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  1. Hello, Can i use virtual devices in the block scene configurator ? The virtual devices i created are not available in the block scene creator. Thank, Richard
  2. Hello, I do not know if somebody posted it here. Fibaro, can you add label from virtual device to a condition into block scenes? It could save us many trouble with compare some desired values with label in VDs. I know, i can make it into Global variables, but they are unreliable (mine opinion only), because i think parameter "invokeScenes" is set to false by default. Many times happened to me that scene did not run, even if Global variable had desired value.
  3. Are the IP Address and TCP Port properties for a virtual device read only in LUA and only able to be changed using the web interface? Tried the following from a scene with no success. fibaro:call(id.vd, "setProperty", "ip", newIP) fibaro:call(id.vd, "setProperty", "port", newPort) fibaro:call(id.vd, "setProperty", "IPAddress", newIP) fibaro:call(id.vd, "setProperty", "TCPPort", newPort)
  4. Hi all, I want to send commands to my Rotel amplifier from my HC2, using lua in a virtual device. The service I want to connect to is a websockets service on an RPi2 connected to the Rotel over USB. It's the json-serial-port-server by John Lauer, https://github.com/chilipeppr/serial-port-json-server. I did find connections using tcpsockets in lua, but tcpsockets and websockets are different things. All other (http) connections don't work. If I get something like a connection from lua, an additional window opens on top of my browser connection to my HC2. This is not useful. Anyone any idea how to use websockets from lua? Thanks in advance, Evert
  5. Hi, i can create a virtual devices for set the value temperature in panels? thanks.
  6. Hi, I'm starting to use my new Fibaro HLC, Motion and temperature sensor and danfoss valve. The system is configured, sensor is connecting with valve and the heating panel is day by day configured. I wanted to create a virtual device to enable and disable the panel warming but do not understand how to do it. Ciao, stavo iniziando ad utilizzare il sistema Fibaro HLC, sensore di movimento e la valvola Danfoss. Il sistema è configurato correttamente, il sensore è collegato con la valvola e il pannello è configurato con le temperature desiderate giorno per giorno. Volevo creare un interrottore virtuale per attivare e disattivare questo pannello ma non so proprio come si fa. thanks/grazie Andrea
  7. Hi2UAll, I need some help. I'm able to store a table in global variable and read the content. But.. When saving is done, by a webbrowser in the HC2 global variable panel, the data is corrupted! The value in the global variable shows NaN (Not a Number). Before saving a table in a global variable in lua I encoded it first. When reading the global variable I use decode. ( json.decode(MYTABLE) ) Can somebody help me with this to get it right? Thank in advance!
  8. I'm guessing it's not currently possible to set a virtual device icon to a url as of 4.082? Gave it a shot and was a little amazed this isn't possible. Since custom plugins have been disabled, I guess it leaves virtual devices as the only method for controlling 3rd party systems and devices. Not very easy to work with FIbaro. Making a nice Squeezebox remote has been a headache and looks pretty nasty. Was hoping to at least use the cover art for the icon. Is there any other workarounds? (or a way to "inject" custom plugins? )
  9. Hi all, I want to include some virtual devices, such as Onkyo, Samsung TV and Sonos. When i enter the correct IP-adress and port the message: "Unfortunately there are no results for device search" appears. I am sure i have the correct IP-address and port. Does any know what i'm doing wrong? Regards, ​ Laurens
  10. I wonder if there is any plans on expanding the functionality of the virtual device in Fibaro HC2. As it works now it´s most suitable to use for controlling some other device with buttons, slider etc, and if you want to display data from another device all you can use is the label. My wish is that you should be able to choose the type of the virtual device. For example, if you want it to appear as a thermometer or humidity device, and be able to set the value of this device via http api and lua. This would open up the possibility to add virtual devices that gets updated via for example node-red or http from other sources. And in the user interface they will show up as a "common" sensor. That would be really nice. I think this functionality would make the platform more attractive for many people, and open up the integration between different protocols and vendors. Is it just me or is anybody else missing this functionality?
  11. Hi, I am new to Fibaro and I own \, for now, just an HCL plus several devices. I would like to create a Virtual device that toggles a predefined Variable. I have tried this: The code behind each button is, for now, just this: The idea is to to activate heating accordingly: This is the scene to turn Heater On This to turn it OFF Obviously it does NOT work.... What Have I done wrong? I cannot export my Virtual Device, is this doable with an HCL? Can I embed LUA coding in a Virtual Device within an HCL? Additional DREAM: can I change the Icon on my VD according to the Button pressed? Is DEBUGGING possible with an HCL? HOW? Many thanks in advance. Roberto
  12. I'm using a virtual device to turn on the radio on my Denon HEOS system which is integrated using a servlet. The API is very simple, just plain GETs with some arguments. GET /heos/?player=537956540&command=play&vd=138 HTTP/1.1 Host: 0x0D0x0A0x0D0x0A Every now and then the radio doesn't turn on. I looked in the Tomcat log (which runs the servlet) and the request is never received. Luckily I'm running a HCL with 4.058 beta which features Lua-based scenes! So I added some debug messages in the scene and even though the scene runs the part which "press" the button on the virtual device, the HTTP request is never sent. fibaro:call(138, "pressButton", "16"); So, being able to use Lua, I re-wrote that part that sends the request using net.HTTPClient(), -- Turn on radio local httpClient = net.HTTPClient(); httpClient:request(radioURL, { success = function(response) fibaro:debug('Turning on radio: ' .. response.data); end }); Now it works perfectly, the radio always turn on it hasn't failed a single time. Is this some bug or am I missing something? What kind of implementation is the virtual device using behind the scenes?
