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  1. Cannon_82

    Sonos Play:1

    Version 1.0.0


    Some of the icons i use for my Sonos Play:1 VDs if somebody need other colors or some more states (e.g., skip or special radio stations) you can contact me and i try to realized that.
  2. Hi, I have the feeling that this is going to be a stupid question but I honestly have no clue how to do it... I have a virtual device controlled by a scene that plays songs. The URLs of those songs are stored in a predefined variable. Everything works perfectly but just because I have the songs saved in my PC. I'd like to store the songs in my Google Play Music account so the songs are always available (not only when my PC is on). On my Sonos app I already added the Google Play Music service and uploaded my songs. However, I don't see how to retrieve the URL of the songs from the Sonos app. Could anyone give me a hand? Many thanks! Raul.
  3. Hi, I need to create scene to work same as pushing physical Play/Stop button on Sonos speaker. According to a hint, the sonos eevice has 4 actions: turnOn, turnOff, setMute and setVolume. Trying this scene, but no reaction: --[[ %% killotherinstances --]] local devid = 153 local state = fibaro:getValue(devid,"state") fibaro:debug(string.format("state %s", state)) if(state=="PLAYING") then fibaro:call(devid,"turnOff") else fibaro:call(devid,"turnOn") end
  4. Hi Brains Trust... My new HC2 will not discover LAN devices, Sonos, Samsung TV or Global Cache devices... Noting on the network. When loading the Sonos plug in and searching for devices, nothing comes up. When I plug the IP number in manually, nothing happens either. Networks have been restarted. All devices been IP cycled. I have set the HC2 from dynamic to static IP a few times... nothing seems to have worked. Anyone else have this issue? any work around?
  5. Hi, My name is Raul. I'm volunteering in a residence for people with disabilities where we're trying to setup a domotic system for a therapy SPA. I'm configuring a scene where Sonos needs to play a couple of songs that are hosted in PC (for the moment). I set up the Music library without any problems. However, when referencing the path to the song, the Sonos app prompts the following message: "Unable to play track1.mp3 - cannot connect to /// because the server cannot be found" To give you more context, here you can find the tutorial I'm using: https://doonic.wordpress.com/2015/08/14/sonos-und-fibaro-hc2/ Works for the radio although I don't need it. I'm only interested in playing my local mp3 files. My music library: Local path: C:\MusicSonos Sonos Music Library path: //DESKTOP-PVTSA31/MusicSonos/ Predefined variable SONOS_MUSIC set to //DESKTOP-PVTSA31/MusicSonos/track1.mp3 Not sure what I'm missing here. Could you please give me a hand? Thanks a lot!! Raul.
  6. --- Yamonos 1.0 beta --- -- Automatically turns on a Yamaha Receiver (and switches it to the appropriate input) when a Sonos Connect starts playing. -- It requires a Yamaha Virtual Device that stores the correct power state and input in 2 separate Global Variables -- Known issue: If there are multiple grouped devices, Sonos will keep setting the status to "Playing", even if the devices are paused. -- Feel free to improve it and share it -- adjust the variables section below --[[ %% 526 properties %% 525 properties %% 359 properties %% autostart %% events %% globals --]] local YamahaAVR = 359 -- Yamaha VD ID local sonos = 526 -- Sonos Connect ID local pwrBtn = 1 -- the Yamaha VD button ID to turn on the device local offBtn = 2 -- the Yamaha VD button ID to turn off the device local srcBtn = 8 -- the Yamaha VD source button ID local sleepTime = 5000 -- how often should Fibaro check the AV status - in miliseconds local globalVarName = "YAMAHA" -- global variable name created for Yamaha VD local globalVarInputName = "YAMAHA_SET" -- global variable name for Yamaha VD to set the input local avInput = "AV2" -- The Global variable set by the Yamaha VD local globalVarValueOn = "ON" -- the value of the global variable when ON, set by Yamaha VD local globalVarValueOff = "Standby" -- the value of the global variable when OFF, set by Yamaha VD -------- no input is necessary from here --------------- local executed = false function turnOnYamaha() fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",pwrBtn) --POWER ON fibaro:debug("yamaha on") fibaro:sleep(2000) --wait 2 sec until it turns on fibaro:debug("yamaha av2") fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",srcBtn) --AV2 executed = true end function turnOffYamaha() fibaro:call(YamahaAVR, "pressButton",offBtn) --POWER OFF fibaro:debug("yamaha off") end while true do local sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") local yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) if yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOff and sonosPlaying == "PLAYING" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Playing, Yamaha Off - Turning On Yamaha") if not executed then turnOnYamaha() end executed = false sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOn and sonosPlaying == "PLAYING" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Playing, Yamaha On - Nothing here for me") fibaro:debug(sonosPlaying) sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif sonosPlaying == "PAUSED_PLAYBACK" and yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOff then fibaro:debug(yamahaStatus) fibaro:debug("Sonos Off, Yamaha Off - nothing to do") sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) elseif yamahaStatus == globalVarValueOn and sonosPlaying == "PAUSED_PLAYBACK" then fibaro:debug("Sonos Off, Yamaha On - Turning Off Yamaha") local otherInput = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarInputName) if otherInput ~= (avInput) then fibaro:debug("Yamaha is on another input, do not touch") else turnOffYamaha() end sonosPlaying = fibaro:getValue(sonos, "state") yamahaStatus = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globalVarName) end fibaro:sleep(sleepTime) end Hey Folks, I wrote this small script to help me out with my Sonos Connect and Yamaha AV Receiver. It turns on the Yamaha AV and switches to the correct input as soon as Sonos Connect is playing. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well. Please feel free to improve it, if it's needed. /Seb
  7. Dear people, I have a little puzzle... We have Sonos, Hue and fibaro devices and a very irregular live. Our routine for waking up is setting seperate timers for Sonos (actual wake up time), Hue (starts 10 minutes before actual waking time) and our thermostate (danfoss via Fibaro, starts 45 minutes before actual waking time) via the native apps. We have multiple routines / scenes (per device) which we can activate to do so. For Fibaro I have multiple scenes to set a global variabele for the thermostate time and multiple scenes to actually set the temperature (depending global variabele and time). Any suggestions how I should combine everything so I only have to acitivate1 routine? General direction would be great! I presume fibaro should be in the lead... Thans for you help! Kind regards, Roland
  8. Hi i am starting to put together a system. It’s not a big flat but I decided to have every light and every other thing I can in the system. So a lot of lights, even more rgbw led strips, iPads in the walls, and sonos speakers. So so I want to create a ‘party’ mode as it’s a pretty young and fun place. I would love to take the rhythm of the music played in the Sonos and have the lights change brightness and/or color to it. Any ideas?
  9. I want to control SONOS through VD on HC2, but recently I found that after Sonos update, VD can not be used, what to do?
  10. Has anyone a solution to silent playing sound devices, when a telephone is ringing?
  11. Hi There, I am trying to figure out a way to use the new fibaro keyfob to control my sonos system. The type of functions I am thinking are on/off and volume up/down only. From what I understand you cant use the keyfob to control plugins but you can control scenes. To control Sonos via a scene I understand a Virtual Device would need to setup for SOnos which I have now done successfully. My question now is how do I create a scene using LUA code to control the Sonos VD? Is there a better way to do this? Im sure there should be an easier way???
  12. Hi. I have a fibaro HC Lite and have recently bought a Sonos Play:1. I would like to use the double click of my kitchen light switch to 'play' the speaker and then again to pause it.I've installed the plugin and have it working but I cannot see the device when in the graphical blocks scene builder, nor is it showing as a virtual device.I also tried to get the hcl virtual device to import but it just kept on saying doesn't support LUA code. Even though it was the specific home centre lite virtual device control plugin from the fibaro website.What am I doing wrong? Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I only bought the play:1 as it works with FibaroCheers,Steve
  13. Hi, I'm fairly new to Fibaro. Sorry if this question was asked before. Have managed to set up Hue (also with VD) and now I'm trying to link up my Sonos Play:1 using the fibaro plugin. However when entering the Sonos IP adres, the Play:1 cannot be found. Get an error message saying : Unfortunately there are no results for device search. Any idea what I'm doing wrong ? Thanks in advance. D.
  14. Guest

    Sonos Link music

    Hello anyone, I added Sonos Player 1 and Sonos Player to Home Center 2 but I can't create scenes for it because I don't have link for music. You can help you.
