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  1. How can I write something to the event panel from a scene, which is only modifying global variables but not changing the state of a physical device? I do have scenes which now and then change the value of a global variable. To do this, I would like to have a text line in the event panel. SMS, e-mail or push works fine, but that is a total overkill and not needed for this. A simple entry in the event panel would be nice. any clue? thanks for tip and tricks. maybe another VD? but how should this be done?
  2. Is it possible to have a scene or several scenes triggered after a restart of the HCL? I thought about a variable in the automatic restart scene and VD, but is there any other solution or possibility? So is there a trigger condition, which is only TRUE when the HCL is restarted? kuno
  3. I do have scenes for day and night as well as weekends, adjusting the temperature as needed. How would you set the temperature during summer, when the central heating is switched off to: minimize battery consumption? avoid unnecessary activation of the motor? all the way down to 'freezing protection' or all the way up as it will never get that warm and the valves are kept fully open (free flow) how have you solved the 'summer'? I am really wondering how you do this, removing the batteries can not really be the solution kuno
  4. Mam problem w sumie już od tygodnia z tym walczę. Szukałem na forum ale nic nei znalazłem. Mam dwie sceny 1] KeyID:20 OFF-ON scena ściemnia na 20% 2] KeyID:21 ON-OFF rozjaśnia na 80%. (Sceny na blokach w załączniku) PROBLEM: Jak jedna uruchomię to sceny uruchamiają się raz jedna raz druga i tak w kolko. Tak jakby włączanie scen przez KeyID 20 i 21 w jakiś sposób nie działało. Starałem się dodać zmienną żeby na druga scena nie startowała od razu i dalej nic. Dodatkowe pytanie o co chodzi w IF (L.Dzieciecy-pilot == KeyId: 21 0s) na końcu jest 0s czy to znaczy że sprawdza warunek po x sekund ? A co z warunkiem po "i" jest wykonywany wcześniej niż pierwszy warunek !? PS. Jestem nowy proszę o wyrozumiałość nie wymagam od razu rozwiązania oczekuję raczej wskazania gdzie szukać rozwiązania.
  5. I am still testing around the usage of variables and tried the following simple thing. I do have a predefined variable having two values being ON and OFF. I do have a scene (automatic) which switches on a wall plug, when the variable is in its OFF status and sets the variable to ON. If variable=ON the "switch on" and set variable to ON nothing happens. Only when I restart HCL, the scene is triggered. When I then switch the variable to OFF in the variable panel, nothing happens. What I also noticed. when the variable is switched ON and I manually trigger the scene, the wall plug is switched ON, even the trigger condition of the variable being OFF is not fulfilled, how comes? this somehow makes the usage of variables as trigger conditions useless. anyone having a clue?
  6. Can anybody tell me how to integrate hue lamps into scenes? I bought the HCL mainly because i want to use hue lamps with z-wave triggers (motions sensors etc.). Is there any solution? Also the VD integration of the hue devices didnt work beacuse of the not existing lua support. I am quite puzzled how a basic feature like this is not working... or is this the problem sitting here in front of the screen? Help would be very much apprciated.
  7. Hi How many z-wave units can be used with HCL ? A Norwegian dealer says on their homepage: -If more than 20 units, we recomend the HC2.. Is this true ? I use HCL with 40 units and all sees to work good...
  8. Lokalnie po Wi-Fi (i kablu PC) wszystko działa ok. (PC, Android - Tablet, Telefon). Po rejestracji i zalogowaniu na Fibaro ID wywala komunikat “Błędne Dane Centralki” (dane pobrane z zakładki konfiguracja). Jaka jest przyczyna? Dlaczego centralka jest niewidoczna?
  9. Hey guys, I'm facing a connection issue with my new HCL. I tried to update to latest firmware, after the HCL restarted, only the power LED is on. HCL is connected directly to router, and the ethernet cable is verified working. I'm unable to detect the HCL on the local network via the Fibaro Finder app even after trying to boot in recovery mode. Any ideas? Thanks!
  10. Hi all, If you get frustrated when a copied scene does not behave properly.... I had it as well. situation: I created a very silly scene controlling a Fibaro relay switch to test some other stuff on my HCL, : if "device" is ON or "device" is OFF then switch "device" ON (Scene is manually triggered and has no internal trigger -> deselected check-box) Works perfect when manually triggered. I copied this scene and gave it a new name and changed it to: if "device" is ON or "device" is OFF then switch "device" OFF (Scene is manually triggered and has no internal trigger -> deselected check-box). Guess what. The OFF scene does not work at all, I edited and edited, until I noticed, that the scene is switching the light on, instead of off. I deleted the scene, created it from scratch and it worked. Wondering what went wrong here. kuno
  11. Since firmware 4.100 it says home center support the zipato RFID tag reader. - does this works with HCL? - does HCL alows u to use it in scenes to arm, disarm the house. - Can u add new users / tags ? anybody any experience ?
