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  1. In my HC2 v4.130 I see the Heating Panel where zones can be created and rooms attached to each zone that will control times and temperature. My question is what does this panel actually control as I can see nowhere to link devices? I have fibaro multisensors that show temperature in each room and was thinking of a relay module to control the boiler but do not understand how to associate these devices to the Heating Panel. I do not want to write pages of LUA as surely the Heating Panel is there to avoid this? Any advice welcome.
  2. By making a scene, how to set a variable after the HC2 has been restarted? With other words, how does the system HC2 know when it has been restarted.... as after this I want to set a variable Restart_HC2 > RUNNING or RESTART Any ideas? I would to run a scene to set some variables after Restart of the HC2
  3. I have a scene that is suppposed to check a variable called "Snow" at Monday through Friday at 5 am and 3 pm and weekends at 7 pm and 3 pm. If Snow = "Yes", a scene is activated, turning on my outdoors heating mats for 2 hours (and at the same time resetting Snow = "No"). My thinking is to limit the use of expensive snow melting electricity to max 2 + 2 = 4 hours / 24 hours The problem with the code below is that the scene triggers with variable Snow = "Yes" also outside the stated hours. What is it I am not getting right here ? I thought the AND operator had hierarchial priority over OR and that the code below would turn on the heater if the variable Snow = "Yes" AND the time is 5 am or 3 pm on weekdays or 7 am and 3 pm in weekends. But it seem to trigger whenever the variable Snow = "Yes", also outside these hours. Help will be highly appreciated! (Scene 51 is the scene actually turning on the heating mats for two hours): Best regards Jo --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals Snow --]] local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); function tempFunc() local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( ((currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == "05:00") ) and ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("Snow") == "Yes" ) or ( ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6 or currentDate.wday == 7) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == "15:00") ) and ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("Snow") == "Yes" ) or ( ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 7) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == "07:00") ) and ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("Snow") == "Yes" ) ) then fibaro:setGlobal("Snow", "No"); fibaro:startScene(51); end
  4. Hello, I started with a new HC2 a year ago, made an update to Firmware 4.120 - and began to create rooms. Also i created a new user. Now i want to start with configutations, but its not possible to make any changes - i could only log in with my own created user - the admin account dont work und password rest say "unkonwn user". Crazy - i cant create a backup, can't create users or change anything. Could it be the "hotel mode" - i can't change this two. Did someone knows what the problem could be? Maybe i have to reset the hc2, but first wanted to ask ... Thanks, andy
  5. Hi people, who knows about things, I'm quite new in HC2 so might this is reason but I don't understand the logic of dashboard. I have home with 10+ rooms, regulated heating with temp-switch pairs (smoke detector + smart plug or single relay = connected device) and 2 bath-ruums with "real termostates". To monitor overview of climate system I find that Dashboard - Climate - Heating is good for overview but - only my batchrooms appear there. All rest isn't here visible. On mobiile app - all "heated" rooms (together 13 rooms) all are listed on climate view. My question - why heated rooms aren't listed on Dashboard? With bests Henn Sarv
  6. Hi, I hope this is an acceptable post as I have spent a long time looking for the answer before posting. I want to create scenes using Lua, and have created a very simple one (swithcing on three lights) after watching a Youtube video. However, I feel I need a primer to learn the basics and set up my system with the necessary "starter variables" etc. I have looked in Fibaro knowledge base, Fibaro manuals and elsewhere on the internet, but not really found what I am looking for. Can anyone point me to a good resource? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi, I've added my zwave door lock for the millionth time and synchronised it again, but I can't actually get the lock to open when a code is entered whilst it is synched and on the zwave network. If i remove it from the network then the codes work fine. I have about 2 weeks to work out how best to allow access to a number of people throughout the day as my mother inlaw who is very elderly has come to live with us, and requires a lot of external services and support. I've also got some issues with cameras that I would like to sort out as they don't show up all the time in the user interface when they should. So, as I'm doing this 'for real' now, I'm thinking of getting a secondary controller to control doors and cameras better. I believe Vera is a good option for doorlock, access and camera control ? can anyone confirm this please. I need to get something happening sooner rather than later, and since door locks are still limited and unreliable since many betas ago, my hand is being forced. Lighting is a dream currently, and with the fibaro button and sensors within the alarm system it's fantastic, but locks are very important to me now. Cheers, al.
  8. Witam, do monitoringu temperatury i wilgotności w salonie zastosowałem czujnik ST814. Instalacja w systemie odbyła się bez problemów ale czas pracy na baterii nie osiąga nawet 2 tygodni. Prośba o podpowiedzi co może być tego przyczyną. Jaka powinna być optymalna konfiguracja? Życzę udanego roku wszystkim miłośnikom inteligentnego domu! Tomek "tombrzus"
  9. One of my TKB switches seems to be turning on and off ok but has suddenly lost any power reporting in HC2. On the device icon the "actual" remains at zero and the "total" has gone completely. Any ideas how I might get this back without going through another exclude/include process.
