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  1. I would like to use Fibaro as an alarm system. I have a house with a garden. in the garden I have motion sensors and Netatmo Prescence cameras that detect if it is a person and send an event. Then my house has 6 accesses where I have an opening sensor in each one and in some motion detectors. My idea is to make two zones. One that activates the internal zone only (the doors with opening and / or movement sensors) and the outer part, I understand that integrating the presence cameras to avoid false alarms. To activate or deactivate it, I would like to do it with a scene or a virtual device, where they will also indicate when I set the alarm that all the devices are fine. If the alarm is activated what I would like is to receive a push message on the smartphones with an option to turn it off or delay the shot and if after minutes you do not receive anything that starts to turn on the lights, LEDs and sirens that I have in Fibaro Alarm panel. Has anyone seen or seen something like this in the forum? What do you think? Is it reliable? It is also important that it be simple so that everyone who lives at home can activate and deactivate it. Many Thbaks
  2. I Cannot get the alarm system to send notifications when there is a breach in the sensors. i create a scene if for example the motion sensor is armed and breached then ..... (see photo) The phone show in the users page but do not show up here. Can someone help me please.
  3. I have a question regarding setting up my alarm with help of the scenes in the HCL. I have a scene where the alarm siren is triggered 60 seconds after the motion sensors are armed and breached. During this time (60sec) I have the time to disarm the motion sensors. But this does not stop the alarm siren to turn on as the disarming the motion sensors does not interfere with the scene. Once the motion sensors are breached it depends only on the time to trigger the alarm siren. So I would like to stop the alarm siren after the motion sensors are breached. I think I could achieve this if I could stop the scene after the motion sensors are breached. How can I stop or interfere with the scene in HCL? In scenes I can only start a scene and not stop. Are there any other solutions. Thank you very much.
  4. Hello Everybody, I'm trying to implement an alarm for my house with the fibaro alarm panel. I can arm the sensors and disarm them. This works fine. If the alarm is breached, I've set a few seconds before the siren actually start to cry to give time for deactivating the alarm using the keypad... works perfectly. BUT... if I wait too long and the alarm breach is actually confirmed, then there is no way to stop it using controls like keypad, switcher or whatever. It seems that the system ignore z-wave control and refuse to launch scene or so... The only way to stop the alarm is to enter the code on the computer or use the mobile app... Any clue ? Thanks! (and best wishes for 2020) Renaud
  5. Hi all, I'm using several scenes that act as my house alarm. One scene checks our presence based on mobile phones and sets a variable accordingly (home/away). When everybody is "away" another scene will arm all door/window sensors. Advantage of this setup is that the alarm is automatically armed / disarmed when we leave home/arrive. No need for a keypad or whatsoever to arm/disarm the alarm. Sometimes people (such as parents or housekeeper) visits our house while we are not at home. The house is "armed" and they cannot disarm the alarm. I'm looking for a VD that I can use to set the periods where the alarm should be armed automatically when nobody is home. At other moments the alarm should not arm even though nobody is home. For example: Do not arm the alarm every week on Tuesday- and Thursday morning between 8:00 - 12:00h. Preferably I link my HC2 to my google Calender and let HC2 check if I have an appointment of which the subject matches a certain name, such as "housekeeping". If subject X(housekeeping) is found, a global will be set such that the alarm during that period will not arm. I installed a scene called Google Calendar Synchronization 1.2 to load my google calender, in HC2 but I get a 404 error on my ICS link. I wonder if Google stopped with this service for free google accounts. Suggestions how to make this work, either via calender or VD? Thanks for help! Regards, Jules
