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  1. I explain, in summer, i put my heat controllers in summer mode. For that i execute this commands: 1. api.post("/devices/"..id.."/action/setThermostatMode", {args = {"ManufacturerSpecific"}}) 2. api.put("/devices/"..id, {parameters = {{id = 2, value = 0, size = 4},{id = 3, value = 1, size = 4}}, useTemplate = true}) 3. api.post("/devices/"..id.."/action/setProtection", {args={"2"}}) 4. api.put("/devices/"..api.get("/devices/"..id).parentId, {properties = {pollingInterval = -1}}) 5. api.put("/devices/"..id, {properties = {saveLogs = false}, enabled = false, visible = false}) (1) I set my heat Controllers in Manufacturer Specific, but after few hours, he return to Heat parameter. For summer, the heat controllers must be fully open. (2) I change the parameters for deactivate OpenWindow notification and other. This command work, but the informations displaying in the HC3 not refresh data... Have a idea for force a "refreshStates" command to HC3 ? (3) It's the same with point (2), he work but not refreshed on HC3. (4) Copy this command normally sended by HC3 when i change the properties of the device. (I don't know what this command is for.) (5) Disabled heat controllers for be sure not be changed by the HC3 in the futur. But after few hours, the heat controllers return to Heat mode... Have you a idea, why heat controllers return to Heat mode after few hours and why when i change the parameters, the HC3 not refresh display data ? P.S. In my script, for be sure the HC3 not interfer with heat Controllers, i have deactivate the climat zones: Thanks for your help !
  2. Dear all. I had an inquiry from a teacher at the Danish electrician education. They will put the HC3 in the curriculum, because smarthomes will be the future.✌️ so... to all the kids learning basic programming - we need a Proof of Concept.. How can I provide a solution where, i from an Internet website can control the something in the HC3, it could be a simple switch. So controlling the HC3 from another network that itself. What the want to achieve it the HC3 is on the home network. Have a website showing video stream with a HC3 controlles Bulb, and a button on the same website that can control the Bulb. Its for Exhibitions getting interest for potentially young students .. No MQTT or other mittleware, it needed to be done direct, like when Alexa, Google assistant is controlling this. No Firewall port forwarding As I see it, I need two moduels, One on the external website and one one at the HC3. Anyone up for helping with a PoC fort this? have some code already? or can structure the design? I think its in Fibaro interest to participate themselves also? Best Regards
  3. Is anyone have experience with setting up garage door device built on smart implant + hc3? Currently it works perfect in my setup but looks like simple light switch, so i looking for any suggestions to turn it to garage door.
  4. Hi, I really need some help. I have 2 soil moisture probes wiring in correctly (I believe) into the RGBW unit. Using a multi meter between the ground an IN1 & IN2 i get 3v and 8v readings. My problem is that no matter what setting I use in HC3 the preview window for each channel always reads zero. Have I got the wrong end of the stick? Please help me! Thanks, mike.
  5. Hi All, I have been searching for a while now on the forum, but have not find the solution to my problem. We do have the danalockV3 and the Fibaro intercom. Both device can be found in the HC3. Now the problem is that when we try to open the Danalock trough the intercom or in a scene, the Danalock doesn't respond to it. If i look in the recent history of the HC3, i can see that the scene has run. As well there is a action that is called Action: Device polling. Does anybody know how i can fix this? Happy to hear your answers. I am new in this world so please be free to ask me if you need more information. Greetings, Thomas
  6. Hello, Does anyone have and would like to share a QA that would work as an alarm clock (turn on a specific device or scene at a set time and day of the week, from the interface and application)?
  7. Dzień dobry Jak już wszyscy wiemy nawet w najnowszej wersji 5.070.42 integracja z SATEL działa nie najlepiej - centrala odczytuje staw wejść z satela ale wyjścia dla scen są nie widoczne, zmiany ich stanu nie pokazuje również historia HC3. Można natomiast włączyć i wyłączyć wyjście SATELa ręcznie z poziomu HC3. Ciekawostką jest również możliwość przydzielania ikon do wejść gdzie system pozwala na wprowadzenie i zmianę ikony jednak po dokonaniu tej czynności ikona nadal pozostaje systemowa. Natomiast przy wyjściach satela HC3 umożliwia skuteczną zmianę ikony - ? Jesteśmy ponad rok po wyjściu HC3 na rynek gdzie integracja z SATELem była kluczową funkcjonalnością a tu okazuje się że nie działa. Czy można prosić kogoś z Fibaro o komentarz bo wydaje się to ważna funkcjonalność na którą czeka wielu nabywców HC3 szczególnie tych którzy przesiedli się z działającej doskonale z Satelem HC2.