  10. So I rebooted my Homecenter2. Upgraded to the latest version (not beta) and installed all my devices again. Now, on to making scenes. Everything works except for one device. My Front door lock. As soon as this is included in a scene I can't save the scen. It just hangs itself when I hit the save button. My lock is working when I try to lock/unlock it with HomeCenter2. And in the frontend it looks fine. I tried to create a simple scene using the blocks like in the attachment but it simply dosn't work. And it did work before I did the reset. Have anyone come across this before?
  11. Hi! I have setup google home and linked my Fibaro Home Center 2, when I asked Google Assistant to talk to Fibaro, a dude speaks out saying "I couldn’t find any devices." Is it because of software version? Do I need to update to the latest 4.153 beta version?
  12. Hey, I have a great Problem. My webinterface is empty. I can't Use anything. All rooms and modules are away. A restart or Update doesnt change anything. But the System seems to be working. All my scenes works and i can Use the mobilephone. Only the webinterface doesnt Work. There are also no User in my configuration. Please help me. P. S: deleting my cookies on Browser dont change anything Best wishes
  13. I need some help with json decoding. I'm succesfully got the data in HC2 from Rasspery/Pyton but I'm not able to decode that data in HC2. Any advice, please?! --starting LUA code here local smartmeter= Net.FHttp(''); response = smartmeter:GET("/index.py") fibaro:debug('Answer: ' ..response) --this is the data response coming from Rasppery/Pyton: {"Amp": 13.29, "Volt": 98.01} if (tonumber(status)==200 and tonumber(errorCode)==0) and response~=nil then fibaro:debug('Decoding...') local harduino = json.decode(response) fibaro:debug('Decode: ', harduino) fibaro:debug('Or decode: ', harduino.Volt) else fibaro:debug('Not able to decode!') -- this is the executed code end --end LUA code here
  14. A bit embarrassed to ask for advice on this, but I seem not to be able to understand the structure of simple IF-tests in HC2 Scenes, regardless whether these are created in the Block editor or LUA. I need an IF test with the following structure: ....IF ((a AND b) OR (a AND c)) THEN.... Due to the lack of parantheses, I am not able to understand the logical structure of the resulting statement, which in my mind seems confusing ...IF ((a AND b OR c AND b), I use this code to save electricity on my snow melting mats by twice a day testing whether weather conditions has recently set the variable SNOW to YES in which case mats are turned on for two hours (morning and afternoon) and the variable set back to NO. Seems now my mats turn on twice a day (at times "a" and "c") regardless of the the variable ("b"). Are there any "paranthesis" conventions in LUA I have not understood ?
  15. Hi, my google home fibaro dude ( weird having a different voice ) keeps finding my hc2 with the correct serial number then when I select the number one for the device he finds he tells me “I wasn’t able to select home centre” .. so I’m not sure how to disentangle him from my google to resend the setup link and I’m so close its more frustrating than when I was using IFTTT !! Pretty fast responses too! Anyone know where / how to view connections in both directions so I can clear them and try starting again ? I’m on 4.153b and wonder if that has anything to do with it ? Cheers, al
  16. I am hoping for some useful advice from people with at working Alexa / HC2 system. After endless hours of Fibaro Support emails, testing, deleting and restoring my LAN, HC2 and Alexa, my problem still remains the same: Alexa picks up my command (e.g. "Alexa, Turn off Kitchen Table") and one out of three things happen: (1) Light is turned off, Alexa responds "OK" (2) Light is turned off, Alexa responds "Sorry, Kitchen Table is not responding" (3) Light is NOT turned off, Alexa responds ""Sorry, Kitchen Table is not responding". Totally erratic, no pattern. Failure statistics: 1 out of every 4 (25%, N=40). Enough to reduce the WAF to Zero. Fibaro Support finally made me aware that the problem is response time: If the time from command is given to remote Alexa/Fibaro server response is received, exceeds 7 seconds, Alexa times out. Fibaro Support keeps on insisting that the problem is my LAN/Internet connection. I have however gone so far as to disconnect all other devices on my net but for the HC2 and Echo Dot and confirmed my Internet speed is 92 Mbps Up/Down. Even followed the rather extreme Fibaro Support advice of reducing the physical distance between HC2 and the Fibaro Dimmer2 to less than 300 cm (!). I am now starting to suspect that the problem is the Alexa/Fibaro API server integration. And I have of course upgraded firmware, reconfigured z-wave net, dis/enabled Fibaro skills, deleted and restored my HC2 from Fibaro ID, confirmed Alexa has selected my HC2, reset the Echo Dot, reset the HC2 and restored the system from backup and so on and so forth. Friendly guys at the Fibaro Support desk, but so far advice has not brought me any visible result, except for loosing all my custom Scene/VD icons, which apparent are not part of the HC2 back up file Any wisdom out there?
