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  1. i configured Danalock on HC2 but the notification panel inform that the device without template and it is not response could you please support
  2. Allowing pre-programming of devices may involve quite a change to the Fibaro gateway workflow. Ideally I'd like to be able to manually select a device template to add without having the device exist on the z-wave network. It would just be a placeholder. Then when adding a device to the z-wave network, an option is presented to select an existing device or create a new device. Even better would be if it was possible to enter the serial number of the device when manually adding and then if a new device with matching serial is included on the gateway, it is automatically configured from the pre-programmed device. This could also allow for failed devices to be replaced by selecting it when a new device is included. Following this: If a dead node is replaced, the old device is removed from the z-wave network and the existing parameters transferred to the new device. Not sure if it's possible for the device ID's to be transferred but this would also solve a lot of headaches when replacing devices and then manually updating scenes, etc to the new ID. I've used other automation systems that operate this way and it's super handy.
  3. I know the HC2 can include gen5 devices, since they themselves are downwards compatible. But can the HC2 itself act as Z-Wave Plus controller and thereby use all new functions introduced with Z-Wave Plus? Will that be possible with a firmware update for the Z-Wave RF module, that's integrated into the HC2?
  4. So we all know that Fibaro dose not quite work with everything z-wave, at least not to potenciall of those devices, we've all gotten something Z-wave only to realise that its not working with our dear plastic or metal box of wonders. And i begain to think *sky darkens and you can see muffled screams of horror from distance* how far one would have to go to be able to have proper as intended Z-wave interoperability with all devices past and present. just how manny slave/master HUBs would it take which ones they'd be? Maybe i am completly missinformed (Bad me!) about this and there is some sort of device that dose all of this allready - feel free to add. My line of thinking is that Fibaro + Vera working in tandem should be able to work more type of devices than either of them alone. now do not worry i am not going to build it so just forget limitations to ammount of devices andother practicall stuff i just want to know if annyone ever tried to or thought up way to have all Z-wave compatibilities or at least came close to having them in one system.
  5. what is wake up interval? and what is the best value of it? i have fibaro motion sensor and it is not response because it is waiting for wakeup and also i cant modify the wakeup interval
  6. Just chance upon a z-wave compatibility guide which I believe many forumers have been looking for. http://www.vesternet.com/compatibility/z-wave-compatibility-guide
  7. I'm having a rather difficult time planning a home automation system for my upcoming project, building a tiny house on wheels. It's only 192 square feet, so it shouldn't be too expensive to make the entire house extremely intelligent. It appears that most Z-Wave solutions are aimed at retrofit installations and not new construction, though. That's a problem. When you aim to do things the most efficient way and you're afforded the freedom of new construction to do it, it doesn't appear easy to do. Most of my concerns are based in lighting. I apologize for the number of issues raised in a single (and first) post, any guidance on any topic is appreciated. I want to use 12VDC LED lighting with dimming and control via Z-Wave. It doesn't make sense in new construction to run high voltage AC through the walls and ceiling, only to have a transformer/driver at every light fixture. I'd rather run 12VDC for lighting. Finding cans/fixtures that run on 12VDC? Not so easy, and when you find them, the options are very limited. I thought of using a standard MR16 can and buying standard dimmable LED bulbs, but you can't find ones designed for DC (most MR16 are 12VAC), and most are not dimmable. Also, it's hard to find the MR16 cans without the attached transformer, which I don't need or want to pay for. Next issue. If I'm running 12VDC LED lighting, it seems dumb to run 120VAC to the wall switch, just to power a Z-Wave switch/dimmer; since most of them seem to be designed for that. I guess an alternative is something more like a handheld remote, but I'd much prefer the system to look installed like regular wall switches and maybe more importantly, operate normally should the Z-Wave hub fail. I saw the Insteon Mini Remote but reviews on mounting in a switch box are really bad. I'm not sure that it even works with Z-wave anyway. It sounds like I COULD run 12V to the switch box and design a circuit that would deliver the 0-10V control signal to a Z-wave dimmer, but I really don't want to do that if I don't absolutely have to. Ideally, are there any Z-Wave switch/dimmers out there that mount in standard switch boxes, can run on 12VDC (or battery) and continue to dim/switch the lighting when the Z-wave hub is down? Next issue. When thinking about running 12VDC throughout the house and how best to do that, I stumbled upon PoE lighting using Cat5/6 wiring. Sadly, most of what's available is for commercial installations. Lumen Cache is interesting but expensive. Am I crazy, or should there be some synergy between control/automation and PoE lighting? I tried to find some interface between Z-Wave and PoE lighting and found none whatsoever. I had an idea that maybe through a Z-Wave serial bridge, one could communicate with on the Lumen Cache comm bus to control that system, but that would require purchasing about $500 worth of Lumen Cache gear, the bridge and writing my own drivers for HC2 (an additional purchase) and it may or may not work. Not to mention, I'm only adept enough at programming to be dangerous. Are there any PoE lighting systems out there or in development designed to interface with Z-Wave or other consumer automation platforms? My aspirations are high for this tiny house, but automation is something I've wanted to do far before going tiny, which I think makes it that much more attainable; but I feel like I'm reinventing the wheel here!
  8. Hi everybody! I would like to get some help from you, experienced guys in Fibaro and home automation systems. I will start with Fibaro project in my house, but in some aspects I can't find solution even after one week of googleing. If anyone here has will to help I will be thankful for that. My problems 1. How I can install 10 IP cameras and connect them on Fibaro HC Lite or HC2, without any issues? Also if you have something to recommend (camera) for night and day vision with good picture quality say so. 2. How can I attach any TV or radio on my Fibaro HC Lite or HC2 without making virtual devices and implementing LUA codes etc.? Is there any other more simple way? I still don't know which kind of TV I'm going to get, but I wouldn't like to be limited in choosing them because of Fibaro. 3. How I can make, that my coffee machine makes me a coffee through Fibaro if it has a lot of functionalities and it is impossible to setup how strong coffee I want or what amount of coffee do I want etc. The only way to do so is just to preset and prepare coffee machine and to turn it off or on when I press some virtual button on my mobile phone. But it can be tricky. 4. How I can run my AC unit and setup its temperature set point through Fibaro? Same story was told for TV, I don't want to use only some of the AC's I want to know some universal solution for all types. Relay module, dimmer, roller shutters, door/window sensors, flood sensors, thermostats etc. are pretty much understandable to me, so with lights, blinds, windows, heating I do not have any particular problems, but with above mentioned....well, yes, I do have Any assistance will be appreciated! Thanks to everyone and if I missed sub-forum, moderators please react Kind regards!
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