  15. I have a Sonos:AMP in my bathroom which I was not using that much because when I go into the bath or shower my phone often isn’t around to turn on the music. So, It seemed handy to turn on the music (the existing playlist) with a triple click of my bathroom light switch. This is how I reached this goal: I installed the Sonos Plugin and I added my bathroom Sonos device I downloaded and added the Sonos Virtual Device from Krikroff: http://www.fibarouk.co.uk/resources/VirtualDevices/SonosPlayer-0.0.8.zip Add a variable in the Variables Panel. I used this tutorial on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ps9jNiJ_JeU As I am still using Dimmer 1 (FGD-211), I turned on the Scene Activation functionality by putting parameter 41 on 1 in the advanced tab of my bathroom dimmer. If you use Dimmer 2 (FGD-212) you’ll have to put parameter 28 on 1 (no experience, so not sure). After that I build 3 scenes: First of all a scene to put on the Sonos on a specific volume level (where as 311 and 312 are the ID’s of the Sonos Plugin and Virtual Device): --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- Set volume of the Sonos plugin fibaro:call(311, "setVolume", "40") -- Press button 7 (play) of the Sonos Virtual Device fibaro:call(312, "pressButton", "7") Second a scene to stop the Sonos player again: --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals --]] -- Press button 9 (stop) of the Sonos Virtual Device fibaro:call(312, "pressButton", “9") Third, a scene to activate the scenes on a triple click: --[[ %% properties 12 sceneActivation %% globals --]] local id= 12; -- Change this to your dimmer ID if (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "sceneActivation"))==15) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id,"value"))==0) then fibaro:debug("3click activated, Sonos bathroom ON"); fibaro:setGlobal("Sleep", "1") -- Change this to your sleep variable(if you have one) fibaro:startScene(278); -- or start a second scene end if (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id, "sceneActivation"))==15) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(id,"value"))>0) then fibaro:debug("3click activated, Sonos bathroom OFF"); fibaro:setGlobal("Sleep", "1") -- Change this to your sleep variable(if you have one) fibaro:startScene(279); -- or start a second scene end 12 is the dimmer ID of the bathroom, 278 the ID of the scene to turn on Sonos and 279 to turn off Sonos. 15 corresponds with triple click. There is one issue I didn’t foresee (because I copied scene 3): scene 3 looks if dimmer 12 is on (>0) or off (=0) to decide whether to turn on or off the Sonos. This should obviously be: look whether the music is on or off to decide if it has to be turned on or off. Somebody any suggestions to solve this? Any other suggestions to develop this solution further are welcome as well. Thanks in advance. Wesselvvvb
  16. Hi All, I'm new to all of this, Have a HC2 , also have a Harmony Remote along with a few sono's speakers. I was looking to create my first scene using the Motion sensor to essentially play music on my sonos if it gets triggered during certain times of the day, however everytime i try creating a scene the Sonos device doesnt show up, nor does any of my Harmony remote options ? I'm assuming i'm doing something wrong or does this kind of stuff need to be done via LUA (i can't code btw- but might have to start learning)
  17. Sonos has started recruiting BETA Testers for August and from the questionaire, it seems clear that we will finally see SONOS integration with Amazon Echo and Echo Dot. This same questionaire asked whether one has "home automation" and things like NEST and VERA were on the list but not Fibaro
  18. Does anybody have any experience with the Russound or Sonos plugins for HC2? I am looking to use either the Russound Xzone4 or multiple Sonos Connect:Amps as a multiroom audio solution but I am very concerned about plugin functionality as any other Fibaro multimedia plugin I have tried failed miserably. I realize I could create or use a VD to accomplish this but I am interested in knowing what functionality, if any, the native plugins provide. Any experiences or screenshots would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys!
