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  1. Guys, Does any of you have any good experience with NFC tags & tag reader in combination with HC2 ? I want to use it to arm/disarm the alarm instead of typing in a code on the display.
  2. Hi, Does anyone has a smart idea/code to get the device ID/Name of the device which triggered the alarm? Preferable a solution with flexible device detection, meaning, without the need to store the ID's in static tables in code. Thank you in advance!
  3. 3JL

    Wake-up alarm

    Hi all, Did any of you find a decent solution for integration of a wake-up alarm? Essentially I would like to: Start heating etc 30 mins before my alarm Ultimately, automatically set the alarm based on sleeping time (+8 hours) and calendar appointments A logical starting point would be the iOS (a prerequisite in my case) wake-up alarm (e.g. i.c.w. IFTTT or workflow). However, there is no way to read or adapt it... Hence I was wondering how others have worked their way around this? A network-connected alarm clock? A third-party app with an api? I am looking forward hearing your solutions! J
  4. Has anybody had a crack at getting Nest Protect exposed in HC2 as a v4 plugin? I can understand Fibaro not offering direct support as it has a competing product, but i would be interested if there was any community effort already underway ? The API doesn't look tricky - https://developer.nest.com/documentation/api-reference
  5. Is it me or does the Alarm panel have a nice easy to use interface but has absolutely no configuration section for configuring, setting off and disabling an Alarm (Siren)? I know we can code this but I don't really have the time (home automation for me is more a practical solution to issues I have than a hobby I want to immerse myself in) Am I the only one using Fibaro kit who finds it odd that the "Alarm" panel places more emphasis on closing and opening window blinds than activating an Alarm? Dave
  6. Hello, The alarm panel seems to delay putting lights on or start a scene via the alarm panel, when there is a alarm detected. However the delay is set to 0 in the delay panel, it will take about 20 seconds to start the scene or put the lights on. The problem is NOT the connection between the door sensor and the HC2 because the " alarm detected pop up" shows up immediately when the door is opened. Someone with the same problem? (and I hope a proper solution!)
  7. Hi there, i want to ask, if there is a way to see the Hue-Lamps in the alarm section as light - i can't find them in „Scena LIGHTS ON“. Is there an other way? Thanks Karl Heinz
  8. Hi everyone, I am a new user of home centre 2. I have set up an alarm, but is there a way to turn hue lights on when it is triggered? I can't seem to find a way to do that. Any help would be great!
  9. Hello , I don`t understand why my flood sensor doesn't send FLOOD ALARM, I have HCL Version 4.120.If I try to make a scene who send PUSH notification it work.I don`t want to make a scene to recive information about FLOOD. I want to recive an alarm state or something like this. Whitout scene I don`t recive any alarm or message if this sensor is flooded.. I try to reset and resync my sensor and install on HCL older version. Give me some ideea!!!
  10. Hello all, I'd like to share the way I set my alarm powered by Fibaro door/ window -sensors and Motion detectors. I use a scene to call this scene. I hope to provide future reference how to run it otherwise. I'm using @Sankotronic scenes so Globals are based on his code I wrote this scene the @Sankotronic way, easy to use and easy to use in more than one way. I use this basic scen to arm the house when we are away and when we go to bed. At the moment I'm writing a scene that checks open zones (door/ windows not closed, breached motion detectors). When done it 'll be added here. I set up some delay times to arm. Like presentState: I use https://joaoapps.com/ autoremote, autolocatin and join to geofens my and my wifes location to set "PresentState" to "Home" or "Away". So enjoy coding and please if there is a way to make my scene's more effective: correct me!! Jim SetHouseAlarm.lua
  11. Hello, everytime i reboot my HC2 both my alarm sirenes are activated, and do i have to switch them off. Does anyone know if i can comfigure the behaviour of the sirene at reboot? I can not change this behaviour in the parameters of the sirene (aeon labs and neo coolcam) Greeting Wouter
  12. @matt1981, Here you go This one checks when arming while home, in my signature you'll find the arm scene I use. I have more door and window check scenes that I'll post when finished (like for the netherlands a rain alert and a reminder if there is a door left open by the kids or you forgot to close the garage door) *Edit* removed my mistake, thanks @Sankotronic for pointing this out checkdoorwinhome v01.lua
  13. Hi! I'm using "emergency mode" to turn on/turn off lights when my Fibaro alarm has been breached. Problem is that when I restore the alarm after it has been breached it takes some time before the "emergency mode" of the selected lights are cancelled. Can this be achieved manually somehow? Right know I'm thinking of replacing the "emergency mode" with my own scene that will do pretty much the same thing but which I have total control over.
