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  1. Hi I am new to HC2 so bear with me. I have a Fibaro Motion sensor that I want to use to trigger lights in the kitchen. I have created a simple scene: if(Sensor==Breached(0s)) Then (Turn on lights) And a simular Scene to turn of the lights If(Sensor == Safe (60s)) Then (Turn off lights) My problem is that the Scene to turn ON the lights does not trigger! It does not looks like the motion sensor reports a Breach. It seems to detect motion because it is blinking green when I move in front of it. Firmware is up to date. I suspect that there is a setting on the motion sensor that is causing this. Scene "Lights OFF" is working. Plese help me! LUA code: --[[ %% autostart %% properties 7 value %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(7, "value")) > 0 ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(19, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(23, "turnOn"); end Motion sensor parameters: 1 = 15 2 = 2 3=1 4=2 6=5s 8=0 9=200lux 12=0 14=255 16=0 18=(all) 20=20 22=30s 24=0 25=1 28=0 29=0 40=200lux 42=3600s 60=2C 62=900s 64=0s 66=0c 80=10 81=50% 82=100lux 83=1000lux 86=18c 87=28C 89=1
  2. Hi all, I am new to fibaro. I was checking the fibaro motion sensor. The sensor gets connected to fibaro HC2, but its not giving the details including the device ID. SO I cant adde it in LUA, or in any room, or even cant change its name. Waiting for advices in this regards
  3. Hello LUA gurus! I need your help to build a function that can monitor motion sensors and as result give me in which room was last breach detected. Also will be nice to have possibility to remember sequences of movement during whole 24h and then from that build motion matrix that can be used to mimic lights while we are on holidays. Situation 1: I'm building TTS system form my Angelina. So what I need is that Angelina is aware in which room we are by checking motion sensors status and from that to decide on which Sonos speaker she will give us information. Situation 2: As I already mentioned I need a way to monitor motion sequences in house during 24 hour time and then to analyze collected data and build some kind of table or matrix that can be used to mimic lighting. I prefer if this can be done on HC2 if it is possible, but other solutions are also acceptable, but resulting table or matrix must be stored on HC2 so that it can be used by scenes and VD.
  4. I am trying to create an ASSOCIATION between Fibaro Motion Sensor and Fibaro Wall Plug. Motion Sensor sees motion -> Wall plug switches on. Both sensors work fine on their own. I’ve read the PDF manual from Fibaro web (http://materialy.fibaro.com/technical%20presentations/HC2_A4_MotionSens_RelaySwitch_Association.pdf) but this does not help. The latest UI works a bit differently. I have been able to get this to work using SCENES but it was way too slow. It took around 8 seconds from motion to turn on the lights. Instead, pressing light -button from Fibaro UI works instantly. No idea why there is such a massive processing delay?? Any and all help will be appreciated. I am a total newbie and need some assistance to get everything working. I am selecting Motion Sensor -> Advanced -> Associations GROUP 1 Single channel associations To be set: 20 Current (on device): 20 Multi channel associations To be set: Current (on device): I have Fibaro Wall Plug selected. Save -> Nothing happens. Notification screen remains empty. Light switch does not work. Are there some additional settings that need to be adjusted in Motion Sensor Advance mode??
  5. I have encountered very interesting behaviour in association between motion sensor (FGMS-001-ZW5 v3.2) and Fibaro switch 2 (FGS-2x3). I set multichannel association only in Group 2 in motion sensor. I also set parameter 12 to send ON only (value 1). In Switch 2 settings i set there Auto off only. 1st case scenario: Now, when i "breach" motion sensor for first time it turn Switch On as desired. I'm trying now to encrease time to have Switch 2 turned ON by "breaching" motion sensor. If i "breach" motion sensor second time, third time, ...., it turn off and turn on Switch 2. So relay will flash always, when i breach it. 2nd case scenario when i "breach" motion sensor for first time it turn Switch On as desired. I'm trying now to encrease time to have Switch 2 turned ON by "breaching" motion sensor. If i "breach" motion sensor second time, third time, ...., it turn Switch 2 to oposite state. So relay turn on or off, when i breach it. I laso made a video of that behaviours. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9qu634urtl09ry7/VID_20161213_093908[1].mp4?dl=0 Does anyone has same experience with this case? @T.Konopka Did Fibaro engeneers encountered this issue in a past?
