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I am progressively excluding my HC2 devices and migrating them to HC3, but I have a bunch that seem to not be responding to triple clicks...this was for exclusion initially, but then on re-inclusion after I managed to exclude after the 20th try for one dimmer. I think there are/could be multiple causes here: Dodgy switch wiring (there was one light that was finicky even on a directly wired setup and it took ages to even unpair) Devices not where I think they are - behind switchplate - I've already found a few by moving the HC3 closer to the ceiling or pulling a downlight out and seeing a Fibaro device come trailing behind it Connected to S2 instead of S1 by lazy sparkies (possible, unverified) Devices behind brick external walls/internal insulation, and now part of a much populated HC2 network I plan to wait for a dry/cooler day (aussie summer) to trapse my HC3 around the house to likely candidate points, but it would be easier if I could rely on extenders, a secondary controller (Aeotec Gen 7 with Silicon Labs PC controller*), or even just find the devices myself withmy Aeotec Gen 5 stick, running as a sniffer might be a better approach. My questions are: Would a sniffer on a USB stick (small, internal antenna) be of any use to try to triangulate the device's location? (I was thinking to monitor the RSSI or something) If so, does an excluded/factory fresh device send any z wave signals when interacted with via S1 switches? (I have at least one that is now excluded but still in an unknown location with an unresponsive triple click) Do exclusions get passed and processed network wide? Or only in direct range of controller? The 'remove' function lacks an NWI flag. I have added some extenders in the general areas I am having issues, without much change. Can exclusions and inclusions get passedand processed by a secondary controller? If so, do you need to run the process on the secondary (in my case through Silicon labs PC Controller),or start the exclusion on the HC3 and trust the secondary will mediate? Would powering down my HC2, Zniffer, Secondary controller make it easier for the HC3 to find devices through a normal include? *Not sure if relevant, but: All of these 'can't exclude' devices are functioning fine on the HC2 network, though I know each one I exclude changes and limits the mess on that network. I am running Engine v 3 on the HC3. None of the diminishing HC2 networking are security connected, but pretty much all of the HC3 network has been included as S0 or S1. The 700 series controller is behaving a bit odd as a secondary for the HC3 compared to the HC2. It's definitely getting included, finding devices etc, but any mapping and node tracing functions seem to get null results or error out. (the standard APIs also get nulls when tracing last route on the HC3 - I need to use the new engine API to get those details....but I didn't think the silicon labs devices would know/care about that?
Cześć, Od 2 wersji firmware'u wstecz zauważyłem znaczące opóźnienia działania sieci z-wave a może tylko tak mi się wydaje i zwolniła cała centralka Home Center 3. Do centralki mam podłączonych 44 urządzeń z-wave i ich liczba w ostatnim czasie nie zmieniła się, za to robiłem upgrade do wcześniejszej wersji beta oraz do aktualnej 5.170.13. Jak wcześniej wyzwolenie akcji przez scenę lub bezpośrednio z panelu www trwało ok. 0,5-1s to teraz trwa ok. 5s. Co jak widać jest znaczącym pogorszeniem funkcjonowania, szczególnie jest to denerwujące jak ma się zapalić światło z czujnika ruchu. Restart centralki nie pomaga, rekonfiguracja siatki mesh wygląda jakby się nie robiła. Obciążenie centralki to: 10-20% CPU 70% RAM 30% pamięć Sądzę, że to wina firmware'u gdyż zaobserwowałem zaraz po wgraniu ostatniej wersji beta, myślałem, że w następnej wersji będzie to poprawione ale widać, że działa tak samo wolno.
In the Z-Wave engine 2.0 we have lastWorkingRoute with device ID’s of the hops the Z-Wave network mesh uses to communicatie via other non battery operated Z-Wave devices to the HomeCenter. Like a route table. In the Z-Wave engine 3.0 the lastWorkingRoute seems to be empty? How does the Z-Wave mesh knows what route to take?