  17. I need help to understand why the below described HC2 Scene does not trigger when set to "Automatic" and the Variable "ATest" is set to "True". I can trigger the Scene manually wherafter the Device "Test" turns off as expected. Below follows the details: In order to understand the difference between "Automatic" and "Manual" and the effect of having av Scene turned "On" or "Off" in HC2, I made the following very simple test Scene in the Graphic Block editor: IF Variable "ATest" == "True" THEN Device "Test" = "Turn Off" The Variable "ATest" was created in the HC2 Variable Panel as a "Predefined Variable" with to defined values, namely "True" or "False". The Device "Test" is a Fibaro Wallplug In precise LUA code: --[[ %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals ATest --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("ATest") == "True" ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(182, "turnOff"); end Any help to explain why the Scene does not turn off the device will be highly appreciated!
  18. Good afternoon, i have look for any similar issue reported, but nothing with the new version 4.150. My HC2 was working fine until 3 days ago, when i had to restart it after (2 months with no issues) , now it freezes every day (less than 24hrs) and i have to restart it to have all the options available. my HCL (slave) continues working with no issues, it it only related to the HC2 (master). regards, Andres
  19. Hi, My alarm system has finally died , for good this time, the panel was always a little dodgey, but now it's burnt beyond what I can be bothered trying to fix .. Anyway, I'd like to replace the complete alarm system with something I can integrate to a greater or lesser extent with the HC2. I remember someone posting something about a plug in board called .. envision .. i think ? and it might have been a plug in for DAS alarms ? But I can't find anything on that when I search so I've probably got the name wrong. I don't mind running wires, Actually prefer it for an alarm system, and I don't really mind what sort of cost there is if it ticks the right boxes. Although it's not essential, Ideally I'd like to have some secured integration also with gate and door control and also cameras all in one... but that wish list may have just put me into a fixed wired C-Bus or Control-4 system I expect. Does anyone have anything remotely like this that I can start researching ? It's difficult to know where to start as the suppliers of most of the alarm systems around here seem to have little idea about integration. Or to put it another way, what home alarm system do you have and how have you integrated it with your Fibaro system ? Cheers in advance, al.
  20. Hi there, i have a big problem,,, major of my house is controled by the hc2. After a electric storm the devide has dead I must send the HC2 to the Fibaro Suport in Pol, but is very important to me recover my house control. I have buy a sencond hc2 unit in amazon (used device, 2nd hand), now i have 2 devices one damaged ready to send to Fibaro support and another "ok" from amazon... I have 2 problems. The amazon devices is preconfigured and i dont know the IP... there is a method to reset the device to the factory defaults? The damaged device has a usb stick, i can change the usb-stick between devices directly? thx in advance
  21. Hi, I have two Fibaro Door/Window sensors on my HC2 but both are not communicating with my HC2. They have worked ok in the past. I have changed batteries, removed and re-added them a few times but still no joy. Can anyone help? Thank You,
  22. Hi I recently acquired the HC2 and am still finding my way around it. I have encountered an issue which I cannot find a solution for. Not sure if I did something wrong. I have added a Fibaro Motion Sensor. The adding part appears to go fine with all the components showing up under unallocated. (i.e the motionsensor, temperature etc). However they just have port nrs as names and when I select them, I am unable to rename or allocate to a room (both on general or advanced tabs.). The rooms drop down is empty and if I only type a new name and save, the screen just does the spinning circle and hangs. The sensor otherwise appears to work fine, returning temperature etc. Would appreciate any suggestion on where it might be going wrong. Regards
  23. i have a client who has the Nexa AD 146 and AD 147 modules. these are swedish brand which come up on the system as Everspring. The blue icon at the top of the home center showed over 8000 notifications and each one basically said 'Power has been applied' it is slowing the HC2 down a lot. question is why are they coming up?? there are no templates for these built into the HC2, and the manual only contained a few parameters about dimming and switching. any ideas guys? thanks
  24. Good day, I have a HCL controlling the lights, each module was included with no much trouble to the network, now I got the HC2, and while trying to add the same controller (after remove it from the HCL list) it is not able to recognize it. I have added other items to the HC2 with no issues (Locks, smart outlets, motion sensors) it just does not recognize any of the Dimmer/double switch I have tried. any possible solution? regards, Andres
  25. Stoję przed wyborem systemu do swojego mieszkania i proszę o pomoc w podjęciu decyzji. W chwili obecnej chce sprawdzić jak działa w ogóle Fibaro w moim mieszkaniu a następnie przenieść to do domu. W mieszkaniu nie będę stosował rozbudowach rozwiązań tylko zwykle włączniki, kamera ip, czujniki drzwi itp. Moje pytanie brzmi: 1. Czy wybrać HC2 czy Lite? Jakie są różnice? 2. Który system daje więcej możliwości, jest bardziej przyszłościowy i jak jest rozwijany HomeKit czy Z-Wave? Dziękuje za podpowiedź!
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