This Quickapp retrieves energy consumption, energy production and gas usage from the Toon Energy meter version 1 or 2.
This QuickApp has Child Devices for Consumption (Watt), Production (Watt), Consumption High (kWh), Consumption Low (kWh), Production High (kWh), Production Low (kWh), Production Actual (Watt), Gas Usage (l/h) and Total Gas (m³)
The Energy Usage from the Child devices Consumption High, Consumption Low, Production High and Production Low can be used for the HC3 Energy Panel
Your Toon Energy Meter needs to be rooted, see: This is the recommended all in one solution with a one time boot from USB stick, 10 minutes of work and done.
After rooting you don't need a subscription anymore and you have access to a ToonStore with a growing number of apps. For more technical people there is a possibility to ssh into the Toon if they want with username root and password toon. Rooting is at your own risk, look here for further support and info:
See also: (if you already have a running Linux environment)
See also:
See also:
Version 2.0 (22th April 2023)
Changed to multifile
Changed powerSensor to powerMeter and multiSensor to gasMeter
Added translation for English and Dutch
Added support for Toon version 2v6 (for example firmware version V5.49.19)
Added support for Toon version 2v5
Added support for Toon version 2v4
Added support for Toon version 2v3
Improved debug messages
Version 1.3 (20th February 2022)
Solved issue with "NaN" responses or other bad responses from Toon Energy
Added child device voor actual solar production
Version 1.2 (27th December 2021)
Solved code error with toonVersion
Version 1.1 (27th December 2021)
Added support for Toon version 1
Added Simulation notice in labels
Version 1.0 (3th October 2021)
Ready for download
Version 0.2 (30th September 2021)
Gas from m³/h to l/h
Splashed a bug
Version 0.1 (29th September 2021)
Initial version
Variables (mandatory):
IPaddress = IP address of your Toon Meter
toonVersion = Version 1 or 2 (default)
Interval = Number in seconds
debugLevel = Number (1=some, 2=few, 3=all, 4=simulation mode) (default = 1)
Download the QuickApp here (download the file and un-zip):
or from the Fibaro Marketplace:
How to install:
Open the Configuration Interface
Go to Settings > Devices
Click +
Choose Other Device
Choose Upload File
Choose file from your computer with .fqa