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  1. I just tried updating my HC2 to the latest release firmware. After an hour, I realized it was looping from verifying image, writing image and back again. I tried the recovery procedure. The recovery and power leds are on. But it is still doing loop the loop. I tried this 3 times. Is there anything I can do to recover ?
  2. We have a strange situation with several RGBW (2) controllers. Customer has around 10 of those modules. Most are RGBW controller, on the latest firmware, and parameter to disable associations is on. 3 of them are RGBW2 controllers. Now, client has several scenes to change the color of the RGBW modules. This works sometimes, but on other moments when the scene is started, the LED get a completely different colour. We had this behavior when client was on HC2, we migrated to HC3 and the same thing happens So, what options do we have?
  3. Hello everyone, I am preparing to deploy the design for a Villa with an area of about 8,000m2 expected to have to connect 8 HC2s together on 1 same interface. please tell me if there is a problem connecting so many HC2s? and other zwave devices with the number of 5,000 to 7,000 devices connected together in 1 Villa, is it stable? Anyone with experience please share with me. I've only ever connected 2 hc2's together with about 500 zwave devices in the past.
  4. Does anyone know if fibaro has any compatible bulbs that you can change the colors with the HC2 GUI (without using LUA)?
  5. Hi Everyone Smart Message Hub v1.2 (SMsgH v1.2) is now available. This release includes fixes tor three bugs that had various impacts and support for international characters. Thanks to @Sankotronic and @szmyk for locating the faults and extra feature for international characters "FIRST TIME USERS" - Please read below and follow the instructions laid out for first time users UPGRADING FROM 1.1b to 1.2 - Please use this Post - if you are a current user and may wish to consider avail of the fixes or extra feature This scene enables a user to send a message from either a scene or a virtual device to a number of notification and TTS services with a startScene call fibaro:startScene(682, {message, target}) -- Using ID of scene fibaro:startScene(SMsgH, {message, target}) -- Using HomeTable reference The scene also enables messages to be re-routed or queued depending on whether the house is set to Away mode, Sleep mode or if internet is not available. (See below for more details) A demo VD {v1.1} is also available to help demonstrate the scene features. SCENE FEATURES Smart Configuration options include the ability to re-route and/or queue all messages under certain conditions. (Internet unavailability , home occupancy mode presentState = Away) Messages with international characters are also supported Notification messages can be redirected to Home Center 2 Popup notification service if the internet is offline or unavailable Notification messages can be queued if the internet is offline or unavailable. All Messages in the queue will be released as one combined message once the internet come s back online. All TTS messages can be redirected to Home Center 2 Popup notification service if the internet is unavailable or offline or if the sonosAPI is offline if this solution is being leveraged All TTS messages can be queued if presentsState = Away. All TTS messages in the queue will be announced once presentsState = Home Simplified the message invocation method to startScene Invoked via startScene(SMsgHid, {message string} (SMsgHid is the id of the SMsgH scene when it is saved to your system ) See below for examples messageHub global no longer required (please delete when you have migrated all your scenes to using 1.1) Added support for sleepState (no TTS messages if set to Sleep) Additional support for HC2 popup notifications Types (Critical, Successs, Info, Warning) Images (use full url) Buttons (represented as a table) - See @Sankotronic [TUTORIAL] on popup notifications to see how to format Added ability to delay unloading of TTS messages by predefined time in seconds Added support for custom language in for TTS and Notify redirects default Popup title and subtitle Minor bug fixing and code cleaning Configuration options also include a default message notification target, title, subtitle and volume but all these can also be specified as part of the message invocation. There are three levels of debug verbosity. In normal mode there is a minimal amount of information displayed as the scene is triggered. The two other modes allow for much more expressive displaying of scene variables as well as configuration settings if enabled deBgVar is enabled in the scene so you can see the interactions- it can be disabled in normal running mode SCENE MESSAGING OPTIONS The supported services in this release include the following (supported in 1.0 & 1.1) Pushover Notifications -------------------------------------------------------> [TUTORIAL] on creating Pushover account and set up allinone ( jompa68 scene) Telegram messages hc2email (Home Center 2 email service) hc2push (Home Center 2 push notification service) hc2popup (Home Center 2 Popup Notification service) -------------------> [TUTORIAL} Popup Noification and Custom Inages Sonos-api based TTS --------------------------------------------------------> [TUTORIAL] Setting up and using Alternative Sonos VD using node-sonos-api Sonos VD Remote based TTS -----------------------------------------------> Discussion on Sonos Remote V1.0.0 beta I have also included a Companion Demo VD. The virtual device will allow the user to demonstrate the scenes queuing/unloading capabilities. CAUTION: The companion VD in demo mode can adjust the presentState and sleepState globals and will cause any other scene you may have with this as a trigger to execute A simplified version of the LAN Monitor VD called the WWWAPI Monitor will monitor just the sonos-api if desired and does not any in-built notification options like the LAN Monitor VD 2.5.Smart Message Hub users should use either the WWWAPI Monitor or LAN Monitor 2.6 Special thanks extended to @Sankotronic @petergebruers, @jompa68 and @szmyk for their contributions leading to 1.2 Once the scene configuration is complete I would recommend running the demonstration virtual device. This will give you a better understanding of the options and features as well providing some sample messages that you can run. Ideas for subsequent revisions are always welcome _f RELEASE CHANGELOG v1.0 - First release (march 4th 2017) v1.1 - Second release (march 17th 2017) v1.2 - Third Release (june 24th 2017) ================================================ FIRST TIME USERS - INSTALLATION & CONFIGURATION ================================================ The code is available in both lua and txt format below Paste code into scene and run - All global variables will be automatically created (Please do not adjust global triggers in scene header) Configure options as required at top of scene (line 100 onwards) Configure enable smart redirects Configure HC2 email settings, HC2 push settings and TTS services Configure default message titles, subtitles and volume Configuration notification settings, tokens, etc Enable/Disable increased debug and config verbosity for troubleshooting MESSAGE INVOCATION This message hub can be called from either a scene or a virtual device using a startScene call. The following is an example Sample invocations are included below Please see the section on Message Invocation lower down in this post of you wish to send messages with international characters local message = "Warning: Utility room freezer temperature is 10 degrees" local target = "hc2popup" local volume = "25" -- (can be left as "" if not TTS message) local title = "new alert title" local subtitle = "new subtitle" local popType = "Critcal" local popImg = "" local popButtons = "" fibaro:startScene(IDofSMsgHscene, {message, target, volume, title, subtitle, popType, popImg, popButtons}) Note: Replace IDofSMsgHscene with HomeTable reference of numerical ID of the SMsgH scene