  8. I'm not sure how important it is, but I jump into this hole "lastWorkingRoute and neighborList shemas are changed from HC2 to HC3 HC2 /api/devices/id produces JSON wtih following: "lastWorkingRoute": "[1,422,59]" HC3 /api/devices/ID produces a bit changed JSON: "lastWorkingRoute": [1,422,59] What is difference - HC2 gives me string representation of array but HC3 gives me array. For developer perspective this is quite big difference (agree - important only for tech apps) Is there SOMEWHERE some kind of DOCUMENTATION of that kind things, changes, schemas Both HC2 /docs and and HC3 swagger lack several important interfaces like /api/energy and /api/temperature why they are hidden or where to find SOME kind of reference
  9. Hi, is it possible to play a sound(given text) on a google nest mini, when an event occur on the homecenter 3? greetings Paul
  10. Dear Fibaro community, I am new to to the Fibaro and I have already played with the setup of HC3. One thing that I would like to ask or request from Fibaro Dev team is the possibility of having more Setpoints in the Climate settings section. One or two more fiedl to be more flexible in the temperature setup would be great. I have tried to research on the forum but have not found any guidance. Take care, Jakub
  11. Well i am running HC3 and i have a Aeon Gen5 Siren in my backyard for when i am working in my shed. Neighbours told me that my Siren ( that i am using over there for iff someone rings my frontdoor bell ) sometimes keeps going. So i wonder if i can use a scene or something that turns that Siren off every XX time so neighbours can't complain any more.
  12. Hi all... I am trying to remove a z-wave device from my HC3. I don't have the device anymore, but when i try to remove it in the menu it goes in to removing menu countdown. I can't push any buttons because i don't have the device anymore. How can i get rid of the device in my home center 3.
  13. Hi when I add the powerview QA from fibaro HC3 (the built in one) it grabs my scenes from powerview and all is good. I can activate the scenes in "preview" and via lua. But.. the next day.. they don't work anymore.. I can then remove the QA and readd it.. then everything works again. Does anyone outthere use the powerview QA? have same experience? found a solution? Right now my only idea is that because I had automations running natively in powerview they ..for some reason.. break the link.. so after an automation has run in powerview.. something happens. I've now turned off my automations in powerview app and created a simple lua script to close the curtains tonight 30 minutes after sunset. tomorrow we'll see if they still work.
  14. Hi, On HC2 I used to have one virtual device to control all LED lights in room. Turning On and Off should be no problem. But how to handle slider? Assuming QA is working how to post action from HA Bridge to set appropriate value? HC2 device: and LUA: Slider: local slider = _sliderValue_ local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) -- REFERENCE TO DECODE TABLE fibaro:debug('Slider value: ' .. slider) -- Set both LED dim value if tonumber(slider) == 0 then -- turn Off fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_switch, 'turnOff'); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_entrance, 'turnOff'); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_dummy, 'turnOff') else fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_switch, 'setValue', slider); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_entrance, 'setValue', slider); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_dummy, 'turnOn') end OFF: -- Set LED Off local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) -- REFERENCE TO DECODE TABLE selfId = fibaro:getSelfId(); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_switch, 'turnOff'); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_entrance, 'turnOff'); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_dummy, 'turnOff') fibaro:call(selfId, "setProperty", "ui.Slider1.value", 0); MAX: -- Set LED Max local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) -- REFERENCE TO DECODE TABLE selfId = fibaro:getSelfId(); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_switch, 'setValue', 100); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_entrance, 'setValue', 100); fibaro:sleep(100); fibaro:call(jT.hall.Light_LED_dummy, 'turnOn') fibaro:call(selfId, "setProperty", "ui.Slider1.value", 100); In HA Bridge to set slider value I used for example: http://[email protected]:[email protected]/api/callAction?deviceID=281&name=setSlider&arg1=6&arg2=${intensity.percent} to click button: http://[email protected]:[email protected]/api/callAction?deviceID=348&name=pressButton&arg1=1 Anyone can help on this or already have QA and can share so I can adopt it? Is HA bridge command still the same as on HC2 or needs to be changes?
