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  1. Hi folks, A bit of a puzzler I'm hoping that some of our http/api specialist might be able to offer some advice I'm working with openremote and at it's heart are http calls to the HC2 api I have a GET request working but when I try and create a POST request in a similar manner it doesn't seem to work (both work in a browser) Are their some special conditions/setting that a POST must have that a GET doesn't GET - POST - I spent a day on this - all suggestions welcome......
  2. Hi, I searched an searched and can't find this .. (so presumably its very easy ) I'm trying to find the http request syntax (that I can drop into a browser) to set the dimmer level of a fibaro dimmer I tried and and a few others It would the dimmer equivalent of Does anybody know the correct syntax Thanks -F EDIT not sure if this helps but I plugged it into the HC2IP/doc page and it came back with no content I need a full string as I'm working (trying to) with OpenRemote
  3. Hi Folks, I have just started to use openremote and cant even get a simple switch to work. It seem to required the following Power On command - Power Off command - Sensor Does anybody know what the sensor http request should be This is what is required Thanks Frank
  4. Hi folks, I'm trying to read the value of a temp sensor and display in a webpage I was trying to use a http call (the device is is 871) If I drop the following into a browser I get all the data back http://HC2IP/api/871 but I want to just display the 'value' field which contains the actual temp value I tried the following and some versions http://HC2IP/api/871?field=value but it didn't seem to work Alternatively if somebody has some webpage code that reads some value thought the API and displays it, I could work with that as well Any suggestions ? Thanks -F
  5. Hi Does anybody know a way to have the HC2 listen on a websocket api ? possible or not possible ? Thanks -F
  6. Hello Everyone, I am very new to programming with the Home Center 2, and am still working my way through all of the documentation. One thing i noticed in all of the examples is that all commands are sent over HTTP, including the username and password in the URL. Is there no encryption support? Thank you in advance, Dave
  7. MartinWin


    Hi All I hope someone can help me out. I just bought HC2 Before i used Telldus Live which run 433 I am trying to find info how i can create a Virtual device which can turn on/off the light via Telldus live ( Send http commands ) Any suggestion is appreciated. Kind regards Martin
  8. Do mojego domu doskonale nadaje się (według opisów termostat NEST). Termostat ten nie obsługuje Z-wave ale z tego co widać w opisach FIBARO wspiera ten termostat. Jak więc możne ten termostat komunikować się z centralą FIBARO?
  9. Hi! Here is something I want to share with you all! You can control your new Android Philips TV with commands mentioned here: http://jointspace.sourceforge.net/projectdata/documentation/jasonApi/1/doc/API.html The only thing you have to change to get it working is to change the version number into 5. So if you want to GET the system instead of using http://ip-address:1925/1/system you use http://ip-address:1925/5/system ! Happy LUA coding!
  10. is there a option to not use a button on Lili first :S (Why I still need to puss a button, useless like this) just as google now (Oke Google) or assistent.ai from api.ai (Hey Assistant) it wakes up the device if its in sleep-mode and you can just talk to it i like to use it if i go to bed i tell it good night and its runs a specific scene how can i make something like this work? whit-out a server running 24/7 just a tab or phone (Android)
  11. How can I press a button in a Virtual Device with a http-command? (sending from another computer) Please help!
  12. Fibaro Prosimy o umożliwienie budowania własnej biblioteki funkcji zapisywanej na backup'owym pendrive a ładowanej do pamięci podczas startu HC2. Myślę że wielu z nas użytkowników posiada wiele takich zdublowanych funkcji w scenach i VD. Zoptymalizowałoby to zarządzanie pamięcią i wydajnością systemu. To taka świąteczna prośba.....
  13. Does anybody have a clue how deliver messages to Telegram? I noticed there is an API available from Telegram.
  14. I have a Panasonic Etherea AC unit funtioning with the Inthesishome box and this works perfectly with the Intesis native app over internet. Recently IntesisHome has launched their API (http://developer.intesishome.com) and that is great news for integrating this into the HC2. Is there someone who can help with: 1) explaning how an API from an external device can be reached best by the HC2: through lua scripting or php? 2) scripting php and/or lua code to setValue in the Intesis api? 3) setting up a plugin for this api (as the Intesis home box allows for controlling multiple brands of AC units)? Thanks.
  15. All, after i've upgrade my hc2 to the 4.035 firmware version i not more able to invoke start scene from rest api: tipically i'm using this /api/scenes/50/action/start http://admin:[email protected]/action/start but i receive an error code of 403 Forbidden before the upgrade it worked well. Any help??
  16. Did anybody from the SKY-Customers find something about the Pace HD receiver? I am looking for some API details.
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