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Hi. I can't get YR to find my destination automaticly, and i suppose that is the reason why i have no weatherdata from yr plugin. My Home Center top menu looks like this: Anyone?
Witam, Posiadam w swoim domu wiele podwujnych wlacznikow ze sprzezynkami (bistabilnych) do sterowania swiatlem i chcialbym przypisac im dodatkowe funkcje sterowania innym oswietleniem. Do tego celu chcialem uzyc urzadzenia o nazwie Pilot, ktory dodal sie wraz z dodaniem Double Switch 2. Na tym urzadzeniu sa w prosty sposob do ustawienia reguly reakcji przy 2x wcisnieciu klawisza, 3 krotnym itd. Poniewaz jednokrotne wcisniesie S1 czy S2 wlacza lub wylacza swiatlo podlaczone bezposrednio to przelacznika, to oczywistym jest, ze chcialem skorzystac z funkcji podwujnego klikniecia do wywolania dodatkowej reakcji. Mimo uaktywnienia podwujnego klikniecia w opcji zaawansowanych, oraz poprawnych ustawien dzialania przelacznika jako bistabilny, guzik wyzwaja reakcje ustawiona jako 2 krotne wcisniecie juz przy pojedynczym wcisnieciu. Probowalem wszystkich kombinacji, probowalem asocjacji ktora miala by wyzwalac dodatkowe oswietlenie ale nie przy jednokrotnym wcisnieciu i nic... Gdzie robie blad? Przy okazji dodam, ze mam zamiar skonfigurowac 2 ktotne wcisniecie klawiasza do uruchmienia swiatla LED Philips HUE. (oczywiscie probowalem ustawien tej funcji na oswietleniu podlaczonego do innego przekaznika Double Switch 2 zeby nie bylo ze w HUE jest problem). Niestety system w przypadku checi dodania reguly reakcji przy 2x wcisnieciu klawisza nie widzi urzadzen z pluginow, wiec dodalem urzadzenie wirtualne ale ono tez nie jest widoczne, wiec dodalem urzadzenie recznie jako scene i w niej wpisalem polecenie uruchomienia z kodem fibaro:call(137, "turnOn") ktora to scena dziala przy recznym wywolaniu ale nie dziala wogole przy dodaniu funkcji w klawiszu przelacznika na scianie. Dziekuje z gory za pomoc i przepraszam jezeli rozwiazanie jest blache i wynika z mojej nie wiedzy.
- 9 replies
- hc2
- double switch
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Hi all, after a lot of time, finally I was able to complete a guide to send push notifications from HC2 when Power Outage occurs without using expensive tools or complicated configuration. You need only an android device that need to be always plugged in to the electricity. Hope this is useful, I'm available if you need more information regards, Leo Step-by-Step Guide for HC2 notification on Power Outage.pdf
- power outage
- push notification
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I'm completely new to scene creator's, and i Wonder if someone could help me out With a start... I would be happy if someone could post me some examples of Block scenes for: A wall plug turning off after a period of time, and then send SMS/push Notification to a cell phone.... Door changes status from locked to open - turn one/several lights on and send SMS/push Notification to cell phone This would be a start for me
I have a fibaro motion sensor and it keeps detecting motion even though there is none about every 10 seconds. turned off all scenes that interact with the motion sensor - still does the same thing. I restarted my HC2 - does the same thing. Motion sensor on latest firmware. *the only time it stops for a while is when the lux in the room goes to 0. but then it will detect motion again. **I do have the sensitivity really low, when I raise it above 20 it seams to go back to "normal" I don't want this at 20 rather it be 8-10. I have two other fibaro motion sensors set to 8-10 with no problems. @T.Konopka do you know what this could be? a bug?
- 5 replies
- motion
- motion sensor
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Hi all I'm hoping that someone can help me out. I was setting some new block scenes earlier and the HC2 seemed to crash, I just got the floating circles as if the interface was loading. So I went for a shower and then ended up going out. While I was out I got quite a few emails saying the IP address of my laptop had been blocked due to incorrect logins. So when I have got home I have tried to log back into the system. I was greeted with incorrect username/password. Which was very strange considering these are saved in my browser. So I had no choice but to reset my password. When I logged in, to my horror all of my devices have gone, and all of the scenes. I then realised that I have limited privileges. The password which I reset was for the superuser account (the only account on the home centre). But the HC2 has given me a standard user account instead?! I can log into Fibaro ID. I can log into the home centre but as a standard user. I have tried to log in with the old admin admin. No luck at all, I really don't want to rebuild my system. can anyone help? thanks in advance!