when it is installed on your system You need to include all parameters up to last one you populate. For example, if you want to specify a subtitle, you need to include message, target, volume and title as well. You CANNOT leave out a parameter in the call. Leave as "" if not used/required and default will be invoked. **USER CONFIGURATIONS & SETTINGS** OPTIONS FOR SMART RE-ROUTING OF MESSAGES The following four options can be set to true or false depending on what features you wish to enable. local tts2popup = "true" Set to true to enables re-routing of sonos TTS messages from either the Sonos VD or the sonos-api solution to HC2 notification Popup if the sonos-http-api or Internet is unavailable/offline to your local LAN local tts2queue = "true" Enable to Silence TTS announcement in sleepState, TTS announcements are NOT queued, they are simply discarded local tts2sleep = "true" Enable a Delay before TTS announcements are unloaded (seconds). Leave as "" for no delay local ttsUnloadDelay = "" -- seconds Set to true to enable Sonos TTS messages to queue when presentState = 'Away'. When presentState is set to Home it triggers the scene to automatically unload all the messages in the TTS queue to the default player that has been named in the configuration section local notify2popup = "true" Set to true to enable all notifications to re-route to HC2Popup notifications if the internet is unavailable/offline to your local LAN local notify2queue = "true" Set to true to enable all notifications to queue when presentState= 'Away'. When presentState is set to Home it triggers the scene automatically and unloads the message in the notifications queue to the default notification service that has been named in the configuration section below The scene as provided has all these 4 options set to true and this is the recommended setup if you wish to leverage full functionality and the demo OPTIONS TO MONITOR THE INTERNET STATUS To achieve the most benefit from this scene the internet and sonos-api should be dynamically monitored. Dynamically monitoring the internet will enable messages (TTS and notifications) to be queued while the internet if offline. Queued message can also be sent as hc2 pop notifications on the local LAN. The preferred monitoring option is named here. The example below is setup to use the LAN Monitor VD 2.5 local ipMonitor = "networkTable" There are 3 options available: Select 'manual' if you wish internet and sonos-api to be permanently set to online. Please note that this option does NOT enable queuing of notification messages. Select 'networkTable' to leverage the LAN Monitor VD 2.5, Select 'wwwapiTable' to leverage the new simplified WWWAPI Monitor 1.0 HC2 EMAIL CONFIGURATION hc2emailUsers = {["su"]="2", ["frank"]="1564", ["sylvia"]="1565"} List all users that you want to be able send messages to. The user id's are located from the HC2. Select Configuration, then Access Control to see the current users. HC2 PUSH CONFIGURATION hc2pushUsers = {["DadiPh"]="563", ["MumiPh"]="155", ["DogiPa"]="175"} List all users that you want to be able send push messages to. The mobile devices ID can be found by going to http://<HC_IP>/docs/ and looking under iosDevices section. local defhc2pushUser = "563" -- identify default hc2push user Select a default user from this list and this is used if there is no user specified as part of the message invocation. TTS PREFERENCES Select your TTS preference. If you use the sonos-http-api solution please enter API. If you use the Sonos VD Remote solution please enter REM. local ttsMethod = "API" Default volume for TTS announcements local defTTSvolume = "12" This allows you to select a default volume and this aplies to both the API and REM sonos solutions. This volume can be changed by including a different volume in the message invocation SONOS-API PREFERENCES Configure this section if you have selected API in the above section. APIplayers = {"hallway","kitchen","bed5_office","landing"} List all the sonos players you want to send TTS messages to. The zone/player names must match exactly what is on your sonos native application local defAPIzone = "bed5_office" The default player/zone selected is used to unload the TTS message when presentState = Home. The default player must be included in the overall players list above local APIipaddress = "" local APIport = "5005" The ip address and port are of the device that is hosting the sonos-api local defAPIlanguage = "Amy" The final item here is the language or voice code for the respective TTS service. Thisoculd be something like en-gb for google or Amy for AWS Polly SONOS REMOTE VD PREFERENCES Configure this section if you have selected REM in the above section. REMplayers = { ["kitchen"] = {vd="295", btn="28"}, ["hall"] = {vd="765", btn="27"}, } List all the sonos player virtual devices you want to send TTS messages to. The virtual device id's and process button id’s much match exactly what is on your HC2 for each virtual device. Please note the process button may differ if you have modified the standard virtual device. local defREMvd = "hall" -- Id of player vd for unloading queue The default player/zone is user to unload the TTS message when presentState = Home. This zone must be included in the overall REMplayers table and the name must match exactly. local defREMlanguage = "en-gb" The final item in this section is the language or voice code for the respective TTS service DEFAULT TITLES AND SUBTITLES This scene has default titles and subtitles and these are used if no title or subtitle is included in the message invocation. local defTitle = "Alert Title" local defSubtitle = "Alert Subtitle" Adjust the default titles and subtitles as you require. Note: Subtitles are only used for PopUp Notifications NOTIFICATION SERVICES There is a broad range of notification services available to use. Some are native to the home center and others are third party services provided by external vendors. local defmessageSvc = "pushover" Select the default notification service that you wish to use. This default service will be used if no service is invoked in the message and is also used as the service to unload the queued messages when presentState = Home PUSHOVER CONFIGURATION This service is provided by pushover.org. You will need to register with them and obtain a token and user key. local POtkn = "" local POusr = "" Once registered you will need to select the devices that you wish to send the pushover notifications to. Once they are added to your pushover account you will need to add their details below. Currently there is only one setting for device which means that all messages to pushover will be send to the devices named in this list. Priority can be set at ) like I have below local POdevice = "Dad_Ph, Kit_iPad, Landing iPad" local POpriority = "0" TELEGRAM CONFIGURATION This service is provided by telegram.org. You will need to register with them and obtain a token and a chat ID local TGtoken = "" local TGchatID = "" DEBUG VERBOSITY OPTIONS This allows a number of levels of debug verbosity. There is a minimal amount of debug window responses running in normal mode but these two capabilities allow the user to observe extra information in the debug window when the scene is running. local deBugVar = true -- deBugVar will display the scene variables local deBugCfg = false -- deBugCfg will display the scene configaution that you have set OCCUPANCY/PRESENCE STATE I am also supporting the presentState as it is defined by Sankotronic and others. -- "PresentState" is predefined global value that determines if you are at home -- or away. This variable value is set by other scene or VD. Enter name of your -- global variable between "" if called different or leave as it is local presentState = "PresentState"; -- Enter corresponding values that you use for presence in your language. Change -- the one in quotes or leave as it is local presentStateMapping = {Home="Home", Away="Away"}; HOMETABLE There is also support for the hometable solution. Hometable is a approach to storing all device ID in a global variable. Please Uncomment the