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  1. Witam, Posiadam w swoim domu wiele podwujnych wlacznikow ze sprzezynkami (bistabilnych) do sterowania swiatlem i chcialbym przypisac im dodatkowe funkcje sterowania innym oswietleniem. Do tego celu chcialem uzyc urzadzenia o nazwie Pilot, ktory dodal sie wraz z dodaniem Double Switch 2. Na tym urzadzeniu sa w prosty sposob do ustawienia reguly reakcji przy 2x wcisnieciu klawisza, 3 krotnym itd. Poniewaz jednokrotne wcisniesie S1 czy S2 wlacza lub wylacza swiatlo podlaczone bezposrednio to przelacznika, to oczywistym jest, ze chcialem skorzystac z funkcji podwujnego klikniecia do wywolania dodatkowej reakcji. Mimo uaktywnienia podwujnego klikniecia w opcji zaawansowanych, oraz poprawnych ustawien dzialania przelacznika jako bistabilny, guzik wyzwaja reakcje ustawiona jako 2 krotne wcisniecie juz przy pojedynczym wcisnieciu. Probowalem wszystkich kombinacji, probowalem asocjacji ktora miala by wyzwalac dodatkowe oswietlenie ale nie przy jednokrotnym wcisnieciu i nic... Gdzie robie blad? Przy okazji dodam, ze mam zamiar skonfigurowac 2 ktotne wcisniecie klawiasza do uruchmienia swiatla LED Philips HUE. (oczywiscie probowalem ustawien tej funcji na oswietleniu podlaczonego do innego przekaznika Double Switch 2 zeby nie bylo ze w HUE jest problem). Niestety system w przypadku checi dodania reguly reakcji przy 2x wcisnieciu klawisza nie widzi urzadzen z pluginow, wiec dodalem urzadzenie wirtualne ale ono tez nie jest widoczne, wiec dodalem urzadzenie recznie jako scene i w niej wpisalem polecenie uruchomienia z kodem fibaro:call(137, "turnOn") ktora to scena dziala przy recznym wywolaniu ale nie dziala wogole przy dodaniu funkcji w klawiszu przelacznika na scianie. Dziekuje z gory za pomoc i przepraszam jezeli rozwiazanie jest blache i wynika z mojej nie wiedzy.
  2. Hi all, Got home this evening to find I couldn't connect to the HC2 with the Fibaro app on my mobile. I then tried connecting on the laptop which didn't work also. While testing a new ethernet cable I noticed the network activity LEDs front and rear on the HC2 would turn off everytime I tried to load the UI. Anybody else experienced this? Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi everybody, Can I have Master-Slave Gateway-Connection between two Home center with different frequencies? Like have a US and a EU versions at same home? Best Regards to all
  4. Hi there, I´m speaking for many users who bought the HCL on an early stage and now there is a need to switch to the HC2. I cannot understand why Fibaro is not working on a supported way to migrate de HCL. They would sell a lot of HC2, because so many people are waiting and nobody wants to start from scratch, especially when you have a lot of relais.... There should be an Fibaro-Supported Thread in this Forum. @fibaro what do you think?
  5. Stoję przed wyborem systemu do swojego mieszkania i proszę o pomoc w podjęciu decyzji. W chwili obecnej chce sprawdzić jak działa w ogóle Fibaro w moim mieszkaniu a następnie przenieść to do domu. W mieszkaniu nie będę stosował rozbudowach rozwiązań tylko zwykle włączniki, kamera ip, czujniki drzwi itp. Moje pytanie brzmi: 1. Czy wybrać HC2 czy Lite? Jakie są różnice? 2. Który system daje więcej możliwości, jest bardziej przyszłościowy i jak jest rozwijany HomeKit czy Z-Wave? Dziękuje za podpowiedź!