  19. What is the syntax of sonos "text-to-speech" function in lua?
  20. Hi When I try to import a vfib file I get this error "403" access forbidden. Any clues ?
  21. Hi Bought a new sonos 5 II today and every thing working fine whith my iphone, but when i would like to connect it to Fibaro it doesnt work The sonos 5 is connected with wifi and i have recerved a IP for it, so it will not change Problem 1 i am loading sonos plugin 1.0 at fibaro HC2 4.100 . Then i press search i get " Unfortunately there are no results for device search " If i point the plugin direct to IP (not searching) it will connect and i got the basic functions (play pause volume ...) Problem 2 I am trying to configure the VD from Krikroff pointing the VD to "ip" and port 80 (i can ping sonos speaker) In debug mode the logg says "comunication error" [DEBUG] 09:37:38: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 09:37:38: -- HC2 Toolkit Framework version 1.0.6 [DEBUG] 09:37:38: -- Current interpreter version is Lua 5.1 [DEBUG] 09:37:38: -- Total memory in use by Lua: 226.89 Kbytes [DEBUG] 09:37:38: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Toolkit.Debug loaded in memory... [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Benchmark [Toolkit.Debug lib]: elapsed time: 0.000 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Toolkit.Collections.Queue loaded in memory... [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Benchmark [Toolkit.Collections.Queue lib]: elapsed time: 0.000 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Toolkit.Net loaded in memory... [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Benchmark [Toolkit.Net lib]: elapsed time: 0.000 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Toolkit.Xml loaded in memory... [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Benchmark [Toolkit.Xml lib]: elapsed time: 0.010 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Toolkit.HttpUtility loaded in memory... [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Benchmark [Toolkit.HttpUtility lib]: elapsed time: 0.000 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:37:38: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 09:37:38: -- SONOS Advanced Remote version 1.0.0 [DEBUG] 09:37:38: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [DEBUG] 09:37:38: SONOS Advanced Remote V 1.0.0 loaded in memory... [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Benchmark [SONOS Advanced Remote V 1.0.0 lib]: elapsed time: 0.000 cpu secs [DEBUG] 09:37:38: HC2 start script at Sat Dec 31 09:37:38 2016 [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Get status topology, look for speakers IP [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Communication error code: 2 [DEBUG] 09:37:38: retry #0 [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Get status topology, look for speakers IP [DEBUG] 09:37:38: Communication error code: 2 Anyone ?
  22. Hello, My HC2 is running on version 4.101 I installed 3 sonos devices over the weekend. 2 play5 and 1 play-bar. All off them has a IP adres on the internal network. When i create a virutual device i can command the sonos devices. Mhen i install the sonos plugin he want discover the sonos devices. When i put in the IP adress in the plugin same problem. Any ideas what could be the problem with the plugin? Regards,
  23. hi All Not sure if you have seen this pending product from iport called xpress http://iportproducts.com/xpress/#xpress-intro -frank
  24. Hello, My HC2 is running on version 4.101 I installed 3 sonos devices over the weekend. 2 play5 and 1 play-bar. All off them has a IP adres on the internal network. When i create a virutual device i can command the sonos devices. Mhen i install the sonos plugin he want discover the sonos devices. When i put in the IP adress in the plugin same problem. Any ideas what could be the problem with the plugin? Regards,
  25. Afternoon all. I've seen many people asking how to make a smart DoorBell with the Fibaro System and thought i'd create a guide on one I have recently created using the Fibaro universal sensor, RGBW controller, Sonos LUA device and notification panel and an existing doorbell. In my house, there was an existing mains powered DoorBell made by Byron. After taking the case off, i turned off the power and started to gut out all of the components just so i had the bell button wires and the mains wires. I bought, off off Amazon a small LED driver to convert 240v to 12vDC with just enough amperage to run the FGBS-00-1. Link Below http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B016AH5ABA?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00 I then wired up the LED driver with the mains power, put my HC2 in inclusion mode and connected the power to the uni sensor. This included fine so then soldered one of the inputs to the positive of the bell wire and the negative to the other. I found out the the bell push button on the outside of the house had a bulb in it and did not work as a normal push button so changed it for a basic push-to-make button and this worked AOK so i organised the old doorbell and ended up looking like this before i put the cover on. I also have a CCTV system with some Hikvision IP cams so made the following script when the doorbell is pressed to start some scenes in the house, play a track on the Sonos, send notifications to iPhones and to take a photo of the front door. With the device groups, these are all RGBW controllers around the house that flash for about 3 seconds and then turn off with the next scene. Here is the the script for when the doorbell switch is safe. With the DS Hall LED turning off after 120 seconds, this is for a set of LED lights in the porch as per below. Works like a charm and has done for about 3 weeks with no problems. Previously, i was using a Fibaro door/window sensor with the bell wire but just wanted to step it up a notch:-) If anyone has any questions at all, please let me know and i will see if i can help. Thanks, Hallamnet
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