  6. This comment could also have been placed in the "Third party devices" forum, as it relates to alarms from a HeatIt Z-TRM2 thermostat for floor heating. But the supplier insists that the problem is with the Fibaro HC2, making this the right forum. I have 13 of these thermostats. Occasionally and randomly, I receive a message by e-mail from the HC2: "<Device id> Important! <Device ID> detected high temperature. It may mean potential fire". There is no actual high temperature. What happens, the supplier tells me, is that a single bit (from where?) makes the HC2 think the temperature is 255 C, if only for a split second. This fake measurement is even reported from slave units that have no sensor attached (e.g. a room sensor input not used). Has anyone experienced similar behavior from other devices? False alarms are really annoying! What I plan to do is a) to disable all slave units that are not used, like the room sensors where I use only a floor sensor. I know how to do that - does anyone see a reason not do disable in this case? These units are already hidden. b) to look for ways to disable the entire "high temperature" alarm feature for these units (I have smoke sensors to do that job). How do I disable the alarm feature? c) wait for confirmation from HeatIt/ThermoFloor that their reports to Fibaro have led to a solution, at either end
  7. The zipato mini keypad is included in my HC2. I manged to register the RFID keys. (thanks for the tips). Now i want to make my hc2 an alarm system. First i made a scene as reaction on an away event of the zipato keypad, to arm my motion sensors. Works. Then i made a scene as reaction on the home event of the zipato keypad to disarm my motion sensors. Works partly. If the status of the hc2 is normal, the scene disarms the motion sensors. In alarm status the scene is not disarming the motion sensors. Why? It also does not stop the alarm status. I have to go in the hc2 interface with my laptop to set alarm off. What is the way to deactivate alarm status from a scene? I also want to let the zipato keypad beep when a movement is registred by my motion sensor. Is this posible and how is it done?
  8. Hi, I have a FGBS-222 smart implant, Paradox NV5 motion sensor and a SP4000 paradox alarm control board attached to paradox K636 key pad. The problem is how do connect the wiring from the motion sensor to the smart implant and from the smart implant back to the alarm control board?? above it the NV5 motion sensor terminals. Above is the terminal for the SP4000 alarm control board. Last but not least the smart implant terminal. Below is my wiring connection. I am able to control the output of the fibaro smart implant from the fibaro home center lite however, the smart implant cannot detect the output of the motion sensor. Any suggestion to modify?? Aside question, is fibaro smart implant able to arm or disarm a alarm system??. Thank you. FGBS-222-EN-T-v1.0 (Smart inplat).pdf MGSP-EI15 SP4000.pdf NV5_Installation_Manual(motion sensor).pdf User-Manual-Paradox-Spectra-K636-LED-alarm-keypad.pdf
  9. When using a standard "wired" alarm, you don't arm/disarm each sensor so why do we do this within HC2? What I would like to see within the Alarm Panel is a Zone 1 to 4 Within each zone, you could add sensors to act within that zone. When arming you could Arm Zones if they work in ascending order if you Armed zone 2 it would arm 1 & 2 so at night you could arm Zone 1[ the ground floor] and by day Zone 2 and if on holiday maybe zone 1,2,&3 If you had a function fibaro:alarm(state, zone) this could be called to set state [Arm/Disarm] and Zone [1,2,3,or4] within scenes This leads to the next functional request: The system to hold HomeMode = [Home, Away, Night, Vacation] This could be associated with a panel to have actions in each state. In the Vacation Mode you could set a scene to randomly turn lights on after sunset and/or set the heating panel to vacation reducing all heating requirement In Night mode it could arm Zone 1 Thanks for a great product . BusterB
  10. Universal alarm v1.0 Hello everyone! Here is one simple scene that can be used for FIRE, FLOOD or OTHER ALARM purpose. When triggered by sensor it will send you popup, push and e-mail notification. It can also activate additional alarm sounders. You can also add additional actions to turn On lights, lower blinds or whatever action you like to happen when alarm is breached and also when sensor get back to safe state. There is no global variables needed! If you use HomeTable then you can just uncomment line where this table is read to the scene. SCENE SETUP First you need to decide for what you will use this scene. You can use it for FIRE ALARM or for FLOOD ALARM or for any other purpose that you can think off. Just for setup example I will show here how to set it up for FIRE alarm. Same setup can be done for FLOOD alarm. First you need to add all your smoke detectors to scene header so that it is triggered when any of this sensors detects fire and get breached: --[[ %% properties 96 value 128 value 605 value %% globals --]] Then you can setup devices to which you want this scene to send push notifications. As already mentioned in my other threads, to find ID of your mobile devices you can enter this link in your browser: http://<YOUR_HC_IP>/docs/#!