  6. Hi all, Has anybody tried replacing their HC2's motherboard for a like for like? If so, was it successful? Cheers, Rich
  7. it's possible to integrate HC2 with an ip-camera by specifying URL:s for the video stream and controlling it with left/right/up/down URL:s etc. This is one-way communication from HC2 to the camera. Now, some cameras can be armed/disarmed, which means that it will start to record when it detects motion. The idea is that this should trigger an alarm in HC2. My idea is to have a scene which can arm/disarm the camera and then, when the camera detects motions it should trigger a scene in HC2. Has anyone figured out how to trigger a scene in HC2 when the camera detects motion? Is there any kind of support for this? Also, is it possible to arm/disarm your camera through HC2?
  8. Despite some challenges for some HC2 and HCL owners, there must be some stable HC2 / HCL too What is your uptime ?
  9. So I have two houses with a hc2 in both. I also have a set of Google home minis in both houses. However I'm only able to use voice to control one of the houses and the devices from the other house is not visible in the Google home app. I can add the devices from the other house by talking to fibaro and after listing devices choose the hc2 from the other house, but of course then the devices from the other house disappear from the Google home app... I don't know if this is for Google to fix or if Fibaro can list all devices for both hc2's. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem is appreciated.
  10. After configuring a new house using the HC2, I have a few frustrations related to the inclusion process for new devices (Add Device): When assigning a device to a room, it would be nice to be able to assign the main device only, and have all the sub-devices/slaves follow. Having to do the room assignment on each one is time consuming (in one of my cases, a Z-TRM2 thermostat, there are 11 sub-devices per unit!). Is there a smarter way? When I check "NWI" in the Add Device panel, or make any other change to the three inclusion options, the "Save warning" (an exclamation mark) appears to the right. The save button does nothing, however, and there is no other save possibility. When inclusion is complete, any attempt to exit gives a warning that a "save" is missing and that data may be lost. I think there is a bug in this particular panel. Either the warning is unneeded, or the save button should be activated to store the choice of options. Have I missed something? Why is there a button in the Advanced section to "download template", when there is no way to install what I download? I know the procedure is to forward the template to Fibaro Support (and keep expectations low for any follow-up), but it seems strange to handle this inside the configuration panel when the template cannot be configured by the user.
  11. Hi. I can't get YR to find my destination automaticly, and i suppose that is the reason why i have no weatherdata from yr plugin. My Home Center top menu looks like this: Anyone?
  12. I've got the IDLock working normally for some time, then decided to install the Z-Wave module to integrate it to my HC2. The device is recognized, but there's no template, and limited functionality should be expected. However, the lock doesn't respond at all to any attempt to lock or unlock. Any ideas? And Hopefully Fibaro will provide a template for this module some time soon. Thomas
  13. Hi All, We recently purchased a Roomba 690 (with built in WiFi) and I went with the iRobot brand specifically as its listed on the home page of the Fibaro website as a one of the device thats compatible with the Fibaro system. https://www.shopirobot.com.au/roomba-robot-vacuum-cleaner/roomba690-robot-vacuum-cleaner.html I've been through the available Add-ons on my HC2 as well as searching both these forums and the internet with no answers. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks, Mist
  14. Czytam forum i obawiam się że nie możliwości tranferu danych (migracji) z HCL do HC2, ale może nie mogę znaleźć? Robienie wszystkiego od nowa to 2 dni roboty!
