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  1. is it possible to associate Eye motion sensor with some other sensor, which can trigger alarm LED on Eye motion sensor? Or create some automation to trigger LED on Eye sensor? I would like to trigger Alarm LED on Eye motion sensor with some other sensors (door/windows or flood sensor).
  2. Hi, I am aware that the easy integration with motion detection is to trigger a light upon motion detection and then simply set a timer to turn it off again after X seconds. Like so, typically: hub.call(358, 'turnOn') hub.setTimeout(300000, function() hub.call(358, 'turnOff') end) This of course is not the best use case for a house. It would be much more elegant to let a user move around in the house, turn on the light where motion is detected and then turn it off again when there is no motion for X minutes. You may ask, how is this any different? Here is why: I walk into a room, the code above triggers, and I have 300 seconds to do what i need, and then the light WILL TURN OFF. If I push the actual wall button to get the light on permanently, it does not matter, because the motion trigger will override the wall button, and TURN OFF the light as scheduled (300 seconds), EVEN IF I pushed the wall button. So this requires something more elegant. Does anyone have something to do this? Here is what I want to achieve: 1. Motion trigger: turn on the light in that room/zone 2. Wall button pressed affecting the same light: behave like a button (toggle light). Dont let the motion trigger turn it on again if I just turned it off. 3. When no movement after X minutes, turn off the lights. (even if wall button pressed) In my other favorite coding language (Which is not LUA, yet, I admit!!), I would do the following: 1. Keep a table of all triggers of all motions, with the ID of the triggered sensor and the last time triggered, and the lights (IDS) turned on upon that trigger 2. Check the table every X seconds and if the last trigger time is now X minutes old, turn the associated lights off 3. Advanced functionaltiy: If a wall button is pressed affecting the same lights from #1, dont let the motion turn it on again for X minutes. ("Respect the Button"). Extend the time to turn it off in #2 by Y minutes but it will still be turned off upon no motion in X+Y time. I have literally no idea how to achieve this in LUA and in particular the LUA that Home Center 3 uses. Anyone have pointers on this? Best regards
  3. Hi guys, I have 5 of the Fibaro motion sensors in my condo that are used to trigger my Philips Hue lights. With 4 out of the 5, the battery life is outstanding. But one of them, the one in my bedroom, the one that actually sees less motion than any to the other 5, I can put a fresh battery in and in 24 hours it goes from 100% to 88%. I had actually taken this sensor out of commission, taken the battery out and put it in a junk drawer until a couple of nights ago. So I put it back in the same place expecting different results (I know, it's insanity). I carefully went over the settings again tonight comparing it to the 4 that I have no issues with and I found something. All of the sensors except for the "faulty" one were set to "tamper only". The one that was burning batteries at a rapid rate was set to "tamper and earthquake". Could this cause that much of a difference? I know I'll probably have an answer in 24 hours, but I was wondering if you guys either have had a similar experience or maybe you know something else that could be causing this? If it depletes again by tomorrow night I'm seriously thinking of just tossing it. The only reason I have a Z-wave motion sensor in my bedroom as opposed to Zigbee is for the benefit it's suppose to have when not in close proximity to my SmartThings hub. If I do take down the Fibaro sensor I'll probably replace it with a Philips Hue sensor I've ordered on Amazon. Thanks in advance
  4. Dear all, Is it correct that the Fibaro motion sensor only picks up motion after a period without motion? I am not sure whether this makes sense, but I experience the following: - The motion sensor is working fine when I enter a room (motion is detected); if I enter within the 'blind time' (e.g. 6 seconds) nothing happens, but other than that motion is picked up properly - However, when I remain in the room, there is not a signal detected every 'blind time' (in the example every 6 seconds). It can take minutes before a new signal is being detected. I would need this repeated signal for a specific application. Can this be changed or worked around? I cannot find anything in this regard in the manual's list of parameters.. Thanks, J
  5. I have had Fibaro 2 system for a while, and I have integrated the motion sensor easiliy with the system. Recently I wanted to integrate the sensor to Apple Homekit. And I hade no code, so I even bought a new sensor to be sure I hade code. But there is no code in the box, and there is no longer a works with apple homekit written in the box. It has been impossible to find anything describing what i experience, the documentation on net is different from the one in the box, which dont adress the integration at al. So, is this no longer possible ti integrate to homekit, or is there another way to do it?
  6. Hi All, Newbie here - keen to learn. After heaps of playing around both with scenes and associations I am still having trouble achieving what should be a very basic task for the Fibaro system. All I’m after is motion detected, light comes on for 1 minute, then switches off (unless further motion is detected within this 1minute window then timer restarts). I have this set up in my pantry with a magic scene, works well but can be delayed so I’m hoping for an associations set up to help speed up the process. I have read many many forums and tried everything obvious to no avail. I managed to get the association to work for 1 minute and switch off....only for the light to immediately flick back on and the 1minute timer restart, this continued on a loop until I removed the association. What did I do wrong..?? thanks in advance for any help!!
