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Hi, Because there is no diagram in the manual of fgs-222 concerning the issue (why??? for another device there was), hereby my question. Can I use 2 voltages on this device? Example: - 's1' (via some switch SW) connected to 'l' of 230v ac - 'l' en 'n' connected to 230v ac - 'in' and 'q1' connected to 8v ac So, when s1 detects a voltage of 230v (SW is turned on), I can turn the 8v current on running from 'in' to 'q1'. Thanks in advance, Sander Advokaat
Hi, I have bought a FGS-222 Relay Switch (the old one, not the new one with Z-Wave Plus) and I am trying to use it to control my doorbell (make it ring remotely and also know if someone has pushed the door bell switch). I have read the manual and I have seen how Fibaro recommends to use the device (circuit #1, see attachment). The problem with circuit #1 is that I would have to change the existing wiring of the doorbell and I have a very difficult access to it. So, I have been struggling about how to wire this thing without changing the existing doorbell wiring and I have come up with 2 solutions (circuits #2 and #3). I am sure that circuit #2 works but it has some problems (see attachment). Then, the question is: Is the wiring I propose in circuit #3 correct??? Can someone tell me if the S1-Q1 connection could create any kind of problems. I find this OK, but I am not 100% sure. FGS-222-Door.Bell.Alternatives.pdf
I have looked online for videos and other info, but I cant get this to work, and appreciate if somebody are able to offer some advise or help We in Vietnam and I have a 2 x on/off contact switch not much point showing the photos as local cables are all same Red, Layout is not as the videos I found but N L IN Q1 Q2 S2 S1 Live I found going to each of the 2 switch and Neutral is a bundle, so Bring in Neutral from the bundle using my Wago clips, move switch output to S1 and S2 take to light cables and put to Q1 and Q2 and the Live ( hot from test pen ) to L and IN and One side of both switch, Just do not work Im able to tune on and off lights using the both of switch, but I cant include the Relay so cant do the Setup Videos I found are ll it looks of different relay or wall sockets not on and off switch, Any Ideas ?
Brak możliwości dodania Fibaro FGS-222 do systemu
Geronimmo posted a question in Single/Double Relay Switch
Witam serdecznie! Zakupiłem podwójny łącznik przekaźnikowy (Fibaro FGS-222) - był używany, ale sprzedawca informował, że jest w pełni sprawny. Jednak jak go podłączyłem do mojej instalacji to za nic w świecie nie mogę go dodać do mojej centralki. Sam przełącznik w sumie działa, reaguje na oba klawisze z podłączonego przełącznika. Dodatkowo gasi i zapala lampę jak naciskam guzik serwisowy. Jednakże za nic w świecie nie mogę go dodać do systemu (ani poprzez 3x naciśnięcie klawisza B, ani poprzez 3x zmiana stanu na S1). Dodatkowo próbowałem go zresetować poprzez naciśnięcie przez 3 sekundy klawisza B podczas załączenia zasilania. Nic to nie pomogło. Moduł znajduje się jakieś 4 metry od centralki (Fibaro HCL). Dodam, że mam już 4 różne moduły i nie miałem takiego problemu z dodawaniem ich do systemu. Również próbowałem poprzez usunięcie urządzania z poziomu HCL, ale dalej nic... Proszę o pomoc, czy moduł jest uszkodzony i powinienem go zwrócić, czy jest jakaś możliwość przeprowadzenia testu / dodania go do systemu, którą przeoczyłem. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc! -
Hi, I have 2 light switches on top of each other: - One is part of a two way switch - The other one is a "normal" switch In http://www.zwave-review.com/Anleitungen/Wechselschaltung_Fibaro.php (sorry I've found only a german link) it says I have to define Paramter 13 to 0 to use the switch as a two way switch. The description is for FGS-212, which seems to be a single switch. FGS-222/FGS-223 have two switches (as said I have 2 light switches) - Is it somehow possible to use one switch as two way switch and the other as "normal" switch. Or do I need two FGS-212, one for each of the two switches? Thanks!
Hi everyone , i'm having a problem with my double relay switch. sometimes it works like it should and turns the lights on and off by pressing 1 time on the pushbutton., but most of the time i have to push 2,3 or more times to make this happen. When it's not working correctly and i keep the pushbutton pressed in the light flickers fast . Enyone out there any idea what could be the problem here? Thanks sorry for any misspelling but english is not my native language.
Hello I am looking to automate some light switches and was initially intending to use a Fibaro FGS-222 but on reading about them found that this was not possible due to 3-wire requirement, mine are 2-wire. I have already installed and got working a couple of FGD-212 Dimmer 2 modules but wasn't thinking to use those (dimmer not really required), but they are 2-wire capable, so it does appear to be an option. Question is, is this the best/only option for just switching lights on/off. One advantage of the FGD-212 is that I will also get power metering as well, so not all bad if I go down this route. Thoughts appreciated. Regards
Hello, I have a probem with fgs-222 modules. Regularly my fgs-222 get stuck in ON position and I cannot swhitch them off from the interface or from the physical wall switch button. I have to get them out of the gangbox in the wall and tap tap on them gently in order for them to go off. It appears that the spring of the relay gets stuck in the ON position. Did it happen to other people among you guys and what did you do to solve the problem. Help would be most welcome as it is becoming a real pain. the load on these fgs-222 is only 7 × 18w led lamps. Thanks a lot in advance.
Fibaro FGD-212 and FGS-222 association (I don't get it)
pystein posted a question in Dimmer and Bypass
Usually I don't consider myself stupid, and I have meddled with z-wave for some time, but the topic of association is beyond me. At least when trying to make the S2 button on a Dimmer 2 (FGD-212) turn on and off one or both of the relays in the FGS-222. In the association panel of the dimmer on HC2 (latest firmware) I am presented with Endpoint 0 and Endpoint 2, the meaning of which I don't get either by Googling or by reading the manuals. Under Endpoint 0 there are five groups, Endpoint 1 has three. Which to use, I wonder? To make it short, what am I to do to get the desired result? I have tried randomly, and sometimes the relay miraculously switches, but then trying again it doesn't react at all. UPDATE: trying the wall switch (S2) once more I have some more success if I hold the button a little longer, but it is still unreliable and hardly wife and kids friendly. As you can see in the following screenshot, I tried Group 4 in Endpoint 0, Single Channel Assosiation, with the drawback that both relays are then chosen automatically (although confusingly only one of them actually responds to the button press, occasionally....) Any hints? Thanks in advance! Øystein -
Hi, I am new to Fibaro but managed to set up part of my system. Now I want to configure the FGS-222 to turn On and Off a lamp. I have 2 switches in parallel that goes to terminal IN1 these are momentary keys(Push buttons). The lamp is connected to relay output 1. How do I setup the HCL parameters to get it to work? I tried different settings but not really got it right. in one setting I got it to toggle by pressing the button extremely short time. If the lamp is OFF I want it to go on if I push any button. If it is ON I want it to switch of by pushing any button. I do not need any Automatic Turn off delay. Thanks for any help. Helge