/iosDevices/getIosDevices and then press on button TRY IT! You will get ID numbers of all mobile devices that you can enter here: -- PUSH MESSAGES AND MOBILE DEVICE SETUP --------------------------------- -- define mobile devices to send push messages. Enter devices inside -- braces separated by comma local iosDeviceID = {206, 321}; Then you can setup messages text, translate it to your language: -- PUSH MESSAGES SETUP ------------------------------------------------------ -- enter push message text for breached alarm notification local pushMessage = "WARNING! FIRE/FLOOD/OTHER ALARM BREACHED!"; -- POPUP MESSAGES SETUP ----------------------------------------------------- -- enter popup message text and button caption for breached alarm local popupMainTitle = "FIRE/FLOOD/OTHER ALARM"; local popupTimeFormat = "%H:%M:%S | %d.%m.%Y."; local popupContentTitle = "ALARM breached!"; local popupImgUrl = ""; local popupButtonCaption = "OK"; Here you can setup users that will receive e-mail message. Same as for mobile devices, you can find users ID by entering following link in your browser: http://<YOUR_PC_IP/docs/#!/users/getUserss and then press button TRY IT!. You will get ID numbers of all users that you can enter here: -- E-MAIL MESSAGE SETUP ----------------------------------------------------- -- define users for which you want to receive e-mail warning. Enter users -- inside braces separated by comma local userID = {}; -- Translate this e-mail message text that will be sent to you. On this -- part scene will add which sensor was breached. local emailMessage = "Breached FIRE/FLLOD/OTHER sensor:" In above settings you can also setup first part of the e-mail message. Scene will on that part add room and name of the sensor that is breached! If you want to activate additional sounders because fire and flood sensor sounder is not enough then you can setup here additional sounders to be activated when alarm is activated: -- EXTRA SOUNDER SETUP ------------------------------------------------------ -- define alarm sounder ID inside braces. You can define more than one just -- separate them with comma. local sounderID = {128, 210}; And for the end, if this is not enough for you and you want more action to be executed when alarm is breached, like close water valves, close blinds or turn on some lighting then you can add that code yourself. There are three functions where you can add code: -- EXTRA FUNCTIONS WHERE YOU CAN ADD YOUR CODE ---------------------------- -- use this function to add code that will be executed before all other -- code when sensor is breached function extraUserCodeBreachFirst() -- your code goes here end -- use this function to add code that will be executed after all other -- code when sensor is breached function extraUserCodeBreachLast() -- your code goes here end -- use this function to add code that will be executed when sensor is -- back to safe state function extraUserCodeSafe() -- your code goes here end If you want some action before notifications are send and sounders activated then you add code to function extraUserCodeBreachFirst(). If you want some action to be executed after notifications are sent and sounders activated then you add code to function extraUserCodeBreachLast(). When sensor goes back to safe state scene is activated again. It will not send any messages but will stop sounders and if you want some more action then you can add code to function extraUserCodeSafe(). So, one copy of this scene you can setup for FIRE ALARM. Another copy you can setup for FLOOD ALARM, and if you have something else then you can setup third copy for that OTHER ALARM. NOTE! This scene is tested on my HC2 with software 4.110 by breaching FIRE & FLOOD sensors and found to work flawlessly. If you encounter any problems then please first check your settings and look for typos. If you are still unable to make it work then please send me copy of complete scene code and screenshot of debugging window to my private message and I will help you to make it work! Please, I will appreciate very much any feedback and requests for additional features!! Example of debug window when scene is activated: ICONS DOWNLOAD Icons for this scene you can find here: SCENE DOWNLOAD FILE Please click bellow to download: [SCENE] Universal alarm scene {v1.0} as TXT file --------------------> Universal Alarm scene v1.0.txt [SCENE] Universal alarm scene {v1.0} as LUA file --------------------> Universal Alarm scene v1.0.lua NOTE LUA version of scene code is saved by ZeroBrane Studio v1.50. You can download it at this link: https://studio.zerobrane.com
