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  1. It is possible to add Fibaro RGBW module to irrigation panel for controlling 4 12V valves ?
  2. Hi Is there a way to set dimmer level memory on FGRGBWM-414 v2.5 I'm refering to the function of parameter 19 at FGD-212.
  3. I'm in the planning stages, and would like your comment on these plans: 1. I intend to use one RGBW controller to control two dual-white LED strips, each having two inputs (warm and cold white). One strip will be connected to R&G, the other to B&W. Control of color temperature will be through scripts/scenes. The RGBW controller will be located in the ceiling panel, near the transformer for the LED strip, on the low voltage side. 2. In some rooms I will have a regular LED lamp as well, controlled by a Fibaro dimmer. I plan to connect this lamp (220 V side) directly to the dimmer switch S1, while addressing the RGBW by S2 using an association to input channel I1 and I2 (or I3 and I4). On the RGBW controller there will be no physical connection to the input channels, as they will be controlled through Z-Wave. On/off and dimming will be achieved by switch S2, which activates both LED strip colors. 3. In other rooms, the LED strip will be the only light source. In this case, I would still like to hide the RGBW in the ceiling with no direct connection to the wall switch. Behind the wall switch, I would have liked to have a simple Z-wave controller, without a 220 V relay, which through association could address the RGBW remotely. As this does not seem to exist, do I need to install a regular Fibaro switch without a load on S1 instead?
  4. In a test setup, I supply a standalone RGBW dimmer with 18 V battery power. I have configured the dimmer in input/output mode, with all four channels specified as dimmers. The configuration looks good, the latest firmware was downloaded successfully. No signals/switches are attached to inputs I1-I4, 18 V test lamps are attached to the outputs (R,G,B,W). When I turn on one of the channels, using HC2, the icon changes to "on" and shows "Transfer OK". However, nothing happens with the test bulb. Checking the voltage, it shows 0 between GND and R (or any other output channel). Between GND and the 12-24 V DC connection there is 18 V, as expected. If I briefly connect I1 to GND (simulating a momentary switch) the HC2 display shows that the lamp turns on or off. But again, there is no voltage on the R output channel. In other words: power and function are OK, but no output. Any suggestions?
  5. Hi I am wondering how precise the wattage reading is on the RGBW controller. In my bedroom I have about 8 meters of 24V RGBW led strips. According to the manufacturer, they draw about 20W/m, so we installed 160Ws of power supply. at around 85%, the leds cut out, and start to blink. Apparently either the PSUs dont deliver, or, more likely, some power is lost on the cabling etc. Not a big deal. Since these are ambiance lights, I never need them full power, so I decide to limit the maximum brightness in the advanced settings of the RGBW controller in HC2. I started gradually increasing brightness until I found the allowed maximum...and to my utter suprise, the wattage reader says 75 watts...that cannot be right. if it would be one single 100W PSU I'd accept it to choke at 75W, but thats unlikely, these modern units deliver nicely. I am thinking it might only measure one leg, as I have a 100W and a 60W PSU wired together to deliver the 160W, but I dont see how that can be done from an electrical standpoint. Anybody?
  6. I have a RGBW module with an ultrasonic sensor to measure a diesel fuel tank. The fact is that the sensor is very sensitive, and although I have increased the value of the change of V to inform, the RGBW module sends constant changes of value. I have noticed that after a while, the response to the devices becomes slow and devices are turned on and off randomly (most times other mods RGBW). It seems to me that the RGBW mode floods the zwave network and HC2 is not able to process all the information with solvency, producing general delays and random on and off commands to modules. Or it could be that the RGBW module when processing so many changes of values, sends corrupted information to the zwave network producing these symptoms. Now I have only two possible solutions that make the whole system return to normal. 1.- turn off the power to the module and reconnect it (wait for it to happen again) 2.- Do not use it. I have tried with another RGBW module with the same result. Is there a solution to avoid this?
  7. Hi guys. Is it possible to control the brightness of all four RGBW channels with one momentary switch and have another momentary switch to cycle through the colours ?
  8. Hi all. does anyone know if the RGBW module can be setup so the brightness of all lights is controlled by one momentary switch and the colour is controlled by another momentary switch (holding the momentary switch cycles through the rainbow)?
  9. Hi i am starting to put together a system. It’s not a big flat but I decided to have every light and every other thing I can in the system. So a lot of lights, even more rgbw led strips, iPads in the walls, and sonos speakers. So so I want to create a ‘party’ mode as it’s a pretty young and fun place. I would love to take the rhythm of the music played in the Sonos and have the lights change brightness and/or color to it. Any ideas?