Hello! I am trying to make a scene in LUA where I can dim my Hue bulbs. I have a Sunricher 4ch switch, which I have created scenes for turnOn and turnOff Hue bulbs, and it works nicely, as in the picture below: I want to make a new scene, where the button´s HELD DOWN function should utilize dimming of the Hue bulb. I have tested some commands from the Hue Developer API, and found out that if I "PUT" the below command to the Hue-bulb, it increases the saturation with 1 for each time I press "PUT". Is it possible to make a repeat loop / while loop or similar that sends this command? I know this is not the LUA API, it is in the REST API. I can not quite see how to send similar commands in LUA, unless there is a way to make a repeat loop that takes the saturation value and adds "1" e.g. each 10 millisecond while the switch is in HELD DOWN state?
- 1 reply
- hue
- philips hue
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So I have two houses with a hc2 in both. I also have a set of Google home minis in both houses. However I'm only able to use voice to control one of the houses and the devices from the other house is not visible in the Google home app. I can add the devices from the other house by talking to fibaro and after listing devices choose the hc2 from the other house, but of course then the devices from the other house disappear from the Google home app... I don't know if this is for Google to fix or if Fibaro can list all devices for both hc2's. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem is appreciated.
Hi community, Perhaps you can help me understand how (if) to connect two houses that each has a HC2 and have them connected to my Google Home Mini for voice control. Setup I have two houses, in each house I have a HC2 that are linked to my Fibaro Cloud account. I can access them both remotely and everything is working fine through the app on my phone and as well as from computers. In each house I also have a Google Home Mini, that are configured to talk Swedish AND English. I live in Sweden should I say as well. Problem I've managed to link my Fibaro account to the Google Home app on my phone but only the devices in ONE of the houses are SEEN and can be controlled trough Google Home or Assistant. I've done multiple unlinking and re-linking as well. Both HC2's are on 4.510 I can switch to English and say "talk to Fibaro" and it lists both devices and I can control them from there. But through the Google Interface only the devices in one of the houses are seen - if you follow me here Any guidance or ideas to test would be highly appreciated! Have a good Saturday out there!
- 3 replies
- hc2
- google assistant
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Hi, I have a EZVIZ Camera CS-CV310 and I wonder how I can add it to the HC2 as there is no plugin for that camera. Any thoughts? Thanks
My HC2 was running fine for serveral weeks on ver. 5.10. Yesterday I noticed, that I I can'nt connect using my Phone. I checked from my PC - same behavior. Internal Error! I than switched off the HC2 using the button at the back. Wait for a minute and switched it back on. Now I getting "Starting Services". I left it now for couple of hours. No change! I did switch it off and on aggain, but the HC2 is not accessable anymore. I did not made any changes to the HC2, I also did not add any devicves. What can I do to gain access and control again. It's quite urgent thx & regards Rolf
- 6 replies
- hc2
- starting services
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Hi there, My hc2 keeps on reminding me that the backups that i have made so far are incompatible and that I have to make new ones. But in the backup screen is says that the backups that I made so far are compatible. Is it a bug, and/or do more people experience this? Let me know. hc2.pdf
- 3 replies
- incompatible
- backup
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Hi All, We recently purchased a Roomba 690 (with built in WiFi) and I went with the iRobot brand specifically as its listed on the home page of the Fibaro website as a one of the device thats compatible with the Fibaro system. https://www.shopirobot.com.au/roomba-robot-vacuum-cleaner/roomba690-robot-vacuum-cleaner.html I've been through the available Add-ons on my HC2 as well as searching both these forums and the internet with no answers. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks, Mist
Version: 4.510 HC2 REST API Hi guys, since update to version 4.510 i get sometimes this email: "Suspicious Login Attempts Prevented: We noticted 5 failed login attempts to your HC2 that seemed suspicious. For your security, the following IP address xxx has been locked for 30 min" Why? The REST Auth are right. At start status code 200 with successful result and a little bit later 401 bad user and pass. All request, in the previous version, ran flawlessly...
Hi, Recently My HC2 went into recovery mode, but unfortunately when i tried to log in again into it, it happens that i forgot the login id, if there is anyway or someone who can help i can talk to please let me know. Thanks in advance.
Can someone help me. I have been thinking about how the logic would work and cannot come up with the correct Lua code to make this work correctly. Goal: want the door to unlock when I arrive at home and lock when I leave and send a message (push, email etc..) every time. but if I am home/not home I don't want it to keep locking/unlocking and sending me a message *I already have fibaro looking for my phone to see if I'm present. a global variable keeps a number count present =1 not present = 0 so the logic I came up with is like this: Check Present=0 then lock door and send message check present =0 (still not at home) do nothing check present = 1 unlock door and send message check present = 1 (still at home) do nothing etc... let me know if you have questions or suggestions.
