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Showing results for tags 'Motion Sensor'.
Hello! I live in Brazil and I got a HC2 working in my house, I took a vacation to US few days ago and found a motion sensor for sale. Bought it, but HC2 could not find it. It seems that they have diferent frequences, 908,4mhz in the US and 921,4 mhz in Brazil. Does anyone knows if there’s a workaround on these matter? Could be changing its frequence module (not sure if its possible) or any other stuff, please let me know. Thank you
Witam, Chciałbym przerobić sterownie ogrzewaniem w moim domu aby móc sterować zdalnie. Obecnie do kotła De Dietrich MCR2 używam termostat pokojowy Celcia 20. Jakiego sprzętu użyć firmy Fibaro i jak go podłączyć aby zachować wszystkie możliwości sterowania temperaturą w pomieszczeniu jak również grzaniem centralnej wody użytkowej? Wszelkiego rodzaju sugestie i schematy mile widziane. Dziękuję za pomoc, bs13
- 3 replies
- universal sensor
- home center 2
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My motion sensor will not update. i am due for a version 2.7 upgrade. every time i start the update and starts the download i wake up my motion sensor then after about 6-10 seconds it says failed. What am i doing wrong? *i have a new battery in it *no scenes are running *have limited CPU usage *motion right next to home center anyone have any ideas?
- 2 replies
- motion sensor
- update
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HI, I am trying to register Aeotec MultiSensor 6 on Fibaro Home Center 2 (v 4.056). After registration is complete I can see temperature, light, humidity sensors but no motion or vibration sensor. Is there any specific configuration I need to load for it? Also the temperature, light, humidity sensors doesn't seem to show correct values ( most of them shows 0 value) Thanks & Regards, Kamal
Hi, I would like to configure a setup where my lamps automatically swiches on if a defined brightness level is measured by the Light Sensor of the HomeKit-Version of the Fibaro Motion Sensor. Normally this can be done by using the Light sensor as a trigger. But I was not able to configure such a setup sucessfully. Did anyone tried to use the Light sensor of the HomeKit-Version of the Fibaro Motion Sensor sucessfully as trigger? I configured that the lamps should be switched on if the Light sensor measures a brightness level under 100 Lux. What I experienced so far was, that even if the Light sensor measures a value that was under 100 Lux the lamps were not switched on. Only if the brightness level was 0 Lux (absolutly dark environment) the lamps were switched on. But no other setup was sucessful. Can the Light Sensor in the HomeKit-Version only be used for triggers that measures brightness levels of 0 Lux or did I something wrong? Hope you can help me! Luke11
- 19 replies
- brightness level
- motion sensor
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Hi I am trying to set automatic scenes in my bathrooms so lights will come on a certain level depending on the time of day which I have setup using simple scenes - example below: This works fine and i have variable to switch from day and night, however I would like the ability to override this as the kids get annoyed when they are in the bath and the lights go off. is there a way to change the variable on pressing the light switch button On which would change the variable to override and then when the light switch if switched off change the variable back to day or night based on timings? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
About the only thing I can do with my motion sensor is to trigger something (light for example) when it senses movement. What about turning the lights off after 15 minutes if no movement is detected. Homekit has no logic that permits "no motion detected". What am I left with? How could I send a request to an external system (www.imsmart.tech for example) so I can control the "no motion" events?
Czujka ruchu sygnalizuje włączony alarm w innej strefie
mfpuszek posted a question in Sceny i Interfejs
Witam, chciałbym stworzyć kawałek kodu w lua, ale mam z tym problem. Chodzi mi o to, aby jak jedna czujka ruchu jest uzbrojona, a druga jest nieuzbrojona i naruszona to żeby migała na czerwono lub aby załączała się sygnalizacja świetlna, która pojawia się podczas alarmu sabotarzowego. Zaznaczam, że obie czujki mają sygnalizację LED wyłączoną. Czy jest możliwe takie coś. Bardzo proszę o wsparcie, jeżeli napisałem coś niejasno, to bardzo chętnie doprecyzuję o co mi chodzi. Pozdrawiam, mfpuszek- 2 replies
- czujka ruchu
- sygnalizacja alarmu
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Witajcie! Mam pytanie do posiadaczy Motion Sensor dla HomeKit. Czy udało wam się ustawić powiadomienia dla konkretnego czasu? Ustawiam okres powiadomień dla zakresu godzinowego, mimo to dostaję powiadomienia cały czas . Macie jakiś pomysł w tej chwili jedynym wyjściem z sytuacji jest włączanie powiadomień jak każdym razem jak wychodzimy z domu i wyłączanie jak wracamy.
