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Found 5 results

  1. Hi all, I have a DW sensor that should switch on the light when it is evening and the door is open. Once triggered, the light should remain on until the door is closed and no motion is detected in that room. When door is closed and motion is no longer detected the light should slowly fade out. I wrote below code for this but cant get it working properly. I have the problem that the light will perfectly go when the door is opened but it will not go out! Anybody an idea what I do wrong? It seems not to reach the "repeat" part of my code which is within the IF statement. Here is the code: --[[ %% autostart %% properties 21 value 127 value %% weather %% events %% globals omtrekverlichting --]] --============ HOME TABLE ======================= fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable") local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) --=============================================== -- used devices and its id fibaro:debug("device: hal - voordeur DW = ID: " ..jT.hal.voordeursensor) --127 fibaro:debug("device: hal - hal PIR = ID: " ..jT.hal.HalMo21) --21 fibaro:debug("device: hal - duospot = ID: " ..jT.hal.duospot) --160 fibaro:debug("device: hal - halspot = ID: " ..jT.hal.halspot) --116 --=============================================== local debug = false Debug = function (debug,color, message ) if (debug) then fibaro:debug(os.date("%x")..string.format('<%s style="color:%s;">%s</%s>', "span", color, message, "span")); end end if (fibaro:countScenes() > 1) then Debug( true,"purple", " too many instances --> abort "); fibaro:abort() end local trigger = fibaro:getSourceTrigger() if (trigger['type'] == 'property') then Debug(true, "Grey", ' scene triggered by - Source device = ' .. trigger['deviceID']) elseif (trigger['type'] == 'global') then Debug(true, "Grey", ' scene triggered by - Global variable source = ' .. trigger['name']) elseif (trigger['type'] == 'other') then Debug(true, "Grey", ' scene triggered by - Other source') end -- start up --------------------------------------- local deurstatus = fibaro:getValue(jT.hal.voordeursensor, "value") local Darkness = fibaro:getGlobalValue("Darkness") local motion = fibaro:getValue(jT.hal.HalMo21, "value") local lampstatus = fibaro:getValue(jT.hal.duospot, "value") local dimlevel = 60 if (tonumber(Darkness) == 1) and (tonumber(deurstatus) == 1) then Debug( true,"Orange",' hal verlichting ingeschakeld') fibaro:call(jT.hal.duospot , 'setValue' , dimlevel) fibaro:call(jT.hal.halspot , 'setValue' , dimlevel) repeat fibaro:sleep(3*1000) -- always wait at least x seconds before fade out. until (tonumber(motion) == 0) and (tonumber(deurstatus) == 0) while( dimlevel > 10 ) do -- start fade -out. fibaro:call(jT.hal.duospot , 'setValue' , dimlevel) fibaro:call(jT.hal.halspot , 'setValue' , dimlevel) fibaro:sleep(20) Debug( true,"Yellow",' dimlevel is '..dimlevel) dimlevel = (dimlevel -0.4) end fibaro:call(jT.hal.duospot , 'turnOff' ) -- make sure lights are really off fibaro:call(jT.hal.halspot , 'turnOff' ) Debug( true,"Green",' hal verlichting uitgeschakeld') end
  2. Hi All, I am using my fibaro motion sensor for multiple purposes. For one of them I need it to have a high sensitivity, however, for others I need it to have a lower sensitivity (otherwise it will trigger to early). Is it possible to change the PIR parameter setting using LUA in a scene? edit: same question for 'GPS location frequency refresh'. When I am close to home I want to update it more often to be more accurate. If I'm far away, it can update less frequent, to save battery on my phone. Thx!
  3. Not sure if this is 4.100 related but it looks like I have some problems with some 3rd party motions sensors (PIR's). Looks like HC2 registers when the PIR fires a ON command, but it never returns to OFF. Am I the only one seeing this? - Everspring SP103 - Z-Wave Philio 4-in-1 Sensor
  4. Hi Folks, I'm looking for a PIR solution that's immune to Pets. I use my motion sensors to determine occupancy but with our cat walking around its causing an issue. I know that I can get a zwave pet immune PIR but in europe the only one I can find is the EcoLink ( http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ecolink-Detector-Consumer-Portable-Electronics/dp/B00OEB9Z20 )at 118 sterling (its about $30 in the US and I know its different device but go figure in the cost difference) .. at 118 its too expensive for me I have two PIR's in my current alarm system and I am replacing these with Pet Immune ones and I could add a third one to cover the primary living space downstairs, At ~€20 each this is a viable solution. My Siemens alarm is tied into my HC2 using Gorans SPC Gateway and I can see all the sensor status in the HC and can trigger off of those. I do have a good many Everspring SP814 sensors dotted around the house and wanted to use them Has anybody a method to make a standard sensor (like the above) behave like a pet immune motion sensor Any mad crazy idea welcome .. or ever some sane ones Thanks -F
  5. Quick question. Is the AEON Multisensor a real PIR sensor or just movement detector? The reason I ask is that I have positioned this outside my house and it is above a plant. And it constantly keeps triggering movement notifications. Is there a setting I need to set in HC2 to work on IR movement sensor only?
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