  15. This is my first topic in a series of post I'm going to write about the advanced LUA scenes I wrote for my home automation project. My goal is not flipping a light scene with a phone but for 90% autonome home automation. Besides posting LUA code I give you more insight why I came to this routine. It may help you with designing your own automation routines. Disclaimer: I am not a professional programmer and I post the scenes as is. I have no time to make the LUA scenes generic like other great members do on this forum. I just post my LUA code to share knowlegde and inspire you to create awesome things! Advanced home wake-up routine with Philips Hue and HC2 Applies to: Fibaro Home Center 2 and Philips HUE bridge. GOALS Use my Philips Hue led strips as a wake-up light. Use 1 app to schedule the whole home wake-up routine. Start the morning routine when walking downstairs (check motion). Turn on the lights only when it’s dark (read lux). In our bedroom we integrated a Philips Hue lightstrip in the ceiling and use this with the Philips Hue app as a wake-up light. It beautifully fakes a sunrise in our whole room. As we use the Hue app to set our wake-up alarm I use this app to trigger the Home Center to run a wake-up routine for the rest of the house. TL;DR Set recurring wake-up schedule in the Philips Hue app. Home Center LUA scene 1 reads schedules at 04:00 with the keyword Wake in it. If schedule is set for today and motion is detected at the hallway after the scheduled time (scene 2), run wake-up routine. HOW I IMPLEMENTED IT IN WORDS Reading Hue schedules from the bridge cannot be done with the Fibaro Hue plug-in. Therefore I wrote a LUA scene to read the Hue schedules from the Hue bridge and run the wake-up routine at the schedules wake-up time. I achieved this with 2 LUA scenes: Scene 1 runs every minute and polls the Hue bridge schedules at 04:00. If a wake-up is scheduled for today write the wake-up times to a global variable. Every minute it checks if there is a wake-up planned by reading the same global variable and if so it sets the WakeUpReady global variable to 1. Scene 2 runs when motion detected by a Fibaro Motion Sensor. If it detects motion it checks if the global variable WakeUpReady is set to 1 and runs the wake-up routine. SCENE 1 EXPLAINED You can download the full LUA scenes at the bottom of this post. I only describe snippets of my code to make you understand what it does and show the challenges I ran into. TAG YOUR HUE SCHEDULE WITH A WAKE-UP STRING IN IT! To know which schedules are used for wake-up I set all those schedules with the Wake keyword in it. Like Wake-up weekday’s and Wake-up weekends. In the LUA scene I find these schedules with the code: if name:find('Wake') and status == 'enabled' then ... end RECURRING DAY’S ARE SAVED AS A BITMASK IN THE HUE BRIDGE The Hue API states: The Hue bridge saves the recurring day’s as a bitmask. You have to convert this bitmask to weekday’s. So you can check if the alarm is set for today. The first step is to convert decimal to a binary. I did this with the folowing LUA function: function bin(dec) local result = "" repeat local divres = dec / 2 local int, frac = math.modf(divres) dec = int result = math.ceil(frac) .. result until dec == 0 local StrNumber StrNumber = string.format(result, "s") local nbZero nbZero = 8 - string.len(StrNumber) local Sresult Sresult = string.rep("0", nbZero)..StrNumber return Sresult end Then I have a binary representation of the scheduled weekday’s. For example: mo tu we th fr sa su 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 You see the alarm is set for monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday and saturday. With this I can determine if the alarm is set for today: if name:find('Wake') and status == 'enabled' then local huedays, huetime = string.match(timepattern, 'W(.*)/T(.*)') -- Hue starts at monday, LUA starts at sunday, so I have to fix this. local dayofweek = os.date("*t").wday-1 if dayofweek == 0 then dayofweek = 7 end local scheduleddays = bin(huedays) -- dayofweek+1 because a week is 7 days and binary is 8 digits, so -- a have a pre 0 local waketoday = string.sub(scheduleddays, dayofweek+1, dayofweek+1) if waketoday == '1' then wakeUpAlarms = wakeUpAlarms .. huetime:sub(1, -4) .. '|' end ... end WRITE WAKE-UP TIME TO GLOBAL VARIABLE If there is an alarm schedule for today write it to a global variable for later use: if wakeUpAlarms ~= '' then fibaro:setGlobal("WakeUpTime", wakeUpAlarms:sub(1, -2)) -- remove last | else -- If no schedules are set, write disabled to the global variable. fibaro:setGlobal("WakeUpTime", "disabled") end SET WAKEUPREADY GLOBAL VARIABLE FOR MOTION SENSOR LUA SCENE The LUA scene runs every minute using the code: setTimeout(tempFunc, 60*1000) At 04:00 it checks the schedules in the Hue bridge, but every minute it checks the WakeUpTime global variable to set the wakeupReady global variable to 1. This variable triggers the second LUA scene used by the motion sensor. local wakeupTime = fibaro:getGlobal("WakeUpTime") if wakeupTime ~= "disabled" then local waketimes = {} for match in (wakeupTime..'