  10. Hello. I have 4 RGBW modules controlling Chinese cheap RGB LED stripes. They are all on firmware version 26.25 which is the latest update. Also I can write that they are all working OK. I noticed that sometimes I get this messages in notification window on top of the web GUI interface: This is definitely not initiated by me. My HC2 is on 4.140, but that was also happening on 4.130. I had to soft reconfigure all of them before making upgrade. One of the RGBW modules soft reconfiguration ended with non configured state and I had to do forced deletion and inclusion but that one is not causing above notifications. Is there anyone else with same case? Is there anything I can do to stop this?
  11. Hi guys, I need a Z-Wave analog sensor, that is more precise (and more stable) than a RGBW module. Since my technical skills are very limited, I'm offering a deal to anyone who is interested in building such device for me. Requirements: - have to work with HC2, EU frequency - 4 analog inputs 0-10V - resolution 12 bit (4096 individual levels) or better - reports value on POLL or Level Change - device reports itself to HC2 as a temperature sensor, 0V=0°C, 10V=100°C - have to work with industrial 0-10V sensors, Rmin=1MOhm (IE: industrial watter level pressure sensor) - powered by 24V power source - no batteries needed for operation - DIN rail casing I'm offering 250EUR for a working device. Anyone interested, please let me know. Background story: I need to continuously monitor watter level in 3 separate tanks with HC2. I've tried to use RGBW analog input, but watter level was chaning very slowly (cca 0.1V per 14 days) so that RGBW was not able to notice that change. Translation into temperature is needed because temperature is one of the two variables that HC2 is able to visualize using weekly chart (the other is power consumption). Thanks beforehand, Ondrej Bajer
  12. I have an RGBW dimmer from fibaro, selected as four individual dimmer. (zwave version 3.52, fibaro version 25.25) 1. when i select the momentary switch to switch on the light or off, then the light goes on, but the status in the app or webui doesn't change. its displayed as off. What can i do about this? 2. Show energy consumption measurements are selected but still not power reading in the app or webui.. When i turn on the light the energy consumption will stay on 0W. What can i do about this? -Sam
  13. I have a setup, where I have a number of Fibaro RGBW controllers, controlling white led strips. For a wall switch, I have a Fibaro relay, with two momentary switches connected to S1 and S2, but nothing connected to Q1, Q2. I've associated the Relay with the two groups of RGBW controllers. It works kinda okay, but not perfect. Here's how it works: - Press & Hold on any of the buttons will turn on one of the led groups and dim it slowly to maximum - Press & Hold again will slowly dim down the led group - Clicking the button will turn off the light - Clicking the button again will turn on the light, but not return it to its previous brightness, instead turning it on at the lowest brightness value (1) Sometimes I need to click twice, sometimes press&hold only works for the second attempt after turning it on. But the most annoying is that it does not return the brightness to the previous level when turning on. Any ideas why? Thanks in advance! Cheers, Peter
  14. Hello all, I've several Fibaro modules running in my own-built-smarthome. Now I'm trying to use the RGBW Controller with analog sensors. As metionend in the manuals, I configured paramter 14 of the controller with the value 34952 (IN1-IN4 are Inputs). But now I still get 10V between GND and IN1 (or IN2, IN3, IN4). Have anyone any idear what I'm missing? Thank you guys.
  15. Hi, I've set direct association of Fibaro Motion Sensor and 2 x Fibaro RGBW controller in HC2. Set to Group 2 single channel per each. I can't solve the issue of brightness - it turns on the minimum level only. I need to manually turn the brightness to max. But when turns off and on again - level is again minimum. How can I set brightness in direct association? Parameter 14 on Motion Sensor is set to 255. Looks like I'm missing some important part! Thanks!
  16. I do intend to use the RGBW controller in a battery driven device to tell me some status info and to interact with the device, using the outputs of the RGBW. Connection to the device will be fully isolated. All inputs and outputs thru signal relays, to ensure a proper decoupling and level shifting without interference and especially to keep the GND properly separated. creating the 24VDC from the battery using a voltage regulator. When looking at the documentation, the thing I want to implement is like the schematics in figure 7 (http://manuals.fibaro.com/content/manuals/en/FGRGBWM-441/FGRGBWM-441-EN-A-v1.01.pdf), having 4 independent inputs and controlling outputs. I do not need any dimming functionality; it will be simply on and off all interaction with and from the RGBW with momentary contacts/relays. The outputs of the RGBW would drive a relay coil for a second or so to tell the device something (e.g. simulating a key press) What worries me in the figure is that the Green and Blue output are not connected. Is this just for simplification purpose in the figure or are these two outputs in this mode not usable? Anyone using a setup like this?