following line if you wish to use Hometable data in scene -- local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")); POPUP MESSAGE TYPES Default popup message type, possible values: Success, Info, Warning, Critical. Please define popup message default popup type, button caption and buttons if you wish These defaults can be left as is or modified/translated into your own language local defPopType = "Info" local defPopCaption = "OK" local defPopButton = { { caption = defPopCaption, sceneId = 0 }} Please refer to Sankotronic Tutorial "Popup Notifications and Custom Images" for format and examples POPUP REDIRECT TITLES AND SUBTITLES Please amend the text sent to PopUp Notification when Internet or TTS is offline to your own language if you wish. Both Title and subtitle can be modified local TTSofflineTitle = "Announcement" local TTSofflineSubtitle = "TTS is offline, TTS announcement sent as popup notification" local WWWofflineSubtitle = "Internet is offline, TTS announcement sent as popup notification" SAMPLE MESSAGE INVOCATIONS The message function can be invoked with as little as one parameter or as many as five parameters. The following examples will provide a good understanding. Send message to default notification service, with default titles/subtitles fibaro:startScene(682, {message}) -- Replace 682 with id of your SMsgH v1.1 scene or a hometable reference Send message to specific notification service (The notification service must match exactly what is contained in the notifySve table in the variables section) fibaro:startScene(682, {message, target}) (The hc2user in the message invocation must match exactly what is contained in the hc2emailUsers table in the user configuration section) fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2email"}) - send to superuser fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2email frank"}) - send to user frank fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2email frank su"}) - send to user frank and superuser (The hc2push device in the message invocation must match exactly what is contained in the hc2emailUsers table in the user configuration section) fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2push DadiPhone"}) - send to superuser fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2push MumiPhone SarahiPhone"}) - send to mumphone and sarah phone (The sonos player name in the message invocation must match exactly what is contained in either the APIplayers or REMplayers table in the user configuration section) The target can also specify sonos player or VD id for TTS with options fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "kitchen"}) -send TTS to kitchen, default volume fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hallway", "10"}) -send TTS to kicthen, volume=10 Custom titles and subtitles can also be specified. These will overwrite the default titles and subtitles. Subtitles are only available for HC2 Popup notifications. They can be used with or with a target notification. If the target is omitted it will send to the default notification service that has been named in the configuration section local message = "what ever the message is" fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "", "", "Alert !!", "The wine fridge temp is rising"}) Finally an example of a Message to popup with specified popup type local message = "kitchen window has been breached" fibaro:startScene(682, {message, "hc2popup", "", "Alarm", "House Breach", "Critical"}) MESSAGE WITH INTERNATIONAL CHARACTERS If you want to send message with special characters just use urlencode function: fibaro:startScene(682, {"message", "hc2email", "", "title"}) -- without special chars fibaro:startScene(682, {urlencode("message ąść"), "hc2email", "", "title"}) -- with special chars fibaro:startScene(682, {urlencode("message ąść"), "hc2email", "", urlencode("title ČčĆ抚ĐđŽžáäéè")}) -- with special chars COMPANION DEMONSTRATION VD INSTRUCTIONS (1.1) A number of sample notification and TTS messages can be activated giving the user an understanding of the message invocation format and options Demonstration mode enabled the toggling of 'Internet online/offline', presentState Home/Away, sleepState Sleep/Awake modes. This capability allows the used to observe the queuing and unloading of queued notification messages and TTS messages in action. Import the VD into your home center 2. Review the messages and adjust based on your own implementation of Smart Message Hub Send messages and TTS as required To demonstrate the queuing and unload of queue’s Set demo mode to ON. Send messages and TTS and observe in selected notification services and apps, Set internet to offline, sent messages and observe queuing, Set internet to online, observer unloading of queue. Set presetState to Away, send messages and observe queuing. Set presentState to Home and observe unloading of queue. Set sleepState to Sleep and observe TTS are silenced. For normal operation - set Demo mode to OFF FILES [Smart Message Hub SCENE] SMsgH 1.2.lua (lua file) WWWAPI Monitor Virtual Device [VIRTUAL DEVICE] WWWAPI_Monitor_1.0.vfib Companion Virtual Device [VIRTUAL DEVICE] SMsgH_Demo_1.1.vfib
  6. I have a connection to Tibber for getting energy prices. But I would also like to get data from Tibber Pulse. Prices is collected with REST-API and POST request. Pulse data is collected with web socket and streams. Anyone done this before. Here is a example form python that works: from python_graphql_client import GraphqlClient import asyncio def print_handle(data): print(data["data"]["liveMeasurement"]["timestamp"]+" "+str(data["data"]["liveMeasurement"]["power"])) client = GraphqlClient(endpoint="wss://api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql/subscriptions") query = """ subscription{ liveMeasurement(homeId:"c70dcbe5-4485-4821-933d-a8a86452737b"){ timestamp power } } """ asyncio.run(client.subscribe(query=query, headers={'Authorization': "476c477d8a039529478ebd690d35ddd80e3308ffc49b59c65b142321aee963a4"}, handle=print_handle)) Any helpe appreciated
  7. Hi! The HeatIt Z-Smoke is a combined Smoke/Motion/Temperature detecor. I have just realised that the support for Z-Smoke in HC2 is faulty. Here is what happens: The Z-Smoke motion detector will NOT trigger the Motion Detector device in HC2, but will trigger the Smoke detector device (!): The motion detector device will stay "Unbreached". I have made contact with HeatIt customer support, who has confirmed that this is a known bug and states clearly that this is a Fibaro problem. My previous experience with Fibaro indicates that getting this fixed will be a walk in the desert. Customer support also states that the problem is fixed in HC3. But I am NOT buying a new hub to fix this stupid error. Therefore: Has anyone a LUA workaround for HC2 for this potentially very useful detector?
  8. Hi, My alarm system has finally died , for good this time, the panel was always a little dodgey, but now it's burnt beyond what I can be bothered trying to fix .. Anyway, I'd like to replace the complete alarm system with something I can integrate to a greater or lesser extent with the HC2. I remember someone posting something about a plug in board called .. envision .. i think ? and it might have been a plug in for DAS alarms ? But I can't find anything on that when I search so I've probably got the name wrong. I don't mind running wires, Actually prefer it for an alarm system, and I don't really mind what sort of cost there is if it ticks the right boxes. Although it's not essential, Ideally I'd like to have some secured integration also with gate and door control and also cameras all in one... but that wish list may have just put me into a fixed wired C-Bus or Control-4 system I expect. Does anyone have anything remotely like this that I can start researching ? It's difficult to know where to start as the suppliers of most of the alarm systems around here seem to have little idea about integration. Or to put it another way, what home alarm system do you have and how have you integrated it with your Fibaro system ? Cheers in advance, al.
