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  1. Witam, zastanawiam sie czy ktoś z Was wykorzystał Fibaro jako system bezpieczeństwa zastępując Satela. Czy macie doświadczenia z tym? Co sądzicie o zrobieniu systemy alarmowego operatorów o fibaro
  2. Hi, Can anyone help with setup siren 6? When is alarm activated and triggered, the sound play for only a few second, how to make the sound play all the time? Screen is not in English language.
  3. Chciałbym w jednej scenie zawrzeć kilka warunków i uruchomienie jednego z 3 alarmów w zależności od tego: uzbrój alarm id = 6 gdy: osoba id = 2 opuszcza strefę 220 i osoba id = 315 opuszcza strefę 200 i urządzenie id = 304 ma stan = zamknięty i urządzenie id = 229 ma stan = nienaruszony i urządzenie id = 230 ma stan = nienaruszony uzbrój alarm id = 7 gdy: osoba id = 2 opuszcza strefę 220 i osoba id = 315 opuszcza strefę 200 i urządzenie id = 304 ma stan = zamknięty i urządzenie id = 229 ma stan = naruszony i urządzenie id = 230 ma stan = nienaruszony uzbrój alarm id = 8 gdy: osoba id = 2 opuszcza strefę 220 i osoba id = 315 opuszcza strefę 200 i urządzenie id = 304 ma stan = zamknięty i urządzenie id = 229 ma stan = nienaruszony i urządzenie id = 230 ma stan = naruszony Pierwsze 3 warunki w każdym wariancie uruchomienia alarmu pozostają takie same.
  4. Cześć, Czy ktoś ma pomysł jak ustawić Aoetec Siren 6 tak, aby alarm nieprzerwanie się powtarzał do momentu rozbrojenia alarmu? Wczoraj miałem naruszenie czujki (na szczęście przez psa) i alarm włączył się tylko na 35s i cisza. Ja się obudziłem, ale reszta domowników już nie. A co jeśli jeden "dzwonek" nas nie obudzi podczas prawdziwego włamania? Jaka jest funkcja w LUA, aby powtarzać czynność do momentu spełnienia określonego warunku. (czy ten kod posiada cos jak elseif ?)
  5. Hello, Please help with topic how to set aeotc siren 6 to turn on the sound until I disarm alarm.
  6. Hello I'm trying to learn simple LUA code, just bought my HC3, but I cannot get the value from my alarm? I've tried this; local alarm = fibaro.getValue(2, "value") but when I print 'alarm' in console is says the value I nil. Can anybody tell me what to do? Thanks
  7. Generic Fibaro HC3 Alarm system Hi Luabuilder Sharing is Caring I have see a lot of talk using Fibaro HC3 for Alarm system. I love the idea - i want that, so i tried to describe what a Generic Alarm system should be build of. Several people already tipped in with things they made og thoughts they have, issues they identified. Why invent the wheel when great tuff already has been made. @jgab has created the EventRunner4 and ChildrenOfHUE - All-in-one QA framework for HC3 - this can be used for arming and disarming the alarm - An example is provided here @10derand @JcBorgs described issue about HC3 is missing the "disable alarmExclude" - a “pre-check” for sensors before arming ALARM is needed What a good way to solve this - I way thinking of enhancing the doorstatus QA (below) ? And @FBerges already shared his version of an alarm system @Mateo created a Siren Quick APP And probably many more worked on their own solution to create a ALARM SYSTEM. Please tip IN if there is elementary features ? - that is missing for a generic HC3 Alarm! How would you structure this? ? - ONE Quick APP with everything, Variable for customising? or a QA with Scenes and Eventrunner4? Another useful idea that could be used, is the status for open windows and doors. This QA changes the Color in the matrix Bulb when a door or windows is opened. Doorstatus.fqa @10der learned me about getting the sensor possibilities with print(json.encode((api.get("/devices/hierarchy")))) com.fibaro.windowSensor com.fibaro.doorWindowSensor com.fibaro.doorSensor Perhaps some of the forum experts could create some overall structure and point the learners in right direction? ? ? Desired Functionality In case of alarm not armed Geofence • Ongoing control - have all users left the house? Message on Telephone (s) that the house is empty and the alarm is not active For ARMING the Alarm • Message on Telephone (s) about which windows are not closed. Message format Section, room, Sensor Message on Telephone (s) about which doors are not closed Message format Section, room, Sensor Message on Phone (s) When alarm is active and which Zone. Message could be Fibaro APP push, or Telegram Delay to get out the door Use a Keypad like Matrix for ARM - ala triple cut on one button and subsequently double click on another. This feature is already made by @Jgab in Eventrunner4 Use Fibaro APP for ARM LED/Bulb for show Status ARMED – I will probably use MATRIX ZDB LED in the perimeter to changes to RED By Disarm the Alarm Message on Phone (s) alarm is deactivated and if other Zones are active LED/Bulb for show Status DisARMED – I will probably use MATRIX ZDB LED in the perimeter to changes to GREEN, but could be a HUE Bulb Use Matrix for DisARM - like triple cut on one button and subsequently double click on another. This feature is already made by @jgab in Eventrunner4 Use Fibaro APP for DisARM For Alarm ACTIVE Internal sirens are triggered External sirens are triggered Light with alarm status, flashes 1 Hz SONOS speech - sound. Could be by using the Quick App - Sonos Zone Controller Message on Telephone about which device has triggered alarm - Section, room, Sensor