- 3 replies
- z-wave
- engine 3.0
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Hello HC3 owners/guru's, Is there anyone who can tell me what the impact is of a change of the physical location of a HC3 device? Currently I am living in Europe (Belgium). I might have to move to Asia (Philippines) next year and want to bring my HC3 and re-install it there in my new house. I see the following 2 potential problems: Z-wave allowed frequency bands and standards used are the same in these 2 locations, but there might be other restriction I am not aware of. The centralized monitoring/support of all HC3 gateways via the HC3 device ID might be disrupted if you move the device to another world region or country. Note: I experienced a similar problem (issue 2 above) when I moved around with my printer from Thailand to the Philippines a few years ago, as the ink cartridges are not interchangeable between the 2 countries and other regions.. I guess this is a question for Fibaro HC3 guru's or a Fibaro company HC3 specialist. Your help would be appreciated if you can answer my questions or can tell me how to contact a Fibaro HC3 specialist. Thanks Leo I used the below URL for my short survey. URL: https://www.silabs.com/wireless/z-wave/global-regions EU 868.4 MHz, 869.85 MHz - Standard EN 300 220 PH 868.4 MHz, 869.85 MHz - Standard EN 300 220
Some of my devices are randomly becoming dead nodes and will not communicate. I have tried reconfiguring the z-wave network for neighbors but no luck. Any suggestions? I am on HC2 running the latest software update (it happened before I updated to the latest update)
- 1 reply
- dead nodes
- devices
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Hi all, is anyone of you using an HC3 (Version 5.030.45) and able to add a Fibaro Walli Dimmer? When I start the inclusion on my HC3/ Walli Dimmer I only get the following message in the log and one new Device (191) without any child devices...so I'm not able to control the dimmer. [13.04.2020] [15:08:36] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Home Center in learning mode [13.04.2020] [15:08:50] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Device added[13.04.2020] [15:08:50] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Requesting neighbours, please wait... [13.04.2020] [15:08:53] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Requesting neighbours done. [13.04.2020] [15:08:53] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Add node status protocol done [13.04.2020] [15:08:54] [TRACE] [ZWAVE]: Adding devices complete I'm wondering if this is a a Problem with the HC3 or if the Walli Dimmer is broken in some way. Thanks Cheers and happy Easter
Hello, Today I received my brand new HC3 to replace my Homey Pro that has terrible z-wave performance. I unpacked and installed according to the setup steps. Software updated to 5.021.38. I excluded a Qubino Flush Dimmer from Homey and tried to add the device to HC3. The console shows HC3 going into learning mode but adding the Qubino (3 x switching) failed. Factory reset the Qubino and tried again with auto-inclusion and then again "normal" inclusion. No joy. Unpacked a brand new Fibaro Dimmer 2 and tried to add the device. Again, HC3 goes into learning mode but device is not added... HC3 shows nothing being wrong, Z-wave diagnostic show green "fully configured", also after I did a z-wave network reset. Z-wave version 4.33. Can anyone show this (still) inexperienced Home Center owner the way to a solution? Many thanks,
Version 1.3
First of all, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to @10der @Alex @petergebruers @robmac @amilanov @Bodyart @drboss and others for their time and help to improve / debug the code. The scene “analyzes” mesh network configuration in the system and displays the location efficiency of the devices in table format. Table sorted by the rooms according to average location efficiency of the devices in the room (in ascending order - from lowest to highest efficiency). More like "Z-wave mapping" in your residence. In addition scene analyzes location efficiency of HC2 location. To achieve precise data, please make sure your devices' physical location correctly associated with room names. For example: in-wall switch located in kitchen, but controls lights in garden, should be assigned to kitchen and not garden. (the device name should be assigned as garden lights) Usually inclusion of the device done close to HC2 therefore the route table is incorrect. To achieve reliable data, perform inclusion when device located in designated place/spot in residence or perform Mesh Reconfiguration to device after inclusion near to HC2. User configurable parameters,: showDevices=false if set tot true,not sorted table of all devices will be displayed also). fontSize=100 font size percentage (80% - 150%). Big Note: If you've removed device which is part of mesh route to others, the route table doesn't get updated ! Controller continues to maintain undated route table! Mesh table must be reconfigured. (Z-Range Analyzer identifies these devices.) Warning: Battery powered devices cannot forward packets and cannot be used in