  11. I have created different scenes in the block scene editor. These are all working except for the one that should do the following: 1. When I arm the alarm, the door sensor is armed. 2. When I open the door it should give me 10 seconds before the alarm goes off. 3. If I disarm the alarm, therefore disarm the door sensor within 10 seconds the alarm should not go off. This all works fine with a minor detail: if I shut the door within 10 seconds the alarm does not go off, while it should go off unless I have disarmed the alarm. I have tried the following block scene: First I tried stating at the device that if it's armed and breached it should trigger and I put a 10 second delay at the end. That did not work. Then I tried the above method checking if the door is device is triggered while armed and breached AND if after 10 seconds the device is NOT disarmed. By the way I also tried the statement if after 10 seconds it IS armed. Both with the same result: If I close the door quickly enough, I'm inside and the alarm is not triggered. Then I thought that maybe it just does not work that well within the block scenes. So I transfered it to LUA (automatic method by Fibaro). The LUA code I get, looks horrendous though. I'm not a developer, but this does not look as very well written code to me. --[[ %% properties 200 value 200 armed %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if(startSource["type"] == "other") then fibaro:call(49, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(104, "turnOn"); fibaro:startScene(12); fibaro:call(203, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "4"); fibaro:call(207, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "4"); setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(49, "turnOff"); fibaro:call(104, "turnOff"); end, 900000) else if (( (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "value")) > 0 and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "armed")) > 0) ) and ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "armed")) ~= 0 )) then local delayedCheck0 = false; if ( (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "value")) > 0 and tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "armed")) > 0) ) then delayedCheck0 = true; end setTimeout(function() local delayedCheck1 = false; local tempDeviceState1, deviceLastModification1 = fibaro:get(200, "value"); if (( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(200, "armed")) ~= 0 ) and (os.time() - deviceLastModification1) >= 10) then delayedCheck1 = true; end local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( delayedCheck0 == true and delayedCheck1 == true ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(49, "turnOn"); fibaro:call(104, "turnOn"); fibaro:startScene(12); fibaro:call(203, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "4"); fibaro:call(207, "sendDefinedPushNotification", "4"); setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(49, "turnOff"); fibaro:call(104, "turnOff"); end, 900000) end end, 10000) end end So here I am, with the big question to you out there: is there anyone who has this working and what code do you have?
  12. Od jakiegoś czasu, 2-letnie urządzenie włącza alarm (światło + syrena) mimo braku zadymienia. Bateria sprawana. Testy przechodzi prawidłowo. Swoją drogą, czy mogę wyłączyć syrenę tak, żeby urządzenie było nieme?
  13. Dear All, I've installed a vision sirene in my HCL but i would like to add a parameter for only the strobe light and not the sound. I red the document/manual and found some parameters. I added the parameters into HCL but the sound is still there. Maybe i overlook something? Parameter 1 (Siren/Strobe Mode) 1 0 (All Enable) - Default 1 (Siren Only) 2 (Strobe Only) Parameter 2 (Alarm Auto Stop Time) 1 0 (30s) - Default 1 (60s) 2 (120s) 3 (Will Not Automatically Stop) (Parameter 1) Siren/Strobe Mode: User can change value from 0 to 2 to turn either Siren sound, Strobe light, or both when triggered. (Parameter 2) Alarm Auto Stop Time: User can change the duration of siren time when triggered. Help would be appreciated. thanks...
  14. I want to connect my normal alarm with my Fibaro Homecenter 2. I think the Smart Implant can do the trick and I have bought some 12 volt relais to support the Smart Implant because the Smart Implant can’t switch high outputs and is restricted tot 0 - 10 volt. The relais can switch a sabotage loop (normally closed), so the normal alarm will be breached. The functions I first want to achieve are: If my Fibaro Homecenter detects alarm, my normal alarm will be breached and the normal sirene and light signals turn on (etcetera) If my normal alarm is breached, my Fibaro Homecenter will send push messages (etcetera) And in the future I want to: Turn my normal alarm on and off with my Fibaro Homecenter I can give power to the Smart Implant (P red / GND blue) from my normal alarm The relais can also be given power from the normal alarm. The relais has an input with requires a 12 volt signal. Question: How can I give the relais the 12 volt signal with de Smart Implant? Diagram Smart Implant: Relais:
  15. Would be nice to be able to activate/deactivate all the sensor in one button. Now I have to activate/deactivate all my motion sensors one at a time. It's really irritating having to enter my pin on every sensor Beside that, its a nice looking app!
