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Some of my devices are randomly becoming dead nodes and will not communicate. I have tried reconfiguring the z-wave network for neighbors but no luck. Any suggestions? I am on HC2 running the latest software update (it happened before I updated to the latest update)
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- dead nodes
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Once the alarm is activated I need to wait for the delay (60 seconds in my case) until the system is armed and THEN run a Scene. I can easily run the Scene at the same time the alarm is activated but cannot find any event or trigger for when the alarm is actually armed. Any assistance greatly appreciated.
Schema changes HC2 -> HC3 and lack of references
Henn Sarv posted a question in Scenes and Interface
I'm not sure how important it is, but I jump into this hole "lastWorkingRoute and neighborList shemas are changed from HC2 to HC3 HC2 /api/devices/id produces JSON wtih following: "lastWorkingRoute": "[1,422,59]" HC3 /api/devices/ID produces a bit changed JSON: "lastWorkingRoute": [1,422,59] What is difference - HC2 gives me string representation of array but HC3 gives me array. For developer perspective this is quite big difference (agree - important only for tech apps) Is there SOMEWHERE some kind of DOCUMENTATION of that kind things, changes, schemas Both HC2 /docs and and HC3 swagger lack several important interfaces like /api/energy and /api/temperature why they are hidden or where to find SOME kind of reference -
I have a Jasco in-wall dimmer (26932). When I go to add it (by selecting or deselecting every option) the device adds and it says configuration finished. But when I go to the devices they all say not configured. It turns off the switch and when motion is detected it turns the switch back on, but the motion does not indicate a breach. It also added two lights for some reason. Does anyone have advise on resolving this issue or should I try another brand of in wall dimmer? I am tired of Fibaro not being able to add all of my devices properly!! HC2 4.600 device is 2” away from antenna
When I tried to include a new device (a Sensative Strip), the HC2 responded by displaying the message "Requesting neighbours, please wait" every 5 seconds. The device was not included. I have been through this twice now, once with "Network wide inclusion" checked, the other without. The only way to terminate the loop is to restart the HC2. What is going on? My software version is 4.600. I re-meshed the entire network between the first and second attempt, to make sure that the z-wave mesh is OK. What else can I do?
- 26 replies
While working from home for eight months now I had the need to toggle a light or run a scene from my Windows 10 laptop. After some Google I didn't find an app so I decided to learn basic C# and create a Windows tray application myself. The application loads your configured rooms, devices and scenes from your HC2/HC3 and puts them in a menu in the system tray. Now you can run a scene or toggle a light switch without reaching for a wall switch or your phone. ? The program looks like this: I Iearn and get a lot from the Fibaro community, therefore I made the code open source on GitHub. You can download the application from the releases page. You only need the .exe file. I don't own a HC3. If it also works on the HC3 please inform me. Than I add it to the documentation.
Push notification from Sensative Strip
knuth posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
I have installed a Sensative Strip Drip to alert me about water leaks. The device works as planned, and was recently triggered. On the HC2 it indicated "breached", and the icon turned red. But I received no push message to my phone! I know I have the push system set up, as I regularly receive messages from other units. Typically, thermostats and temperature measurements, where "possible fire" and "freezing" are indicated when temperatures exceed those limits. I must have missed something to make the Sensative Strip trigger a push message in a similar way. What do I need to do? I have not set up an alarm panel yet. Is that necessary to make such devices with alarm frames trigger push messages or e-mails? And what about third party smoke alarms - do they need to be included in an alarm panel to trigger push messages or other alerts?-
- hc2
- sensative strip
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Evening all. I have been having some scene issues just recently where scenes that have worked for months just stopped working so took it on myself to reboot my HC2 Black. It is now stuck on starting services. I have used the power button on the back and killed the power via the mains and nothing will get it out of starting services. I have E-Mailed support and no response as of yet. I have tried a repair is recovery mode and this has not helped. As i have 100 physical devices, i do not want to wipe the box as it would take weeks to get t back u and running. The bios loads with no errors on screen and the hc2 rests on the normal screen when booted. I have no idea how to restore from the cloud as I can't find any documentation how to carry it out. Can anyone help on this issue of starting services and also answer this question. If i wipe the hc2 and it comes back to life, how do i perform a recovery of a previous backup to the hc2? Thanks, Hal
- starting services
- hc2 503