route for others. To observe data in graphic, use @10der's visualizer. Run the scene and here some details on what will be displayed: When or if corrupted/deleted devices have found in your system, data details will be printed before table appearance. Table header: · Number of master (physical) and slave devices in the system. By hovering mouse over controller name, table color index and Z-Capacity are shown · Date range of displayed data (if any changes done like adding, relocating devices after this date, mesh reconfiguration requires) · HC and devices location efficiency. If devices lack mesh route data (colored by red) present in the system, two efficiency numbers displayed. (50%/60%). including devices with no routes and neighbors data excluding these devices. Table columns: 1. # Script's total serial number / Script's serial number in room 2. Room Name % Room name and average location efficiency of the devices in room 3. Parent ID: Name Parent (master) device ID, name and room. Devices lack mesh route data colored by red. By hovering mouse over, child (slave) devices list is shown (and number of last 24 hours z-wave events of each slave) 4. % Percentage of location efficiency of each device in the room. 5. iSee Total number of neighbors (adjacent) devices that it can communicate with (seen by device). By hovering mouse over, devices details are shown. Great view on how device located by seeing who neighbors are. The data shown in two colors: I. green - Device can communicate directly to controller. Shades of green according to number of adjacent neighbors. greener, more neighbors) II. red - Device doesn’t communicate directly to controller. Shades of red according to number of adjacent neighbors. (redder, less neighbors) If tilde sign appears before the number - means the list includes device(s) that not in the system (deleted device). I devices details menu this device marked grey. 4. Last Route List of devices that participate in route communication to controller. By hovering mouse over list of devices details is shown. 3. iRoute Total number of devices where this device is part of communication route. By hovering mouse over, devices details are shown. 5. Status Last working route status. (OK, pending, in progress, error) 6. Time Stamp Time stamp of last working route reported to the controller. 7. 24History Master's last 24 hours events number and percentage of total events. By hovering mouse over parent in Parent ID: Description column, number of z-wave events for each slave is shown. Please notice 24 hours history based on saved logs in event panel. If you have devices that excluded from saving logs, theirs events are not available. Points for improvement Location efficiency calculated relatively to your best device in system, therefore red and yellow marked devices don't necessary indicates that your system is broken. Special attention requires when changing/removing physical place of devices in location with low efficiency level, it could cause loss of communication or delays. I. Parent ID: Description - Device marked red indicates lack of route data. Perform mesh reconfiguration for this device. If reconfiguration failed, recommended to exclude/include the device (Painful process and occasionally updates in code are required). II. Last Route - More devices in route increase probability of communication delay and indicates that device is in distance from controller. Since in Z-Wave each device calculates the shortest route to the destination (up to 4 hops), therefore if route includes more than three devices recommended Check/verify devices in route as well. Mesh reconfiguration recommended. Device is far away from HC2 or Z-wave signal interrupted. III. iSee - If number is in shade of red and relatively low, means the device located far away from controller and low number of adjacent neighbors in that area or device located where physical barriers such as metal panels, concrete walls and etc. are blocking Z-Wave signal. (or located in-wall socket and Z-wave signal interrupted) Increased probability of packets loss rate, delay expected. IV. iRoute - As much as number is higher, means increased workload for this device (needs to track messages from this number of neighbors). Increased probability of delays from device and routed devices. Recommended number less than five devices. V. Route tables do not get automatically updated by adding a new device or device relocation. Mesh reconfiguration (in Z-Wave Panel) requires. Do not reconfigure mesh network when devices are not in designated spot. -