  14. Hell, everyone. I recently bought a Zipato mini RFID to arm/disarm my alarm setup with Home Center Lite. I have been able to make the RFID trigger a variabel after configuring users and codes. I would now like to arm/disarm my alarm, preferably without making scenes for this. I am wondering if it would be possible to make a Virtual Device for arming and disarming, like when sliding the lever in the alarm panel. I am not able to trigger scenes from the mini RFID directly in a block scene. I am using smart scenes to trigger another scene or actors. Note that I ask about use on HCL, so LUA is not an option:)
  15. Hi all, I've set up all my doors and windows with door/window sensors (including temperature modules), and 2 smoke detectors and 3 flood detectors. What's the best (and usable) way to set up really critical alarms (if armed)? Do I really need to set up the alarms using the alarm settings in the advanced tab of each sensor? Or is it also reliable to use a single scene, connect all sensors with OR and send a notification? In this way, I would also not be able to include the sensor room or name in the message, but I would be able to change the text at one location instead of needing to edit every single sensor. Just want to find out what's your best practices, how you set it up for alarming you? Do ALARMS/Notifications work like "listeners"? Can i Just configure a scene which has all items like "if smokedetector=breached, or..." and the send push notifications? Or doesn't this work as Scenes always are started by manual actions/buttons/mobiles or by the setting of a single sensor (like notifications)? Regards, Andy
  16. Has anyone ever found a alarm clock on their phone which actually syncs it to the cloud so that you can read from an api? The thing is, i never know when i need to wake up, and my gf has shifts too. If you want to turn on the heat based on when the alarm clock goes off, you need a way to get the current alarms from a phone. It would greatly help with all those "make me coffee" idea's too in the morning. Just set your alarm and the rest of the house will follow.
  17. 1. On the alarm panel- we have a remote control that is wired to a fiabro binary sensor that we wish to use to turn the alarm on and off (armed and disarmed) Remote control is in car and on arrival I want to turn the alarm off / on when arriving / leaving without having to go to the fibaro system to do this. In the rule creator I can not find a way to do this? I can see the binary sensor tun on and off but can not in scene editor associate this to the alarm to turn on and off the alarm in fibaro HC2 Can anyone help on this thanks
  18. SteMo

    Fibaro Alarm

    Hi, I couldn't find a proper answer here in the Forum, therefore my request for some help. I use with my HC2 in the chapter 'Panels' the 'Fibaro Alarm'. It worked well and when a alarm was triggerd, e.g. by a movement sensor, the in the 'Fibaro Alarm' included scenes started reliable. But since round about 5 weeks I realised that all the scenes didn't start. The 'Fibaro Alarm' screen appears on my PC. Therefore I think that the 'Fibaro Alarm' works. But all the scenes are not executed. I updated my HC2 to the version 4.110, but the problem remains. The 'Fibaro Alarm' don't run. Has someone the same problem and know a solution?
  19. I am in the middle of my new house constructions. Ordered HC2 more than a month ago to play with it and see what it is capable of, what kind of wiring and setup I need to do in my house to use it wisely. Looks very impressing so far. And now the time has come to move this unit in to my brand new house as it already has doors and windows. I want to start using my Fibaro HC2 for security manners at first. I purchased simple security siren, hooked it to z-wave relay switch. I am able to make it scream whenever an alarm is triggered in Fibaro Home Center, no problems there. But how do I shut that siren off? What I expect is that when I enter PIN code to disarm breached sensor or entire network siren stops screaming automatically. I was unable to find any hook in LUA API to get an event of PIN code entered or system disarmed so that I could shut that siren down by some custom scene. If I had to shut the siren down manually every time security is breached - that's even more stupid than dumb... Looks like step backwards from simple wire based security system as If I am cancelling an alarm from remote location I might forget to chill that siren down and my neighbors will kill me once I get back home... How do you guys deal with that? Am I missing something or misunderstanding the concept of how security should be done with Fibaro Home Center 2?