  9. I messed up some code tags so re-posting... Hi Here is my small tutorial on the alarm system code i use to complement the rfid keypad system. Firstly you need to create an 'ALARM' variable with at least 2 values. one variable will be OFF second variable will be FULL (or whatever name you want to give) you could if you wanted create many more variables for different zone eg i have a 3rd called DOWN you then programme the keypads (or any other scene) to change the variable to the alarm mode you want --[[ %% properties 145 value 146 value 159 value 160 value %% events %% globals --]] local alarm = fibaro:getGlobal("alarm") local kpof = fibaro:getValue(145, 'value') local kpon = fibaro:getValue(146, "value") local bkon = fibaro:getValue(159, "value") local bkof = fibaro:getValue(160, "value") if ( ((kpon == '1') or ( bkon == '1')) and (alarm == 'off') ) then fibaro:setGlobal("alarm", "down") end if ( ((kpon == '1') or (bkon == '1')) and (alarm == 'down') ) then fibaro:setGlobal("alarm", "full") end if ( (bkof == '1') or (kpof == '1') ) then fibaro:setGlobal("alarm", "off") end From above i have 2 keypads. I have put triggers under the properties for both ON and OFF when i press the 'ON' button once it changes the VARIABLE to PART, if i then press again it changes the VARIABLE to FULL. If you wanted you could continue this for more zones but it can get a bit complicated...... Finally if either of the OFF buttons are pressed the VARIABLE is set to OFF. Next part is the actual setting of the alarm.. --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals alarm --]] if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:debug('NO!') fibaro:abort() end fibaro:sleep(12*1000) -- set delay time here mine is 12 seconds local alarm = fibaro:getGlobal("alarm") local downArmIds = {} -- set ID's for DOWN mode local fullArmIds = {} -- set ID's for FULL mode local deviceIds = {} -- leave blank as it will auto fill -- single 'alarm' variable with multiple arguments -- in one place (lists above) if (alarm == 'full') then deviceIds = fullArmIds elseif (alarm == 'down') then deviceIds = downArmIds elseif (alarm == 'off') then fibaro:abort() end local unsafeDevices = {} -- will add unsafe devices to this empty list local statusMessage = "" -- will get changed to push message depending on outcome below -- below loops through all devices to check device values are safe, i.e. '0' -- otherwise adds the devices to unsafe list in preparation for push message local armStatus = 'safe' for i, id in ipairs(deviceIds) do if (fibaro:getValue(id, "value") == '0') then deviceStatus = 'safe' else deviceStatus = 'unsafe' table.insert(unsafeDevices, id) armStatus = 'unsafe' end print("Id: " .. id .. " " .. fibaro:getName(id) .. " is " .. deviceStatus) end print("\nArm status is " .. armStatus) -- if unsafe, then formulates the push message, otherwise sets the device to arm if (armStatus == 'unsafe') then -- loops each device in unsafeDevices list to specify the all the names of device to be -- included in push message for i, id in ipairs(unsafeDevices) do statusMessage = statusMessage .. fibaro:getName(id) .. " ; " end statusMessage = statusMessage .. " unsafe to arm.\nAlarm not set" fibaro:setGlobal("alarm", "off") --[[ Example message... "Front Door; Living Room Motion; Studio Door Lock; unsafe to arm. Alarm not set" ]]-- else -- loops devices to set them to arm status for i, id in ipairs(deviceIds) do fibaro:call(id, "setArmed", "1") end statusMessage = "Alarm set to " .. fibaro:getGlobal("alarm") --[[ Example message... "Alarm set to full" or "Alarm set to part" ]]-- end fibaro:call(319, 'sendPush', statusMessage) -- push message to me change 319 accordingley -- add any other code here that you want to run eg turn lights off or heating off etc print(statusMessage) -- prints in debug window this looks big but you only need to add the device ID's of your FULL mode, DOWN mode and any other message once the alarm has been set. Remember to separate your ID numbers with a comma The code is triggered by a change in the global variable called 'alarm'. This then starts the scene. The time delay gives you time to press again for different modes and also to leave the house and make sure that all sensors become safe. (i have set my motion sensors to show as being safe after 5 secs, the default is around 15 secs). After the time delay it checks which variable is set, then it only checks those sensors to make sure they are all SAFE. If they are SAFE then it proceeds to ARM those sensors and then sends you a push message that the alarm has been set and will run any additional code you have added eg turn off the lights, heating etc If they are UNSAFE then it aborts the arming procedure and sends you a message that 'a named sensor is unsafe to arm', you can then investigate and make sure it is safe before starting again. examples include if a door was left ajar or window is left open etc Next part is the ACTIVATION code: --[[ %% properties 25 value 85 value 95 value 148 value 90 value 171 value 176 value 166 value 32 value 45 value %% events %% globals --]] function activation() local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() --fibaro:debug(trigger) local device = fibaro:getName(trigger['deviceID']) fibaro:debug(device) local subject = 'alarm activated' local message = 'alarm activated ' fibaro:call(2,'sendEmail',subject,message..device) -- ID of user '2' is always admin fibaro:call(319,'sendPush',message..device) -- ID of my phone end local alarm = fibaro:getGlobal("alarm") local downArmIds = {} local fullArmIds = {} local deviceIds = {} if (alarm == 'full') then deviceIds = fullArmIds elseif (alarm == 'down') then deviceIds = downArmIds elseif (alarm == 'off') then fibaro:abort() end for i, id in ipairs(deviceIds) do if ( (fibaro:getValue(id, "value") == '1') and (fibaro:getValue(id, "armed") == '1') and (alarm ~= 'off') ) then activation() -- this is function above fibaro:call(123, "turnOn") -- code for turning siren on fibaro:sleep(10*60*1000) -- 10 min delay change to what you want fibaro:call(123, "turnOff") -- code for turning siren off -- plus any other code you want to add end end firstly you need to enter the ID numbers of all your sensors in the properties section as triggers except the entry zonesalso the fullArmIds and downArmIds need to match the previous arming code except for the entry doors we have a separate entry code to give us a time delayed entry1st block is the function activation(), this basically tells me via push message and email which sensor triggered my alarm2nd block checks to see which mode the alarm is in and therefore will only monitor those specific ID's3rd block will cause the alarm to trigger if our 'armed' devices are breached and run the activation code Entry code is below this as name suggests gives us a defined time to enter property and switch off alarm before it activates: --[[ %% properties 82 value 83 value %% events %% globals --]] local fda = fibaro:getValue(82,'armed') -- front door armed local fdv = fibaro:getValue(82,'value') -- front door value local bda = fibaro:getValue(83,'armed') -- back door armed local bdv = fibaro:getValue(83,'value') -- back door value local alarm = fibaro:getGlobalValue("alarm") function activation() local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() --fibaro:debug(trigger) local device = fibaro:getName(trigger['deviceID']) fibaro:debug(device) local subject = 'alarm activated' local message = 'alarm activated ' fibaro:call(2,'sendEmail',subject,message.. device) fibaro:call(319,'sendPush',message.. device) end if ( ( (fda == '1') and (fdv == '1') and (alarm~='off') ) or ( (bdv == '1') and (bda == '1') and (alarm~='off') ) ) then fibaro:sleep(30*1000) -- 30 sec delay local alarm = fibaro:getGlobalValue("alarm") if (alarm == 'off') then fibaro:abort() else activation() fibaro:call(123, "turnOn") fibaro:sleep(10*60*1000) fibaro:call(123, "turnOff") end end to start with set the ID of your entry zones under properties, and update the ID 82 and 83 with your own. If you have just 1 then delete accordingley and more than 2 then just add the extra as needed the function is same as before the final block checks if the doors have been opened if they are armed and the alarm is NOT set to off it then starts a 30 sec timer. Just amend 30 to whatever time you need. once the timer has counted down it will check the variable again and if you have turned alarm off then code aborted. if alarm not switched off then activation procedure starts just as before and sends push message, email and siren activates for 10 mins. Final part is turning the alarm off --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals alarm --]] local alarm = fibaro:getGlobal("alarm") local deviceIds = {} if ( alarm == 'off' ) then fibaro:call(319, "sendPush", "Alarm Off") -- my phone fibaro:call(123, "turnOff") -- siren -- any other code for i, id in ipairs(deviceIds) do fibaro:call(id, "setArmed", "0") end end fill the deviceIds with the values of ALL YOUR SENSORS - incl entry sensors the trigger for this is the global variable alarm if its in the 'off' setting then it will send me a push message and send an 'off' command to siren (just in case it was activated) it will then go through the sensors 1 by 1 and disarm them all I hope this helps all of you and any questions and feedback and comments please feel free to leave them thanks
  10. Hi everyone, Can someone help me, I am trying to enter my HC2 without success; I need help. The HC2 is connected, the blue lights stop telling me on and connected to my network but the Fibaro Finder cannot find it. Just in case I have also used an "Advanced IP Scanner" program to find it but nothing. I have rebooted, forced to delete all content hoping that something would happen but nothing ... I don't know what else to do since it won't let me in. Anyone who has any idea what I can try ???
