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  1. can someone help me? I am trying to create a scene that checks to see if a variable changes. if variable x=1 don't check variable (do nothing) but if variable x=0 then continuously search to see if a variable x changes from 0 to 1 then the loop stops until variable x changes to 0 again. *yes there is another scene that will change it from 0 to 1. *Edit, I figured this out.
  2. I brought HC2 last year in December. Because of my work I had just little bit more than four months to play with it in all this time. HC2 came with 4.056 firmware and as soon as I took it out of the box and connected to it, it was offering upgrade to 4.070 so I did it. Despite some problems, system was growing pretty fast, but programming was (and still is) quite challenging. Thanks to many members of this forum on their work and help that I manage to do something useful. I use jompa68's Alarm Clock, and Boomx's script to collect data for Netatmo wind and rain gauges. I also use cag014 solution for devices and scenes ID to be stored in global variable, and krikroff's Sonos remote and many many other solution given here by members petergebruers, chaicka and many others. Thank you, thank all of you for all good ideas, solutions, code and help! So, here it is in one picture, and it wouldn't be possible without your help on this forum. It is now on 4.100 with 72 modules included and the rest is in my signature I promised some members here that I will share what I have done and I will keep my promise, but just not yet. I have to go to my work again and I have to leave my "Angelina" to wait for me to come home to clear some bugs in code that I made and to give her more abilities. Luckily for me my wife is very supportive so I get list of her wishes and improvements that I can make every time when I came home. Thank you all and see you soon! Here is updated layout of my Angelina on 28th March 2017: To see it in all it's beauty click on picture, then on "Full size" in lower left corner.
  3. Hello everybody, how should I configure the HC2, so that when the alarm system is armed and a motion is detected, all roller shutters go up. In the alarm control can only be specified that all should go down. What really does not recommend security service here in Germany. Does anyone have a solution for me? I use the HC2 with the latest firmware and the Rollershutter 3 with the latest firmware. Many thanks in advance.
  4. Fibaro is not providing templates for many popular products, because they compete with its own products. It should provide a template builder so users can answer all the questions and create a template for the HC2 that fully supports all the features such as energy monitoring and reading the state/status of the device.
  5. Buongiorno, vorrei produrre della reportistica sugli eventi e relativi valori dei sensori. La reportistica richiesta non è molto complessa e sto cercando di produrla all'interno di una scena accedendo alla tabella eventi (vedi altro post pubblicato ), ma comunque farlo con LUA sembra non essere semplice. c'è modo di farla comunque all'interno di HC2, ma utilizzando un linguaggio di programmazione più potente? Grazie. Lorenzo
  6. I have a scene that gets the sunrise and sunset for the day. I recently noticed that both sunrise and sunset times are not correct. They are about 30min - 1 hour off from what they should be. has anyone else seen this issue? Does anyone know if fibaro is going to fix it? @T.Konopka
  7. Hi! I have setup google home and linked my Fibaro Home Center 2, when I asked Google Assistant to talk to Fibaro, a dude speaks out saying "I couldn’t find any devices." Is it because of software version? Do I need to update to the latest 4.153 beta version?
  8. Witam, mam problem z dostępem zdalnym do mojej centralki. O ile z dostępem lokalnym nie ma problemu z dowolnego konta, tak z dostępem zdalnym s jest ich mnóstwo. Zacznijmy od aplikacji, zalogowana do mojego ID nie działa zdalnie, przelogowana na ID administratora również nie chce się łączyć poza siecią lokalną. Drugie moje pytanie to jak dodać wiecej kont zdalnego dostępu np konta innych domowników tak abym pozostał administratorem a reszta logowała się swoimi kontami ID (na chwilę obecną nawet dodawanie uprawnień na dane maile nie pomaga i po zalogowaniu na Fibaro ID nie widzi żadnych centralek.
