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Found 4 results

  1. Cannot access HCL in my browser, do only access the HCL by typing the IP directly manual And when I get access I cannot edit rooms or add device. seems like mye user has NO admin rights, and when trying to log in as admin with pasword and username admin, I do not get any access. I have tried to reset the HCL with holding both buttons and run recovery mode with no success. Have also set the ip to But no I cannot access the HCL by typing the IP adress. I can find it in Fibaro finder. How to total reset HCL totally like a brand new device
  2. Hi, I use a number of different systems to access my Fibaro HC2 and have to type in my password over and over again. There is no option to 'remember the password', and the browser functionality seems to be disabled by design. I do NOT want to use a 3rd party solution (such as lastpass etc.) to remember my passwords, I use the built-in functionality in the Edge browser to my satisfaction and this works for all - if not most - websites and it synchronizes across all of my devices. I am sure all other browsers will do the same perfectly fine without any add-on. I use a long, generated password (as I always do), but without the browser helping me out it gets annoying really quickly. So I usually leave a browser window open if there is stuff to do (which is just as insecure as any auto-login) and am thinking to change my password to the most simple version (which is even worse). I understand that Fibaro is committed to keeping your domotica system safe, someone else opening your garagedoor would be a problem. But I really do feel that it is up to the user.. So my suggestion would be to add a system setting to 'Allow saving password in browser'. This will allow Fibaro to issue a warning on turning-on the option, and accommodate users like me who feel they have a tight enough system. Thanks so much. I'm looking forward to hearing from Fibaro how they feel about this issue. Regards, Ralph.
  3. Witam, chciałbym zgłosić, że na przeglądarce Edge w momencie otwarcia kolejnej karty np Pomieszczenia czy Konfiguracja czy jakiejkolwiek innej - za każdym razem trzeba podawać dane do logowania. Prawdopodobnie istnieje jakiś problem z sesją. Na Google Chrome ani w Operze nie ma takiego problemu. Jest to trochę uciążliwe kiedy pracuje nad skryptem, potrzebuje nową kartę żeby znaleźć np id urządzenia i za każdym razem musze podawać dane do logowania
  4. Hello everybody Something weird happened to my HC2. I configured it in the new fashon fibaro wants us to configure the access....(the configure nagging screen after every login was..... nagging!). I'm not referring to the fibaroID thing, but i'm referring to the latest thing that fibaro HC itself asked to do after login since a couple of software releases ago. since then the following happened: 1) now I can only login as the user i've created 2) for some reason I only see random 10/20% of my devices in the fibaro web page (fortunately i see everything on the app on tablets/phones!) 3) it seems the previous admin credentials are completely lost.... and it appears there is no admin access (that means no adding devices, no adding scenes ....nothing!) What did i mess up?? Anyone got a similar problem? Any solution? Oh.. yes... you name it... if I restore the latest backup (1 month old) i would be short of some sensors/relays.. and it would be quite a pain adding them again! :-/
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