- 3 replies
- motion sensor
- homekit
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Hi all, I'm suddenly in a position where a lot of my sensors are showing low battery - which makes sense having bought a lot of them around the same time. I'm currently very nervous to change any of the batteries because there hasn't been a single time that I've changed a battery and had no issues with sensors. Door sensors in particular, it seems as though I change the battery, the sensor works for a few days before becoming unresponsive and ultimately killing the battery very quickly. This then leads to me being required to do a full reset of the module, delete/remove from Fibaro, scenes etc. Then re-add to Fibaro and redo all of the associated scenes, restarting the controller in between to ensure a clean removal and re-add. Now I have 2 x motion sensors and 3 x door sensors which need to be replaced - what am I actually supposed to do to ensure a smooth battery swap, without having to delete/add the device again, or risk having an unresponsive sensor that kills batteries again. I've had a quick search and the only real advice I have seen is to keep the door open when changing the sensor, but nothing really official or obvious. So, please do tell me how you change your sensor's batteries to ensure they have no issues, so I can try on some of mine. Thanks
- 4 replies
- sensor
- motion sensor
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Hi, I have several Fibaro Motion sensor (FGMS-001 ZW5 v3.2) integrated with my eedomus zwave controller. Most of them are working fine, but one of them did stop working and now is not reporting any information to the controller: motion, vibration, temperature and luminosity. I have reset the device (follwing the user manual instructions), excluded it and included it back into the controller, and the situation remains the same. The device responds and executes correctly any of the zwave commands sent from the controller (get and set wake_up_time, configuration_set of any parameter), but as I explained the device does not send any information to the controller. Any suggestions on how to proceed ? Should I get the device replaced ? BR
Fibaro Motion Sensor - unable to rename or allocate to room
Highlander posted a question in Scenes and Interface
Hi I recently acquired the HC2 and am still finding my way around it. I have encountered an issue which I cannot find a solution for. Not sure if I did something wrong. I have added a Fibaro Motion Sensor. The adding part appears to go fine with all the components showing up under unallocated. (i.e the motionsensor, temperature etc). However they just have port nrs as names and when I select them, I am unable to rename or allocate to a room (both on general or advanced tabs.). The rooms drop down is empty and if I only type a new name and save, the screen just does the spinning circle and hangs. The sensor otherwise appears to work fine, returning temperature etc. Would appreciate any suggestion on where it might be going wrong. Regards -
Dear forum, I googled a lot but cannot seem to find a solution. I bought a Philips Hue motion sensor and want to use it in my scenes. I wrote my own VD (loosely based on @Sankotronic's Hue VD) in order to use the motion sensor in my scenes. However, the response time is very slow. I read somewhere about a 3 second delay, not sure exactly what it is and if you can influence that. It correlates however with my observations that the VD seems to trigger itself every 3 seconds. For a motion sensor, you want instant response without delay. Anybody any suggestion how to speed up the VD response or how to read the data from the Hue motion sensor faster? I pasted my VD source below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Philips HUE Motion Sensor Virtual Device ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local hueTemperatureDeviceID = 2 local hueMotionDeviceID = 3 local hueLightlevelDeviceID = 4 -- enter name of the user that you added to the HUE bridge local hueUser = "your-user-here" -- enter icon ID's for corresponding status of the virtual device local iconOk = 1048 local iconUnreachable = 1033 local iconError = 1034 local debug = false -- get this virtual device ID vDeviceID = fibaro:getSelfId() -- get IP address and TCP port for PhilipsHUE bridge hueIP = fibaro:get(vDeviceID, "IPAddress") huePort = fibaro:get(vDeviceID, "TCPPort") -- connect to the Hue bridge Hue = Net.FHttp(hueIP,huePort) -- TEMPERATURE response, status, errorCode = Hue:GET('/api/'..hueUser..'