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  1. I have a lua scene that I want when the HC2 starts up. But it will not run. --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] local message = 'HC2 restarted' -- Rohit fibaro:call (4, "sendEmail", message, message) -- Rajan fibaro:call (304, "sendEmail", message, message) The properties are as in the image. Any idea why ? Background - I have had continuous problems for 6 months now with all versions of firmware where the HC just does not run some scenes sometimes. The debug shows that its not busy at all. So I now have a scene that reboots it every morning at 4am. It sends me an email telling me its about to reboot. I would like one above to tell me that it has rebooted.
  2. OversætDeaktiver øjeblikkelig oversættelse The HC2 does not restart automatically after a power outage. Restart can only be activated by pressing the reset button on the back of HC2. Fibaro please fix the issues.
  3. Helo, From one day to another, temperature reporting stopped on my devices(Danfoss RS/FGMS-001). I checked it in the event panel, it reports(motion,lux etc) everything but the temperature. Sensors are responsive to the motion, i see the correct temperature, but it does not report back to HC2. I'm using them to control my heating via linked devices..Parameters are set correctly. Any ideas? Thanks!
  4. I would like to pull ideas of how to use Fibaro Home Automation to look after my Holiday Home. I propose to put an HC-Lite in my Holiday Home and then VPN it back to my HC2. Scenes I would have is to turn on the outside lights just before sunset and at sunrise Thinking of an alarm system, ideas on Devices here, please Maybe a Door lock so I can send keys digitally and enable them for a set period. I would like this to be an area where people share ideas and maybe experiences for Holiday homes. Brent
  5. Hi, I set the HC2 location to the Latitude and Longitude of my location and the time zone to Europe/London and even restarted the HC2 but the Yahoo Weather still thinks it's sunny 24 degrees c..... if only! Has anyone fixed this problem?
  6. Hello community, I’m trying to connect an echo dot to HC2. As the dot belongs to one of my kids I’d like to give him access to the devices in his room only. therefore i’ve setup a user with limited access to specific modules in HC2. How can I now add the limited user to the Alexa Skill? I have to use a Fibaro ID user in the skill. But there I only have the main admin connected to my hc2. It’s not possible to connect multiple Fibaro IDs with the same HC2. So is Alexa an all or nothing option only? br Kro
  7. DonZap


    Hi I am new here, so sorry if I post this at the wrong forum I'm using fibaro HC2 together with google home by ifttt. I have created a user who only has access to a virtual device that I send the http command to. It works fine when I using device ID directly: http://User:Password@/api/callAction?deviceID=93&name=turnOn but when i usen the button indside the virtual device, it dose not work at all: http://User:Password@/api/callAction?deviceID=201&name=pressButton&arg1=button0 and I am getting the virtual device ID from the http link: /fibaro/en/devices/virtual_edit.html?id=201 I have no idea why it dose not work, its pretty Straight froward? thanks in advance for your inputs
  8. My motion sensor will not update. i am due for a version 2.7 upgrade. every time i start the update and starts the download i wake up my motion sensor then after about 6-10 seconds it says failed. What am i doing wrong? *i have a new battery in it *no scenes are running *have limited CPU usage *motion right next to home center anyone have any ideas?
  9. HC2 startup,The LED light blinks left,then ,all the lights are on. Restoring factory settings too Has anyone ever had this problem?Is there a solution? I am eager to get your instruction. I will appreciate any of your help.
  10. Hi @ll. Since there were some discussion going on in the FW 4.082 thread, I thought we should make that issue more prominent by a new topic. Since we rely more and more on the HC2 to manage our homes, a proper backup solution for the HC2 is needed urgently as well. No one can send HC2 away for days or weeks. There should be a way to fulfill security issues on one hand and user requirements on the other in one solution. Maybe some Statement of Needs to start with: - system should create a secured(/encrypted) backup of all HC 2 data (secured with internal Fibaro signature/key) - user should be able to input a key phrase for securing backup file (key phrase AND Fibaro signature secure backup file) - backup file should be stored outside HC2 - user should be able to define place to store backup file (network, PC harddisk, USB stick) - backup file should be restorable on new HC2 gateway <- most important! Fibaro could use signatures to secure backup file, new HC2 hardware have same signature inside so is able to read backup file from other hardware + user has to enter key phrase to make a certain backup file usable. By that mechanism I think we should be able to secure the backup file enough. File could not be used on different HW (Fibaro's internal key is missing) and cannot be used by any user on any HC2 (because initial user's key phrase is missing) Of course there is also the problem with Z-Wave security to be solved by which (if I got that right) all devices are bound to one gateway during inclusion. So a new HC2 HW would actually bring a new Z-Wave "key". But maybe we can have a function to read out Z-Wave key to input that one in a new HC2 hardware. Hope you can consider this solution. Thanks a lot. And thanks a lot for optimizing this forum as well. Seems to me in the last days were a couple of very positive changes here! Please go on like this! Regards to all.