Cześć, Przymierzam się do zakupu systemu automatyki do mieszkania. Dokładniej to planuje kupić nowe mieszkanie i chciałbym od początku przygotować wszystko jak należy. Mam kilka pytań na które nie znalazłem bardziej lub mniej precyzyjnych odpowiedzi, dlatego założyłem ten temat. Myślę, że najpierw napisze co chce uzyskać, a ktoś z czytających może będzie chciał podzielić się swoim doświadczaniem. Tak jak napisałem, planuję wszystko od 0, obecnie nie posiadam urządzeń smart / automatyki domowej. Pierwsza i podstawowa kwestia, chce wybrać urządzenia Fibaro, lepiej wybrać rozwiązanie oparte na Z-Wave czy Apple HomeKit? Czytałem o obu systemach i mniej więcej rozumiem zalety obu rozwiązań, jednakże nie znalazłem bezpośredniego porównania tych rozwiązań. Jeśli chodzi o Apple to w domu mamy telefony, komputery i przystawkę do tv od Apple, więc część dotycząca samych urządzeń sterujących nie ma dla mnie bezpośredniego znaczenia. Posiadam również dwa głośniki z Amazon Alexa... których używam obecnie do podstawowych funkcji (włącz radio... wyłącz głośnik, zmień głośność). Co chce uzyskać: - "inteligentne" oświetlenie mieszkania, ustawianie scen, koloru światła i natężenia - obsługę z aplikacji, przełącznika (pilota lub ściennego), jak i głosową - myślę o Philips Hue - rolety w oknach (przeciwsłoneczne) sterowane z aplikacji + ustawienia scen - czujnik dymu z możliwością powiadomień nawet jak nie ma nikogo w domu - czujnik zalania podłogi - sterowanie wybranymi gniazdkami elektrycznymi - jakiś prosty monitoring (z zapisem na dysk) - jeśli zdecyduję się na klimatyzację to jakiś sterownik ścienny z możliwością sterowania przez aplikację, chciałbym, aby sam sprawdzał temperaturę z różnych czujników i dopasowywał nastawienia klimatyzacji - (najmniej istotne, gdyż nie wiem czy będę to posiadał) sterownik do ekranu do projektora - tutaj też automatyka scen (rozwijam ekran i automatycznie zasłonią się okna) - również sterownie z poziomu telefonu / pilota. Do tego system audio (multiroom) z obsługą Amazon Alexa, Google Asystent i Airplay2. Przeglądam ofertę różnych producentów, jednakże po przeczytaniu wielu poradników, chcę zainwestować w rozwiązania Fibaro. Tak więc jeśli HomeKit... to jak to będzie w praktyce działać w +/- 70-80m2, obawiam się, że urządzenia działają na Bluetooth i ich efektywność nie będzie najlepsza? Czy znalezienie wszystkiego co chce kompatybilnego z HomeKit będzie bardzo kłopotliwe? Jeśli Z-Wave to czy centralka HC2 czy Lite - co będzie lepszym wyborem dla moich potrzeb? Jeśli wybiorę rozwiązanie z centralką Fibaro, to czy da się to połączyć jakoś z HomeKit? (bardziej lub mniej oficjalnie) Dodam tylko, że z racji ograniczeń finansowych nie jestem w stanie kupić wszystkiego "od razu", więc zakupy planuje rozłożyć w czasie od tych ważniejszych do gadżetów, dlatego łatwość rozbudowy systemu też będzie dla mnie ważna.
Hi all, I see that some users have downloaded Z-wave monitor script and I think it could be a good idea to share our data and know-how to optimize our Z-wave performance. In my case I have manage to reduce Z-wave traffic from average of event per 1.7 sec. to 4.8 sec (24 hours monitoring, 78 physical devices, 382 IDs), but I don't know if this is a good number. It will be interesting if anyone could share an average of his system. That way we can compare and might be to achieve the right number and stable performance which may be could prevent Z-wave freeze in the future. I think average of Z-wave traffic somehow depends on number of the devices in the system and again I believe we need team work to find correct formula for that. Few users have shared with me that they have found devices, which "bombarding" the traffic with unnecessary reports and they fixed the issue. It could be very helpful to all of us to share our solutions and fixes... we all can learn from others If you think it could violate your privacy, please ignore this message... Thank you
Version 3.0
This scene monitors and catches Z-wave commands traffic between controller and devices. The data displayed to user as a table which includes total commands and their properties per device, in addition same data displayed at graphical chart and shows system activities over the time. Since Z-wave protocol is not a fastest one (in many case it's just freeze) this code helps to analyze the data and to take necessary actions to reduce overall Z-wave traffic and system load. Scene functionality 1. This is not an auto started scene. You need to start it manually. While the scene is running, you can switch views between table/chart and monitor (follow instructions on screen). 2. User configurable parameters are: gVar = true-- Create and use global predefined variable. The scene could work with local table as well, but by using global parameter you can keep history of the traffic. It very helpful when you're updating the system to new release, to compare Z-wave performance. In case you have decided to use global variable, copy the data to other variable to keep the history. To view data of saved variable please download and use Z-wave Viewer scene. Z-wave Viewer could be executed in parallel to Z-wave Monitor as well (when using global variable only) logRate = 5 -- Time rate in minutes to log Z-wave activity. Used as axis X scale in charts view. Reasonable value 5 to15 minutes for 24 hours of monitoring. In case to achieve better resolution the value could be decreased down to 1 minute. time2monitor = 6 -- Time-slot in hours to monitor z-wave traffic, after that time, table and chart will be displayed on debug window and scene will stopped. Value of 0 hours disables auto ending. User needs to stop the monitoring. If less than hour monitoring required please use decimal fraction. For example to set