  16. it's possible to integrate HC2 with an ip-camera by specifying URL:s for the video stream and controlling it with left/right/up/down URL:s etc. This is one-way communication from HC2 to the camera. Now, some cameras can be armed/disarmed, which means that it will start to record when it detects motion. The idea is that this should trigger an alarm in HC2. My idea is to have a scene which can arm/disarm the camera and then, when the camera detects motions it should trigger a scene in HC2. Has anyone figured out how to trigger a scene in HC2 when the camera detects motion? Is there any kind of support for this? Also, is it possible to arm/disarm your camera through HC2?
  17. Hi all, I’m trying to wire a Guardline Driveway Motion sensor’s output to a Fibaro Universal sensor, and wondered if anyone who’d done it before could help me out please? My idea for how to do it is below, the colours i’ve used have no relevance to the coloured cables of Fibaro. Top is the Fibaro and bottom the Guardline device. What do you think?
  18. Dear all, I have camera Arlo pro 2. For which I created a lula scene (across IFTTT) to arm and disarm camera. Both scene are linked to my Button. So when I leave or come in I cant arm / disarm easlily my camera. I would like to add something te be sure that it is armed or disarmed. First I put light . but not cool in summer. SO I put my ring but very noisy... So I wanted to display someting or jsut a song on my IPAD which is beside my button. So my question is from a scane is that possible to launch something on an Ipad ? Is yes how to do this? thanks for your support. thanks
  19. Hi, I'm no fan of the build-in alarm in HC2 so I'd like to create my own scenes/VD's for this. . @Sankotronic is working on a very promising UHAS system but his plans are pushed out (no offence, he released real nice things already, I'm fan) so I decided to move on, writing some code myself with hopefully some help of you ;-)! What do I use in my alarm; > Lights (selected regular lights in the house to switch to 100% when alarm is breached) > Door/window sensors > PIRs > Sirenes (for acoustic alarm) > flashlight (for visual alarm) > RGBW led indicator (at the entrances to notify alarm is; just armed (leave the house indicator), armed (not safe to enter indicator), disarmed(safe to enter indicator) What do I want; > Fibaro remote keychains available to manually arm/disarm the alarm > All users have a IFTTT account on their phones to trigger a scene when entering/leaving home (geofence). This will set my global "guestmode". (bad exerience with Fibaro GPS) > When nobody is at home, the global "alarmmode" should set to "FullAlarm". At "FullAlarm" all PIRs and D/W's sensors are set to armed. (report error when not in safe state when arming). > When at night (Darkness) all users are at home and all PIR and D/W are safe for X time, "sleepstate" to be set "sleep" else "awake". > when at sleep, the "alarmmode" will switch to RingOnly. Only the D/W sensors will be armed (not PIR). When a PIR is breached the alarmmode will be set to disarmed state. When sleep state is reached again the alarmmode will switch back to RingOnly. > if armed and breached, the alarm is triggered. The sirenes and flashlight will start to run and all lights will be set to 100%. If all D/W and PIR are safe for X time, alarm to back to armed state and lights off. > if armed and breached, the timestamp of alarm will be logged. If alarm is disarmed after it was breached the notification LED will warn for this. > If I disarm the alarm, put all lights/DW in safe state. > Notifications via Pushover or even better, use the message hub of @autofrank with Fibaro PopUps and Push services. Unfortunately I currently have errors with the message hub. What is my current status. All code based on simple if/then LUA coding, no fancy loops. DONE: scene to check all PIRs Scene will set global variable DONE: scene to check D/W sensors. Scene will set global variable DONE: One scene to take care of the global sleepstate DONE: One scene to take care of the global guestmode DONE: a VD to manually set alarmstate and alarmmode. DONE: a VD to manually set guestmode todo: a mainalarm scene to arm/disarm the alarm (based on above algorithm) todo: an alarm scene to trigger the alarm when breached (or merge this in the mainalarm scene) todo: scene(s) for RGBW led indicators todo: scene(s) for the push notifications (Alarm breached, error (Eg door/window open when arming the alarm) I noticed that I get stuck with the remaining scenes. I'm no programmer, so I use mainly simple if/then LUA code. With a lot of