  6. Another Fibaro rookie here, so guessing my questions likely fall into the noob category. Anyway I´ve just finished building a house and went "all in" with Fibaro. A whole bunch of dimmers, switch relays, wall plugs, smoke and motion sensors tied together with HC2. LUA is on the todo list to learn since I have realized it will be needed to create the kind of scenes I am thinking of.. But to the first question.. I have been making some scenes which are triggered by the motion sensors. However they are far from reliable, and my guess is that one of the reasons is that the motion which the sensor detects (ALWAYS gives visual feedback) is not always shown in the controller. So far I have only included two, and looking in the HC2 GUI now it looks like the pictures attached. On motion detector 1 (RD1) the icon looks as if it is active, i.e is detecting movement. However the timer is not reset. In the pic it shows that it saw motion 18 minutes ago eventhough I was there waving just before starting this thread. On the second one (RD2), well it shows over 3 hours since last motion detected. Was waving at that one too just now and got it to glow.. Am I missing something..? All the parameters are default.. One thing noticed is if I go in the detection field of the sensor, and it starts glowing, I do get some reaction in HC2.. The timer changes to first "Transmission OK" in green text followed by "Transmission failed" in red.. Then the timer gets back.. Still not reset. A second thing I can´t figure out where to look for more info.. I get these errors every now and then: ID 76: System hardware failure. Read the manual. ID 110: System hardware failure. Read the manual. Read the manual.. Well I have browsed through it, but the error is not that informative so not sure what to look for. The ID number, is that the error ID, or the device ID? If it is the latter, is there any good way to find it without clicking each and every device (which I have renamed to fit its use/kind).
  7. Hi All, could you please give me some ideas that how can i use motion sensor in hc2, so could you give me some examples that how do you use the motion sensor to help you in the home automation? i have 5 pieces of motion sensors, each room i have a motion sensor and i have each room a door sensor,
  8. Hi, I'm looking for a recommendation for a reliable outdoor motion sensor I have 2 everspring SP103 units and since batteries don't like the cold, I'm running them on an external 5v supply but they are very unreliable. I've tried to set the parameter to "not sleep" but no luck. Does anybody know of a mains powered outdoor zwave sensor ( so it doesn't go to sleep like a battery one) or one that can be powered from a USB port like the (aeotec multisensor - 2015) Is the aeotec multisensor reliable or does anybody have some other suggestions .. or perhaps I'm just not using the SP103 correctly Thanks -F
  9. I've just bought a new HC2 and some modules to play with. All the modules are properly installed, except this one Motion Sensor that frustrated me ! The device installation went fine (i presume), but when i go to advance tab, i cannot see any parameters setting installed. (screenshot attached). I also tried to renaming the device, but it stuck at loading bar for forever. NOTE: - I've tried to delete and adding the MS module again for like 5 times, but still not fixed. - Also tried to reset the Zwave already. - My HC2 software Version is 4.056 Is this Motion sensor that i got is faulty ? Or Should i update my HC2 to newest software version? though i've read a lot of bad reviews on this forum for the new software version. Any help would be appreciated.. Thank you !
  10. what is the diffrent between armed and disarmed in motion sensor ?? i am beginner in fibaro system pls help me .....
  11. what is Devices polling time interval and how can i calculate it the best value?
  12. what is wake up interval? and what is the best value of it? i have fibaro motion sensor and it is not response because it is waiting for wakeup and also i cant modify the wakeup interval
  13. Yesterday evening I was going exchange my old filament lamps with new LED bulbs. My good old motion detector equiped entrance lamp did not survive the LED test and finally died. It was already late and no light is no option, so I thought about replacing the existing motion 'facett' like section with a fibaro sensor and use a dimmer inside. To my suprise the fibaro 'eyeball' fits just perfectly in, and is also securely kept in place without any glue or the like. Just wanted to share this here as to my girlfriend nothing changed - the light switches on and off as before See pic attached. cheers, gruberb
  14. Hi there, I have the following phenomena. Since two days or so my fibaro motion sensors have a problem (not just one – several at the time). I set up under parameter 40 that the motion sensor should send lux changes > 10 lux to the HC2. But what happens is that the lux sensor reports for hours sometimes changes of 1 lux (see screenshot) It jumps from 54 to 55 and back again. This can go on for hours….There must be massive traffic on my z-wave network. I have only changed one thing since the initial setup (it was ok for > 6 months). The polling time of the HC2 after “it” asked me to do so. That is the only change I can come up with. I would exclude and include the devices if necessary, but since it happens to at least two motion sensors I doubt that it is a problem with the sensor but rather with the HC2. Am I wrong? What should I do? Thoughts? BR kandetvara
  15. Hi, I successfully installed my fibaro motion sensor and I got 3 devices registered in my HC Lite: motion, temperature and luminosity sensor. The problem is that after some time the icon for the motion sensor is now like a broken image (please see attachment). The motion sensor flashes its light every time I get detected but it is not reporting it to the HC Lite. It seems some kind of configuration problem. Do you have any ideas of how to fix this? Thanks
  16. All, I have configured a fibaro motion sensor and a z-wave alarm on my home center lite. I would like to be able to start a scene (e.g. when leaving the house) to turn the alarm on (manually). I've configured the following scene (see below), but when I run it, it immediately triggers the alarm, without any movements detected by the motion sensor. I've already tried to change parameter 1 of my motion sensor (sensitivity) but when I save it always returns to default state. Scene (also attached) Motion sensor == Breached and armed (no green time) (0 s in red delay box) Then Alarm = Turn on (no green time) (0 s in red delay box) I've tried with delays on both the motion sensor and the alarm but no luck. What I do to activate the scene: arm the motion sensor and then hit RUN on the scene -> this immediately triggers the alarm, without motion of the motion sensor. When I activate the scene even without the motion sensor being armed, it triggers right away (without any motion). Furthermore the motion sensor works pretty fine... . Anyone experience with this or any other way of configuring an alarm with manual triggering? Tx.