monitor time to 15 minutes set, time2monitor = .25 markId = "|0|0|", " Cyan" -- Devices (IDs) list and text color to display specific devices in defined color at monitor view for follow up purpose. In few cases you need to monitor specific device, so fill-in the device ID and it will be highlighted by different color from other devices. deadOnTop = {true, "maroon"} -- Display DEAD devices on top of the monitor view list in defined text color. Since we're not always looking on the screen, so in case the system will identify dead device it will continuously display the device (in red) on debug window. All variables below are the same for Z-wave Monitor and Z-wave Viewer chartHeight = 100 -- Chart height in percents (%). Chart's default height fits debug window. The variable changes height of all charts (devices.scenes and events) chartWidth = 100 -- Chart width in percents (%). Chart's default width expands according to number of samples. User could expand the width to get better detail view or to stretch to visualize the load on time axis or to take snap shot of entire time line. The variable changes width of all charts (devices.scenes and events) topDev2disp = 6 -- Number of most active devices to display on devices chart. If set to zero chart won't be displayed. topScene2disp= 10 -- Number of most active scenes to display on scenes chart. If set to zero chart won't be displayed. darkSkinMode = true -- Charts display skin mode. Set false for light (white) skin. dev2review={false,"|470|804"} -- Generate chart for every device in list of actual device readings over the monitoring time. For devices with two results (like power and energy) both reading will be displayed. On left and right sides of the chart applicable scale displayed. Please note, no chart is generated for devices like motion, door and any other sensors, which provide values of true/false. userDev={false,"|504|_531|"} -- User defined devices and scenes IDs to generate specific combined chart. Please write underscore before scene ID |_531| stackedChart=true -- A stacked line chart is an line chart in which lines do not overlap because they are cumulative at each point. Set to false to view standard line char. All charts except ZKG chart (events,CPU and RAM) will be displayed according to this variable. Brief explanation what is displayed: 1. Monitor view This snap shot includes top and dead devices marked in different color from other devices. Two main sections in this view: Header 1:08:07/ 6:00:00 1824 events/77 devices event/2.3s (Click Start for ) Elapsed Time/Monitoring time Number of Z-wave events/devices Z-wave traffic rate Click to switch to table/chart view Devices list Every device displayed at follow format - #2/34TV509@Salon(216.7 power) #2/34 -First number is number of events during logRate slot. Second number is total number for events so far. TV509@Salon - device name, ID and room name (216.7 power) - actual reading and reading property 2. Table view total # - number of total Z-wave events on device total % - Percentage of device's events of total system Z-wave events. All yellow marked headers are received Z-wave properties, except two properties, dead and deadReason which are marked in red. For each device displayed the total number of this specific properties. Red marked ID, means that device was or is "dead" By hovering mouse over device IDs, device and room names will be display (tool-tip) at popup box. At the end displayed few extra summaries Elapsed time and Start-End timestamps Sample log rate as defined by user. Total samples during monitoring time Total Z-wave events and total number of active devices Average Z-wave traffic rate Z-traffic range. Shows the highest and lowest z-wave activities during monitoring time. If dead devices have found, list of them is displayed 3. Most active devices chart This chart shows events number of most active devices ( up to number of all active devices allowed by setting topDevNum variable ) on monitoring time-line. On the right-upper corner displayed ID, name and room of the device. By hovering mouse on diagrams or legend, selected item will emphasized in bold to make the item more visible. 4. Most active scenes chart This chart shows triggers number of most active scenes ( up to number of all triggered scenes allowed by setting topDevNum variable ) on monitoring time-line. On the right-upper corner displayed ID, name and room of the scenes. By hovering mouse on diagrams or legend, selected item will emphasized in bold to make the item more visible. 5. Review device's actual readings - (dev2review) For devices with two results (like power and energy) both reading will be displayed. On left and right sides of the chart applicable scale displayed. This chart most useful to identify if device configured to send reports interval at high rate and " differ in readings to send report" set to very low value. By hovering mouse over the chart, will scale down the diagram to make visible entire range. In case the horizontal scrollbar is not in the middle of the chart , the diagram will flicker. 