  8. Hi Team, can anyone please share the knowledge or experience using Smart Implant with Arrowhead Alarm system? Thank you regards Mykee
  9. Witam. Mam pytanie. Czy jest możliwość podpięcia smart implantu do sygnalizatora alarmu SPLZ-1011 R w taki sposób aby zasilanie sygnalizatora posiadającego wewnętrzny akumulator było zasilaniem smart implantu, a dokładnie aby smart implant był w razie wyłączenia prądu zasilany awaryjnie również z akumulatora sygnalizatora. Niestety nie znalazłem schematu tego sygnalizatora i nie wiem czy to możliwe. Czy miejscem, gdzie należy się wpiąć z implantem w sensie jego zasilania to miejsce równoległe do zasilania akumulatora tego sygnalizatora?
  10. Cześć! Szukałem, nie znalazłem - więc pytam. Czujnik ruchu ma możliwość załączenia PIR w dzień, w nocy lub może być załączony cały czas. Moim zdaniem ciekawa opcja, szczególnie gdy jestesmy w domu i niemalże co pare sekund wysyła on zgłoszenie o naruszeniu do centralki. Gdy wybierzemy że PIR działa jedynie w nocy to możemy ograniczyć wysyłanie impulsów co zaoszczędzi nam baterię (chyba). Niestety gdy uzbrajamy alarm to czujnik ruchu również w takim wypadku będzie działał jedynie w nocy - czy znacie jakieś rozwiązanie, może ustawienia które mogą rozwiąć ten problem? W skrócie aby czujnik PIR był załączany tylko w przypadku uzbrojenia alarmu. Niestety całość jest na HCL więc LUA nie wchodzi w grę. Chociaż jeżeli to jedyne rozwiazanie to też wezmę je pod uwagę. Z góry dzięki
  11. I am trying to connect the smart implant to an alarm with 12v outputs to signal "alarm armed" and "alarm active" (i.e. breach identified). I connected the SI using the inputs as analog. I can see the correct voltage on the analog inputs (i.e. +12v = armed / 0v = unarmed). But I can't make the smart implant to generate events (i.e. open/closed/switched) when the voltage changes. I can only poll the voltage periodically to check if it has changed. I have already fiddled wit parameters 63 (input threshold) and 64 (periodical report) with no success. What is the right way to generate events when the voltage changes from 0 to 12v? Thanks Roberto
  12. Version 3.6.2


    Advanced Alarm Clock First release on the French board in March 2019. INTRODUCTION This VD+Scene Bundle will help you to wake up in better shape by simulating a smooth dawn with any device in your HC2 : Roller Shutters, lights devices and VD. After the ignition at the value that you have set up in the VD, the scene can fade one or more speakers. The curves for light and audio fade in can be choosen separately. The scene manages itself if it's day or not. So, for each light you will set up in the scene, you can decide if it has to be active everytime, or only when it's day or only when it's night. For example, you can set up a Roller Shutter which is active only if it's day! This Bundle can be used as much as you want, just by adding it again and creating a new Global Variable for each new bundle set. THE SCENE IS ABLE TO MANAGE Roller Shutters (FGR22, FGR223...) Dimmers (FGD211, FGD212...) Switchs (FGS211, FGS212, FGS213...) RGBW Devices (FGRGBW, RGBW Controller 1, RGB Controller 2) RGBW Programs (Any Fibaro's programs) Home Center Scenes Any Light VD (Philips Hue, Ikea TRÅDFRI...) Any VD clickable Any Audio VD (Sonos, Yamaha Multicast or any else...) INSTALLATION Most of explainations are in the scripts. Create a Global Variable which starts with REVEIL_ (what means alarm clock in French ?) and import the Virtual Device you want (12h or 24h). VD CONFIG -- Manageable Alarm Clock Scene Id local SceneID = 193; -- Which room will this VD Manage ? Must be the same than the Scene local ROOM = "ROOM"; -- Days Off local DaysOff = {"Saturday","Sunday"}; -- By defaut, this scene will be launched to have full light at the time set up in the VD : Actual Hour - Dawn Time -- Change this var to anything else if you want to trigg the scene at the hour H. local StartScene = "DEFAULT"; -- Icon's ids local icon_ok = 1156 local icon_wait = 1158 local icon_off = 1160 SceneID : ID of the scene Advanced Alarm Clock ROOM : Value corresponding to the Global Variable you created DaysOff : List here all