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  1. Hello! I start working with a RGBW Modul and LED. I made custom program (number 6, 7, 8, etc...) I found no way to start them in a LUA scene or with a Virtual Device.. I can only start preprogrammed scene (1 to 5). The other don't work. I try to move mine in first place but it's not working too. I try fibaro:call(29, "startProgram", "6"); and got no respond. I tryed with http : send me : {"id":0,"jsonrpc":"2.0","result":{"result":1}} (working) send me : { } (not working) Someone have make this to work? (my goal is to launch a custom LED program when my alarm is on) Its really boring... plz Fibaro Guys fix that
  2. I have a scene that needs to switch on my outside lights at sunset. The scene switches on the normal outside lights, but my colour changing LED lights embeded in my driveway do not turn on with this scene. I would also like to know as part of the solution, how do I tell the RGB cotroller at which colour to turn on (or maybe use a specific colour chaning program like the default ones). I am using HCL 3.6 Attached the picture of the scene (Voor Ligte = Normal Wall lights that DO turn on by scene) (Oprit Ligte = RGB lights that DO NOT turn on) Thanks for helping
  3. Hi I have a HC2 with 15 rgbw devices I am new to HC2 but I have some experience with vera. I have 2 questions 1 how can I group them to control from one rainbow? 2 where can I see routing table and edit it manualy? thaks in advance
  4. Hi, I am a newbie but eager to understand and learn the HC2 which I have found to be impressive after only a few days exploring. I want to experimentally connect the RGBW to a 5mtr LED strip that arrived with its own 12V power supply and a 240 volt plug. I have found and understood how to add the module as a device into the HC2. No problem there. I can see that I will need to connect the RGBW wires into the corresponding colour connectors on the RGBW Fibaro module. I can see where I can get the 12v DC and where it needs to be connected same as the ground or negative. What I dont get is the IN1 - IN4? All I want to do is simply see my Iphone APP control the strip, change colour, change intensity, turn on turn off. So I am thinking short all 4 "IN" ports to ground? Short only one "IN" port to ground? Any help on this would be appreciated, thanks
  5. Mam ustawioną asocjację w Dimmerze pod drugi klawisz, aby włączał/wyłączał RGBW. Włącznik bistabilny. Problem w tym, że zawsze włącza RGBW z minimalną jasnością. Przykładowy scenariusz: - włączam RGBW z aplikacji www i ustawiam jakiś jasny kolor - wyłączam RGBW z aplikacji www - dla sprawdzenia jeszcze raz włączam przez www - RGBW włącza się na poprzednio zdefiniowany jasny kolor - wyłączam przez www - włączam RGBW drugim klawiszem przez Dimmer - RGBW włącza się, ale ma ustawioną minimalną jasność Wersja oprogramowania: 4.042 Czy to błąd czy muszę coś jeszcze ustawić?
  6. I have an HCL and an RGBW controlling 2 lengths of LED strip. I also have a motion sensor and TKB socket. The motion sensor turns on the LEDs and the socket connected to a lamp. No problem. I have attached a momentary switch to Input 1 on the RGBW module and this works well by 1-click turning the LEDs down, and another to turn them up. Is there a way to turn the LEDs completely off (and on again) using this switch? Also, if this can be done, can it be linked to the socket as well so that they are both able to turn on and off via the momentary switch? This gives me the added use of being able to turn on the lights at the wall when the motion detection is disabled..e.g when I need more light during the day.
  7. The Fibaro module can do so much that the instructions are quite bewildering to digest. I've got my accent lighting setup and working from the HC2 web interface fine. But how/what do I wire up to provide a simple on/off wall switch for the LED RGBW strips? Which HC2 myriad of options are needed ?
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