Hi Fibaro staff and users, I've in problem with HC2-FibaroID and user authentication for remote acces I haven't find the place where share access to HC2 to second (and third, etc…) FibaroID to allow remote access to my family members. Current I find only following ways 1. share full access to my FibaroID (name and password) with instructuon how to connect through this - not best way, becouse I don't like to give full access to all mu houses 2. direct HTTP flow through my firewall and ask them to access directly - extremly unsecure way becouse lack of HTTPS Could You give some hint, how to behaive or could you point me the right option or (on case lack of this) plan in future developments add that kind of functionality With bests Henn
Hello, everybody, I have a problem with Home Center 2: I forgot user and password! How can I reevive a hard reset? I'm desperate!
- hc2
- home center 2
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Hi, I was searching on the forum about 2-way communication between Domoticz and HC2 (or HCL). What is my situation? At the moment I am running Domoticz with Fibaro modules and I am considering to move to Fibaro, however I want to keep my LUA scripts in Domoticz for the time being. The idea is to exclude all devices in Domoticz and move them to HC2 (or HCL) and keep the scripting running on Domoticz, so I am looking for a way to get variables from Fibaro to Domoticz for the LUA scripts. Furthermore if a variable from Fibaro triggers something in the LUA script in domoticz I want to sent a command back to Fibaro from domoticz. Is that possible? It is an in between solution so that my HA can keep on running. Thx already. Rik
Hello! We recived a broken HC2 at the office. Reporting that an end-user can`t connect to the HC2. Can`t find the HC2 with Fibaro finder nor using Advanced IP Scanner (looking for a mac adress) I have tried using the backup IP adress:, adjustig my computer to 192.186.81.x. Still cant find it with Fibaro Finder / Advanced IP Scanner. Tried regular boot multiple times with and without Recovery Stick plugged in. When I did regular boot. ONLY the power LED was lit up. And yes, I know the ethernet port I used has a direct connection to my computer. (As i use it on a daily basis.) Any suggestions on this? Is there some sort of "Quick fix"? Or do Fibaro need to take a look at this. Thanks! Best regards Hans
Hi. Yesterday I made a backup of my HC2 (version 4.180), which I do from time to time (usually without problems). After the backup it restarted, and then 36 of my devices were "not configured"! A lot of devices that I had hidden in the user interface, reappeared. The unconfigured devices are impossible to configure. They just have a status of "reconfiguring", and that's all, for many hours. The devices don't work, of course. If I try to, say, adjust i light dimmer, it says "configuring" and then nothing else. No response from Fibaro support either. I tried to restore a backup. No change. Please, wise forum, help! Helge
Hi - Brand new to this. I have an HC2 and Harmony Hub. Both were working well until recently where connection was lost. I factory reset the Harmony and attempted a reload of the Harmony Hub Plugin. The plugin loads and i am able to get the Harmony Pin. On copying and saving it to the HC2 i get the message "Undefined error" Further attempts also fail. Has anyone had this problem and is there a solutioin? Cheers Andrew
- 25 replies
- harmony hub
- hc2
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Hi, I´m writing a couple of VERY SIMPLE LUA Scenes that I have linked to Double Click action of a double switch 2. The scene often works fine, but sometimes, some the turnon or turnoff actions are not executed. (by instance, instead of turning off the 3 lights, only 2 are turnned off, or maybe the vent turnon fails...) Also tried added sleep between commands but the result is the same. Any idea? This is quite frustrating... When I run the scen from the debuger interface, it seems that it works properly... As stated, the code is very simple: (Turn off lights, turn on vent, wait 7 minutes and turn off vent (except if the light were turned on again while the vent is on) fibaro:call(88, "turnOff"); --light off 1 fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(93, "turnOff"); --light off 2 fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(94, "turnOff"); --light off 3 fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(89, "turnOn"); --this is the vent fibaro:sleep(420000); -- wait 7 minutes local bathLightStatus = 0; bathLightStatus = bathLightStatus + fibaro:getValue(88, 'value'); bathLightStatus = bathLightStatus + fibaro:getValue(93, 'value'); bathLightStatus = bathLightStatus + fibaro:getValue(94, 'value'); -- fibaro:debug('Number of bath lights on: ' .. bathLightStatus); if ( bathLightStatus == 0) then -- fanStatus = fibaro:getValue(89, 'value'); -- fibaro:debug('Fan Status ' .. fanStatus); fibaro:call(89, "turnOff"); -- fibaro:sleep(1000); -- fanStatus = fibaro:getValue(89, 'value'); -- fibaro:debug('Fan Status after off ' .. fanStatus); end
- 1
- unreliable
- scene
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- air conditioning
- daikin
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Hi I purchased an HC2 and accessories from the UK and have been running a system for 2 years in Hong Kong where the power plugs are the same as the UK. I am about to relocate to New Zealand where the Zwave band is different. Can a user change the Zwave band of a HC2 unit or is the Zwave chipset different for each Zwave region? If it cannot be changed in the field, I will sell all my UK Kit and start again! thanks Darren Breeze