your days off within quotes marks, separated by commas. Take care of the uppercase at the beggining of the days names! StartScene : Start the scene to have the full ignition at the time set in VD (DEFAULT), or start to begin the dawn's simulation at the time set in the VD (anything else) icon_ok : ID of the icon which will be displayed when the scene is triggered and active icon_wait : ID of the icon ID which will be displayed when an alarm is set and waiting to trigg the scene icon_off : ID of the icon which will be displayed when the alarm is disabled Note: In this Virtual Device, you have to change 3 times the variable's value of ROOM, corresponding to the Global Variable you have created before : REVEIL_ROOM. VD USE Press on : will display 12:00 (or 07:30am in the 12h version). This can be changed by anything else with the variable ClickHour in the corresponding button Sound Volume is in percentage (Act on sliders) Audio fade-in is in seconds Light's Power is in percentage* Dawn's duration is in minutes Once button sets the alarm for the next avalaible scheduele, regardless of the day (DayOff or not). The alarm will automatically be disabled after the dawn's ignition Week of job sets the alarm for everyday, without the days set in the variable table DaysOff. Scene will automatically be launch until it's manually deactivated Recall will recall every parameters set before last VD deactivation Alarm OFF will save every actual parameters and disable the alarm * Rollers Shutters will open at the same time than others lights devices, but will not been affected by Light's Power parameter I thought it was better to be able to choose the power of lights, without having a half opened roller shutter. SCENE local ROOM = "ROOM"; -- Room code corresponding to the Global Var created local StartVolume = 15; -- Which Speakers volume value the fadein will start at (percentage) local CurveLight = "linear"; -- Which function will be used to fadein light keys local CurveAudio = "linear"; -- Which function will be used to fadein speakers keys BASIC SETTINGS ROOM The famous variable wich has to be the same in the Scene+VD StartVolume could be useful if you don't want to start audio fadein from 1. CurveLight & CurveAudio Curves that will be used to fade lights and audio. See the following image to have a better understanding Note1: If you comment a Curve Variable, the curve will be randomly choosen Note2: The curves are possible thanks to the great work that Robert Penners made in 2001. POSSIBLE CURVES : Linear + Robert Penner's Easing Equations -- Debug Vars local debug = 1; -- 1 Enable / 0 Disable local lang = "en"; -- Debug lang local DisplayNamesorID = "ID"; -- Display DeviceName + RoomName (Names) or Type + ID (ID) on each Debug line local DisplayNamesAtStartup = 1; -- Display Rooms & Names at scene startup (1) or not (0) local DisplayRGBWValues = 1; -- Display RGBW Values increasement when fading in (1) instead of only multiplier (0) local DayLightDelay = 60; -- After sunrise/sunset, it's still daylight for .. mn local VolDiffMin = 5; -- Minimum difference between Start Volume and Volume set in VD (in case of Start Volume > Volume set) local LimitDebugLines = 1; -- Limit number of Debug Lines to 4 max per device and to 20 max per roller shutter -- Changing next var values may seriously impact the scene local CheckAlarmMode = 1; -- Check if the alarm is set and not just memorized before starting sthis scene local DisplayScenesNames = 0; -- Display Scenes Names in debug (1) or not (0)! Active this function may delay the script local tempo = 1; -- Pause between two actions in LightsAction and SpeakersAction functions (s) - It' not recommended to change this value DEBUGS SETTINGS debug lang DisplayNamesorID DisplayNamesAtStartup DisplayRGBWValues DaylighDelay VolDiffMin LimitDebugLines CheckAlarmMode If this var value is set on 0, this scene will be able to be launched manually with stored values, even though the VD displays None DisplayScenesNames tempo Note: everything explained in the script! ADDING YOUR DEVICES Add a Roller Shutter (FGR) Parameter "steps" is needed to set how many steps this roller shutter will do to open (to protect motors of 100 steps) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Shutter", id=279, steps=6}); Add a Dimmer (FGD) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Dimmer", id=10}); Add a RGBW device (FG-RGB) : To fade a choosen color with RGBW parameters (Set this color at full range, scene will fade this value from 0 to the value set in VD) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="RGBW", id=20, r=150, g=100, b=0, w=255}); Add a RGBW Program : To set a RGBW program, just use "program" parameter Add "start" parameter to manage