  13. Witam, To mój pierwszy post na forum, więc proszę o wyrozumiałość tydzień temu kupiłem HC2 i po minutach euforii i godzinach walczenia z bugami i innymi problemami, próbuje zwalczyć sterowanie roletami. Sytuacja wygląda tak, iż mam Fibaro spięte z Satelem. Na Satelu mam sterowanie roletami (i niech tak zostanie, nie uśmiecha mi się kupno 14 roller shutterów). Niestety domyślna integracja nie posiada pożądanej przeze mnie funkcjonalności - namiastki stanu otwarcia rolety. Zrobiłem sobie zatem wirtualne urządzenie posiadające przyciski dół, góra, stop, a także wskaźnik procentowego otwarcia. Przeliczanie robię na zmiennych. Docelowo ustawienie suwaka w danej pozycji będzie ustawiało roletę. W momencie kliknięcia dół lub góra suwak mi się przelicza. Natomiast w momencie kliknięcia przycisku STOP, zatrzymuje on roletę, ale ewidentnie wątek od wcześniejszego przycisku nadal działa - przelicza mi nadal wartości procentowego otwarcia rolety. I tu pojawia się pytanie, w jaki sposób mogę to rozwiązać. Czy jest jakiś mechanizm ubicia wątku wciśniętego przycisku lub wykrycie zdarzenia wciśnięcia innego przycisku? Ktoś spotkał się z takim problemem? ps. wiem, że mój kod jest ułomny, bo procentowe otwarcie rolety nie będzie się przeliczało w przypadku wciśnięcia lokalnego przycisku, natomiast sterowane z satela/fibaro powinno być ok. Mogę odwdzięczyć się definicją całego urządzenia wirtualnego . . poniżej kod. Przycisk stop: local timeout = 24000; local shutter_id1 = 161; local shutter_id2 = 162; local global_status = "Rol_Balkon_Stan" local vd = fibaro:getSelfId(); local local_status = 0 --0 - off, 1 -up, 2 - down -- czy tu można wstawić kill procesu innego przycisku? local runningUP = fibaro:getValue(shutter_id1, "value"); if(runningUP=='1') then fibaro:call(shutter_id1, "turnOff"); fibaro:setGlobal(global_status, 3); end local runningDown = fibaro:getValue(shutter_id2, "value"); if(runningDown=='1') then fibaro:call(shutter_id2, "turnOff"); fibaro:setGlobal(global_status, 4); end Kod przycisku dół: -------- --[[ %% properties 161 value %% globals --]] local timeout = 25; local shutter_id = 162; local global_status = "Rol_Balkon_Stan" local global_status_open = "Rol_Balkon_StanO"; local slider = "ui.Slider1.value"; local desired_state = 0; local local_status = 4 --0 - off, 1 -up, 2 - down, 3 - prev up, 4 - prev down --assuming that value might be changed by pushing local remote local local_status_open = 100; --fibaro:getGlobalValue(global_status_open); local thismodule = fibaro:getSelfId(); --Parse Slider prop local opening_step = 100 / timeout; local sliderValue = fibaro:get(thismodule, slider) ; fibaro:debug("Opening Step: " .. opening_step); fibaro:debug("Opening Value " .. sliderValue); fibaro:debug("Openning State: " .. local_status_open); fibaro:call(shutter_id, "turnOn"); fibaro:setGlobal(global_status, 2) while(local_status_open > desired_state) do -- czy tu można wstawić jakiś catch eventu wcisniecia przycisku stop??? fibaro:sleep(1000); local_status_open = local_status_open - opening_step; fibaro:setGlobal(global_status_open, local_status_open); fibaro:call(sliderValue, "setProperty", slider, local_status_open); -- show progres fibaro:debug("Global Status Open: " .. fibaro:getGlobal(global_status_open)); end fibaro:call(shutter_id, "turnOff"); fibaro:setGlobal(global_status, local_status) fibaro:debug(global_status); fibaro:call(thismodule, "turnOff"); pętla główna - przeliczanie suwaka: local global_status_open = "Rol_Balkon_StanO"; local slider = "ui.Slider1"; local status = fibaro:getGlobal(global_status_open); local thismodule = fibaro:getSelfId(); local sliderID = fibaro:get(thismodule, slider) ; fibaro:call(thismodule, "setProperty", sliderID, status); fibaro:call(thismodule, "setSlider", 5, status); pozdrawiam Paweł Domagała https://pl.linkedin.com/in/paweldomagala
  14. Hi All, from your point of view which is the best pre-integrate IP Cameras on the market that could be used from HC2 and have also most of useful functionalities (eg motion, recognition, definition, emergency battery, wifi...)? Thanks a lot in advance. ng--
  15. I currently have a virtual device in HCL that switch the RGBW Controller on to a preset colour. GET /api/callAction?deviceID=46&name=setColor&arg1=20&arg2=11&arg3=0&arg4=20 HTTP/1.1 Host: X.X.X.X Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I would like to know if it is possible to set this to a preset options from the RGBW (eg LPD or AURORA?) Would be great if my LED Strip light could be switched on to LPD in case of fire or flood sensor tripped. Please note this is needed for a HCL... Thanks