  9. Wykonałem eksport danych o temperaturze z panelu fibaro/pl/consumption/temperature.html do pliku tekstowego. wartości temp. są z kropką, ale to nie problem ale wartości czasu opisane jako #timestamp są kompletnie niezrozumiałe i nie dają się sprowadzić do "ludzkiego" formatu w open office, np.: Bojler 1 1574096287 15.5 niedziela kwiecień 1 00:00-00:00 Bojler 1 1574096476 15.62 niedziela październik 7 00:00-00:00 proszę o pomoc
  10. Witam, Od wczoraj zmagam się z problemami z HC2. Sceny nie uruchamiają się automatycznie. Miałem wcześniej dużo działących już scen i dopisałem wczoraj nową i przestało działać. Robiłem kilka restartów i nic. Nie widziałem, żeby firmware się aktualizował. Obecna wersja to 4.530. Jeśli odpalę sceny ręcznie to zadziałają, więc kod jest poprawny. Jakieś pomysły?
  11. Folks, We have a strange situation in our main bedroom. The setup was 3 x TBK home double switch 230V 1 main light and 2 at the bed. 1 Fibaro roller shutter 230V and 2 vision security window sensors. 1 Fibaro multisensor, eurotronic radiator thermostat and 1 everspring moving sensor (outside very close) Distance to the HC-2 app. 5 meters, one wall, one floor. Everything worked fine untill the TBK home double switch for the main light disapeared from the system . Suddenly I lost as well communication with some other units in the room. The right window sensor, the everspring moving sensor and the thermostat. We replaced the TBK with a normal switch (since it was not the first time that we had problems with it) and replaced all the batteries in the units that did't communicate anymore. After a reconfiguration of the mesh network and with some exculding and including we had most of the units back online. Only strange thing is that the right window sensor is visible in the system but not when I want to select it in a scene as you can see in the screenshots. I am logged in as "superuser" rebooted the system and have no clue anymore what to do. Sorry for the long post but I want to inform you as good as possible. Anybody a suggestion?
  12. Hi to you all! Maybe you know that I'm a critical HC2 user since 2013. In short, as I mention here I was feeling the Fibaro was holding me back in possibilities, privacy and security. So I started to investigate to get more control over what I think was important to me. I said I would abandon the HC2. The good news, I will not (for now). After extensive testing and trying to find a proper configuration, I found a way to implement the HC2, demanding my needs and wishes concerning: Security Privacy Possibilities Time to spend (re-configuring 200+ devices, 50 scenes and 30 Virtual Devices) The solution I'm implementing is a Raspberry Pi 3 with Node-Red for all communications from the HC2. In short, this means using the HC2 solely as a Z-wave controller and automation gateway. Setup: - The Node-Red will receive commands from the HC2 by an encrypted (https) and password protected connection. At this point it's still one way by sending from the HC2 to Node-Red. - The HC2 is (will be) blocked from internet access. Internet access to the HC2 will be done by VPN. - All other domotica devices are on a separate subnet (VLAN). - All messages (email/push/Telegram) is processed by Node-Red. (disabling all Fibaro 'services'). Example: An alarm is breached: - HC2 will send a message by https to Node-Red. - Node-Red sends IP-Camera snapshots to own email-server, push-account or private Telegram-bot. - Node-Red will check my Ubiquiti manage-switch to check if someone is at home (Mobile phone present in LAN) at will send result to push or Telegram. For sending data to Node-Red a scene is used with content of 5 Global Variable, triggered by one: SC_Nred_VarName (Name variable to send. used as trigger, must be written as last) SC_Nred_VarVal (Value to send) SC_Nred_VarType (not used yet, could be used for sending the type of value, like string, date, time etc.) SC_Nred_VarLog (data for storing data in Node-Red logfiles) SC_Nred_VarPath (path to the Node-Red http-receive-node, default /hc2) The scene code (Beta code 20170526): --[[ %% properties %% events %% globals SC_Nred_VarName --]] -- -- Initialisation of user settings (change if necessary) -- -- Global variables (has to be added manually in HC2 variables panel) local globVarName = 'SC_Nred_VarName'; -- Name of global variable to send (trigger!) local globVarValue = 'SC_Nred_VarVal'; -- Value of global variable to send local globVarType = 'SC_Nred_VarType'; -- Type of global variable to send local globVarLog = 'SC_Nred_VarLog'; -- Logmessage to send local globVarPath = 'SC_Nred_VarPath'; -- Node-Red http-node path to interact with -- Node-Red server connections credentials local nredIp = '192.168.x.x'; -- Node-RED server IP-address local nredPort = 1880; -- Node-Red server port number local nredUser = 'HC2'; -- Node-Red user used to change variables local nredPass = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'; -- Node-Red password of used user -- Node-Red server credentials options: true = Enable, false = Disable local nredUseLogin = false; -- TODO!! Option to use user/password login (default = false) local nredUseSecure = true; -- Option to use secure https connections (default = true) -- Node-Red http-node settings local nredPathDefault = 'hc2'; -- Default Node-Red http-node path to interact with local nredVarName = 'name'; -- Node-Red http-node option for variable name local nredVarValue = 'value'; -- Node-Red http-node option for variable value local nredVarType = 'type'; -- Node-Red http-node option for variable type local nredVarLog = 'log'; -- Node-Red http-node option for variable log -- Debug options: true = Enable (default), false = Disable local debug = true; -- -- Funtions (do not change) -- -- Debug and Log local function log(str) if debug then fibaro:debug('<font color="yellow">'..str..'</font>'); end; end local function errorlog(str) fibaro:debug('<font color="red">'..str..'</font>'); end -- -- Code (do not change) -- -- Prevents the scene from running when command is 0 if (tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue(globVarName)) == 0) then fibaro:abort(); end -- Get variable content from global variable and convert to usable values -- Name value content local nredName = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globVarName); local nredName = string.gsub(nredName,'%s','%%20'); -- Replace <space> with %20 local nredName = string.gsub((nredName),'?','%%3F'); -- Replace ? with %3F --local nredName = string.gsub((nredName),'%','%%25'); -- TODO! Replace % with %25 -- Value content local nredValue = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globVarValue); local nredValue = string.gsub((nredValue), '%s', '%%20'); -- Replace <space> with %20 local nredValue = string.gsub((nredValue),'?','%%3F'); -- Replace ? with %3F --local nredValue = string.gsub((nredValue),'%','%%25'); -- TODO! Replace % with %25 -- Type value content local nredType = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globVarType); local nredType = string.gsub((nredType), '%s', '%%20'); -- Replace <space> with %20 local nredType = string.gsub((nredType),'?','%%3F'); -- Replace ? with %3F --local nredType = string.gsub((nredType),'%','%%25'); -- TODO! Replace % with %25 -- Log value content local nredLog = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globVarLog); local nredLogIsChanged = ''; if nredLog == '' or nredLog == nil then nredLogIsChanged = ' is changed to'; nredLog = os.date("%d/%m/%Y %X ")..': '..nredName..' --> '..nredValue; end if debug then fibaro:debug('Logcontent'..nredLogIsChanged..': '..nredLog) end; local nredLog = string.gsub((nredLog), '%s', '%%20'); -- Replace <space> with %20 local nredLog = string.gsub((nredLog),'?','%%3F'); -- Replace ? with %3F -- Node-Red http-node path value local nredPath = fibaro:getGlobalValue(globVarPath); if debug then fibaro:debug('Node-RED Path: '..nredPath) end; if nredPath == '' or nredPath == nil then nredPath = nredPathDefault; end local nredPath = string.gsub((nredPath), '%s', '%%20'); -- Replace <space> with %20 local nredPath = string.gsub((nredPath),'?','%%3F'); -- Replace ? with %3F -- Construct API URL if nredUseSecure then urlPre = 'https'; else urlPre = 'http'; end local apiURL = urlPre..'://'..nredIp..':'..nredPort..'