when this program will be started during the light fadein (in percentage) If no "start" parameter is set, program will be started at the beginning of the scene table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Program", id=20, program=3, start=50}); Add a switch (FGS) Add "start" parameter to manage when this turnon action will be done during the light fadein (in percentage) If no "start" parameter is set, action will be done at the beginning of the scene table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Switch", id=49,start=100}); To add a VD If it's a light VD : Parameter "slider" needed to manage brightness table.insert(LightsList, {typ="VD", id=298, slider=10}); "btn" paramater can be added to set a color preset before the fadein (Be sure that the VD brightness for this button is set et 1%) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="VD", id=298, slider=10, btn=6}); If it's not a light VD (with brightness slider) : Just indicate "btn" parameter table.insert(LightsList, {typ="VD", id=298, btn=6}); Add "start" parameter if you want to manage when this button will be pressed during the dawn fade in (in percentage) table.insert(LightsList, {typ="VD", id=298, btn=6, start=50}); Scene : To start a scene Add "start" parameter to manage when the action will be done during the light fadein (in percentage) If no "start" parameter is set, action will be done at the beginning of the scene table.insert(LightsList, {typ="Scene", id=254, start=50}); To add Speakers VD : One action per key Example for an action on the slider 15 of the VD 245 table.insert(SpeakerAction, {id=245, slider=15}); Example for an action on the button 6 of the VD 245 table.insert(SpeakerAction, {id=245, btn=6}); Note: This is an extract of the scene. So you will find it in the scene to help you if needed One line = One device LightsList typ = Shutter id Roller Shutter ID steps Number of steps which will be done by the roller shutter (to preserve shutter's motor). 2 mini / 20 maxi typ = Dimmer id Device ID typ = VD id VD ID slider Slider number to manage light power btn* Button to push start* When the button have to be pushed during dawn"s ignition (if not set, the button will be pressed just before acting on slider) typ = RGBW id Device ID r Red Value(0-255) g Green Value (0-255) b Blue Value (0-255) w White Value (0-255) Note: Please write the parameters for a full power. The scene will calculate the values needed from them typ = Scene id Device ID start* At which percentage of the dawn's ignition this scene will be started. 1 will be use by default if nothing is set. typ = Switch id Device ID start* At which percentage of the dawn's ignition this switch will be turned on. 1 will be use by default if nothing is set. typ = Program id Device ID program ID of the program to launch start* At which percentage of the dawn's ignition this program will be started. 1 will be use by default if nothing is set. SpeakerAction id VD ID 2nd parameter = Button Type (One or the other) with this button number slider Number of the volume's slider btn Number of the button to push Note: This actions will be done in the order you declare them in the script Note: items with * are not mandatory MODE PARAMETER This parameter is not mandatory. If not set, all your keys will be used to fade the dawn. You can mix modes and no modes keys! For each light key, if you want to see it lighting only when it's day, just add mode="day", or mode="night" if you want to see a key lighting only if it's night. To use a key everytime : no mode or mode="both". WHERE CHANGE GLOBAL VARIABLE "ROOM" VALUE At the beginning of the scene In the "Once" Button of the VD In the "Week of Work" Button of the VD In the "Alarm OFF" Button of the VD At the beginning of the Main Loop of the VD Note: Please take care of this changement of value. If the value is not the same everywhere, the scene could not be launched! DEBUG EXAMPLE SUPPORT In case on any issue, please try again with defaults debug's values and post all your DEBUG lines to help me to understand what happens in your configuration. CONTENT Advanced Alarm Clock Scene v3.6 Multilingual Advanced Alarm Clock Trigger 12h v2.2 for people that have 12-hour clocks (am-pm) Advanced Alarm Clock Trigger 24h v2.2 3 Icons for the VD 1 icon for the Scene info.txt file TRANSLATION All Debugs texts are available in english and french. They could be easily translated in any other language without any LUA knowledge, by creating a new language condition and translating every DebugMsg vars. Don't hesitate to contact me with the support thread if you want to translate them in another language. Only 37 sentences in the scene v.3.6! Your translations could be added in this official bundle.