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I have used a LUA script which is triggered by pushing the switch 2 on a Fibaro switch. Depending on whether the key is pushed once, twice or held, I control another device (a light) according to set rules. How the key is pushed, is found by the variable pressSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger().event.data. This solution has been used previously by several contributors on the forum. My current code looks like this (only first part shown): --[[ %% properties %% events 394 CentralSceneEvent %% globals --]] -- Uses first slave for "CentralSceneEvent" ID (not master, not switch itself). Here 394 local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() if (trigger.type == "other") then fibaro:debug("Scene started by clicking 'start' button") else local pressSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger().event.data fibaro:debug("New: CentralSceneEvent received from key: " .. pressSource.keyId) if (pressSource.keyId == 2) then local ledId = "306" local ledValue = fibaro:getValue(ledId, "value") if pressSource.keyAttribute == "Pressed" then fibaro:debug("Pressed") if ledValue == "0" then fibaro:call(ledId, "turnOn") else fibaro:call(ledId, "turnOff") end elseif pressSource.keyAttribute == "Pressed2" then fibaro:debug("Pressed 2 times") fibaro:call(ledId, "setValue", "100") elseif pressSource.keyAttribute == "HeldDown" then -- etc. (complete code not shown) I now want to add a second trigger, i.e. another Fibaro switch being pushed. Depending on which switch is used, I want different lights to be adjusted. Below is my first edit (still incomplete). In line 5, the new trigger 494 is added. How do I know if the scene was triggered by 394 or 494? The answer is probably in fibaro:getSourceTrigger(), but I cannot find the complete specification for this function documented anywhere. Specifically: - How do I find whether 394 or 494 was the trigger? The syntax trigger.event.id in line 14 is my guest guess. What is correct? - Once I have the right triggerID, I can easily make the variable ledID dependent on triggerID, by having two related lists (arrays): {394, 494} for the triggers and {306, 406} for the corresponding LED lights. This needs to be implemented in line 18. Can anyone please provide a more complete specification for the data returned by fibaro:getSourceTrigger in HC2, and show me how I can use it to implement double triggers? Or are you all too busy converting to HC3? PS: I have simplified this to TWO triggers. In reality I want to have several more. But if I can do two, I can do any number. --[[ %% properties %% events 394 CentralSceneEvent 494 CentralSceneEvent -- <<--- NEW TRIGGER %% globals --]] -- Uses first slave for "CentralSceneEvent" ID (not master, not switch itself). Here 394 and 494 respectively. local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() if (trigger.type == "other") then fibaro:debug("Scene started by clicking 'start' button") else local triggerID = trigger.event.id -- <<--- WHAT IS CORRECT SYNTAX?? local pressSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger().event.data fibaro:debug("New: CentralSceneEvent received from key: " .. pressSource.keyId) if (pressSource.keyId == 2) then local ledId = "306" -- <<<< NEEDS TO BE CHANGED TO CORRESPOND TO triggerID local ledValue = fibaro:getValue(ledId, "value") if pressSource.keyAttribute == "Pressed" then fibaro:debug("Pressed") if ledValue == "0" then fibaro:call(ledId, "turnOn") else fibaro:call(ledId, "turnOff") end elseif pressSource.keyAttribute == "Pressed2" then fibaro:debug("Pressed 2 times") fibaro:call(ledId, "setValue", "100") elseif pressSource.keyAttribute == "HeldDown" then fibaro:debug("HeldDown") -- etc. (complete code not shown)
Soft reconfigure changes configuration
knuth posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
I have experienced this with several third-party devices, but I will use a HeatIt 32A relay as my example. I needed to soft reconfigure this device today, expecting device numbers etc. to remain unchanged. The result, however, was puzzling: The general structure of master + slave devices changed! This device has no template implemented, but I expected the end-points to remain where they were. The reconfiguration was reported as successful by the HC2, but the results were suprising. Here is a summary of what I experienced: Tree before re-configuration (685 is the master device number): 685 ----------- 685.0 On/off Device ID 686 685.0.1 Amperes Device ID 687 685.1 On/off 688 685.1.1 Amperes 689 685.2 multichannel 690 685.2.1 Temperature 1 691 685.3 multichannel 692 685.3.1 Temperature 2 693 685.4 Flooding 694 ... and here is the same device after a "successful" soft reconfiguration (scroll to see the whole list): Notice that The number of slave devices is the same, but the naming is different. I now have two devices called 685.2.1, and two called 685.3.1. The first one retained the name I had given it, rather than 685.0. Good! The device called 685.4, a flood sensor, has been moved to another location in the tree, but retained its name Some device ID numbers changed (not shown on this screenshot). The first four slaves retained the numbers 686 to 689. The flood sensor 685.4 also retained its ID number 694. But the four temperature related devices (id 690 - 693 originally) were given new id numbers (709 - 712). This is not what is supposed to happen with a SOFT reconfigure. Both structure and id numbers should remain unchanged. I have experienced the same thing with HeatIt thermostats. A soft reconfigure changes the structure, naming and some device id's, making a soft reconfigure a risky operation. What else can I do? A hard reconfigure, losing all device ID's? Keep trying a soft reconfig?-
- hc2
- reconfigure
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Has anyone also experienced the disappearance of devices suddenly. It happened to me twice with a Fibaro motionsensor and it was not the same device. I came to notice it yesterday evening when suddenly the lights were not responding, at first I performed a restart of the HC2, but that did ofcourse not help. Looking deeper into the devices and remembering from a while ago, I saw one motionsensor was missing. After adding it again (I did not had remove it) everything was fine again, scenes running with no errors. What can be the cause for devices to be removed from the HC2?