  11. The Qubino 3-Phase Smart Meter can operate an external contactor if certains parameters are set - this is a very smart solution for controlling that you can cut power in case of to high current (power) consumption. BUT, The setup method described is based on settng certain parameters in the Smart Meter while included (no 7=3 and no 100=11), then exclude the unit and when included again it will be noticed that there is an output activiated. The problem is that HC2 over writes alla parameters to default while including the unit making the idea off Smart Meter useless Advicew please
  12. I'm not sure how important it is, but I jump into this hole "lastWorkingRoute and neighborList shemas are changed from HC2 to HC3 HC2 /api/devices/id produces JSON wtih following: "lastWorkingRoute": "[1,422,59]" HC3 /api/devices/ID produces a bit changed JSON: "lastWorkingRoute": [1,422,59] What is difference - HC2 gives me string representation of array but HC3 gives me array. For developer perspective this is quite big difference (agree - important only for tech apps) Is there SOMEWHERE some kind of DOCUMENTATION of that kind things, changes, schemas Both HC2 /docs and and HC3 swagger lack several important interfaces like /api/energy and /api/temperature why they are hidden or where to find SOME kind of reference
  13. I have found several topics on HC2 and iTunes. However there were only brief ideas and I did not find any complete, well documented solution. Is there anybody who managed to integrate iTunes running on OS X system and Fibaro HC2 box in the way that VD would be able to control iTunes ? It would be great to have VD with buttoons to play, stop, select playlist, etc. directly from HC2. Any hint is highly appreciated.
  14. Hi! I have a electric meter Aeotec but it shows incorrect data. I consume about 1500kWh a day, but the values that I see are much lower. I put these parameters (2picture) on what I think is a total clamp, but nothing has changed. I tried to make associations for all the clamps, but I can't understand what exactly needs to be noted (3picture).Or should I have set these parameters to all 4 clamps? I will be grateful for all the advice. Thank you!
  15. I am looking to by a z-wave siren which is fully implemented in HC2, with templates for the parameters. Any suggestions? I was initially thinking of the Aeotec Siren 6, but other threads seem to indicate that it is not supported in HC2 (and only for some FW-versions in HC3). What about other sirens? Any good experience to be shared?
  16. Please read the following with the understanding that I have well over 100 z-wave devices, in fact I will soon be approaching and (if all goes well) exceeding 200. If you have a smaller system you may never experience the following, although with some unfortunate parameter settings it's still possible. Also, the issues described below may be resolved with time. Both my HC2 are currently on v4.560. Since not long after I installed my first HC2 I have had an extensive and generally growing list of unresolved issues. Many of which I have posted on this site, many of which I have just kept to myself. For well over 5 years I have considered the system I installed to be broken, not fit for purpose or for mass consumption. Why? Have you experience or are you still experiencing any of the following? - Zwave lags - sometimes you go into a room and the automated lighting turns on in a couple of seconds, sometimes it takes 5 seconds to come on, sometimes 10 seconds, sometimes 60 seconds, sometimes you just don’t wait long enough to find out and manually turn the lights on yourself. Sometimes lights don’t automatically turn off (in the end I wrote a scene to sweep through my lights to keep trying to turn them off each 15 mins) - HC2 freeze – after a number of days my HC2 just freezes up. Nothing I can do other than a hard restart from the 2x HC2 will resolve it or a soft reboot through LUA before the problem happens. Once upon a time I could run an auto reboot scene every 7 days, there was a time I HAD to run it every single day, recently I was rebooting every 3 days - Random behaviour* – sometimes heating relays turn on, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes I have to click 2 or 3 times to get a light to turn on, sometimes once. Sometimes I have to click 2 or 3 times to override automated lighting scene - BUI and MUI – very often do not reflect reality. Light levels and RGBW colours randomly reflect reality correctly to the point where I simple ignored them when it came to light levels and colours - Including/Excluding devices – multiple attempts required to add / delete devices, sometimes taking hours to get a few devices added Random behaviour* Even after applying everything stated below and now (barring random DB crashes) having a relatively stable HC2/system, I still have many devices that do not work as expected e.g. devices do not turn on or off consistently, sometimes requiring many (more than 3) clicks to respond; despite there being no zniffer activity at the point of clicking. In the end I have concluded that because I was adding these devices when my zwave network was in total mayhem (usually more than 40 frames per second of activity when nothing was actually happening in the house), that the devices were not added correctly. I think this assertion is true. I have in many cases found it very difficult to fix. The best resolution has been to: 1. add the device again through inclusion 2. delete the device through exclusion, checking zniffer to make sure the device is actually deleted i.e. no more comms from the nodeid 3. add the device again from scratch, checking zniffer to ensure a new nodeID has been added Why complete step 1, not just 2 and 3? It seems to work better. If I try to just delete the device, in many cases they they just won't delete. Adding the device, even though it's in the interface already seems to do something to stabilise it. Perhaps a "read configuration" or "soft reset" or "hard reset" would also work, however many of these devices I have found seem to be in a bad state, so I have gone for the scalpel approach, cut it out and replace it new. I thought I would share this as it's a new step I have identified to improving my system and it may be something you need to do if you system gets into a bad a place as mine was and you are still adding devices during this period. The good news is that, for now, the fix seems to work. All of the above with a still substantial list of other bugs leaves one to wonder what have I done wrong. It also consumes days, weeks, months, years of checking and rechecking code and config, over and over again and, rebooting the HC2s. Sometimes things get better, sometimes they get worse, sometimes they stay the same, but you're never really sure what you did to change the state of play. How is it that my automated lighting override scene works sometimes but not other times? Did I forget to add this particular switch to the scene? But wait it is working now after the 3rd click. What on earth is going on?!?!?! The short of it is, you end up living in a house where you kind of accept that the system is rubbish, but as so long as (most of the time) there is hot water for showers and baths, the heating works and the lights come automatically it is good enough. I came to the conclusion at the start of this year that I had to leave Fibaro, or at least that I had to leave my 2x HC2 behind. In the process of researching for other options I started talking to @robmac who has all but left his HC2 behind. What a great loss for the Fibaro community. Fortunately after an epic journey into the abyss this story has a good ending and I want to share this good ending with you. Firstly however the credit for this does not go to me. I am just another Guinea pig following advice entirely from the members of this forum. Two people mainly: one that is