  20. Hi, I want my tablet to play a sound when an armed sensor is breached so i can disarm it before alarm goes off. I got things working in tasker but don't know how HC2 triggers the event in tasker In Tasker : New task 1. HTTP Get Server:Port http://user:[email protected]/api/devices/ID 2. JavaScriptlet var arr = [ ]; arr = JSON.parse(global("HTTPD")); var status = arr.properties.armed; 3. If %status ~ true Play Ringtone It gives me the status false or true from the sensor.
  21. Hi guys. What Satel products work with HC2? Is there an official guide somewhere? I have searched and found nothing i can use. And - how does it work in everyday life? Can you turn on/off the alarm from inside Fibaro? Im looking to buy a new alarm system and i want it integrated with Fibaro. Thanks!
  22. Hello guys, is possible to have a solution for the bug 0003094 on the new version (beta / stable) ? This bug is from 2015-03 !!!!!! The search function in the alarm panel is terrible slow and the breached sensor in the log is not highlighted again!!!! Please solve it!!!!!!
  23. I have Fibaro HC2 and DSC Alarm. I bought IT-100 and GlobalCache device which trasmits data over Wifi. I can configure DSC plugin in Fibaro (IP Adress, Port 4999) and I can see DSC motion sensors change in Fibaro interface. After few hours activity stops and only way to make it work is to remove and reconfigure again DSC plugin. Any hints? Btw, GlobalCache device is still accessible after DSC plugin stops to respond
  24. Hi guys, I bought a Fibaro system (Fibaro lite 4.082, 2 IR sensors, 2 flood sensors) a few weeks ago and was able to set it up after a little bit of tinkering. Unfortunately, I am unable to get the notifications working. The alarm is clearly working on a user interface (red flashing light on screen, pin code to disengage etc) but the next step, notifications just won’t work. No emails or push to my iPad or Galaxy S6. I’ve tried several different email addresses and altered push to my S6 and iPad but I get nothing. I believe my programming is correct and all the notification info is saved before use so the problem must be something else. I’ve read forum and this ( http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/18877-hcl-notifications-does-not-work-anymore/) but it seems to relate to different issue. This is a major deal breaker. Any ideas how to get it to work?? Additional question: On a notification scene under a general tab there are two buttons; one to run the scene and one to stop. Should I be able to send alarm notifications to test them just by pressing the ‘run’ button? So far it doesn’t do anything. Additional question2: Is there a way to see if my notification -scene has been activated at all? I read something about "debug" variable ( http://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/21766-mail-and-push-notification-stop-working/). How can I create one? All help and info will be much appreciated
  25. KeyCode LUA program for a Digital Key with Fibaro UBS. KeyCode is a LUA script to create a digital key operated by a secret code. Requirements: Fibaro Universal Binary Sensor (UBS). one or two momentary switches (push buttons). Fibaro HC2. It permits to define: - two secret codes (one for each UBS input) - maximum number of failures - captive interval during which also the valid code will be recognized as invalid Two momentary keys can be used as keyboard to input the secret codes to open/close a door, arm/disarm alarms, turn on/off lights, etc... How it works. Input1 and/or Input2 of the UBS are configured to activate scenes. By pressing one, two or three times a momentary switch (key1, key2) connected to such inputs a digit (1, 2 or 3) is entered. A sequence of such digits is a code (secret code) that can be used to control devices, arm/disarm sensors/house alarm, activate scenes. The script permits to define secret codes of any length (any number of digits), composed only by the numbers 1, 2 or 3. Each digit of the code can be assigned to one of the keys (UBS inputs). It is possible to use only one UBS input or both the UBS inputs. For example, the code 2, 1, 3, 3, 1 corresponds to the following sequence: double click, one click, triple click, triple click, one click, of the key (momentary switch) to which the digit is assigned (digit to key assignment is described below). To confirm the code it needs to hold down one of the keys. The maximum interval between each digit or code confirmation sent to the script is configurable. Optionally it is possible to define the maximum number of consecutive code failures before to start a captive status interval during which also the right code will be refused as invalid. A code failure happens when the code confirmation is received (switch holding down) and the entered code doesn’t match the secret code. By one UBS and this script it is possible to manage a maximum of two secret codes, typically one code could be for activate a function (for example, arm a sensor) the other one to deactivate the function. You can download the script (ZIP file) and the documentation (PDF) here: http://domotica.gposta.it
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