  15. QA for full control of PC from HC3 (On, Off, Restart, Sleep and Hibernate states) You will need: 1. PC is connected via Fibaro wall plug (or other device with power measurement) 2. installed application Switch Off 3.5.1 from Airytec on your computer http://www.airytec.com/en/switch-off/get.aspx 3. In Switch Off application - go to menu -> Options -> Remote -> Edit web interface settings -> you have to define your port ie. 28100 and password 4. In PC firewall you have to allow Incoming rule for TCP port that you have defined in SwitchOff application ie.28100 5. Working WakeOnLAN (WOL) on your PC (allowed in PC BIOS and on your net card) Installation: 1. Upload this QA to HC3 2. In QA variables you have to define: - PC_DevID : ID of your PC power plug in HC3 - PCAirytecPort: port define for web interface in SwitchOff application from Airytec - PCAirytecPassw: password define for web interface in SwitchOff application from Airytec - PC_IP_Address: IP address of your PC ie. - PC_MacAddress: MacAddress of your PC for WakeOnLAN (WOL) ie. 4B:BC:24:D1:E5:25 - PC_WOL_Port: Port for WakeOnLAN (WOL) - usually 9 - Level<xxx>PC : power in W for showing correct PC state: power >= LevelRunPC PC state: running power >= LevelSleepPC PC state: sleeping power >= LevelHiberPC PC state: hibernating power >= LevelOffPC PC state: off power = 0 PC state: fully off (power>0 to LevelOffPC also means PC state: off) QA PC version: 0.20 - 13.2.2021 PC.fqa
  16. QA for creating HomeTable in global variables in HC3. Why using hometable? Instalation: 1. upload this QA 2. In QA variables you can change name for hometable, name for scenes and time for regular update of hometable 3. In QA -> source files -> ManualData you can add your own data (it will be also saved in final hometable in global variables) How to read data from hometable: -- in case that your name for hometable is default=HomeTable local tbl = fibaro.getGlobalVariable("HomeTable") local HT = json.decode(tbl) -- structure for devices is <room>.<deviceName> local idQA_TV=HT.LivingRoom.TV -- structure for scenes is <ScenesName>.<sceneName> -- default value for <ScenesName> is Scenes local idSc_Lights=HT.Scenes.Lights -- structure for your own inputs from ManualData local myValue1=HT.myData1.myNameValue1 -- 0 local myValue2=HT.myData1.myNameValue2 -- "default value" Names for rooms, devices and scenes are corrected by following replaces: {["%."]="",["-"]="",["%("]="",["%)"]="",["&"]="",[":"]="",["%["]="",["%]"]="",["%+"]="",["%%"]="",["%/"]="",["%$"]=""} {["Á"]="A",["Ä"]="A",["Ą"]="A",["À"]="A",["Â"]="A",["Č"]="C",["Ć"]="C",["Ç"]="C",["Ď"]="D",["É"]="E",["Ě"]="E",["Ë"]="E",["Ę"]="E",["È"]="E",["Ê"]="E",["Í"]="I",["Ï"]="I",["Î"]="I",["Ĺ"]="L",["Ľ"]="L",["Ł"]="L",["Ň"]="N",["Ń"]="N",["Ó"]="O",["Ô"]="O",["Ö"]="O",["Ő"]="O",["Œ"]="O",["Ŕ"]="R",["Ř"]="R", ["Š"]="S",["Ś"]="S",["Ť"]="T",["Ú"]="U",["Ů"]="U",["Ü"]="U",["Ű"]="U",["Ù"]="U",["Û"]="U",["Ý"]="Y",["Ÿ"]="Y",["Ž"]="Z",["Ż"]="Z",["Ź"]="Z",["á"]="a",["ä"]="a",["ą"]="a",["à"]="a",["â"]="a",["č"]="c",["ć"]="c",["ç"]="c",["ď"]="d",["é"]="e",["ě"]="e",["ë"]="e",["ę"]="e",["è"]="e",["ê"]="e",["í"]="i",["ï"]="i",["î"]="i",["ĺ"]="l",["ľ"]="l",["ł"]="l",["ň"]="n",["ń"]="n",["ó"]="o",["ö"]="o",["ô"]="o",["ő"]="o",["œ"]="o",["ř"]="r",["ŕ"]="r",["š"]="s",["ś"]="s",["ť"]="t",["ú"]="u",["ů"]="u",["ü"]="u",["ű"]="u",["ù"]="u",["û"]="u",["ý"]="y",["ÿ"]="y",["ž"]="z",["ż"]="z",["ź"]="z"} Hometable in global variables will be overwrite only if newly generated hometable will be different. Version of QA HomeTable: 0.12 - 21.1.2021 HomeTable.fqa