Hi, I have several problems to get my HUE lights working white my Fibaro HC2. I have made a scene for my bathroom just to turn on and off the light in combination white a motion sensor. This is working fine but the light is always changing back to the warm color after about 24 hours. So i like to set the color by a LUA command. I used the debug function for the settings (see below) --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] fibaro:debug(fibaro:getValue(162, "ui.brightness.value")) fibaro:debug(fibaro:getValue(162, "ui.saturation.value")) fibaro:debug(fibaro:getValue(162, "ui.hue.value")) If i change the Brightness on the HUE app the value changed. But the saturation and HUE value doesn't change at all. Whats the problem? is it a error of the Hue bridge (square one) or anything else??? This Youtube example looks oke to me: All you input is welcome and of course i can provite more information if necessary. Thank you in advance. Michel
Mogę się zalogować , obsługiwać włączniki itp , ale nie mogę zapisać sceny mam cały czas taki komunikat: acces forbidden 403 a co chodzi >??? HC2
HC2 i rekuperator Polski reQnet jest API
vikizgoda posted a question in Other Devices / Third-party devices
Witajcie forumowicze, Rozpoczynam wątek połączenia HC2 z rekuperatoremp polskiej firmy reQnet. Dostałem od działu progrmistuów REST API do tego rekuperatora. Na tą chwilę czekam na wszystkie zabawki jak dojadą. Jeśli ktoś z Was posiada rekuperator reqnet proszę o info. Razem raźniej. https://reqnet.pl *** Hello forum members, I am starting the topic of connecting HC2 with an air ventilation unit from the Polish company reQnet. I got a REST API for this unit from the programming department. At the moment I am waiting for all the toys when they arrive. If any of you have a reqnet air unit, please let me know. Better together. https://reqnet.pl- 5 replies
- rekuperacja
- hc2
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Hello everybody, I was wondering is it possible to develop a plugin for HC2, I'd like to connect my Sonoff devices to my HC. But i have to use ewelink-API but i can't import it into the Lua code. I've successfully that API into Homey app on Homey pro. I was hoping to do the same with Fibaro Home center. anyone has an idea how this could be done. Thanks in advance
Hi guys I want to share my expericence in migrating and integrating a HC2 with 3 HCL. The project considered originally 4 HCL’s, and in the end the client decided that he wanted to acces only one location and control everything from there. So the next step was migrating from HCL to HC2, a process a little confusing, but in the end was working; I updated everything to firmware 4.6 and tried to add the HCL’s to the HC2, with no luck I tried from another HC2 and also no luck, (strange that another HC2 couldn´t add the HCL´s ). So I started asking for help and some colleagues recommended to test using the HC2 from scratch, (erase everything to factory restore) and that finally did the trick. I have to say that auto search didn’t work, and I had to type the IP manually. So my theory is that the migration process must have done some block configuration in the HC2 because the operating system was coming from the HCL which doesn’t allow slaves. What do you think??