still fully using Fibaro equipment (thankfully) @petergebruers and of course @robmac. Others along the way have also made great breakthroughs and will be referenced below: So what’s the root cause of all of the issues I summarised above? Zwave traffic, and too much of it. Many times over the years Fibaro Support have logged into my 2x HC2 and every time I get the same comment… wow, you have a lot of traffic. On rare occasions I have been advised to do something with 1 or 2 devices and it usually improved things. Most of the time nothing was forthcoming. So, if you are experiencing any of the stability issues I have mentioned, what can you do about it? Two things: 1. Buy a Zniffer and see what is REALLY happening with your zwave traffic and then address those issues 2. Make config and other updates to your system to reduce traffic Is it possible to do 2 without 1? - Yes, but you will never know for sure if there is still some rogue issue out there Is it hard to get a Zniffer up and running? - Absolutely not. It took me about an hour to get it up and running. Once you realise that the Zniffer captures node id’s and you can find these by looking at the api: http://[HC2 IP ADDRESS]/api/devices. It’s relatively easy to START see what’s happening. To fully understand Zniffer takes more work though. Let’s begin: What I have done to get my system from broken to working? Zniffer 1. I ordered and flashed a UZB3 USB zniffer. Installed the ZWaveProgrammerSetup.msi software on a Windows machine and started sniffing. Thank you to @tinman for posting this: PS: There are many suggestions here that you can do without a Zniffer, however if you choose to not get one then at the end of the day you are making changes without really knowing the impact. At the end of this post I will suggest some other tools that you can use in place of a Zniffer, however be aware that they will not give you the same detail as a Zniffer. You will be limited to what the HC2 exposes through the API which is not the whole picture. Given the size of your system and the size of the issues you are facing you may choose to not get a Zniffer, however if you have a larger system with issues, I would expect that you will want one eventually. Reducing Traffic – Sanity Check Script 2. Some devices by default send a lot of energy and power data updates. With the Zniffer you can check for any devices going absolutely bonkers on the network i.e. frames (the transmissions that make up an action) just keep repeating over and over again rapidly. Now the question is what to do. One path is to diagnose and fix them one by one or else (with or without a Zniffer) you can start by running @petergebruers Sanity Script: This script will tell you (for many devices) sane parameters for reporting energy and power. Personally I have made much more drastic changes to my parameters. In almost all cases I have turned off energy and power reporting, on devices that allow me to do so, as my number one goal is stability. Once I have a stable system I may consider what to turn back on again. Reducing Traffic – Other Bugs/Issues 3. Once you have run the Sanity Script and made necessary parameter updates you can look again at the Zniffer. You may find other issues. I had at least 6 of them. They were Fibaro Double and Single Switch modules where I had turned reporting off. By doing this a bug is exposed where the devices spam the network constantly to the point where my system was dealing with a constant traffic of over 40 frames per second. In the first instance you can set parameters to default to stop it. The issue appears to be with setting certain parameters: - Fibaro Single Switch, as soon as you set parameter 53 = 0 to disable it or 320 to set it to the max enabled value, the reverse spamming begins with what looks like the controller sending single sided 9.6k frames every 1000ms. When I set 53 = 319 the spamming stops! - Fibaro Double Switch: I haven't tested extensively, but by setting parameters 53 and 57 to 319 the spamming stops PS: You need to set the above parameters to 31900 if you are doing this using LUA, else 319 through the interface and to make things interesting I have found 2x Fibaro Single Switched where I can set parameter 53=0 and the spamming doesn't happen. Go figure. If you have a Zniffer you can instantly see the impact of buggy parameter combinations. Without you will need to rely on others sharing their own experience and with some of the tools mentioned at the bottom of this post. Once you have tuned the traffic down, assuming you did have a traffic issue in the first place, then you can move onto other things. I went from 25-45 frames per second down to much less than 1 frame per second now when there is little activity and I haven’t seen anything much above 10 frames per second when there is activity, but I’m still testing so that figure may change. I have been advised by @petergebruers that as a rule of thumb zwave (when using the HC2) can do around 10 commands per second, so think about this when writing your LUA scripts. Please don't confuse the individual frames that you see in Zniffer with a single command. A command will show as two or more frames. Reducing Traffic - Global Polling 4. Given the size of my system I have given up on the idea of global polling. I set every device to “device excluded from polling”. Again, this may not be something you want to do, but for me it is stability above all else and then I can add back functionality one day if I feel l really need it… which I doubt will be the case TBH. There is one exception to this rule: I did keep polling on for important devices which currently are all the relays that control my heating (boiler, radiators, underfloor heating). Polling is set to 5400 to ensure that every 90 mins there is a poll on those devices. Run this code to see what the status of Wakeup and Polling is by device. You will need to run it for each HC2 in your system (if you have more than one), thanks again @petergebruers for sharing this code: What is polling? The HC2 will connect with the device to check things like status and retrieve information such as energy usage, temperatures. This all adds to zwave traffic, but for some critical devices it’s worth the extra traffic. This is an excerpt from Robmac's post on another forum, worth reading in the context of configuring polling: "Reducing polling down to virtually nothing rather than no polling has one small advantage. It provides the network with a self tuning capability. The polling tests the routes and if they are not good and stable the routes slowly improve to the most stable route available. If there is no stable route you will also have regular traffic that shows up in your zniffer with retries/explorer and even application retries. How regularly you poll or how many nodes you poll is your decision. In time I have reduced all of the nodes I poll to a period of 10 days. I have also tweaked the binding in the past so a no polling option is possible and 80% of my nodes were no longer polled with no adverse effects. It was just not required." Reducing Traffic (and increasing personal sanity) - Phantom Association 5. I thought it had gone away, however when I was setting associations on Fibaro RGBW modules recently I saw associations selected on random devices, so I ran this script which I thought Fibaro Support gave me years ago, however if it’s yours @jakub.jezek, thank you for the contribution: If you run this it will reset all associations including those you might want to keep. There is room to improve this script to reset only “phantom” associations across ALL devices by including a list of hardcoded exceptions that should remain. This is something to look into later at which point this scene could be run once a week (for example) in the early hours to keep the system clean of phantom associations until this issue is FINALLY resolved by Fibaro. Update: @petergebruers has confirmed that v27.27 of the Fibaro RGBW firmware really does fix the phantom association issue (with the right parameters set), so please consider this when deciding your personal course of action. Reducing Traffic - Scenes & VDs I have done or am in the process of doing the following. You may want to do something similar. Thanks to @robmacand others for these suggestions: 6. Adding sleeps - Add a fibaro:sleep(x), where x could be ~100 in between each fibaro:call to allow time for each command to be executed; this may help by not creating zwave bottlenecks. I have been advised by @petergebruers that as a rule of thumb zwave (when using the HC2) can do around 10 commands per second, so think about this when writing your LUA scripts. 