages from that log box? Can somebody give me a hint what to look for next? How can I make them stop turning off and on by themselves... Thanks, Andrei
  10. i configured Danalock on HC2 but the notification panel inform that the device without template and it is not response could you please support
  11. Morning all. Having issues trying to re-include a TKB TZ68E to my HC2. I wiped the HC2 without removing any devices first and started the upgrade process from 1.038 to the latest version 4.090. I have now setup my rooms, and almost all of my devices but are having massive issues including these wall plugs. I have 4 of them and none of them will include at all. I have tried the triple clicking of the only button on the front of the plug but just will not include. I have tried holding the button down for 10, 15, 20 seconds and still nothing. Tried plugging it in with the button held down and nothing. :_-( When they were first included to my HC2, is was as simple as putting the HC2 in inclusion mode and turing on the power to the plug and it was included. As this is still thinking it is included to another device (my old HC2 version), it will not include this way. I have been to the TKBHOME website and the instructions are rubbish. Just tells me to "INCUDE" it, GREAT! Any help on this would be massively helpful. Thanks, Hallamnet
  12. I know the HC2 can include gen5 devices, since they themselves are downwards compatible. But can the HC2 itself act as Z-Wave Plus controller and thereby use all new functions introduced with Z-Wave Plus? Will that be possible with a firmware update for the Z-Wave RF module, that's integrated into the HC2?
  13. Hello everyone! I'm trying to figure out a good block scene to help elder people in their bedroom, during night (e.g.: Wake up to go to the bathroom at night). I'm using motion sensor + dimmer modules + door sensor. My concern: not trigger the scene with motion sensor while he/she is moving in bed during sleep time, but only when he/she stands up to go to the bathroom. Any tips?
  14. Hi, i can create a virtual devices for set the value temperature in panels? thanks.
  15. Hi Folks, Looking for some opinions as to whether people think it is a good (or bad) idea to reboot the HC2 each night or each week Thanks -F
  16. Hi there I've connected HC2 to internet and I've monitored the internet data usage of ADSL. Even when no devices connected to internet, HC2 uses 9mb per hour. It is 3GB per month ! I think it is too much. How should I do to reduction ? Thanks
  17. HI, I am implementing an OpenRemote interface and may have come across an issue. All sensors in OR poll constantly according to what has been has been configured A sensor in OR is a way to read back the status of any device. The polling rate for a switch needs to be 1 second so you can see the status has changed when it is clicked. This creates a possible problem Multiply x 100 devices and you get a lot of API calls just to keep OR functional. I have noticed an increasing use of memory since I started implementing OR This surfaces two issues in my mind Do we know how many API calls (per second, per minute) that the HC can hanndle If I am close to the threshold or prove that it is becomming an issue, would a slave HCl alleviate this stress ? Thanks Frank
  18. I finally stumbled with my HC2 and I'm very unhappy at the moment. Now I can finally understand most of the users here on forum why they cry, curse and show discontent. So here is my short story: HC2 with FW 4.080 with installed 255 devices, 49 scenes in 24 rooms. I happily added my first Fibaro swipe and after that decided to make backup just in case. Backup is made but after that I noticed that HC started deleting devices. I wrote down devices ID that appeared in that small event log dialog on the top of the page and when finished compared with my list. At first it looked ok because all deleted devices ID actually was not on the list. But after refreshing 'Your House' page I noticed that some devices are missing. I compared with my list that I made in excel and found out that is missing 55 devices of which most are smart plugs, two of six roller shutters, some of the motion sensors, some of the door/window sensors, all three flood sensors, all three fire sensors, two relay modules. There is no logic in this unfortunate event, at least none that I can see, because deleted sensors and modules are equally near or far from the control center, also many are not battery operated but connected to the power like roller shutters, relays, smart plugs! Before making backup I noticed that my battery operated Vision siren is showing dead and could not wake it up, but I thought that this is because of weak batteries. Is it possible that one dead device can make such damage and delete so many other devices? Some kind of explanation would be nice to know, but nevertheless, this kind of unfortunate event should not happen anyway. Now even if I somehow reconnect deleted devices I will always be afraid to make another backup. And when we loose confidence we all know that there is never happy ending. If there is anyone out there that had same experience and manage to solve it I will be more than thankful if he/she share his/her knowledge here. I don't expect any help or answer from Fibaro because toy makers do not have or need to give support
  19. hi all i have created a basic website that is basically a database of LUA code. Some is simple stuff and others a bit more complex. All of it i have tried to put into alphabetical order. At the moment it contains mostly the code i have used and there is a contact me page so that other members can send me code and i can add to this library. Also on there is a section for Virtual Devices, with download links and links back to the thread on this forum. im hoping that this should make finding LUA code easier and also the VD downloads a bit more accessible. thanks the link is: http://www.yorkshireautomation.co.uk/lua
  20. If I want to learn or delete any z-wave device Access Forbidden Please kindly support I use administration login
  21. Hello the info is quite limited to control Nest from Fibaro HC2. The plugin is pretty useless. I have the Gen 3 stat and there was no 'actions' available so basically couldnt do anything with the plugin. So after doing some reading i came across this thread by mrtn: http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/20367-nest-thermostat-setting-temperature-in-lua/?hl=%2Bnest+%2Bthermostat i modified this to my needs and came up with the following code below. Here is a short youtube demo of it: https://youtu.be/zMqbZRgXUhY I have decided to use just the aesthetics of the thermostat instead of the learning part of it, but all would work just fine regardless. enjoy! --[[ %% properties %% globals temp --]] local param1 = fibaro:getGlobal("temp") -- the variable that has been created local key = "XXXXXXXXXXXX" -- your key from the Maker channel on IFTTT local event = 'temp' -- name of the trigger you created in the Maker channel function PushData(key, event, param1) local httpClient = net.HTTPClient({ timeout = 2000 }); local url = 'https://maker.ifttt.com/trigger/'..event..'/with/key/'..key..'?value1='..param1; --debug url print(url); httpClient:request(url, { success = function(response) if tonumber(response.status) == 200 then print("Updated at " .. os.date()); else print("Error " .. response.status) end end, error = function(err) print('error = ' .. err) end, options = { method = 'GET' } }); end PushData(key, event, param1);
  22. i thought i would share a little VD i made coz i am a bit lazy when it comes to my Sonos. i created some playlists and saved them as .m3u files and each one is about an hour long. i then created a VD to select my speaker and then i sent the playlist path to it, set the initial volume and it just plays it all and turns off. No other input is required. you can pause/unpause and stop if required and adjust volume if needed. This VD requires the krikroff VD and sonos remote to work properly. to make it easier here is a short video : https://youtu.be/s8FPiVFa-gU and the VD is attached. Playlist_Selector.vfib
  23. Hey guys, I have some simple LUA Scenes that simply don't work unless I manually click RUN. Any help would be appreciated. Secondly, this "Goodnight" scene, breifly turns ON the lights, before turning them off??? I also have to manually run it twice before it updates the variable? The all lights OFF scene works perfectly by itself. I have a feeling I'm missing some basic understanding, thank you for your help. Jamie
  24. Could you please support the fibaro motion sensors read 692lux while the room is dark It can detect the motion but it read high light intensity while the room is dark and not responded for changing light intensity
  25. what is Devices polling time interval and how can i calculate it the best value?
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