Does anyone know how to open the log files from the following address: - <HC_IP>/api/service/logsDump I am having some funky goings on and want to review the logs myself but when the file is downloaded from my HC2, it is a .tar.gz file and 7 zip will not open it. Can anyone help me out at all? Thanks, Hal
Hello, I am trying to build a Lua script that will tell Fibaro if I am working from home, working at home or off work. Here is what I have so far but I need some help to get the scene trigger when either I am at home or at work when all the conditions have been met at the specific times. Does anyone have a similar scene or suggestions? --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] local currentDate = os.date("*t"); local time=os.date('*t'); local ct=os.date('*t'),os.date("%H:%M",os.time()) if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then fibaro:abort(); end if ((fibaro:getGlobalValue("AndyPresentstate") == "Home") and (currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6) and ((ct>= "08:30") and (ct<"17:00")) ) then fibaro:setGlobal("Working", "At Home"); fibaro:debug("working at home"); elseif ((fibaro:getGlobalValue("AndyPresentstate") == "Home") and (currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6) and ((ct>= "17:00") or (ct<"08:30"))) then fibaro:setGlobal("Working", "Off Work"); fibaro:debug("off work"); elseif (fibaro:getGlobalValue("AndyPresentstate") == "Away" and (currentDate.wday == 2 or currentDate.wday == 3 or currentDate.wday == 4 or currentDate.wday == 5 or currentDate.wday == 6) and ((ct>= "08:30") and (ct<"17:00")) ) then fibaro:setGlobal("Working", "At Work"); fibaro:debug("Working at Work"); end
Hi can anyone help me please? I want to send a value from my Node-red and assign it to a Global variable value on my HC2. The Global variable i wish to update is "message" and the value is "Connection established". Tried some flows from here but always get JSON error. Hop someone can help ... Thanks
I am trying to get my head around the use of Heating Panels in HC2. I am still a little confused, and need your help. Below, based on some testing, are some statements that I believe to be factual, but they may not be. Please confirm or correct any of them. My main concern is the lack of a way to override zone control of individual thermostats, see three statements in italics. For your reference, I have 13 HeatIt Z-trm2 thermostats, divided into three zones. When referring to apps, I mean the iPhone versions. General There are three modes: Schedule, Holiday, and Manual: · Schedule mode sets a fixed cycle per zone, based on time of day and day of week · Holiday mode sets a fixed temperature per zone, no time limit · Manual mode is not really “manual”, but a time-limited override of the time schedule (or of holiday mode) for an entire zone There is no way to control an individual thermostat manually if it has been included in a zone on the heating panel, regardless of the current mode for the zone. To allow individual adjustments, the thermostat needs to be excluded from the zone. The heating panel may not be deactivated without removing all zones and thermostats. Using the web interface Choosing Panel – Heating panel – Manage, the interface allows all operations: set or change holiday mode, define manual mode including set point and duration, define calendar and temperatures for schedule mode. Also used to define zones, and to include/exclude thermostats from these zones. If an individual thermostat device is adjusted while it is included in a heating panel zone, the thermostat responds, but returns to its mode set-point after “some time”. Using the wall-mounted thermostat display Local adjustments of an individual thermostat are reset to the mode value (same as for individual adjustments using the web interface) Using the old app Mode may be changed to “manual”, to “holiday”, and to “schedule” (by choosing “turn off”). Holiday and manual mode temperature may be set or changed. The schedule times and temperatures may not be adjusted. Individual thermostat set-points may be adjusted, but are reset to the mode value. Using the new app Holiday mode temperature may be read, but not changed. Mode may seemingly be changed to “back to schedule” or “manual”, but the latter is not available starting from holiday mode. The schedule may not be adjusted. When modes have changed using other apps or the web interface, the new app does not immediately update its list of modes per zone. Individual thermostat set-points are visible, but may not be changed (regardless of the use of heating panel).
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- heating panel
- hc2
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I am confused how to make this work having only previously relied on the HC2 to perform actions. Having acquired a TKB double switch I believe the right hand paddle (which does not show up as a separate device in HC2) can operate devices associated with Group 2. However trying to link the device I want to operate (Fibaro relay) is the issue, as if go to advanced in the device under group 2 it wants me to select a device on the right to associate it with. I just want itself to be linked to group 2. What point am I not understanding here?? Thanks!
Hello, ive got a question to HC2 and Triggers... I would like to set up a scene like this: if the motion detector trips between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m., the shutters should open. Is that possible in the HC2? I cant find this trigger. In HC3 is this time trigger... can help me someone or do I have to buy the HC3 because of that??? Thanks for answers Tschorden
Guys and Girls, I want something in my HC2. It's no rocket sience but I can seem to make it work. Any clous? Case: I have a Fan for toilet and Bathroom (humidity and smell). One fan for both. There is a Humidity sensor in the Bathroom which I want to use to start the fan above value "X" and stop when the humidity is below value "X". BUT... When someone has used the downstairs toilet and the have pressed a button for the fan I want the fan to start for lets say 5 minuits. To prevent that the bathroom Humidity or the 5 minuts timer shut the fan down when one of the values isn't matched I want to make something like this: Bathroom, above value X = on Toilet when pressed button (in app) = on and off after 5 minuits Bathroom below value X AND timer of toilet has not been completed = OFF Toilet timer is completed AND bathroom value is below X = OFF I have been playing with Variables which seems the most logical option but there is no possiblity for a 300sec timer.... Fibaro can't be this dump to have not such possiblity so can you help me where I'm going wrong. Bert.
Lack of devices' status synchronisation between two connected HC2
xfire posted a question in Home Center 2
I have two HC2 connected together (Master and Slave). Devices are properly imported from Slave to Master but when logged on to Master I don't see the proper status of the devices. Eg. Master shows the light is ON when it is OFF. The same incorrect status is seen by the Fibaro Apps connected to Master. Any way to fix it and have the device statuses permanently synchronised between the two Centrals? Thank you in advance,