  13. Hello, I have a Fibaro Smart Implant and was wondering if you can explain some strange behavior I'm seeing. I have binary sensors connected to IN1 and IN2, with this configuration: parameters 20 and 21 set to 0 (normally closed) parameters 150 and 151 set to 10 (100ms) parameters 152 and 153 set to 0 (no delay) The problem is, if I leave the contacts open for a period of time, the implant will report they are closed after exactly 1 hour (3600 seconds). I have tested multiple times with multiple implants. Thanks for your help, Ovidiu
  14. Being completely new to Fibaro (just bought a HC3) but not to domotica and programming I am not able to find the info I need to do the following: Receive a http request from my Synology Surveillance Station telling HC3 that camera movement has occurred and then set a zone to breached and trigger an alarm. I was thinking of creating a QuickApp device of type binary sensor and turn that on with an http GET request from the surveillance station. This part works fine: when I send the request I can catch it in Quickapp:turnOn() Can see that by checking a debug message. But now.... How do I get this device to set the zone to breached? I've tried to test it in a scene, using state "Detected" but that doesn't react to the turnOn. The updateProperty("state", true) or updateProperty("state", "Detected") methods also didn't work. Big problem here is imo the lack of documentation (at least I can't find it) E.g. where can I find a list of properties and built-in methods of the QuickApp class? The page at https://manuals.fibaro.com/home-center-3-quick-apps/ certainly does not contain all these properties and methods, doesn't it? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
  15. Dear All, We are writing a software to communication with FIBARO HC2, all function is ok but I don't know how to get HC2 notification and alarm. Thank you. This is to HC2 Information we want to get from our software.
  16. Dear All, We are writing a software to communication with FIBARO HC2, all function is ok but I don't know how to get HC2 notification and alarm. Thank you. This is to HC2 Information we want to get from our software.
  17. Hello Im looking for at faster way to arm/disarm my system from a widget. I know it´s possible with a scene-widget but then there is no requirement of a PIN (or fingerprint) which seems bad if a phone is dropped outside the house for some reason. Because of that I also don´t want to use GPS, which by the way doesn´t seem to work that great and what happens if the phone goes to batterysave-mode and turns off GPS? Also a battery drainer... I have lockcode on my phone but my wife is not keen on that (you need to have instant access to Instagram and Pinterest! ?) Lockcode one app itself makes it a hassle to control the home. Anyone has a smart solution to that? Right now there is at least 4 clicks (open app, open alarmpanel, click on icon, slide arm/disarm) and that is if you are at the home screen of the app, otherwise there is 5 clicks, not WF (wife friendly). A possibility to make a scene ask for a PIN would be great. Also a widget that shows the icon of a device (or a VD widget) that could show the status of the device (on=locked padlock icon / unlocked = unlocked padlock-icon), push notes is one way but will require one to actually controll the alarm to check status. There is a few things to implement in the Fibaro Apps to make it user friendly, now it´s something between geek-friendly and user-friendly, not anywhere near wife-friendly Burglary alarm (Caddx AC948) integrated with one Universal sensor and one Smart Implant, if I can get this wife friendly I might switch the AC948 to a Moxa PLC integration to connect all my sensors to the HC2.
  18. I Cannot get the alarm system to send notifications when there is a breach in the sensors. i create a scene if for example the motion sensor is armed and breached then ..... (see photo) The phone show in the users page but do not show up here. Can someone help me please.
  19. I have a question regarding setting up my alarm with help of the scenes in the HCL. I have a scene where the alarm siren is triggered 60 seconds after the motion sensors are armed and breached. During this time (60sec) I have the time to disarm the motion sensors. But this does not stop the alarm siren to turn on as the disarming the motion sensors does not interfere with the scene. Once the motion sensors are breached it depends only on the time to trigger the alarm siren. So I would like to stop the alarm siren after the motion sensors are breached. I think I could achieve this if I could stop the scene after the motion sensors are breached. How can I stop or interfere with the scene in HCL? In scenes I can only start a scene and not stop. Are there any other solutions. Thank you very much.
