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  1. Hi I've had weird issues with my Z-Wave network for a while that seem impossible to diagnose and resolve... notably a slowdown of the network (lights may take 10 seconds to turn on when a motion sensor is activated). Support have remoted to the device and are unable to diagnose the issue. The latest issue is that Fibaro motion sensors seem to just get dropped or forgotten from the HC2. They don't get set as dead nodes... they just don't register motion, and to resolve I have to delete the device and re-register. I'm having to do 1-2 of these per week which is a nightmare when having to edit all scenes etc. Most of these are on the periphery of the network. I love my HC2, and have never understood the haters, putting them down as not understanding the complexities of the system... but these latest issues are seriously making me consider Vera! Anybody got any ideas to save me having to jump ship? Thanks!
  2. Hi there, I'm building a Nextion touchscreen with a arduino ESP8266 chip. I already can start scene's from the display. I'm now struggeling with a way to communicate back. Is there someone who can tell me how to send value's from a variable in Fibaro HC2 to the arduino ESPchip? I created a webserver running on the arduino and can make different actions on it i.e. /ledon runs a led on script on the arduino. But this way i need to make a different script for every single action/value of a variable. undoable when I want to send temp or lux to the arduino. Is there a way, so yes how, to send the value of a global variable in fibaro HC2 to a global variable in the arduino. Cheers, Damien
  3. Hello! I live in Brazil and I got a HC2 working in my house, I took a vacation to US few days ago and found a motion sensor for sale. Bought it, but HC2 could not find it. It seems that they have diferent frequences, 908,4mhz in the US and 921,4 mhz in Brazil. Does anyone knows if there’s a workaround on these matter? Could be changing its frequence module (not sure if its possible) or any other stuff, please let me know. Thank you
  4. Hello, Is it posible in HC2 LUA to create global functions? I use o lot of functions over and over again and have to include them in every scene Is it possible to create functions in a centralized scene and use them from every other scene? Example: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ GlobalFunctions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ global function BeepXseconds(x) fibaro:call(42, "turnOn") fibaro:sleep(x * 1000) fibaro:call(42, "turnOff") end global function MyDebug(text, color) -- read GlobalGlob if DebugGlob = true then -- do something with formatting text, add OS.date and add colors fibaro:debug(text) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ now i can use the global functions in other scenes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ scene 161 - TurnAlarmOn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- do something MyDebug("Turn Alarm on", "red") BeepXseconds(5) -- do something ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ scene 254 - Doorbell ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- do something MyDebug("Someone is ringing", "BLUE") BeepXseconds(2) -- do something ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AND OFCOURSE I CAN CREATE SCENES AND USE THEM LIKE GLOBAL FUNCTIONS BUT PARSING VARIABLES IS NOT THAT SIMPLE, I THEN HAVE TO USE GLOBAL VARIABLES REAL GLOBAL FUNCTIONS (LIKE A LIBRARY) WOULD BE GREAT !!!
  5. Hi guys, I recently purchased a home center 2. Very cool happy with it. Now I want to change some of the icons for devices. But when I upload an icon I am redirected to a completely white page and nothing happens anymore. I downloaded some new icons from this forum and checked them with photoshop if they are ok. 128x128pixels and png format. So should be okay then right? Does anyone know what I can do about it? I am using a Macbook Air 2013 model by the way.
  6. Hmmm...Is there a 3rd edition of Home Center 2 release? Noticed these on Fibaro website. And the antenna seems different from the 2nd edition of Home Center 2 I have got.