  7. I have the motion sensor report light intensity throughout the day, and use this info to control exterior and interior light. The graph shows it reports various light throughout the day, but when the dark period starts it ends up reporting 0 lux even if there is more than enough light outside. Is there a way to calibrate the sensor? I am based in Norway. The photo is shot at 23:53 last night using my iPhone 7
  8. Hello, ive got a question to HC2 and Triggers... I would like to set up a scene like this: if the motion detector trips between 5 a.m. and 6 a.m., the shutters should open. Is that possible in the HC2? I cant find this trigger. In HC3 is this time trigger... can help me someone or do I have to buy the HC3 because of that??? Thanks for answers Tschorden
  9. Hello, I am using Home Center Light. I have a Fibaro Motion Sensor and I try to run my roller shutter scene by light control, but I dont get it to work the way I need it. Today the shutters closed when the light sensor changed from 96 to 82 lux, but I want it to close at 10 lux. This is the scene I am using: Since it is in German: Roll_Zu_Status is the Variable for shutter closing clearance freigegeben means enabled Roll_Offen_Status is the Varable for shutter opening clearance gesperrt means disabled I hope this explains it good enough. One condition I want to realize is, that the shutters only close once in the evening and open once in the morning. For this i am using Variables "shutter opening clearance" and "shutter closing clearance". For setting the variable I use another scene. This is for "shutter closing clearance": It enables 30 minutes before sunset. And this is exactly when the shutters closed today. I can't find my error. Does anyone has an idea?
  10. Witam, szukam jakiegoś rozwiązania opartego o Fibaro. Szukam kamer które widza w nocy najlepiej które wykryją ruch w nocy i włącza alarm. Znacie jakieś rozwiązanie które pomogłoby mi zrealizować taki system?
  11. I'm trying to build few scenes with motion and door sensors but then I got confused which is the proper activation/deactivation term to use for each device: Armed Disarmed Breached Breached and Armed Breached and Disarmed Safe Safe and armed Safe and disarmed Tamper tripped Tamper not tripped Would it make difference if I select Breached instead of Armed for the Door sensor? If someone can share some example for better understanding, I'd highly appreciate. Thanks, Nikola
  12. Hello, I'am trying to sett light off after the motion sensor not have seen any movement over a specific time period in the evening on a Fibaro HCL. I have build a block scene for that or use a variable to set day-part. The scene does not work at all. The light is on for hours at night and goes off in the morning. The motion sensor has not seen any movement for hours. What is wrong ? Why does it not work as aspected ?
  13. Witam, chciałbym by motion sensor zareagował zamykajac zawory jesli w krótkim czasie np. 2 min spadnie temperatura o 3 stopnie czy ktoś już takie coś przerabiał? nie mam door/window a chciałbym wykorzystać za pomocą sceny ms Czy w tą stronę kombinować?
  14. I have relatively simple automation to develop. If temperature is too low - switch on Wall-Plug. If too high - switch it off. I have three temperature sensor in disposal: "Motion Sensor", "CO Sensor", and Elgato Eve. I was trying several automatons with different sensors, IFs, WHENs, etc - no way. I am not able to control Wall-Plug using temperature value. Any idea to solve my issue? Regards, Tomek
  15. I have a fibaro motion sensor and it keeps detecting motion even though there is none about every 10 seconds. turned off all scenes that interact with the motion sensor - still does the same thing. I restarted my HC2 - does the same thing. Motion sensor on latest firmware. *the only time it stops for a while is when the lux in the room goes to 0. but then it will detect motion again. **I do have the sensitivity really low, when I raise it above 20 it seams to go back to "normal" I don't want this at 20 rather it be 8-10. I have two other fibaro motion sensors set to 8-10 with no problems. @T.Konopka do you know what this could be? a bug?