|'):gmatch("(.-)"..'|') do table.insert(waketimes, match); end for k, v in pairs(waketimes) do if os.date("%H:%M") == v then fibaro:setGlobal("WakeUpReady", 1) fibaro:debug("It's wake-up time! Set motion detector ready!") end end end SCENE 2 EXPLAINED (MOTION SENSOR PART) With scene 1 I created a global variable setting to determine if the wake-up routine must run. Now I create a second scene to act if there is motion in our hallway. CHECK FOR MOTION AND IF ALARM IS NOT ARMED First I want to check if there is motion and if the alarm is not armed with the line: if tonumber(fibaro:getValue(158, "value")) > 0 and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(158, "armed")) == 0 then ... RUN WAKE-UP ROUTINE ONLY IF IT’S DARK OUTSIDE The Philips Hue wake-up schedule runs always because our bedroom had curtains and the room is always dark. Downstairs I only want to run the wake-up routine when it’s dark outside. The wakeupReady global variable check’s if the routine needs to run when there is motion (set with scene 1). The line below gets the current lux reading from the Fibaro motion sensor: fibaro:getValue(160, "value") If the illuminance is below 20 I want to turn on my lights. if wakeupReady == "1" then fibaro:setGlobal("WakeUpReady", 0) -- Disable trigger for current wake-up time. -- check lux local currentLux = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(160, "value")) -- id 160 is sensors light device. -- If it's dark then start wake-up routine if currentLux < 20 then fibaro:debug("Illuminance measuring " .. currentLux .. " lx, starting wake-up routine.") fibaro:call(44, "setValue", "8") -- Spots keuken (8%) fibaro:call(29, "setValue", "5") -- Tafel eethoek (5%) fibaro:call(106 , "turnOn") -- Bolles (aan) fibaro:call(118 , "turnOn") -- Spot voordeur (aan) fibaro:call(156, "sendPush", "Started wake-up routine. Debug: " .. currentLux .. " lx") else fibaro:debug("Illuminance measuring " .. currentLux .. " lx, do nothing.") end ... DOWNLOAD MY SCENES COMPLETE LUA CODE You can download the full LUA scene code from GitHub: Scene 1: Wakeup.lua Scene 2: MotionRoutine1.lua You have to change the device id’s from my motion sensors in this scene to your own id’s! And don't forget to set the scenes to run automatic in the Fibaro Home Center 2
  16. Hey guys, Has as anyone tried using any of the Samsung smarththings devices directly with fibaro hc2? if anyone could give any feedback as to what works well and what does not, that would be great!
  17. Hi all, after a lot of time, finally I was able to complete a guide to send push notifications from HC2 when Power Outage occurs without using expensive tools or complicated configuration. You need only an android device that need to be always plugged in to the electricity. Hope this is useful, I'm available if you need more information regards, Leo Step-by-Step Guide for HC2 notification on Power Outage.pdf
  18. I'm completely new to scene creator's, and i Wonder if someone could help me out With a start... I would be happy if someone could post me some examples of Block scenes for: A wall plug turning off after a period of time, and then send SMS/push Notification to a cell phone.... Door changes status from locked to open - turn one/several lights on and send SMS/push Notification to cell phone This would be a start for me
  19. Fibaro, can you please add a diagnostics screen to the HC2? This should include: - Node information (type and capabilities) - Node connections (mesh overview) Examples: LinuxMCE Domoticz EPIsensors - Node wireless strength (including transmit errors) - etc.
  20. A minor irritation in the HomeCenter2 browser interface is that whenever I switch from one device to another, the dark screen flashes white for a split second before opening the new screen. This abrupt change from near black to pure white is hard on the eyes. Is there any way for you to suppress the white flash between HC2 page displays?