/sensors/'..hueTemperatureDeviceID); -- continue if HTTP status code is 200 if (tonumber(status) == 200) then jsonTable = json.decode(response) -- get the temperature data hueTemperature = jsonTable.state.temperature if debug then fibaro:debug("hueTemperature = " .. tostring(hueTemperature)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.temperature.value", tostring(hueTemperature/100)) fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconOk) else fibaro:log("Hue: Bridge not reachable") fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconError) end -- MOTION response, status, errorCode = Hue:GET('/api/'..hueUser..'/sensors/'..hueMotionDeviceID) -- continue if HTTP status code is 200 if (tonumber(status) == 200) then jsonTable = json.decode(response) -- get the motion data hueMotionDetected = jsonTable.state.presence if debug then fibaro:debug("hueMotionDetected = " .. tostring(hueMotionDetected)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.motionDetected.value", tostring(hueMotionDetected)) if hueMotionDetected then huelastBreached = os.time() else if huelastBreached == nil then huelastBreached = 0 end end if debug then fibaro:debug("huelastBreached = " .. tostring(huelastBreached)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.lastBreached.value", tostring(huelastBreached)) fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconOk) else fibaro:log("Hue: Bridge not reachable") fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconError) end -- LIGHTLEVEL response ,status , errorCode = Hue:GET('/api/'..hueUser..'/sensors/'..hueLightlevelDeviceID) -- continue if HTTP status code is 200 if (tonumber(status) == 200) then jsonTable = json.decode(response) -- get the lightlevel data hueLightlevel = jsonTable.state.lightlevel if debug then fibaro:debug("hueLightlevel = " .. tostring(hueLightlevel)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.lightLevel.value", tostring(10^((hueLightlevel-1)/10000))) hueDark = jsonTable.state.dark if debug then fibaro:debug("hueDark = " .. tostring(hueDark)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.dark.value", tostring(hueDark)) hueDaylight = jsonTable.state.daylight if debug then fibaro:debug("hueDaylight = " .. tostring(hueDaylight)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.daylight.value", tostring(hueDaylight)) fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconOk) else fibaro:log("Hue: Bridge not reachable") fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconError) end
- 4 replies
- virtual device
- motion sensor
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Witam, mam problem z konfiguracją sceny włączania grzejnika, który jest podłączony do Wall Pluga. Kryteria są takie: 1) jeśli temperatura na Motion Sensor jest poniżej 20*C, to włącz Wall Plug'a - ale tylko w PN-PT o 11:00 i SOB-ND o 13:00 2) jeśli temperatura na Motion Sensor przekroczy 20*C to wyłącz Wall Plug'a - niezależnie od dnia tygodnia (zawsze, jeżeli powyżej 20*C). Zrobiłem dwie sceny: - druga, czyli WYŁĄCZANIE działa bez zarzutu, - pierwsza, czyli WŁĄCZ niestety nie działa - włącza Wall Plug'a zawsze, jeżeli temperatura jest poniżej 20*C - tak jakby nie widziała kryterium dnia tygodnia. Nie działa nawet, jeśli wyrzucę kryterium temperatury a zostawię same dni tygodnia... Z góry dziękuję za pomoc
- 10 replies
- wall plug
- motion sensor
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Hi, I have a few motion sensor I'm trying to add to my HC2, but it doesn't seem to be working properly. I have added a photo. Any ideas? Cheers
Hi , I am using both HC2 and HCL in master slave mode. and i tried to activate alarm panel to take actions in arm mode. first, i selected emergency lights , close blinds and send notification and tested it and it worked good. this situation was before adding any other scenes to the system. i activated the alarm panel in the HC2 (master controller) only . After adding several scenes ( Ex: scenes to open and close lights according to motion detection and LUX in several areas ) , i tried to re test the alarm panel by arming the motion sensors in my system and try to breach any of them. when i did so in the 1st trail only the blinds closed but no notifications sent and the emergency lights did not work as well. i tried to reset the alarm panel and deactivate all actions and re enable it again. when i did so nothing of actions took place. Hint : i have several scenes take place several rimes and always there is notification to alarm that that scenes run sequently more than the number of runs i set in each scene ( 10 times ) my question : is this delay due to these scenes which run a lot or this is a bug in system ? i am using the latest update in both controlled ( not the beta one )