6. User defined combined chart In some cases we need to inspect behavior of some devices and scene that triggered by the device. This chart shows user defined devices and scenes on monitoring time-line. On the right-upper corner displayed ID, name and room of the scenes and/or device. By hovering mouse on diagrams or legend, selected item will emphasized in bold to make the item more visible. 7. ZKG Chart View Chart view shows Z-wave traffic and system load on time line (based on logRate value). You actually could see your smart home beating heart (like EKG). I have named as ZKG (Z-wave cardiogram). Now it's possible to see the "rush" and "quiet" hours of the system. Chart view includes 5 diagrams displayed over time-line of monitoring period. The diagrams are: Z-wave events Triggered scenes CPU1 percentage CPU2 percentage RAM percentage At top-right corner of the screen, displayed legend of the diagrams and colors. Events total number in same color as a diagram line. CPU1 min > avg < max in same color as a diagram line. CPU2 min > avg < max in same color as a diagram line. RAM min > avg < max in same color as a diagram line. Triggered scenes total in same color as a diagram line. Most triggered scene ID and scene's name in same color as a triggered scenes In case dead devices have found during the monitoring period, the time stamp where it happened will colored red and at the top of the screen, directly above the time stamp, dead device(s) ID displayed. Axis Y has two scales. Left scale represents occurrence numbers of Z-wave events and triggered scenes. Right scale is a percentage and it related to CPU1, CPU2 and RAM measured values. By hovering mouse on diagrams or legend, selected item will emphasized in bold to make the item more visible. I'm strongly advising to use global variable and to view the data using Z-wave Viewer in parallel to Z-wave Monitor The idea behind, that you can change parameters to view different devices/scenes on the fly. By changing user configurable parameters in Z-wave Monitor you'll need to start the scene all over again. Note: The debug text of these scenes is very big, so If you're using Clear Debug scene, please remove these scenes from the list. Please let me know if extra info is required. Please report if any bug occurred. -
Picking a Z-Wave controller can be troublesome, they all do similar things, where as in distinct ways. So it's an exceptionally subjective choice - relying upon the client's needs. This guide is our endeavor to clarify what I comprehend from the exploration is there isn't yet a repository for plugins that are written for the Beta Python plugin framework, so I am posting this in the discussion on the off chance that it can be useful to a few clients... What is the functionality of an Controller? The controller also known as hub or gateway, that controls your Z-Wave system. It allows adding and configuring the devices and to make and run 'scenes' that enable the system to do things naturally, to quote an example, turning on lights in based on the of motion or time. The controller additionally permits remote access by means of the Internet or cell phone notwithstanding when you are far from home. And justifying the topic, Fiblary is a Python module wrapping Fibaro Home Center REST API. This permits Python Programs to make calls straightforwardly to Home Center and control the Z-wave gadgets and run scenes oversaw by HC. It additionally gives access and strategies to factors, clients, room and sections characterized on Home Center. It's simple to get some essential data about the Home Center: from fiblary.client import Client # Connect to Home Center hc = Client('v3', '', 'admin', 'admin') # Retrieve the basic info as returned by /api/info info = hc.info.get() print(info) will produce the similar output as below: {u'batteryLowNotification': True, u'temperatureUnit': u'C', u'updateStableAvailable': False, u'sunsetHour': u'16:29', u'softVersion': u'3.580', u'newestBetaVersion': u'3.581', u'serialNumber': u'HC2-000666', u'sunriseHour': u'07:24', u'beta': False, u'defaultLanguage': u'pl', u'mac': u'38:60:77:92:bf:a5', u'serverStatus': 1390148753, u'hotelMode': True, u'updateBetaAvailable': True, u'zwaveVersion': u'3.42'} The returned info behaves like a dictionary: print info['softVersion'] but also like a property: print info.softVersion That's Easy, right? For the managers that Client supports the full set of options is implemented. # put this in a file named custom_components/battery_state.py import logging from homeassistant.helpers.event import track_state_change from homeassistant.const import STATE_ON, STATE_OFF, STATE_HOME, STATE_NOT_HOME, MATCH_ALL _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = 'battery' DEPENDENCIES = [] def setup(hass, config=None): """Setup the Battery component. """ _LOGGER.info("The 'battery' component is ready!") def state_changed(entity_id, old_state, new_state): if new_state is None: return if 'battery_level' in new_state.attributes: hass.states.set('%s_battery' % entity_id, float(new_state.attributes['battery_level']), { 'friendly_name': "%s Battery" % new_state.attributes['friendly_name'], 'unit_of_measurement': '%', 'icon': 'mdi:battery' }) track_state_change(hass, MATCH_ALL, state_changed) return True Warning: This makes another battery sensor for each sensor it recognizes, so you may wind up with multiple battery sensors per gadget if that gadget reports various sensors. Alter for establishment directions: Save the above content as custom_components/battery_state.py and make the custom_components catalog on the off chance that it doesn't as of now exist Include battery_state: to your configuration.yaml to empower the component. You can get more information from support on the google group: http://groups.google.com/d/forum/python-openzwave-discuss. Source: Domoticz / Github