  20. Hello Everybody, I'm trying to implement an alarm for my house with the fibaro alarm panel. I can arm the sensors and disarm them. This works fine. If the alarm is breached, I've set a few seconds before the siren actually start to cry to give time for deactivating the alarm using the keypad... works perfectly. BUT... if I wait too long and the alarm breach is actually confirmed, then there is no way to stop it using controls like keypad, switcher or whatever. It seems that the system ignore z-wave control and refuse to launch scene or so... The only way to stop the alarm is to enter the code on the computer or use the mobile app... Any clue ? Thanks! (and best wishes for 2020) Renaud
  21. Hi all, I'm using several scenes that act as my house alarm. One scene checks our presence based on mobile phones and sets a variable accordingly (home/away). When everybody is "away" another scene will arm all door/window sensors. Advantage of this setup is that the alarm is automatically armed / disarmed when we leave home/arrive. No need for a keypad or whatsoever to arm/disarm the alarm. Sometimes people (such as parents or housekeeper) visits our house while we are not at home. The house is "armed" and they cannot disarm the alarm. I'm looking for a VD that I can use to set the periods where the alarm should be armed automatically when nobody is home. At other moments the alarm should not arm even though nobody is home. For example: Do not arm the alarm every week on Tuesday- and Thursday morning between 8:00 - 12:00h. Preferably I link my HC2 to my google Calender and let HC2 check if I have an appointment of which the subject matches a certain name, such as "housekeeping". If subject X(housekeeping) is found, a global will be set such that the alarm during that period will not arm. I installed a scene called Google Calendar Synchronization 1.2 to load my google calender, in HC2 but I get a 404 error on my ICS link. I wonder if Google stopped with this service for free google accounts. Suggestions how to make this work, either via calender or VD? Thanks for help! Regards, Jules
  22. Hi, I have a FGBS-222 smart implant, Paradox NV5 motion sensor and a SP4000 paradox alarm control board attached to paradox K636 key pad. The problem is how do connect the wiring from the motion sensor to the smart implant and from the smart implant back to the alarm control board?? above it the NV5 motion sensor terminals. Above is the terminal for the SP4000 alarm control board. Last but not least the smart implant terminal. Below is my wiring connection. I am able to control the output of the fibaro smart implant from the fibaro home center lite however, the smart implant cannot detect the output of the motion sensor. Any suggestion to modify?? Aside question, is fibaro smart implant able to arm or disarm a alarm system??. Thank you. FGBS-222-EN-T-v1.0 (Smart inplat).pdf MGSP-EI15 SP4000.pdf NV5_Installation_Manual(motion sensor).pdf User-Manual-Paradox-Spectra-K636-LED-alarm-keypad.pdf
  23. I'm hoping someone can assist me in working out why the API is incorrect when using the Fibaro Alarm. When Disarmed, the API call returns the correct status (note this is just the last section of the result) ...."armed": false, "fibaroAlarm": false, "alarmEnabled": true When Armed, the API call also returns the same "armed":false value I also have a HCL, which is working as expected with the API. See the attached screen shots.
  24. Od jakiegoś czasu, 2-letnie urządzenie włącza alarm (światło + syrena) mimo braku zadymienia. Bateria sprawana. Testy przechodzi prawidłowo. Swoją drogą, czy mogę wyłączyć syrenę tak, żeby urządzenie było nieme?
  25. Dear All, I've installed a vision sirene in my HCL but i would like to add a parameter for only the strobe light and not the sound. I red the document/manual and found some parameters. I added the parameters into HCL but the sound is still there. Maybe i overlook something? Parameter 1 (Siren/Strobe Mode) 1 0 (All Enable) - Default 1 (Siren Only) 2 (Strobe Only) Parameter 2 (Alarm Auto Stop Time) 1 0 (30s) - Default 1 (60s) 2 (120s) 3 (Will Not Automatically Stop) (Parameter 1) Siren/Strobe Mode: User can change value from 0 to 2 to turn either Siren sound, Strobe light, or both when triggered. (Parameter 2) Alarm Auto Stop Time: User can change the duration of siren time when triggered. Help would be appreciated. thanks...
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