  17. QA for Netio power sockets devices. https://www.netio-products.com/en Tested for NETIO 4All and NETIO 4C Installation: 1. In Netio you have to allow JSON API and setup user and password for READ-WRITE: 2. Name, password and IP address you have to add to Variables in QA and save it. (LoginName=Username, LoginPassword=Password) 3. You can also create child devices for every socket. Netio QA version: 0.50 - 13.2.2021 Netio.fqa NetioIcons.zip
  18. My apologies if this is already described, I did search, honest! I've added an Aeotec WallMote Quad to my HC3 and configured the buttons, now I'm adding a second one to the far side of the same room, so want some of the buttons to perform the same functions. How do I link a button to an existing scene? When I try to add a function to a button (Under Devices, [The remote in question], Advanced) the only option seems to be to create a new scene. Many thanks in advance!
  19. Cześć Po przesiadce z HCL mam problem Mam kilku użytkowników, którzy mieli dostęp do sterowania oświetleniem w oddzielnych pomieszczeniach, ale bez dostępu do pozostałych pokoi. W starej wersji appki na Androida (tel.) można było po zalogowaniu głównym fibaro ID zalogować konkretnego użytkownika i zyskiwał on dostęp do danego pokoju także poprzez Internet (nie tylko przez LAN) Czy takie zalogowanie jest możliwe także w nowej wersji Appki do HC3?? Bo za Chiny ludowe nie potrafię się tak zalogować. Użytkownik może sterować urządzeniami tylko jeśli jest połączony z siecią LAN, czy dla każdego użytkownika wewnętrznego trzeba zakładać teraz oddzielne Fibaro ID??? Z góry dzięki za pomoc
  20. Hi, Im trying to sett up a wakeup light in the kids bedrooms with the downlights and dimmer 2. Is there a solution to this that don't involve me having a doctors degree in LUA coding? I have seen some dawn simulator LUA threads, i just don't have the time and will to use hours to get this working. Also it seems most are used for HC2 (don't know if that mathers) Getting the kids out of bed in this dark time of the year is challenging Any help is appreciated
  21. I used to use HomeCenter.SystemService.reboot() in HC2. What is the equivalent for HC3. And where can I find the api list
  22. Anybody having success updating motion sensor to 3.4 from 3.3 on HC3? My update is basically forever in this state. Of course I did manual wake up of the device, but still 0%. Any ideas where (some API) to look for more information?
  23. Hello, I found a project who reverse engineered the Wi-Fi protocol from the Mertik controller connected to my fireplace. Yeay! ? With the following (simplified) NodeJS code I can send the standby command to my fireplace: var net = require('net'); const prefix = '0233303330333033303830' var msg = "3136303003"; var packet = Buffer.from(prefix + msg, 'hex'); var client = new net.Socket(); client.connect(2000, ''); client.write(packet); I know how to open a socket in HC3 QA but I don't get how to convert the message to a RAW buffer. The JavaScript line does it with Buffer.from(prefix + msg, 'hex'); Does some LUA god know how to convert the message in QA LUA for the HC3?
  24. Dear community, my current project is using Hoobs to control Fibaro HC3 devices, IR controller specifically. Hoobs does not detect the quick apps in HC3. May I know whether there is any method for Hoobs to control quick app in HC3? Thank you.
  25. Anybody knows a way to know what triggered the scene? For example I have a scene, that can be triggered by one of two switches. And in the Lua code I'd like to know which one of these two switches triggered the scene.
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