scenes in the alarm you easily get lost. In an attempt to keep my coding cleaner/more condensed I want to use tables/json. I already use the Hometable but that's just a simple copy the instructions of @AutoFrank. Questions; For the remaining alarm scenes I have difficulties how to store a table in a global and even more how to use from a table. The tutorials on this topic are not clear to me yet. For example, when the alarm is breached, how to switch all lights to 100% for the device IDs in a global(table). I have seen examples of code like k,v in (i)pairs but I don't get it yet. Can somebody help me with some code examples? Any other suggestions on my ideas for an alarm? Thanks! Regards, Jules
  20. Czy istnieje taka funkcjonalność by Fibaro czytało jedynie stan czujników Satela (integracja za pomocą ETHM) a nie wywoływało alarmów? W wersji 3.600 miałem wieczny komunikat o braku integracji satela bo centrala nie ma strefy Fibaro, choć od początku ją miała. Po pomyślnej instalacji wersji 4.140 w HC2 komunikat o braku integracji się nie pojawia, czujniki są widoczne, zmieniają swoje stany, podczas uzbrajania alarmu z Satela wszystkie widoczne strefy są na zielono (Fibaro również) ale Fibaro alarmuje naruszonymi czujnikami. Dziwne jest dla mnie to, że po rozbrojeniu alarmu z Satela, wszystkie strefy są rozbrojone, oprócz Fibaro i to też wywołuje alarm. W konfiguracji HC2 wybrałem opcję nie korzystania z Alarmu Fibaro ale nic to nie zmienia. Czy jedynie usunięcie strefy Fibaro rozwiąże mój problem? Czy może należy usunąć czujniki w panelu alarmu HC2, oby tylko mi ich nie usunął z centrali bo nie będzie podglądu ich stanów
  21. An alarm causes all scenes that are not checked "do not allow alarm to stop scene while alarm is running" to stop. I suppose that is done to limit z-wave traffic. I consider that all my VERY ESSENTIAL scenes with %% autostart should be running at any time (do not allow to stop while alarm is running) but that all the other scenes with %%autostart will restart AFTER an the alarm has been reset /disarmed However they will not auto restart after the alarm has been disarmed. I believe they will do so only after a system reboot or starting/saving each scene manually. I use Watchdog to restart a few very essential scenes that are not running and should be running at all times. I could add each ID of the scenes as well but I would like to use one scene to restart ALL "autostart" scenes which were stopped after the alarm has been reset/disarmed. Any suggestions?
  22. Hello to community, I like to share some thoughts about the Fibaro as Home Alarm system that may think and act. As I m not a coder, I like to share basic ideas hoping that people like them and build a sence/vd to make them real. On the other hand, as I have been victim of home break in more than once on the past, I have start to take security more than serious. I know that it is told to forum that fibaro can not be used as a burglar alarm. I may agree if the burglar is a tech guru or is part of law enforcement body. In this case break in would be the smallest problem I may face. Also believing that I may have the most advanced alarm system can save me from break in. False, I admit that. I just need to go one lever higher from the common burglar to alarm system configuration. First of all, you need to think as burglar to build a security alarm for your property. Increase safety everywhere on same level. For example putting a security door with high tech locks may force burglar to search for a easy opening window. Do a security audit for your property. I believe to human stupidity (I was victim of that on first time). So let fibaro to take care whatever you do not like to repeat. Install sensors on smart way. Where I install a door contact I ALWAYS put a motion sensor out of that door. I have a sence that when motion sensor detects motion, it arms door contact for an amount of time, even the alarm is not armed. Placing a button close that door can provide the cancellation of door contact arm status. it is used on Patio doors, or garden doors that have limited access from outside as also limited movement. On entrance I ask from community to build a sence that can trigger a notification/alarm if someone is outside the door for more that 1 min. It can be useful for people living in apartments. Surprise unexpected "guests"! A strobe light is triggered in the period of night by a fibaro plug. Opening lights can help burglar to search on the rooms. A strobe light disorientates! Also people that have garden in front, sprinkler system can be a solution (a wet burglar is easily