- z-wave
- python wrapper
(and 2 more)
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Hi all, i recently bought a FGT-001 Thermostat and added it to my openHAB system. From what i read in the description and the manual of the FGT-001, it should be able to measure the temperature of the room. I also see a channel that is named Sensor(temperature) but it is always 0 Is my thermostat broken? Or is this functionality just not implemented and the description is wrong? Regards, Nayenia
Chcem zamontować syrenę na zewnątrz Z-WAVE jaka mogę integrować posze. Listę pod rynek USA
Hi Everyone, browsing earlier on I noticed that Maplin UK have started selling z-wave products. There are only selling a handful but I was impressed with the price of them. I came on here earlier and did a search for the Foxx water sensor and couldn't find anything. so I thought with them being on offer for £9.99 I would go and get one and see if it works. When I got into the store for some reason they aren't on the shelves so I had to get a member of staff to go and dig one out of the back. It has just paired with my HC2 without a problem, it recognises the device as a motion sensor, but once the drop down box was changed to flood sensor it works a dream. There are no parameters listed (the manual does not list any either) so I am assuming there is nothing that can be changed. This could be a turning point, as I have never been able to walk into a shop in the UK and pick up a Z-wave device - hopefully more will be coming soon!
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- flood sensor
- water sensor
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Hello there, My colleague sent me this article: https://www.cepro.com/article/ring_protect_shatters_price_barriers_for_security_monitoring_video_storage Finally keypad, that looks great as security and it is in Z-Wave. No offence to guys with Zipato, BeNext and simmilar (i do not like Zipato keypad). I think i even buy this one, if it will be in EU version .
- 5 replies
- security system
- z-wave
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https://smartapfel.de/fibaro-stellt-vier-neue-homekit-produkte-vor/ and translated with google: Fibaro introduces four new HomeKit products From Yannic - 1 September 2017 4 Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Fibaro is actually known for its Z-Wave products. At the end of last year , the Polish manufacturer for the first time trusted the HomeKit market. In addition to the door and window sensor and the motion detector, Fibaro also published the first Wassermelder with HomeKit Integration. In July, the CO sensor followed . Now the manufacturer has introduced four more HomeKit products at the IFA in Berlin. Fibaro Wall Plug The slim connector can be easily clamped between the consumer and the socket and can then be switched on and off. Just like the competition, the Fibaro WallPlug can also measure the power consumption. Fibaro Single Switch The Fibaro Single Switch can be hidden in wall switches and flush mounted boxes. Thus, for example, in the case of lamps with several light bulbs, it is no longer necessary to replace each bulb with a HomeKit-capable, but the flush-mounted module allows control via the light switch. Fibaro The Button The button works like a simple switch. Depending on how the button is pressed, up to three different HomeKit scenes can be controlled with one button. The switch is to be available in eight different colors. Fibaro Radiator Thermostat For the first time, Fibaro is also fond of heating control. In addition to the Z-Wave version, there will also be a HomeKit version. Like the Eve Thermo , the Fibaro Radiator Thermostat should replace the radiator thermostat . In contrast to the competition, Fibaro uses a built-in battery. This can be loaded via a USB port. A charge should be sufficient for a complete heating period. The built-in temperature sensor also enables automatic detection of open windows. At the moment, the information on the individual products is still rather poor. As soon as we know more, we will tell you of course. Fibaro Motionsensor Apple Homekit, 1 piece, FIB_FGBHMS-001 Price: 54,00 EUR Fibaro Door / Window Sensor, 1 piece, white, FIB_FGBHDW-002-1 Price: 58,90 EUR Fibaro Flood Sensor Apple Homekit, 1 piece, FIB_FGBHFS-101 Price: 68,46 EUR
Hello guys, Is there any idea how to add other z-wave fire alarm device to HC2? I am having First Alert smoke/co alarm which I tried to add but unsuccessful. Please help. Fyi, HC 2 Software Version:4.110 Thank you.