/'..tostring(nredPath)..'?'..tostring(nredVarName)..'='..tostring(nredName)..'&'..tostring(nredVarValue)..'='..tostring(nredValue)..'&'..tostring(nredVarType)..'='..tostring(nredType)..'&'..tostring(nredVarLog)..'='..tostring(nredLog); if debug then log(apiURL) end; -- Initialisation of communication to Node-Red local selfHttp = net.HTTPClient(); -- Sending HTTP apiURL selfHttp:request(apiURL, { options={ headers = selfHttp.controlHeaders, data = requestBody, method = 'GET', timeout = 5000 }, success = function(status) local result = json.decode(status.data); if result.status == 'OK' then if debug then log('<font color="green">Respond is OK</font>') end; else errorlog('failed'); if debug then log(status.data) end; end end, error = function(error) errorlog("ERROR"); if debug then log(error) end; end }) -- Reset the global command variable to 0 and empty all other global variables fibaro:setGlobal(globVarValue, ''); fibaro:setGlobal(globVarType, ''); fibaro:setGlobal(globVarLog, ''); fibaro:setGlobal(globVarPath, ''); fibaro:setGlobal(globVarName, '0'); -- Trigger variable, write as last To actually send data, a Virtual Device can be used with buttons to write values to the proper global variables. For example (when balcony security is breached, VD report-label name = RedNodeAlarmLabel): -- -- Initialisation of user settings (change if necessary) -- -- Global variables (has to be present in HC2 variables panel) local globVarName = 'SC_Nred_VarName'; -- Global variable used for Node-RED variable name local globVarValue = 'SC_Nred_VarVal'; -- Global variable used for Node-Red variable value local globVarType = 'SC_Nred_VarType'; -- Global variable used for Node-Red variable type local globVarLog = 'SC_Nred_VarLog'; -- Global variable used for Node-Red variable Log (String) local globVarPath = 'SC_Nred_VarPath'; -- Node-Red http-node path to interact with -- Symbol and text table local symbolTable = { -- Symbols to show in this VD buttonIcon = 'Balcony', -- Symbol representing activating this button (for VD Label) buttonText = 'Alarm', -- Text representing activating this button (for external log) timeLastRun = 'Time: ' -- Symbol representing time of last run } -- Node-Red http-node values to send local sendName = 'HC2_Alarm_Balcony'; -- Node-Red variable name to use local sendValue = 'Balcony'; -- Node-Red variable value to use local sendType = '2'; -- Node-Red variable type to use -- Types: 0 = Integer, e.g. -1, 1, 0, 2, 10 -- 1 = Float, e.g. -1.1, 1.2, 3.1 -- 2 = String -- 3 = Date in format DD/MM/YYYY -- 4 = Time in 24 hr format HH:MM -- 5 = DateTime (but the format is not checked) local sendLog = tostring(symbolTable.buttonText.. os.date(" %d/%m/%Y %X ")..symbolTable.buttonText..' --> '..sendValue); local sendPath = 'hc2_alarm'; -- Debug options local debug = true; -- Enable (default, true) or disable (false) general debug output local debugCommands = true; -- Enable (true) or disable (false, default) debug output of command sending to Homey -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Initialisation of code (do not change unless you know what you are doing!) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ local selfId = fibaro:getSelfId(); local selfLabel = 'RedNodeAlarmLabel'; local function debugLog(_logString, _logStringColor, _logValue, _logValueColor) fibaro:debug('<span style="color:'.._logStringColor..'"> '..tostring(_logString)..' </span><span style="color:'.._logValueColor..'"> '..tostring(_logValue)..'