  12. Hi. I need help with setting global variable via api calls. I have HC lite. My variable is "Pocitnice" and value can be "Da" or "Ne". In webbrowser i put this string: and I get this: {"name":"Pocitnice","value":"Ne","readOnly":false,"isEnum":true,"enumValues":["Da","Ne"],"created":1490736622,"modified":1490891810} So, what i must add to this url ( to set value "Da" to Pocitnice??? Please, help.
  13. Hope the forum can help me with this. I switched from HCL to HC2. I configured the HC2 as a gateway with HCL as slave. All working fine. Both HCL and HC2 are running version 4.110. On HC2, I created a scene with an interactive push notification triggered by a timer global. However, if I switch on Qubino relays which has a notify parameter in the advanced tab (see screenshot), I receive the notification on my mobile. The source of the notification (on Android phone) is clearly 'HC2'. How is this possible? It took me hours to find the source of the message but could not find any relation. I'm sure no scene is triggered on HC2. No other source type in a scene on HC2 is triggered. As far as I could test it already, also the HC2 scene is running fine and doing the job. This is the interactive push notification created. The content is exactly the same as the notification in the interactive push notification on HCL (I'm migrating scenes from HCL to HC2). But the source is clearly HC2. api.post('/mobile/push', {["mobileDevices"]={149}, ["message"]='Thermostaat staat te lang op. Afzetten?', ["title"]='Thermostaat afzetten', ["category"]='YES_NO', ["data"]={["sceneId"]=11}});
  14. Hell, everyone. I recently bought a Zipato mini RFID to arm/disarm my alarm setup with Home Center Lite. I have been able to make the RFID trigger a variabel after configuring users and codes. I would now like to arm/disarm my alarm, preferably without making scenes for this. I am wondering if it would be possible to make a Virtual Device for arming and disarming, like when sliding the lever in the alarm panel. I am not able to trigger scenes from the mini RFID directly in a block scene. I am using smart scenes to trigger another scene or actors. Note that I ask about use on HCL, so LUA is not an option:)
  15. msokol


    Jest ograniczenie do 5 pluginów. Po co ? Jak ktoś chce sobie zawiesić centralkę to chyba jego sprawa jednak to nie jest tematem. Domyślnie jest wgrany plugin : "MODULAR ALARM" i "Yr Weather" których nie da się usunąć. Czyli mamy 3 pluginy dostępne nawet jak się poprzednich dwóch nie używa. DURNE? Jak dla mnie tak. Chyba całkiem zrezygnuję z HCL'a. Nuży mnie ciągła walka z wiatrakiem.
  16. Hi, I am considering HCL to replace my VeraLite, which suddenly went dead... Majority of tasks I expect are simple, so HCL would satisfy this. But I have a bit complex one with heating: I currently have 8 thermostats in different rooms. Those are working indepently based on their program using scenes. For instance: Living rooms temperature is during Weekend from 7:00 to 20:00 is 22 degrees and from 20:00 to 7:00 19 degrees and 22 degrees from 16:00 to 20:00 + 19 degrees from 20:00 to 16:00 during Working day. Similarly for bedroom, bathroom, etc. So far I understand HCL would support this. However, I am using something like multiple button for defining modes like Home, Holiday, Weekend off, etc. This is the first selection and based on this above described scenes are running. So the sample with the Living room applies for Home, but for Holidays the temperature is 15 degrees, for Weekend off 17 degrees till Sunday 15:00 and 22 degrees after. Is HCL relativelly easily able to manage this? I am not a programmer and I am using PLEG in Vera, but how it is this solveable in HCL? HC2 is 2x more expensive than HCL and HCL is 2x expensive than Vera, so it is my concern...
  17. Hello I have already found a topic on my subject, but this one is now too old and the proposed options are not anymore available in last version of the HCL (4.110). Https://forum.fibaro.com/index.php?/topic/12691-power-consumption-options- in-block-scenes I cannot make report of coherent value with a scene in mode block, somebody could he help me on this matter? He shall seem that Aeon Labs Power Meter gift t adjournment how he should, but I do not know how to make postponed the good values. Thank you has you
  18. Hi, I cannot update HCL firmware (current one is 4.044) due to 403 error (access forbidden). I use admin profile, I cleared cache, I used two different computers, I used IE11 and Chrome. Update the firmware to 4.110 does not work due to the error. Please help
  19. When you have access to more than one gateway and they are added to your remote account, after login the portal, you get to see all the gateways you have access to, by serial number. for eg : HC2-03**** Is it possible to give the gateways, their own name, so that within your account, they can be identified more easily ? With several gateways to controll, I cant always remember their serial number...