- z-wave
- first alert
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Hello guys, Is there any idea how to add other z-wave fire alarm device to HC2? I am having First Alert smoke/co alarm which I'd like to add to Fibaro HC2 but could not add it yet. Please help. Fyi, HC 2 Software Version:4.110 Thank you.
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- first alert
- z-wave
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I have found an interesting info on connecting Z-Wave + ZigBee + HomeKit Bridge : https://9to5mac.com/2017/01/06/focalcrest-announces-mixtile-hub-to-bridge-existing-zigbee-and-z-wave-smart-home-products-into-homekit-siri-control/ https://www.macrumors.com/2017/01/06/ces-2017-mixtile-homekit-hub/
Hi, I have installed three (3) Fibaro Dimmer 2 (FGD-212) switches in my home. Number 1 dimmer is in my front room Number 2 dimmer is in my hall (with immediate <1 Meter proximity to dimmer 1) Number 3 dimmer is in my master bedroom (top of stairs) ~15 Meters away from the hub controller I am using a Smartthings Hub 2 controller. All devices have been found/discovered and are paired to my Smartthings hub and visible on my Smart phone app. All devices operate (on/off/dim) as expected using the physical switches connected to the dimmers, so they are all fully functioning as expected. I can connect to and control dimmer 1 from my smart phone via the Smartthings app and I have full range of control and dimming as expected. I CANNOT control dimmers 2 & 3 at all via the Smartthings app (they are simply unresponsive to any control commands sent to them - e.g. on/off command or dimming level commands). They are all installed (wired) identically in line with the first dimmer (1). Would you know why the dimmers (2 & 3) are not responding? Would you be able to share some root cause analysis steps with me to help me resolve this? Note: This is not a range issue as I have physically moved the Smartthings Hub 2 to be in range (beside) each of the installed Fibaro dimmers. Thanks Ciaran
- smartthings
- z-wave
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Hello, Do you have any experiences with Z-Wave to KNX Gateway? Link. And sorry it is in Russian language.
z-wave [Feature request] - Z-Wave to DALI converter/gateway
jakub.jezek posted a topic in Suggestions
I'm seeing increasing popularity for DALI for Lighting solution. We have some solution for DALI with IP2Dali gateway called DALInet, but there are only Scenes and custom virtual device for control Groups of devices for DALI. Fibaro team, could you please make Z-Wave to DALI converter, that can be functional with DALI Lights? -
Allowing pre-programming of devices may involve quite a change to the Fibaro gateway workflow. Ideally I'd like to be able to manually select a device template to add without having the device exist on the z-wave network. It would just be a placeholder. Then when adding a device to the z-wave network, an option is presented to select an existing device or create a new device. Even better would be if it was possible to enter the serial number of the device when manually adding and then if a new device with matching serial is included on the gateway, it is automatically configured from the pre-programmed device. This could also allow for failed devices to be replaced by selecting it when a new device is included. Following this: If a dead node is replaced, the old device is removed from the z-wave network and the existing parameters transferred to the new device. Not sure if it's possible for the device ID's to be transferred but this would also solve a lot of headaches when replacing devices and then manually updating scenes, etc to the new ID. I've used other automation systems that operate this way and it's super handy.
- device
- programming
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