  7. Hi all, I would like to share a 100% working solution for HC2 / HCL users that want to use new IP cameras working with RTSP, H.264. Problem: as you know Fibaro doesn't respect too much users demands. Fibaro only supports old IP cameras working with old streaming methods like MJPEG, using basic authentification... This is very bad, because it forces us to use old and unsecure technology. The best solution is that Fibaro supports newer protocols, RSTP, H.264, SSL authentication... But as you know, taking care of users is not the main Fibaro interest. Workaround solution: using an old Android phone (or tablet) as a webserver proxy using tinyCam Monitor PRO awesome app (3,5 EUR cost). The main idea is that tinyCam Monitor PRO connects to your cameras, serving at real-time MJPEG streams that Fibaro can watch perfectly fine Yes, it sounds too naif but for me, it toke me years in order to find this solution... In my example we will use Foscam C1 Tinycam Monitor Pro Configuration: Install tinyCam Monitor PRO on your old Android phone on the same network than your HC2 / HCL and make sure your phone is working 24/7 like your cameras do. Config your camera as usual Go to tinyCam Monitor PRO / menú / Settings / Web Server at set strong admin password and choose a port (I use, the default port 8083). Go to tinyCam Monitor PRO / menú / Enable Web server and check message: "webserver is running at" Test it on your computer browser, Google Chrome as example and login with your admin / password of step 3. You will be able to see a welcome screen with some information. I recommend that you Enable "Background mode" and "Power safe mode". In my case I have 2 x RSTP H.264 IP camera and is using about 30% CPU (2014 Android phone). Fibaro HC2 Configuration: Add new IP Camera, Choose as a model Axis Generic and go to Advanced tab You should take care of user, password, IP including port (the same that you setup at tinyCam Monitor PRO Webserver) JPG path: axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi?camera=1 MJPG path: axis-cgi/jpg/image.cgi?camera=1 Check [ JPG ] 3 s. and Show it on main screen and [ v ] Send STOP If you have more than one camera, you need to add another IP Camera on Fibaro with exact configuration, but you should change in JPG and MJPG paths, camera=2, camera=3... and so on That's all! I hope you like it and it helps you
  8. Hi everybody, Can I have Master-Slave Gateway-Connection between two Home center with different frequencies? Like have a US and a EU versions at same home? Best Regards to all
  9. I have a lua scene that I want when the HC2 starts up. But it will not run. --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] local message = 'HC2 restarted' -- Rohit fibaro:call (4, "sendEmail", message, message) -- Rajan fibaro:call (304, "sendEmail", message, message) The properties are as in the image. Any idea why ? Background - I have had continuous problems for 6 months now with all versions of firmware where the HC just does not run some scenes sometimes. The debug shows that its not busy at all. So I now have a scene that reboots it every morning at 4am. It sends me an email telling me its about to reboot. I would like one above to tell me that it has rebooted.
  10. My motion sensor will not update. i am due for a version 2.7 upgrade. every time i start the update and starts the download i wake up my motion sensor then after about 6-10 seconds it says failed. What am i doing wrong? *i have a new battery in it *no scenes are running *have limited CPU usage *motion right next to home center anyone have any ideas?
  11. Hello community, I’m trying to connect an echo dot to HC2. As the dot belongs to one of my kids I’d like to give him access to the devices in his room only. therefore i’ve setup a user with limited access to specific modules in HC2. How can I now add the limited user to the Alexa Skill? I have to use a Fibaro ID user in the skill. But there I only have the main admin connected to my hc2. It’s not possible to connect multiple Fibaro IDs with the same HC2. So is Alexa an all or nothing option only? br Kro
  12. Version 0.2.0


    Device inventory scene Hello everybody, this is a simple scene that shows you all the objects in the HC2 and their number, no matter if zwave devices, users, virtual devices and so on. See the attached screenshot. The script does not need an autostart or other triggers, rather it is meant to be executed ad hoc. In any case, it is no longer necessary to count the devices by hand in the future.
  13. Hi, is there a way to move all config from one HC2 to an other HC2? I also have a HCL, is it possible to move all config from a HC2 to a HCL and the other way around? Stupid questions perhaps, but I do have 2 HC2's and one HCL and would like to move these around in my different houses. Thanks Tony Levis Sweden
  14. I get the following JSON string from my device in a browser by typing the IP of my device: {"data":{ "id":"8200007A","type":"8","detector":"SI29BG","voltage":382,"cpm":14,"temperature":9.45,"humidity":48.29,"pressure":100281,"voc":12800000,"co2":399,"noise":39,"ch2o":0.00,"pm25":3,"uptime": 107787}} is it possible to import these values into a virtual device in HC2? The closest I have found is: local urad = Net.FHttp("") local urad = Net.FHttp("{{}}",80) local urad = assert(io.popen('curl')) but these will not get the json string This is a part question for my thread:
  15. Can you connect hc 2 with Fibaro Home app? If you can, will devices shown upp in Apple Home?
  16. Now, i believe it is official. HC2 is comming in Black. I think that black color is better then grey polished aluminium color since I like darker colors more and have darker furniture. Also blue LEDs looks with that "black coat" better. Here is link to HC2: https://www.fibaro.com/en/products/home-center-2/ Joke starts. So now, when we can expect HCL with racing strips? Joke ends.
  17. Hello, Is it possible to send data from my HC2 to a FTP server? Thanks! I know that i can send data to a (MySQL) database but that is not what i need
  18. Hi, I set the HC2 location to the Latitude and Longitude of my location and the time zone to Europe/London and even restarted the HC2 but the Yahoo Weather still thinks it's sunny 24 degrees c..... if only! Has anyone fixed this problem?