7. Staggering autostart scenes - Add a staggered fibaro:sleep(x), where x could be ~60000+ with appropriate gaps in-between scenes, to all autostart scenes, so they don’t all collide with each other and add load when the system first starts up. Update: some additional notes from @petergebruers as to why to add the delay on boot "(1) the network is not ready (2) if you ever write a bug that crashes the HC or makes login impossible - you'll thank me for suggesting that delay". If you have a Zniffer you should check to see how long your HC2 scan your devices on startup to inform you as to how long the delay should be. 8. Remove code from the VD Main loop - The VD main loop runs constantly every 3 seconds. Instead move the code to a button (which you will need to add to the VD) and press the button each time you want the code to run 9. Check state before changing state - In LUA always check the state of a device before changing the state of a device - I've been using this one since the beginning. It will help reduce zwave traffic. 10. I am sure there are more out there, please share and I will add to this list.... General Tidy-up & Tips 11. Much can be said for a general tidy up: - Dead Devices - Delete dead devices not used anymore - Firmware - Update firmware on devices; this is something I simply could not do before as my network was in constant turmoil - “Waiting for wakeup and synchronisation” – this is an issue on 1/3 to 1/2 of all my devices. These were introduce in an upgrade along the way and seemingly need to be addressed one by one. The only way I have been able to get rid of this issue is: read config, soft reconfig and then come back to it later if that doesn’t work eventually maybe devices need to be excluded and included again. I am still waiting on Fibaro Support to come back with a solution to this… - Clean Database: Ask Fibaro Support to log into your machine and clean your database - Network Connection Type: A few months ago my HC2 were locking up on a daily and sub-daily basis. I finally figured out what was going one. Despite setting a static ip address on my router for both HC2, in Configuration => Lan settings =>Connection Type was set to: DHCP rather than Static IP. Setting it to Static IP stopped this issue from happening. The Heavy Stuff - Improving your network A huge thank you to the resident zwave gurus @petergebruers and @robmac for all of the information that I am summarising below of which there is always more to learn, but this should give you enough to get you going: Update: Some additional tips from @petergebruers: "Please be warned that you are working with a source routed network", the hops are called "repeaters" because they are "NOT routers" and when thinking about how the zwave mesh network works, you should forget everything they know about IP routing. 12. Understanding Zniffer a little better I have been advised by @robmacto not focus too much on routing. Zwave routing can be weird. Routing transmissions look like this in zniffer (103)-21-114>1, where 103 is the source device and 1 is the destination controller, with 21 and 114 being the routing devices) and consider what can be done with these. Is it possible to move the device 103? Can you move the device antenna (if it has one)? In my opinion (putting routing/repeating aside) you should however try to resolve explorer frames and single sided messages that keep repeating on the network. So what types of issues you can detect with Zniffer? I mentioned some above, if you are seeing the following then you know which devices to target: a. Explorer frames – This happens when all else fails and a device cannot be reached and caused a lot of zwave traffic whilst the controller is trying to find the device. You need to consider things like the device locations, the direction it’s antenna is facing (if it has an external one), can it be moved, can your HC2 be moved closer, can another device be put in between to improve connectivity. b. Single sided 9.6k – This was happening when I had buggy parameter settings on Fibaro Switches that were spamming the network. You see them as the blue records at 9.6k below. Good communication happens at 40k for the 300 series controller which is what we have in the HC2. c. Traffic overload: You may spot devices that just keep sending and receiving frames. Consider the parameters for these devices, is it just lots of energy and power reports, if so, do you need this frequency of reporting? And also check for the type of error message to come to a solution for dealing with this type of issue. Some quick tips on reading Zniffer output: - Src = source node, where 1 = HC2 - Dst = destination node - Home = you will only see one if you only have 1x HC2 - Speed = with the HC2 you will see either 9.6k or 40k as the HC2 cannot do anything faster, however the Zniffer will also report 100k (you will see 100k between Z-Wave Plus (aka ZW5) devices) with the right hardware (controller and device) and even 200k is possible. - RSSI = “Received Signal Strength Indicator,” is a measurement of how well your device can hear a signal There is a world to learn about with a Zniffer. I do not intend this to be a tutorial on using it. So far, the issues I have spotted have been easy to find as I have been looking for devices that are sending too many frames in a short time period. There is a much deeper world to explore for the inquisitive mind. You will most likely see CRC_ERRORs in the Zniffer output. The current consensus as shared by @petergebruers is that this is more to do with the location of your zniffer i.e. it is too far away from the device that the signal has come from and the Zniffer is reporting a CRC_ERROR. Until further notice it can be assumed to be something you can ignore. 13. Mesh Rebuild – Although it may be a painful thing to hear, it may be better to rebuild the mesh one device at a time starting with the major issues identified. FYI, I don’t plan to perform a complete mesh rebuild ever again. To do a mesh rebuild for just one device go to (Configuration => Z-Wave network => Mesh network re-configuration => select the individual device). If you are watching Zniffer you will soon see the mesh rebuild start and see what happens when a mesh rebuild occurs. You’ll learn something new just by watching Hint: I have seen two different types of process so far to date. So far I have only rebuilt the mesh manually on about 12-15 devices and the system is running infinitely better. I'm not sure you have to rebuild every device manually. I'd be interested to hear people's feedback in this one. Helpful updates from @petergebruers: 1. a tip of building a good mesh network, when starting from scratch, "strategically place your newest, fastest, mains operated devices that are NOT in secure mode and that won't be reporting a lot and won't be turned on/off a lot, FIRST" 2. You may have issues getting a mesh update to work, here are some possible explanations: - device is out of reach - it is sleeping - if you get "failed" the network might be busy or unstable - Even on a 100% OK network it can fail. Cannot tell much about it. It is not limited to the HC2, eg OpenZWave has that issue too 14. Relocating your HC2 - Sometimes just relocating your HC2 to a more central location can reduce the number of hops. My master HC2 in its current location has over 80% direct communication with the controller. My slave has only about 45% direct, so that’s where my focus is now. You may have to do a targeted mesh rebuild if the HC2 is moved a significant distance. 