  11. Now, i believe it is official. HC2 is comming in Black. I think that black color is better then grey polished aluminium color since I like darker colors more and have darker furniture. Also blue LEDs looks with that "black coat" better. Here is link to HC2: https://www.fibaro.com/en/products/home-center-2/ Joke starts. So now, when we can expect HCL with racing strips? Joke ends.
  12. Can you connect hc 2 with Fibaro Home app? If you can, will devices shown upp in Apple Home?
  13. Hello, I want to connect the thermostat (Heatit or MCO HOME MH7H) to FIBARO HC2, I want to control it using the heating panel. On the thermostat I set the manual mode to be controlled via FIBARO. Adding (MH7H or Heatit) to HC2 was ok, 4 objects were added. I put them in the room, created a heating zone for the room on the heating panels, I assigned the appropriate thermometer to the zone. Association Group 1 is set to the default setting. The control of the heating via the set FIBARO heating panel initially works OK. If the temperature varies with time in heating panel, the setting also changes to the thermostat. However, there is a problem - when I manually change the temperature on the thermostat during the heating schedule time, the thermostat will stop responding to the heating plan! This situation may occur when I come home from work sooner, the heating plan is set to 18 degrees and I want to turn on the heating for several hours. I have to always enter manual temperature via APP ??? I would like to be able to set the temperature manually on the thermostat too, sometimes it's easier than a smartphone. Well, I would expect that when the next heating period comes, the thermostat will adapt to the defined heating plan ... But it does not work.
  14. Hello, Is it possible to send data from my HC2 to a FTP server? Thanks! I know that i can send data to a (MySQL) database but that is not what i need
  15. Hi, Yesterday I've received my first HCL. (so i'm pretty new to these gateways). After installing and upgrading to the latest beta (4.1.622) due to the Fibaro heating valves i use, I've don some checks on the HCL. According to my tests, HCL is using as a webserver nginx version 1.9.5. nginx 1.9.5 mainline version has been released is released on 2015-09-22. Current mainline version is 1.13.9, released on 2018-02-20. A lot of security fixes and performance issues are solved between these releases. Request: 1. Please update the Fibaro Firmware (webserver) with a newer mainline version of NGINX. 2. Please disable we can see the webserver software and version with a simple telnet to the gateway with regards, Hans
  16. Hello Forum, Relatively new to the HC2 I am struggling a bit with getting my head around all the undocumented functions and features in the HC2. Would anyone know more about the ones I am mentioning below, which are nowhere mentioned in Fibaro's documentation. The "Net" library Net.FHttp function Has a method called GET which requires some parameters. Which ones? How about POST, PUT and DELETE methods? Do they exist and if so which parameters do they take? Net.FTcpSocket function I came across a reference to this function in a post on this forum but I don't know how it works. The "api" library api.get, api.put, api.post functions Takes a local path as parameter so I am guessing this is a special implementation of the Net.FHttp function so one does not have to use the full URL for get/post/put etc. api.get("/icons") for instance gives all icons according to Fibaro's REST-interface definition Is there an api.delete function as well? Googling the above does not give any indication that these libraries are generic LUA libraries so my conclusion is that they must be Fibaro-specific. But I could be wrong of course. Storing tables in global variables I came across this VD (by Sankotronic) on the forum that helps you browse the icon library: Looking through the code I found this very interesting concept of storing an entire data structure in a global variable. Check out the main loop in the VD. Very clever indeed! The question then, which are the principles behind this very convenient way to handle variables? I mean, the standard functionality can only handle numbers and predefined values, not strings or collections of data. Thanks! Per
  17. In my HC2 v4.130 I see the Heating Panel where zones can be created and rooms attached to each zone that will control times and temperature. My question is what does this panel actually control as I can see nowhere to link devices? I have fibaro multisensors that show temperature in each room and was thinking of a relay module to control the boiler but do not understand how to associate these devices to the Heating Panel. I do not want to write pages of LUA as surely the Heating Panel is there to avoid this? Any advice welcome.