  20. Hello, Recently I bought a Homecenter Lite and I'm experimenting with scenes. Now I discovered something I believe is a bug in Fibaro scenes. Hope you can confirm or tell me what I'm doing wrong here. First, let me explain how I work: I have some lights outside which I want to switch on and off depending on the time of the day with different timestamps depending on the day of the week. Also I use a variable "daypart" (dagdeel in Dutch) which switches in scenes from morning to afternoon to evening depending on the time of the day. The variable "daypart" is set to night in the scene which switches of the lights late in the evening. Now in the morning, at exact time 07:00 I have a scene which checks if "daypart" is still night (it will switch in another scene to morning at sunrise) and if so it switches the lights outside to on. Now the problem, the last scene described should check if time is exact 07:00 and then check if daypart is still night. Only if that's the case it should switch on the lights. Now, what's really happening, when my scene which switches off the lights late in the evening and sets daypart to night (mostly around 23.30) the lights switch to on again after 4 seconds. The lights only stay off if I disable the scene which should only work at 07:00. Now, anyone knows what's going wrong here? I suppose the scene is triggered only by change of the variable instead of variable combined with exact time as stated in the scene. See also both scenes as sample
  21. Dear Fibaro, your device Home Center Lite HCL is clearly not working at it should, and since a lot of time ago. You have confirmed in other topics that you do not have a clear indication of the reason behind. You always state that this topic is sent to your development team. But, if the device does not work at it should, if you do not have any clear indication of the reason, if you don't know how to fix it since more than one year ago, why don't you replace the units sold for working good real money? Do we need to start a massive legal campaign from all users? If the answer is yes we will because that is not correct for the consumers. I am really pissed off from this situation where you are just answering about "team" that is not able to do its main job. Who cares, I paid, change team!! I am really pissed off that you are continue working on new useless implementations when THE MAIN USAGE AND SCOPE OF THE INIT IS NOT FULFILLED. What other device in the market get stuck times a day?? I am pissed off that you are continue selling the HCL on the market, sign that you do not care at all about your customers. Please, start acting in a professional way. The limit between being a good part of the market and being kicked off in a short time is very subtle. Global bad advertisement could result in a big pain for your company. Currently the big pain is only in our houses, are you happy about that? Either you fix it immediately, or you give the money back, or you fully replace it with a working device and you take back that useless piece of plastic. thank you
  22. Hi I have got two smokesensors and I want to have them connected. So I one sensor starts then the other should also start. If there's a fire I want both to sound the alarm. Is that possible and how do I do? Another question, I don't understand the two devices after pairing. What's the difference betweeen the one with smoe sensor Icon and the one with Alarmlamp and thermometer? Thanks! HCL 4.105 Beta
  23. For some time i'm stucked with black screen and in attachement bellow is what is in middle and it always tries to re-fresh after some time it gets to login screen. In previous updates i had this screen for a 15 seconds max. Now it takes for cca 1 - 3 minute.
  24. HCL version 4.100 (stable). I noticed that in case you change the order of labels in a VD that scene's, writing info in those labels, use the wrong one. Reproduce it : Create a VD with 2 labels. Write a scene in which you write information to a label of the VD. Create 2 different scene's within each 1 of the different VD labels in it. Test your scene's. Re-order the labels in the VD. Open the scenes. You'll see now it's using the wrong label. Change to the correct label in your scene. Close the scene. Open the scene again --> if you're fast, you'll even see now that is has the old (wrong) label even still in memory. After a second, you'll see the correct label. After the change, it's correctly working. But if you want to reorganize your VD, it can be a lot of work to change your scene's.
  25. Hi everyone, I need help... so if anybody can give me a hand I will be very grateful. I have following hardware: Home Center Lite, Remotec ZXT-120 and Air condition unit. I am able to control AC through Fibaro app, everything is OK with that. I can remotely turn AC ON, OFF and select heating and temperature. Challenge: The AC unit accepts only 16 degrees as minimun heating value. The cabin is only used time to time and mostly it is unoccupied and temperature inside should be only 5 degrees. When arriving to cabin temperature should be increased to 21 degrees through Fibaro app. How this could be solved with HCL ? I can make following scenes 1. a block scene which will turn up AC to heat when temperature in cabin is below 5 degrees. 2. second block scene 2 which will turn off AC from heating when temperature is 7 degrees. 3. third block scene which will turn up AC to heat 21 degrees. But the second scene will then turn off the third scene. (loop) I really need help with this one...
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