  16. I have a Aeon Labs multisensor 6 connected to my Home Centre Lite. On the Devices tab, it shows, in a graphical format, the operation of each of the functions of the sensor (temperature, humidity, lux AND Motion); Under the devices tab, Motion was last detected 3 hours ago (see first attachment); However, I know there has been motion in the last 3 hours. When I go into the Event Panel, I can see motion occurred less than 20 minutes ago (time now is 9.09pm) (see second attachment). Why is this? Any help would be appreciated
  17. Mam do Was wielką prośbę. Otóż. Niby proste sceny: 1. Jeżeli wykryjesz ruch i oświetlenie < xx lux alarm nieuzbrojony to zapal światło (i nie gaś) 2. Jeżeli światło włączone i nie ma ruchu przez 10 sek to zgaś światło W obu scenach wyzwalaczem jest czujnik ruchu. Wywala mi cały czas, że przekroczona liczba instancji .Dodatkowo potrafi powiesić centralkę (raz na jakiś czas). Poza tym mam lag na włączeniu. W motion sensor mam następujące paramerty Parametr 2 Detekcja ruchu - czas bezwładności - obecnie mam domyślny 2 Parametr 6 Detekcja ruchu - czas podtrzymania alarmu obecnie mam 5s W scenie zadałem wyłączenie oświetlenia 10s po zaprzestaniu ruchu Proszę wskażcie gdzie mam błąd. Jakie wartości powinienem wpisać w parametrach 2 i 6 w MS? Coś jeszcze powinienem ustawić? Męczę się tym dobry tydzień. Niestety na tą chwilę wymiana na HC2 odpada :( Sceny w załączeniu
  18. Hi I've had weird issues with my Z-Wave network for a while that seem impossible to diagnose and resolve... notably a slowdown of the network (lights may take 10 seconds to turn on when a motion sensor is activated). Support have remoted to the device and are unable to diagnose the issue. The latest issue is that Fibaro motion sensors seem to just get dropped or forgotten from the HC2. They don't get set as dead nodes... they just don't register motion, and to resolve I have to delete the device and re-register. I'm having to do 1-2 of these per week which is a nightmare when having to edit all scenes etc. Most of these are on the periphery of the network. I love my HC2, and have never understood the haters, putting them down as not understanding the complexities of the system... but these latest issues are seriously making me consider Vera! Anybody got any ideas to save me having to jump ship? Thanks!
  19. Hello! I live in Brazil and I got a HC2 working in my house, I took a vacation to US few days ago and found a motion sensor for sale. Bought it, but HC2 could not find it. It seems that they have diferent frequences, 908,4mhz in the US and 921,4 mhz in Brazil. Does anyone knows if there’s a workaround on these matter? Could be changing its frequence module (not sure if its possible) or any other stuff, please let me know. Thank you
  20. Witam, Chciałbym przerobić sterownie ogrzewaniem w moim domu aby móc sterować zdalnie. Obecnie do kotła De Dietrich MCR2 używam termostat pokojowy Celcia 20. Jakiego sprzętu użyć firmy Fibaro i jak go podłączyć aby zachować wszystkie możliwości sterowania temperaturą w pomieszczeniu jak również grzaniem centralnej wody użytkowej? Wszelkiego rodzaju sugestie i schematy mile widziane. Dziękuję za pomoc, bs13
  21. Just out of curiosity, I wonder how you installed the Fibaro Motion Sensor in a corner of a room. Usually it's like this ... but I'm into symmetrical solutions as below. Any good idea's? You can call me weirdo, I don't mind ... Photos welcome.
  22. Drodzy instalatorzy!, Czy macie może doświadczenie w kwestii czujnika ruchu i zwierzętami domowymi? czy można jakoś ustawić czułość na 'człowieka' a nie na 'kota'? Po prostu chodzi mi o to czy da się tak zrobić żeby czujnik nie reagował na kota. Pozdrawiam Bartek
  23. My motion sensor will not update. i am due for a version 2.7 upgrade. every time i start the update and starts the download i wake up my motion sensor then after about 6-10 seconds it says failed. What am i doing wrong? *i have a new battery in it *no scenes are running *have limited CPU usage *motion right next to home center anyone have any ideas?
  24. Hi I am trying to set automatic scenes in my bathrooms so lights will come on a certain level depending on the time of day which I have setup using simple scenes - example below: This works fine and i have variable to switch from day and night, however I would like the ability to override this as the kids get annoyed when they are in the bath and the lights go off. is there a way to change the variable on pressing the light switch button On which would change the variable to override and then when the light switch if switched off change the variable back to day or night based on timings? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  25. Witam wszystkich serdecznie. Jestem początkujący i mam prośbę o pomoc, potrzebuję ustawić włączanie światła w zależności od obecności domowników po zachodzie słońca. Tj. jeśli jest po zachodzie i przez ostatnie 1,5 godz czujka wykryła ruch to włącz oświetlenie zewnętrzne na tarasie. Naczytałem się, na patrzyłem się, rozumiem że to powinno być oparte na zmiennych ale coś nie bangla. Kolejna sprawa że czujka ruchu wykrywając ruch odpala kolejne instancje dość szybko można można uzyskać ulubiony komunikat wielu z was "Limit instancji został przekroczony" Zerknijcie proszę uprzejmie czy robię to dobrze. Centralka HCL dzięki Piotr zmienna wygląda tak a tu scena
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