  18. I have a scene that is suppposed to check a variable called "Snow" at Monday through Friday at 5 am and 3 pm and weekends at 7 pm and 3 pm. If Snow = "Yes", a scene is activated, turning on my outdoors heating mats for 2 hours (and at the same time resetting Snow = "No"). My thinking is to limit the use of expensive snow melting electricity to max 2 + 2 = 4 hours / 24 hours The problem with the code below is that the scene triggers with variable Snow = "Yes" also outside the stated hours. What is it I am not getting right here ? I thought the AND operator had hierarchial priority over OR and that the code below would turn on the heater if the variable Snow = "Yes" AND the time is 5 am or 3 pm on weekdays or 7 am and 3 pm in weekends. But it seem to trigger whenever the variable Snow = "Yes", also outside these hours. Help will be highly appreciated! (Scene 51 is the scene actually turning on the heating mats for two hours): Best regards Jo --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% weather %% events %% globals Snow --]] local sourceTrigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); function tempFunc() local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( ((currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == "05:00") ) and ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("Snow") == "Yes" ) or ( ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6 or currentDate.wday == 7) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == "15:00") ) and ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("Snow") == "Yes" ) or ( ((currentDate.wday == 1 or currentDate.wday == 7) and string.format("%02d", currentDate.hour) .. ":" .. string.format("%02d", currentDate.min) == "07:00") ) and ( fibaro:getGlobalValue("Snow") == "Yes" ) ) then fibaro:setGlobal("Snow", "No"); fibaro:startScene(51); end
  19. By making a scene, how to set a variable after the HC2 has been restarted? With other words, how does the system HC2 know when it has been restarted.... as after this I want to set a variable Restart_HC2 > RUNNING or RESTART Any ideas? I would to run a scene to set some variables after Restart of the HC2
  20. Hello, I started with a new HC2 a year ago, made an update to Firmware 4.120 - and began to create rooms. Also i created a new user. Now i want to start with configutations, but its not possible to make any changes - i could only log in with my own created user - the admin account dont work und password rest say "unkonwn user". Crazy - i cant create a backup, can't create users or change anything. Could it be the "hotel mode" - i can't change this two. Did someone knows what the problem could be? Maybe i have to reset the hc2, but first wanted to ask ... Thanks, andy
  21. Hi, I've added my zwave door lock for the millionth time and synchronised it again, but I can't actually get the lock to open when a code is entered whilst it is synched and on the zwave network. If i remove it from the network then the codes work fine. I have about 2 weeks to work out how best to allow access to a number of people throughout the day as my mother inlaw who is very elderly has come to live with us, and requires a lot of external services and support. I've also got some issues with cameras that I would like to sort out as they don't show up all the time in the user interface when they should. So, as I'm doing this 'for real' now, I'm thinking of getting a secondary controller to control doors and cameras better. I believe Vera is a good option for doorlock, access and camera control ? can anyone confirm this please. I need to get something happening sooner rather than later, and since door locks are still limited and unreliable since many betas ago, my hand is being forced. Lighting is a dream currently, and with the fibaro button and sensors within the alarm system it's fantastic, but locks are very important to me now. Cheers, al.
  22. Hi, I hope this is an acceptable post as I have spent a long time looking for the answer before posting. I want to create scenes using Lua, and have created a very simple one (swithcing on three lights) after watching a Youtube video. However, I feel I need a primer to learn the basics and set up my system with the necessary "starter variables" etc. I have looked in Fibaro knowledge base, Fibaro manuals and elsewhere on the internet, but not really found what I am looking for. Can anyone point me to a good resource? Thanks in advance.
  23. What is the purpose of these commands and how does it work? Sorry, for my English thank you all
  24. So I rebooted my Homecenter2. Upgraded to the latest version (not beta) and installed all my devices again. Now, on to making scenes. Everything works except for one device. My Front door lock. As soon as this is included in a scene I can't save the scen. It just hangs itself when I hit the save button. My lock is working when I try to lock/unlock it with HomeCenter2. And in the frontend it looks fine. I tried to create a simple scene using the blocks like in the attachment but it simply dosn't work. And it did work before I did the reset. Have anyone come across this before?
  25. Witam, do monitoringu temperatury i wilgotności w salonie zastosowałem czujnik ST814. Instalacja w systemie odbyła się bez problemów ale czas pracy na baterii nie osiąga nawet 2 tygodni. Prośba o podpowiedzi co może być tego przyczyną. Jaka powinna być optymalna konfiguracja? Życzę udanego roku wszystkim miłośnikom inteligentnego domu! Tomek "tombrzus"
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