- alarm panel
- master/slave
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Dear community, I'm searching to turn off some functionnality on the motion sensor. In fact, I just need the temperature and the light intensity. How can I turn off the other settings to preserv the battery life? Thanks for your help and feedback
Hi, I've set direct association of Fibaro Motion Sensor and 2 x Fibaro RGBW controller in HC2. Set to Group 2 single channel per each. I can't solve the issue of brightness - it turns on the minimum level only. I need to manually turn the brightness to max. But when turns off and on again - level is again minimum. How can I set brightness in direct association? Parameter 14 on Motion Sensor is set to 255. Looks like I'm missing some important part! Thanks!
- 1 reply
- hc2
- motion sensor
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Witam. Dziś miałem nieprzyjemna sytuacje z Motion Sensor. Nie wiem jak to możliwe ale realne,bateria była w stanie krytycznym czyli rozładowanie,i w aplikacji podalo mi informacje o jej wymianie. Bateria nagrzewając sie zapalila obudowę Motion Sensor gdzie czujnik spadl na ziemie i nastapil pozar. Proszę o sprawdzenie danego uzadzenia przez FIBARO, jest to bardzo niebezpieczne, dobrze ze byłem w domu i czujnik bym zamontowany w kuchni czyli spadl na plytke. Co moglo być przyczyna (zapłonu baterii) czy może być to związane z niskim stanem baterii.
Hi, I am having issues with the reliability of motion being reported back to HC2 from the motion sensor. I believe it is due to connectivity issues as the problems go away if I move the sensor close to the HC. i have placed a Fibaro WallPlug next to the sensor hoping that connectivity would be established via that, but I am not sure if that is actually the case. In test mode I am getting a green led which I believe indicates a direct connection. I tried to get rebuild the Zwave connectivity and wake up the sensor manually. Any suggestions how to solve that? Michael
Hello, I'm looking for a simple thermostat function. I have a Fibaro Motion sensor for measuring temperature and I have electrical heating connected to a Switch relay. I have created a heating panel, but this needs to be connected to a thermostat which I don't have. Now I have seen that there was a function "Linking Devices" for heating, but this function isn't there in 4.110. It is replaced with associations, but this is not the solution. Can somebody help me please? Yannick
- 2 replies
- thermostat
- association
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Hi friends, I am now working with Motion sensor and Relay. I have used Block scenes to make scenes. I made a scene to get the relay ON whenever the Motion sensor gets BREACHED. Also I want the light to get OFF if there is no motion detected for 20s. For that I just edited my Relay's Parameter12 into 20s. Yet the Relay is not getting off even after 20 or more seconds. Hope someone can help me soon With Regards Moosa Irshad
Hi. I bought HC2 and few sensors. I have problem with Motion Sensor. After some time I get message "Waiting for Wakeup". Is that normal? What is the best setup for motion sensor when I use it with fibaro switch for turn on and off lights. (sensitiviti, etc - it seems to me that is motion sensor too slow in detection movement) Thanks,
Hi I have just bought a Fibaro Home Center 2 (4.035) and have trouble getting a fibaro Motion Sensor (2.6) to work correctly. The motion sensor seem to work ok but the temperature and LUX meter don’t. They freezes with the value that they had when I added the senor to the system. I have tried to remove and add the sensor again. I have tried waking and resetting the senor but with no luck. Is the senor broken or am I doing something wrong.
- 21 replies
- temprature
- motion sensor
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