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Found 3 results

  1. Here's a brief explanation of what a user of a member account is able to do on the Forum: - Send files up to 102400 kB You can easily send files to other members, as long as those files won't be larger than 102400kB. - Vote in polls A member is able to vote in any of the polls that can be found in the special Polls subforum. - Use tags Proper tags usage guarantees that a post would be easier to find in a forum and could result in it getting more attention from other users. Do not be afraid to use them. - Use the rating system A rating system is a way to appreciate other users and let the whole community know, who's the most helpful. - Edit their posts You're always able to edit any of your posts. However, please, once your problem is solved, don't change it's content to "solved" as it's supposed to serve as help to others as well. - Report content If you see any behaviour that breaks the rules of our forum, please, report that post in order to inform one of the admins. - Edit their own profile You can upload a profile photo with a size up to 300kB, it can even be animated. You can also upload a photo which will serve as your cover (up to 500kB). Your profile is the place to express yourself. However, please, make sure that it won't offend anyone and break the Forum's rules - Give 10 reputation points per day A member has 10 reputation points to distribute freely on a daily basis. - Update their status Pretty self-explanatory. But again, be sure to watch your manners - Add signatures A member is able to add a signature that would appear below every post that they create. It can contain up to 3 images (1080x128px), 40 links, and 30 lines of text. - Send messages to multiple users A member is able to send a message to 45 other users and have 300 conversations stored in their messenger. - Create as many posts as they like There is no daily limit to the number of posts created by a single user. - Deleting their own content A member is able to delete their own status updates, files or conversations. However, they're not able to delete their posts as they are kept as a source of knowledge for other members of our community. - Upload attachments You're free to upload as many attachments as you like, but a single file cannot be larger than 102400kB.
  2. In case you were curious about what groups are there on our Forum and what they represent, here’s a brief explanation: There are 10 different groups on the forum and each of them has different privileges etc. Guest: A visitor without an account. Has basically no privileges and can only browse through posts. Member: A standard member of our forum. Can send files, vote, tag, rate, report, set up their own profile, and send messages. Fibaro Partner: One of our official partners and a true expert in home automation. Fibar Group: A FIBARO employee. Moderator: A person responsible for watching over the forum and day-to-day maintenance. Administrator: A person responsible for the forum’s technical issues, development etc.
  3. Hi there, I´m speaking for many users who bought the HCL on an early stage and now there is a need to switch to the HC2. I cannot understand why Fibaro is not working on a supported way to migrate de HCL. They would sell a lot of HC2, because so many people are waiting and nobody wants to start from scratch, especially when you have a lot of relais.... There should be an Fibaro-Supported Thread in this Forum. @fibaro what do you think?
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