</span>'); end -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Code (do not change) -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- store values (store scene-trigger as the last) fibaro:setGlobal(globVarValue, sendValue); fibaro:setGlobal(globVarType, sendType); fibaro:setGlobal(globVarLog, sendLog); fibaro:setGlobal(globVarPath, sendPath); fibaro:setGlobal(globVarName, sendName); -- Scene-trigger fibaro:call(selfId, "setProperty", "ui."..selfLabel..".value", symbolTable.buttonIcon..' '..symbolTable.timeLastRun.. os.date(" %d/%m/%Y %X ")); fibaro:log(symbolTable.buttonIcon); if debugCommands then debugLog(symbolTable.buttonIcon..' '..symbolTable.timeLastRun.. os.date(" %d/%m/%Y %X. "), 'orange', 'Variable name: '..sendName..', type: '..sendType..', value: '..sendValue, 'yellow') end; Node-Red Nodes examples: Receiving data and respond with 'OK' Processing content of received values: Example Commandfilter code with 5 outputs: var input = { payload: msg.payload }; // Output 1 (msg.payload) var hc2AlarmAlgemeen; // Output 2 (HC2_Alarm_Generic) var hc2AlarmGarage; // Output 3 (HC2_Alarm_Garage) var hc2AlarmBalkon; // Output 4 (HC2_Alarm_Balcony) var add2Log; // Output 5 (add2Log) // --> Output 1 (msg.payload) // Content of payload: // Name: msg.payload.name // Value: msg.payload.value // Type: msg.payload.type // Log: msg.payload.log // --> Output 2 (HC2_Alarm Generic) if (msg.payload.name === "HC2_Alarm_Generic") { hc2AlarmAlgemeen = { payload: msg.payload.value }; add2Log = { payload: msg.payload.log }; } // --> Output 3 (HC2_Alarm Garage) if (msg.payload.name === "HC2_Alarm_Garage") { hc2AlarmGarage = { payload: msg.payload.value }; add2Log = { payload: msg.payload.log }; } // --> Output 4 (HC2_Alarm Balcony) if (msg.payload.name === "HC2_Alarm_Balcony") { hc2AlarmBalkon = { payload: msg.payload.value }; add2Log = { payload: msg.payload.log }; } // Set to proper outputs return [ input, hc2AlarmGeneric, hc2AlarmGarage, hc2AlarmBalcony, add2Log ]; How to get snapshots from IP-camera and send to Telegram: https://github.com/guidone/node-red-contrib-chatbot/wiki/Examples Updates, changes and additional info: 20170527 Setup Raspberry Pi with Node-Red Short Guide 20171017 Setup Raspberry Pi with MQTT (Mosquitto) Short Guide Beware, this is not out-of-a-box solution. Just want to share this example because the possibilities are huge! Greetings, Lambik
  13. I have set up a relay switch on my garage door, and also have a Vision ZG8101 angle sensor mounted on the garage door. This works, but the interface is not very "elegant" Does anyone have any tips on how i could set it up so that i have an "up" and a "down" button, and also indication that shows in a good way if the door is open or closed? I would appriciate all help, my Fibaro knowledge is very basic, and i have little or no experience with LUA and VD.
  14. I have an HC2 that is running latest version (official) of SW 4.560. After that the mains was cut to the whole house the HC2 does not reboot and start operate. All LEDs flshing from right to left. After several attemts to toogle the power button on the HC2 it finally restarted properly. It is a serious problem if the HC2 does not restart after a power cut in the house Advice please
  15. Hi all. Does anyone know if the Aeotec Gen7 Door/Windows sensor will have full support for the Fibaro HC2. I have just included it and will only pick on the contact sensor and not the gyroscope. I am hoping there will be an official template released for this. If anyone can help out, that would be ace! id-0371-0002-0007-01-00--.zip
  16. Hello out there I have got a HCL with a lot of devices (about 60) and now I want to turn the System to HC2. Is it possible to easy migrate all devices to the new System? Without a complete re-inclusion? I do not want to pull every socket and every power-/ blind-switch out of the walls to exclude und new include them. The scenes are not that important, I could write them complete new on the new HC. Important for me is not to open all sockets and switches and also to do the tricky inclusion of the window-sensors. Hope there is a way for it... Thanks to everybody who could help or give me a hit!