15. Moving Device Antenna – it has been reported by @robmacthat by just moving the antenna on a device it has improved communication. You can try doing this to see what happens and then do a mesh rebuild for that device. Also make sure you HC2 antenna is screwed on well to the controller. 16. Moving the Device – if you have the luxury, try moving the individual device and rebuilding the mesh network for that device Update from @petergebruers "yes and maybe [move] the devices around it or make educated guesses based on Zniffer. The controller might have better routes for other devices after this but those other devices do not get updated unless you do mesh update" 17. Adding a repeater - You can add a repeater in between the controller and the device and then complete a mesh rebuild to see if that improves communication eg resolves routing errors Z-Wave Rule of Thumb by @petergebruers "My Z-Wave rules of thumb: less than 5 modules, sometimes issues because not enough devices to cover all areas. Between 5 and 20...almost never issues. Between 20 and 50... sometimes trouble. Between 50 and 100 devices real "weirdness" starts and communication gets "fragile". Above 100 make sure you have the tools to diagnose network issues (ie Zniffer, you can make one yourself) or get in touch with a good certified installer to support you (I am and end user, not an installer). Know about CPU and memory usage. Follow this forum. I have participated in many topics regarding "delays" and it is never easy..." Tools to use if you don’t have a Zniffer Following are some suggestions of tools to use if you don't have a Zniffer. Z-Wave monitor helped me at the start of this year to get my system to "just" work from completely broken/unmanageable performance. Z-Wave Monitor, thanks @cag014 Z-Wave Analyser, thanks @cag014 I have used these tools and they helped me when I really needed it. They may help you. But please be aware that they are not a substitute for a Zniffer. Useful Links If you have connectivity issues with your HC2 you can check status using this: http://[HC2 IP ADDRESS]/services/system/servicesStatus.php Or run this scene from @petergebruers to get a dump of node id to master and slave device ids on your controller: If you want to find out details on devices including node id to device id mapping for when using the Zniffer: http://[HC2 IP ADDRESS]/api/devices Finally, I’ll aim to update this post with feedback plus additional detail that I learn along the way and apologies in advance if i've misstated something technical. I'm still learning myself.
  17. I have a in wall toggle switch that i connected to my HC2 (latest version). it has been working great until now. The device will be working and then becomes "dead" "communication problem". if i awake the dead node and press turn off/on it says "transfer OK" and turns on/off the light. it stays this way for a while then goes dead again. Distance should not be an issue as it is about 10 feet from HC2. all other devices and scenes are working. I do not understand why this device keeps going dead even though it can still receive a command. Can someone help me understand what is happening and/or have a solution?
  18. Hello All, I am looking for some help to create a virtual device for a epson projector that utilizes the PJLink protocol. that way it could be used for a lot of different projectors. I am a newbie and have little experience with coding, Any help would be gtreatly appreciated.
  19. I have a smart switch 6 made by AEOTEC. It took several attempts to add it correctly in HC2. Once it did it added the switch and a Volt and Amp meter. The Amp and Volts work just fine but switching the switch on and off does nothing. to turn it on and off I have to press the action button on the switch. even if I do that the status does not change on HC2. Can someone explain what is wrong? Fibaro bug? I know there has been some issues in the latest versions with parameters but I don't see why it would cause this issue. *Note when I added it on my first several attempts it would say not configured but. was able to turn the device on and off successfully (so I know it does work). this did the same thing on 4.540 and 4.541 beta.
  20. Hi I have to understand the Quick app HC2 code to make the same app to HC3. This Quick App control Multiroom AMCP MR4.50-XT - 4 Zones with Itach RS232 Serial Interface. I do not understand where in the LUA Code call function like above: local ID_VD = fibaro:getSelfId() fibaro:call(ID_VD, "pressButton", "6") fibaro:sleep(600) fibaro:call(ID_VD, "pressButton", "16") fibaro:sleep(600) fibaro:call(ID_VD, "pressButton", "26") fibaro:sleep(600) fibaro:call(ID_VD, "pressButton", "36") fibaro:sleep(300) Where I need to looking for some information about this code? MULTIROOM.vfib
  21. Version 1.0.0


    v 1.1 22/05/2021 This scene polls if a Shelly Vintage bulb is online and sets its state. The default state is "opposite" which is converted to legal values "on" or "off". When state is a numeric value it is interpreted as brightness setting. Also, this scene can be called from another scene as fibaro:startScene(number_of_this_scene,{ip_number,a_state_as_described_above}); Things are complicated by the asynchronous character of the http call. With many thanks to jgab for the solution to this challenge. There is now also a VD based on this lua.
  22. ISSUE 1 My Fibaro HC2 no longer has a Serial Number displayed in Recovery Mode, Configuration Tab and in the Fibaro Finder Home Center app. Obviously I know what it is, as its on the label underneath, but is there anyway I can re-enter it? - Step by Step if possible??? Perhaps that's why its not getting detected in the cloud for remote access too...? ISSUE 2 EVERY time I attempt to update the software from v4.180 to v4.530, I get the same 503 Error at the end and if I click Refresh, the error re-appears. If I choose Restart Services, it reboots the HC2 and does not complete the upgrade, still on the same version 4.180. It appears to be stuck in a Loop!! Any suggestions?? So frustrating....
  23. Hi, I'm working on a Home Center 2. With all Qubino modules sofar (flush dimmer, Shutter DC, relay 2 and relay 1) there is an error that there is no template available. For Fibaro sensor and dim modules, it works fine. How do I get the correct templates in the Home Center and where can I find them? Thanks! Willem-Jan
  24. Version 1.0.0


    This VD is a interface to the ping_shelly.lua which can also be found here. The IP-address needs to be configured as shown in the image. The port value ("109") is used/misused to set the number of the lua script in your HC2 ("_lua"). As example here the code for the "on" button: local _self=fibaro:getSelfId() local _addr=fibaro:getValue(_self,"IPAddress") local _lua=fibaro:getValue(_self,\"TCPPort\") fibaro:startScene(_lua,{_addr,"on"}) fibaro:sleep(1000) fibaro:startScene(_lua,{_addr}) fibaro:sleep(1000) local _slider = tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("S" .. string.gsub(_addr,"%.","_"))) if (_slider <= 0) then _slider=10 fibaro:startScene(_lua,{_addr,_slider}) end fibaro:call(_self,"setProperty","ui.brightness.value",_slider)
  25. Some of my devices are randomly becoming dead nodes and will not communicate. I have tried reconfiguring the z-wave network for neighbors but no luck. Any suggestions? I am on HC2 running the latest software update (it happened before I updated to the latest update)
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