spotted in the first minutes) Get more that 1 siren and hide them. The new trend on house break in is to remove siren and submerge into water (game over). So be prepared! Use bluetooth tags for detecting people presence. IMHO is the easiest way to arm and disarm alarm. I wish some day fibaro can give a native ble interface. If someone has a safer or reliable way I like to discuss about. On vacation mode add dummy users with their email and assign them on the security sences. It may save you and your vacations. I wish one day in my Country to get an email address the police station close to me @Fibaro do you have any glass break sensors? Now days, burglars break door glass. No contact is activated, burgars get 3-5 secs time to cut power (game over). When you left property, set your cameras on continuous recording using sences/vd. There is a possibility to records movements out of the area you have placed for motion trigger recording (may be a second person that support the person that break in) Night time inside home? Arm the perimeter and lock the doors! That is not news BUT if you place a micro-switch on the frame of the door (where lock is placed) and triggered when you lock the door, you can do 2 tasks in 1. Locking the door, automatic arm the perimeter. you can you binary switch or even window/door contact ( @Fibaro great idea to have this interface). Keep notifications as low as you can. We, humans, get confused with much info and by time we could not understand the severity of info. Trap the central power panel with contact sensor. Even if it inside house, it is a good practice to understand if/when they powered down main power switch. it may be a good reason to power up a backup generator. Build a maintenance scheduler for z-wave battery replacement (z wave devices, batteries of UPS that supports Fibaro HC2, camera lens clean, etc) that can be send as notification. Hardware request: Build a pressure sensor. If you use a silicon tube full of water and put a pressure sensor on one end and the other side is blind, you can you installed it on fences as pressure sensor, connecting to fibaro binary sensor you can get protection from climbing fences, balconies with the minimum false alarm. For now that is my thoughts, ideas. Hope someone find them helpful or even better build them.
  23. Hi all, I try to build a smart alarm system. I installed on entrance on a apartment a motion sensor. People sometimes pass outside apartment that can cause a false alarm. I like to ask from experts if you can build a basic sence that can count 1 minute after the first trigger and if there is activity/motion to sound alarm. As it is common burglars for security doors need from 30 sec to 5 min to open this kind of doors, in my opinion if someone will stay outside to my door, will not do that for a good reason. I believe that fibaro can give the flexibility that no other alarm system can provide.
  24. Witam jestem nowym użytkownikiem HC2, mam siedem czujników ruchu w oparcie o nie zbudowałem siedem prostych scen alarmowych w oparciu o bloki, a mianowicie: gdy czujnik uzbrojony i naruszony to wysyła zdjęcie z kamery i pusha na telefon z odpowiednim komunikatem np; włamanie salon, włamanie jadalnia. Wcześniej utworzyłem odpowiednie komunikaty w panelu powiadomień, które następnie wykorzystałem dla poszczególnych czujników w różnych pomieszczeniach. Niestety gdy uzbrajam alarm i jakiś czujnik zostanie naruszony to nie przesyła mi pusha ani zdjęcia z kamery. Natomiast gdy naciskam PLAY na scenie to otrzymuję powiadomienia. Dlaczego to nie działa? Proszę o pomoc
  25. Hi, I was lucky to get one of these to test and was about to add a couple more near my two new wood-burning fires. I thought I would repeat my test and I am pleased to say the device past with flying colours. These devices do work well and warn well before the limit. Well worth adding if you have appliances that could produce CO. Loud siren as soon as it hit red and notifications flashing. I test like this: 1) Puddle of water to create a seal 2) a couple of matchsticks to hold sensor out of the puddle 3) place sensor on matchsticks 4) put a small candle on top of a shot glass. 5) light candle and let it get burning well 6) invert bowl over the rig 7) and leave it The alarm does not sound that loud until you remove that bowl but when you take that bowl off it is plenty. I also trigger the main house alarm to make sure as loud as possible. notification on alarm and return to safe 9 months and I know we have not had detectable levels of CO in the house
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