  17. I installed the google home app, and google assistant. After that I attempted to add the Fibaro Smart Home service, but ended with the notification 'Couldn't update the setting. Check your connection'. Since I'm be able to connect to my homecenter remotely using the Home Center app, en locally using the Fibaro app, I believe there is nothing wrong with my connection. When I tell google assistant to talk to Fibaro, It calls Fibaro, resulting in a male voice saying 'I couldn't find any devices'. When I say 'List all homecenters', it says '1 home center found. Please choose the number from the list. Number 1. HC2-******' When I say 'number one'. The male voice replies with 'I had a problem loading your setup names. please try again' Today I spend most of the day trying al kinds of options to be able to successfully link Fibaro to Google home app, but have no luck so far: -First I assumed that 'setup names' had something to do with the naming of my sensors and scenes, they where all in Dutch. So I renamed everything to English. -On the Fibaro site I found that my input language 'English (Dutch)' is not supported, so I changed that to 'English (United States) -In another blog post someone suggested that the 'couldn't update the setting' error could have something to do with the standard browser used to link Fibaro to Google Home, so I changed the standard browser. between Samsung Internet, Chrome and Firefox. -I normally use a Galaxy s9+ with android, but also have access to an iPhone7. When I connect the Fibaro service on my iPhone I get the message 'something went wrong. Try again' -Someone suggested to use the same username and password on the Fibaro ID account and the local account, so I renamed my Fibaro ID username and password to match my local account. After al this testing I have a few questions: 1. After the 'couldn't update the setting, check your connection' message I am be able to use the command 'Hey Google ask Fibaro, and also get my fibaro listed when I ask to list all home centers. When I search into my Google Home App, I can't find the Fibaro service. Does this mean that there is still some kind of connection made between Google Home and my Home Center? 2.Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong in my settings, causing the 'couldn't update the setting, check your connection' message, and the 'I had a problem loading your setup names. message? I believe I haven't found any other forum post about the setup names error. It will be greatly appreciated if someone can point me in the right direction.
  18. Hello friends, I would like to control my sonos devices via scenes. It seems not possible to do that with common ways. So maybe someone in this forum already did that via http methods, rest apis etc. Would be great help if someone has any idea about that. Thanks in advance.
  19. Hi all I'm hoping that someone can help me out. I was setting some new block scenes earlier and the HC2 seemed to crash, I just got the floating circles as if the interface was loading. So I went for a shower and then ended up going out. While I was out I got quite a few emails saying the IP address of my laptop had been blocked due to incorrect logins. So when I have got home I have tried to log back into the system. I was greeted with incorrect username/password. Which was very strange considering these are saved in my browser. So I had no choice but to reset my password. When I logged in, to my horror all of my devices have gone, and all of the scenes. I then realised that I have limited privileges. The password which I reset was for the superuser account (the only account on the home centre). But the HC2 has given me a standard user account instead?! I can log into Fibaro ID. I can log into the home centre but as a standard user. I have tried to log in with the old admin admin. No luck at all, I really don't want to rebuild my system. can anyone help? thanks in advance!