  19. Hello, I want to connect the thermostat (Heatit or MCO HOME MH7H) to FIBARO HC2, I want to control it using the heating panel. On the thermostat I set the manual mode to be controlled via FIBARO. Adding (MH7H or Heatit) to HC2 was ok, 4 objects were added. I put them in the room, created a heating zone for the room on the heating panels, I assigned the appropriate thermometer to the zone. Association Group 1 is set to the default setting. The control of the heating via the set FIBARO heating panel initially works OK. If the temperature varies with time in heating panel, the setting also changes to the thermostat. However, there is a problem - when I manually change the temperature on the thermostat during the heating schedule time, the thermostat will stop responding to the heating plan! This situation may occur when I come home from work sooner, the heating plan is set to 18 degrees and I want to turn on the heating for several hours. I have to always enter manual temperature via APP ??? I would like to be able to set the temperature manually on the thermostat too, sometimes it's easier than a smartphone. Well, I would expect that when the next heating period comes, the thermostat will adapt to the defined heating plan ... But it does not work.
  20. Hi, Yesterday I've received my first HCL. (so i'm pretty new to these gateways). After installing and upgrading to the latest beta (4.1.622) due to the Fibaro heating valves i use, I've don some checks on the HCL. According to my tests, HCL is using as a webserver nginx version 1.9.5. nginx 1.9.5 mainline version has been released is released on 2015-09-22. Current mainline version is 1.13.9, released on 2018-02-20. A lot of security fixes and performance issues are solved between these releases. Request: 1. Please update the Fibaro Firmware (webserver) with a newer mainline version of NGINX. 2. Please disable we can see the webserver software and version with a simple telnet to the gateway with regards, Hans
  21. Hello Forum, Relatively new to the HC2 I am struggling a bit with getting my head around all the undocumented functions and features in the HC2. Would anyone know more about the ones I am mentioning below, which are nowhere mentioned in Fibaro's documentation. The "Net" library Net.FHttp function Has a method called GET which requires some parameters. Which ones? How about POST, PUT and DELETE methods? Do they exist and if so which parameters do they take? Net.FTcpSocket function I came across a reference to this function in a post on this forum but I don't know how it works. The "api" library api.get, api.put, api.post functions Takes a local path as parameter so I am guessing this is a special implementation of the Net.FHttp function so one does not have to use the full URL for get/post/put etc. api.get("/icons") for instance gives all icons according to Fibaro's REST-interface definition Is there an api.delete function as well? Googling the above does not give any indication that these libraries are generic LUA libraries so my conclusion is that they must be Fibaro-specific. But I could be wrong of course. Storing tables in global variables I came across this VD (by Sankotronic) on the forum that helps you browse the icon library: Looking through the code I found this very interesting concept of storing an entire data structure in a global variable. Check out the main loop in the VD. Very clever indeed! The question then, which are the principles behind this very convenient way to handle variables? I mean, the standard functionality can only handle numbers and predefined values, not strings or collections of data. Thanks! Per
  22. DonZap


    Hi I am new here, so sorry if I post this at the wrong forum I'm using fibaro HC2 together with google home by ifttt. I have created a user who only has access to a virtual device that I send the http command to. It works fine when I using device ID directly: http://User:Password@/api/callAction?deviceID=93&name=turnOn but when i usen the button indside the virtual device, it dose not work at all: http://User:Password@/api/callAction?deviceID=201&name=pressButton&arg1=button0 and I am getting the virtual device ID from the http link: /fibaro/en/devices/virtual_edit.html?id=201 I have no idea why it dose not work, its pretty Straight froward? thanks in advance for your inputs
  23. Has anyone experienced / overcome the following ? My overview pictures don't work, but if I click a camera button the camera works fine, ( click the camera number button ) in realtime, and all is well, then when I rotate the phone to get full screen, I get a "No Video" and black screen. Going back to the overview I generally have to refresh network to get the smaller view showing again. The cameras seem to work fine otherwise, I can even pinch in in the overview screen. HikVision Turret and Cube cameras all exhibit the same behaviour. Any thoughts on where to start ? Cheers, al.
  24. hallo, Ich habe mehrere MCO Home MH7 Thermostate in meiner Wohnung installiert. Nach dem Neustart des HC2 wird die Uhr der Thermostate zurückgesetzt. Die meiste Zeit ist die Uhr auf UTC-Zeit statt CET eingestellt. Nachdem sie den Support von MCO Home kontaktiert und gefragt haben, wie sie die Zeit mit LUA zurücksetzen könnten, sagten sie mir, dass sie OpenZWave-konform sind. Ich sollte innerhalb der Klasse "COMMAND_CLASS_TIME_PARAMETERS" den Befehl "TIME_PARAMETERS_SET" verwenden. Weiß jemand, wie ich ZWave-Klassen ( http://www.openzwave.com/dev/classOpenZWave_1_1TimeParameters.html ) in einem LUA-Szenario aufrufen kann ? Danke & Mit freundlichen Grüßen thomas
  25. A minor irritation in the HomeCenter2 browser interface is that whenever I switch from one device to another, the dark screen flashes white for a split second before opening the new screen. This abrupt change from near black to pure white is hard on the eyes. Is there any way for you to suppress the white flash between HC2 page displays?
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