  17. Hi guys I'm tryning to build a security system with my HC2, and at this time I need your recomendations. I have to buy some cameras and I'm looking for any that has the motion sensor feature included. Do you know any one that works fine with Fibaro? I don't like to buy a camara and a separate motion sensor unit. Thanks in advanced Gustavo
  18. I have been struggling for the past few days to make the UBS work with a very basic motion sensor. The UBS and the motion sensor are hooked up to a 12v adapter. IN1 is connected to the LOAD terminal of the motion sensor. I've setup Parameter 3 in HC2 to be a Normal Open. My problem is that the UBS is always indicating a breach. It never goes into a non-motion state... The only way I can force the UBS into non-motion state is by connecting IN1 to GND on the motion sensor. What I've noticed is that the voltage on IN1 is 2.75v by default. This is also the voltage on the LOAD terminal when there is no motion. So what I'm guessing is that because the motion sensor doesn't connect LOAD to GND in a non-motion state the UBS never goes into a non-motion state... The answer is probably pretty simple but what should I do in this case to make the UBS work in this setup? I'm 100% sure the motion sensor work because I've check with a multimeter what happens on the LOAD terminal when it switches. The voltage on the LOAD terminal rises to 12.5v. The setup is very basic and the attached photo should tell whole story.
  19. Greetings! A bit of newbie question with what I think should be a simple scene on HCL (NO LUA or magic scene). Purpose: use exhaust fan (plug1) to control temperature range (T1 - temperature sensor) in a room (23-25c range for example) I am trying to use the block building interface in the HCL but no indepth manual and most examples I find on google are not in English. I have some ideas but mainly when a temperature limit is reached then a plug is actuated for a set period of time (say a 5 minutes) and then it either runs for that period of time and stops or checks for lower range limit having been reached? Am I making this too complicated? Sorry not much explanations in manuals on how to set up. Thanks!! I composed a screenshot of my scene (or do I need 2 - for on and off?) Many thanks! PS pointing to a learning resource for simple scenes in HCL would help (English non Lua plz))
  20. After upgrading from 4.032 to 4.036 I am experiencing lots of problems. All sensors, dimmers, relays etc needed reconfiguring etc. But now the LUX sensor doesn't change value as it is supposed to. Why? Parameters are set as before to 40 to 1 (as low as this but tried higher figures also 15) or changed parameter 42 to 5s or lower or higher but still doesn't do the job. All asoc.groups are set to no1. It seems to react to light more upwards when changing to brighter (when I turn the light on) but never goes down to 0 if I switch the light off. If I do it gradually it will go down to maybe 12 but not lower. Then it gets stuck. Please help. So now my scenes don't work as the light level doesn't change as it is supposed to.
  21. Hi, I am new to the Fibaro system and I am creating my scenes for the house. I use the HCL, so I can't use LUA. I have a working scene that turns on the lights when movement is detected after sunset. That is working good. What I want to do next, is have the lights turn off, starting after a certain time; when no movement is detected for 30 minutes. This I 'cant seem to get working. I use a variable with settings :movement, and no movement How can I count the time that the motion sensor has not been detecting any movement?
  22. Witam. W związku z tym, że to mój pierwszy post na forum chciałbym się ze wszystkimi przywitać. Mam pytanie odnośnie centralki Lite, a dokładnie modułu Motion Sensor. Chciałbym otrzymywać push na tel jeśli temp na jednym z motion spadnie poniżej 18 stopni. Próbowałem swoich sił w scenach i blokowym kreatorze ale coś nie idzie. Jako pierwsze wybieram urządzenie w danym pokoju i motion sensor daje znak mniejszości ale jest tam tylko poziom zużycia energii w Wh. Nie ma nic o temp. Czy ktoś może mnie naprowadzić? Dziękuję uprzejmie i pozdrawiam.
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