  20. I want to migrate my HC2 configuration to a brand new HC2 (I'm currently using a HC2 that a friend lent to me) I've read the guide https://manuals.fibaro.com/knowledge-base-browse/configuration-transfer-between-home-centers-backup-transfer/ and it all seems to make sense. My question is what is the minimum I need to do to the target HC2 that is brand new. I know I need to get it up to the same firmware level and attached to the same Fibaro ID of the donor HC2 but any guidance on how to do that? Do I just connect the new HC2 and go through setup as if it was a new configuration? Any guidance or advice would be much appreciated as I can see the warnings about not attempting twice etc and would rather get it right. Thanks, Brian
  21. Hello dear people, I am having problems with routing communication in 4 story building. Everything worked fine last year in the basically same configuration, few switches, and wall plugs were added in the staircase a few months ago which should have only strengthened the communication but it did not. HC2 is on the second floor in a central position and the switches that have communication issues are in the basement. Every floor has several switches and wall plugs which should be making a decent mesh. But when it comes to the basement ( there are 8 double switches in a box that is 3 meters from the nearest staircase switch ), switches keep randomly losing communication. I have checked the routing path and basement switches send the signal to the staircase switch in the basement, then to the 1st floor, then to the 3rd floor and then to HC2. Even though it is not necessary to jump 5 times. Basement switches are basically placed right under the HC2 position no more than 10 meters away. What seems to be the problem? How can it be fixed? Kind regards, Željko
  22. I am hoping for some useful advice from people with at working Alexa / HC2 system. After endless hours of Fibaro Support emails, testing, deleting and restoring my LAN, HC2 and Alexa, my problem still remains the same: Alexa picks up my command (e.g. "Alexa, Turn off Kitchen Table") and one out of three things happen: (1) Light is turned off, Alexa responds "OK" (2) Light is turned off, Alexa responds "Sorry, Kitchen Table is not responding" (3) Light is NOT turned off, Alexa responds ""Sorry, Kitchen Table is not responding". Totally erratic, no pattern. Failure statistics: 1 out of every 4 (25%, N=40). Enough to reduce the WAF to Zero. Fibaro Support finally made me aware that the problem is response time: If the time from command is given to remote Alexa/Fibaro server response is received, exceeds 7 seconds, Alexa times out. Fibaro Support keeps on insisting that the problem is my LAN/Internet connection. I have however gone so far as to disconnect all other devices on my net but for the HC2 and Echo Dot and confirmed my Internet speed is 92 Mbps Up/Down. Even followed the rather extreme Fibaro Support advice of reducing the physical distance between HC2 and the Fibaro Dimmer2 to less than 300 cm (!). I am now starting to suspect that the problem is the Alexa/Fibaro API server integration. And I have of course upgraded firmware, reconfigured z-wave net, dis/enabled Fibaro skills, deleted and restored my HC2 from Fibaro ID, confirmed Alexa has selected my HC2, reset the Echo Dot, reset the HC2 and restored the system from backup and so on and so forth. Friendly guys at the Fibaro Support desk, but so far advice has not brought me any visible result, except for loosing all my custom Scene/VD icons, which apparent are not part of the HC2 back up file Any wisdom out there?
  23. hallo, Ich habe mehrere MCO Home MH7 Thermostate in meiner Wohnung installiert. Nach dem Neustart des HC2 wird die Uhr der Thermostate zurückgesetzt. Die meiste Zeit ist die Uhr auf UTC-Zeit statt CET eingestellt. Nachdem sie den Support von MCO Home kontaktiert und gefragt haben, wie sie die Zeit mit LUA zurücksetzen könnten, sagten sie mir, dass sie OpenZWave-konform sind. Ich sollte innerhalb der Klasse "COMMAND_CLASS_TIME_PARAMETERS" den Befehl "TIME_PARAMETERS_SET" verwenden. Weiß jemand, wie ich ZWave-Klassen ( http://www.openzwave.com/dev/classOpenZWave_1_1TimeParameters.html ) in einem LUA-Szenario aufrufen kann ? Danke & Mit freundlichen Grüßen thomas
  24. I can't get plug-ins to work on HC2. Loaded Sony TV plug-in and searched for TV with search button in Network configuration. No IP devices comes up on the list. Also manually entered IP address, but plug-in still won't connect to tv. TV is on and on same network as HC2. I can ping the TV ip, so definetely on the network, but HC2 won't find it. Anyone else experienced the same? I have the same issue with a customer and none of their devices show on the device list in LAN network. Please help. I emailed support and no response.
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