  16. Hi All, This Lua Script does exaclty what I am looking for to use the rain delay in the Sprinkler Panel for what would be a more automated method instead of the built in functionality which is pretty manual (so much for "smart" home) Problem is I have an HCL, so I would need to understand how I program this virtual device without LUA Thanks to Vesternet for the original LUA script http://www.vesternet.com/resources/application-notes/apnt-78#.VgRbcrTJ8UW Any help "translating" please. Thanks
  17. Hello, i am not into coding but i guess i need some help. I have a virtual device with 2 buttons, very simple, light1 on /light1 off . i would prefer to have just one toggle button. is it possible? moreover i need to find a way to express the status of the device. I am wondering if there is any way to i.e. change the color of the text into yellow in order to indicate the loght is ON. could please anyone instruct me on how to do such a toggle button with a simple example ( if possible) Thanks
  18. Hi I have a number of virtual devices (and scenes) witch is built on top of a physical device. The reason for this can be that the physical device does not offer desired functions I want etc. My virtual devices(or scenes) can be lights or an electrical power meter. My problem is that this virtual device (as far as I can figure) always will be defined as a virtual device and presented accordingly in UI and app. For instance, I have some lights controlled by a virtual device(or scene), but when I look in the "Lights" folder in the app it´s not there. I have to look in "Virtual devices" or rooms to assert this function. I would like a way to define a virtual device or scene as a functional device, e.g., my virtual device can be defines as light control. Does this possibility already exist or need to be developed?
  19. Hi everyone. I want know if is possible add hikvision dvr as virtual device in Fibaro Home Center 2? Thanks.
  20. I have several AV equipment connected to my HC2. Each of them as a virtual device with all remote control buttons mapped on them, and they work as expected. Now, I am trying to create a virtual device with all important functions of the various audio video equipment on them. I tried the following: fibaro:call(162, "pressButton", "Button82"); In which 162 is the virtual device ID of the device I want to control, and "Button82" is the id of the button I would like to press. This does not work.What do I need to change to get it to work?
  21. Hi, I would like to use a virtual device to work as the counter for counting the number of triggers of motion detector. In HC2 it shuld be feasible to do that (LUA scripts), but how about HCL? What should I type into the green field in scene designer to change the label in virtual device? Any help appreciated.
  22. Hi, I integrated an IPX800 V3 to HC2 interface.Attached is the virtual device for reading and display 1 to 4 digital inputs.I have a problem with updated values when reading data from IPX after few minutes. For example after I created the virtual device and opened if I change one input on IPX (using IPX interface opened in another browser tab) the value on virtual device change according to the new state. IF I don't use for some minutes the HC2 interface when I change again input state on IPX the state on HC2 virtual device don't follow the new state. It's not a browser problem (tried CTRL-F5 to update the page). Strange is that the only way to make thinks working again it's to open virtual device (if closed ) and push SAVE (no modification - just push SAVE) and after few second everithing work again until a new pause ( two minute) occur. Any ideea why the Main Loop code stop working after an inactivity period ? (in Main Loop header it's write "In main loop you can enter LUA code to be executed each second") Thanks,
  23. Jeżeli ktoś posiada amplituner YAMAHA RX-V773 to posiadam napisany przeze mnie VD - udostępnie. Jacek Ps Obsługa: Serwer sieciowy - MediaShare, USB, NET Radio.
  24. Hi All, how to pop up a virtual device using scene LUA? since the push notification is not working when fibaro apps is on display to your phone screen.. i though it is best to use a VD as a notification and as well as getting back the responses from the user to activate another scene.. i think fibaro had mention it at the wall plug catalog.. scene to turn off the game console and tv when the kid had play it for 3 hours?? thank you
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