  21. Hello! I am trying to make a scene in LUA where I can dim my Hue bulbs. I have a Sunricher 4ch switch, which I have created scenes for turnOn and turnOff Hue bulbs, and it works nicely, as in the picture below: I want to make a new scene, where the button´s HELD DOWN function should utilize dimming of the Hue bulb. I have tested some commands from the Hue Developer API, and found out that if I "PUT" the below command to the Hue-bulb, it increases the saturation with 1 for each time I press "PUT". Is it possible to make a repeat loop / while loop or similar that sends this command? I know this is not the LUA API, it is in the REST API. I can not quite see how to send similar commands in LUA, unless there is a way to make a repeat loop that takes the saturation value and adds "1" e.g. each 10 millisecond while the switch is in HELD DOWN state?
  22. When do I use the following code in lua:? tcpSocket:disconnect(); i some sample code it has been added to the sample in others not. example: -- Volume 40dB -- tcpSocket:write("MV40".."\r") fibaro:sleep(500); result, err = tcpSocket:read(); tcpSocket:disconnect(); if (err == 0) then fibaro:log("transfer OK"); fibaro:debug("transfer OK"); else fibaro:log("transfer failed"); fibaro:debug("transfer failed"); end ------------------------------------ -- HERE its not been used -- tcpSocket:write(string.char(0x53, 0x49, 0x49, 0x52, 0x41, 0x44, 0x49, 0x4f, 0x0d)); fibaro:sleep(1000); result, err = tcpSocket:read(); if (err == 0) then fibaro:log("Transfer OK: Internet Radio"); else fibaro:log("Transfer failed: extra check"); -- check source: needs 2 times... otherwise still failed... tcpSocket:write(string.char(0x53, 0x49, 0x3f, 0x0d)); fibaro:sleep(500); result, err = tcpSocket:read(); tcpSocket:write(string.char(0x53, 0x49, 0x3f, 0x0d)); fibaro:sleep(500); result, err = tcpSocket:read(); if (err == 0) then if ( trim(string.sub(result, 1, string.len(result)-9)) == 'SIIRADIO' ) then fibaro:log("Transfer OK: Internet Radio"); else fibaro:log("Transfer failed"); end else fibaro:log("Transfer failed"); end end
  23. Hi community, Perhaps you can help me understand how (if) to connect two houses that each has a HC2 and have them connected to my Google Home Mini for voice control. Setup I have two houses, in each house I have a HC2 that are linked to my Fibaro Cloud account. I can access them both remotely and everything is working fine through the app on my phone and as well as from computers. In each house I also have a Google Home Mini, that are configured to talk Swedish AND English. I live in Sweden should I say as well. Problem I've managed to link my Fibaro account to the Google Home app on my phone but only the devices in ONE of the houses are SEEN and can be controlled trough Google Home or Assistant. I've done multiple unlinking and re-linking as well. Both HC2's are on 4.510 I can switch to English and say "talk to Fibaro" and it lists both devices and I can control them from there. But through the Google Interface only the devices in one of the houses are seen - if you follow me here Any guidance or ideas to test would be highly appreciated! Have a good Saturday out there!
  24. hello i have 2 yale conexis L1 locks and the z-wave module to go with it. Back in June the modules included into my system with no issues whatsoever and i can now use fibaro to lock and unlock the doors and in scenes etc. However my sister decided to get this lock aswell and we tried to include the module but it is not including at all!!! the firmware version was 4.134 beta and i updated to 4.136 beta and still i get the same response, no inclusion at all. the timer on the fibaro just times out... i have tried to include using the 'LOCK' include and also tried to include in the usual 'ADD DEVICES' method and checking the box to add in secure mode and no response. does anyone else experience this issue? My system is currently on 4.134 and the modules are still working properly. thanks
  25. Can someone help me. I have been thinking about how the logic would work and cannot come up with the correct Lua code to make this work correctly. Goal: want the door to unlock when I arrive at home and lock when I leave and send a message (push, email etc..) every time. but if I am home/not home I don't want it to keep locking/unlocking and sending me a message *I already have fibaro looking for my phone to see if I'm present. a global variable keeps a number count present =1 not present = 0 so the logic I came up with is like this: Check Present=0 then lock door and send message check present =0 (still not at home) do nothing check present = 1 unlock door and send message check present = 1 (still at home) do nothing etc... let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
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