  17. Hi, I have a problem with a set of led lamps that I try to dimerize, them do not turn off completely I have a set of 9 leds lamps, 15Vcc, type dichroic, which dimerize them are not completely turned off, I am dimerizing it with an RGBW channel and the consumption of that channel is about 2.7 A. Can anyone advise me what to do to solve this problem
  18. hi, I have a relay module and when I switch in on I would like an RGBW module to switch on and have the color red. Is this possible with 'Association' or do I need to make a scene (I prefer Association) I do use another scene to set the same rgbw device to green (so last color used would not be an option) thanks for your help in advance! Regards, Martijn
  19. Witam! Zastanawiam się czy jest jakaś możliwość użycia żarówek RGBW z gwintem GU10 z Fibaro? Wiem, że istnieją żarówki RGBW na Z-wave wyprodukowane przez Aeon Labs, niestety z tego co widziałem tylko z gwintem E27 - może widział ktoś z Was takie żarówki z GU10? (http://allegro.pl/zarowka-smartled-milight-4w-gu10-rgbw-cieply-bialy-i6753714993.html) Na Allegro znalazłem żarówki RGBW z gwintem GU10, ale nie mam pojęcia czy da się to jakoś połączyć z Fibaro? Może ktoś z Was borykał się już z takim problemem?
  20. Mam taki dylemat. Chciałbym móc podłączyć do kontrolera RGBW (22.22) włącznik podwójny monostabilny i na jednym używać trybu NORMAL (zwykłe zapalenie światła z możliwością rozjaśniania - przytrzymując przycisk, a na drugim móc przypisać scenę np. włączenie światła za pomocą innego dimmera. Czy ktoś mógłby mnie naprowadzić jak to zrobić i czy w ogolę się to da zrobić? NIgdzie nie widzę możliwości personalizacji wejść IN1-IN4 aby móc dodać do nich sceny?
  21. Unfortunately the Zipato RGBW Bulb is not supported fully in the Fibaro Android and iOS Apps right now. You cannot control them completely. Only via the web interface, where you'll get full functionality. But this is not practical. I know that some of you are using a virtual device to control the Zipato RGBW Bulb. Could you please share the code please? Thanks. av
  22. Hi all,I have a RGBW strip that is connected to a Fibaro RGBW controller. When I tried to associate a switch with Groups 1-3 simulating inputs IN1 to IN3, I have no problems toggling the respective RGB channels with the correct colour. However, when I associate the switch with Grp 4 to simulate IN4, I can't get the white channel to light up. Instead, it is the blue channel that comes on. Can anyone give me some hints/pointers on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!!
  23. Hi. I have a Fibaro RGBW module that I connected to a RGB strip (note that there is no +W). I use a Raspberry Pi + Domoticz + Aeon Z-Wave Stick as a controller. Everything worked fine. Then I connected an analog temperature sensor LM35DZ that outputs 0-10V, so theoretically should work well with RGBW module. I attach a scheme of how I connected the modules. RGB color-changing functionality still works, however I seemingly can't figure out how to read a temperature/voltage from the sensor. I understand that the trick is in properly defining a parameter 14. I tried a number of different versions of parameter 14 that I found on the Internet or deduced myself. I can't get anything to work, including 39320 which I think should be the correct one (1001-1001-1001-1000, all normal monostable out, in4 analog in). I don't need any switches, I want to operate RGB through a Domoticz only. Is it possible to operate an RGB strip at the same time with analog 0-10V sensor? How should I connect and configure the node? What parameter 14 should be like? Thanks in advance, m.
  24. Hey guys, I have a RGBW strip in our kitchen shinning onto the bench. Its controlled by a Fibaro RGBW Module and running on HC2. Question. Has anyone come up with anything special? I'm looking for some inspiration. The kitchen also has two LED ceiling lights controlled by Dimmer2. Thank you,
  25. Hi, I'm trying to use the following setup: - HCL running 4.11 - Devolo two paddle wall switch (sames Popp or ZME WALL-C) - Fibaro RGBW dimmer - four white led strips - 24V power adaptor I managed to configure everything fine with 1 led strip. The wall switch is associated with the rgbw dimmer. The dimmer output is set as RGBW. The wall switch is set to send on/off/dim commands. If I press the up button it switched on/dims up, if I press the down button, it switches off/dims down. Dimming is instant and smooth and perfect. However, if I switch the RGBW dimmer module into 4 output mode and reassociate the dimmer to one of the outputs, the on-off switching still works. But the dimming (holding up or down button pressed) acts weird. It always starts from nothing and then dims up to full power. The same happens with both up and down buttons. So basically it ignores the current dim level and does not dim smoothly and correctly. Somehow the rgbw dimmer reacts to dimup and dimdown commands differently when it is in four channel output mode. Anyone has any experience with this or any idea I could try? I tried (almost) everything and can't figure out the reason for this. Cheers, Peter
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