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Found 24 results

  1. Hi everyone! I have Fibaro Home Center 2, Fakro ARZ Z-wave roller shutters (3 of them) and Fakro ZRH12 Z-wave remote control. I want to be able to controll all 3 roller shutters with Fibaro Home Center 2. As far as I have understood firstly I need to add all 3 roller shutters to Fakro ZRH12 remote control, so they can be controlled by the remote. I am confused what to do next: - I tried adding Remote control ZRH12 to Home Center 2 using the following procedure: setting Home Center 2 into "Add new device" mode and setting the remote control to "Ln" mode (Adding as secondary controller). The remote successfuly added to Home Center 2 but I can only see it shown as the device with the "remote control" sign and it has no functionality (no buttons, no on/off, no up and down signs, nothing). If I try to use the phisical remote to control the shutters (as I did at the beginning) I cannot access them through it as well. It seems that all the roller shutters are deleted from the remote after adding the remote to Home Center 2. I also tried to add roller shutters to groups before adding remote to the Home Center 2 but still I can't access the roller shutters through Home Center 2 after adding the remote to it. Can somebody help me, what is the proper procedure of adding the roller shutters to Fibaro Home Center 2, and do I need that ZRH12 remote controll at all? Maybe it is possible to add the roller shutters directly to home center 2, without using remote control? Any suggestions? Thank you in advance!
  2. In the web-interface https://home.fibaro.com/fghc2/4.590/fibaro/en/configuration/ I can see that a new firmware is available, and the changelog, and the text " Do You want to download and install new software version?" But there is no actual update button. In the android app however I see the update button.
  3. Hello, I need a help. I can see more ways od forum and marketplace for override heating zone, but they are to complicated for me. I need simple scene (or virtual device??) which will set all heating zones to specific temperature for specific time and after that back to schedule. Why I need this? I have central heating system with wood and water acumulation puffer. Sometimes temperature in system increase to high and for security reasons I need to cool down system. I made scene which control temperature in system and send me notification when temperature is too high. Notification ask me if I want to run some scene. Here I want to open all radiators. Or, if somebody have another idea, maybe I don't need override heating zone. I have Fibaro heat controller on all radiators, but I don't know how to open it to max with scene. Thank you in advance.
  4. Hello, I'm trying to make a method in my C# application which either turns on or off a Wall Plug. If I'm using the POST method/devices/{deviceID}/action/{actionName} on the "FibaroIpAddress/docs" API website, it works e.g. when I type in 11 as deviceId and turnOn/turnOff in actionName. the website then tells me that the request URL will look like this: http://IpAddress/api/devices/11/action/turnOff or http://IpAddress/api/devices/11/action/turnOn In my application I then use the same request URL with the code: try { var endPoint = new Uri(url); //stores credentials for the API access var cache = new CredentialCache { { endPoint, "Basic", new NetworkCredential(userName, password) } }; // Create a new request to the URL endpoint. var request = WebRequest.Create(endPoint); // Adds credentials to the WebRequest. request.Credentials = cache; //Assign the response object of 'WebRequest' to a 'WebResponse' variable using (var response = request.GetResponse()) { //Reads everything from the API call and stores it. using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { toReturn = reader.ReadToEnd(); } } } catch (UriFormatException e) { Console.WriteLine("Error:" + e); } But nothing happens when this runs. I've also tried this code: // Creates a endpoint to the url. var endpoint = new Uri(url); // Creates credentials for the endpoint. var cache = new CredentialCache { { endpoint, "Basic", new NetworkCredential(userName, password) } }; // Creates a new request and sets credentials. var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(endpoint); request.Credentials = cache; // Specifies request. request.Method = "POST"; request.ContentType = "application/json"; request.Timeout = 5000; // Gets a streamObject to use to write request data. var dataStream = request.GetRequestStream(); // Sends the data. dataStream.Flush(); But nothing happens here either. I've use the same code for different GET requests or PUT requests (e.g. change name of device) and it works. I've also tried to just run the request URL directly into my browser, but nothing happens there either. Does someone know what I'm doing wrong?
  5. Hello, I've been trying to use the REST API to make my own application and in order for this to work I'm heavily dependant on the Serial Number which each Fibaro sensor has. The problem is that Fibaro doesn't seem to have any Fibaro Sensor which also measure the Humidity. So I have bought a Cleverio Humidity sensor ( https://www.kjell.com/no/produkter/smarte-hjem/smarte-hjem-losninger/cleverio-smarte-hjem/cleverio-z-wave-temperatursensor-p51112 ) but the problem is that in the REST Api it isn't provided a serial number under the "properties". I am also not able to edit these "properties" in the api. I then bought a Netatmo weather station, but the problem is the same here, no serial number. My question is, do anyone know of a Humidity sensor from Fibaro or a 3rd party humidity sensor which I can connect to my Home Center 2 which contains a serial number?
  6. Hello everybody, I have a HomeCenter 2 attachment. Unfortunately, I forgot my password and can not get on the box anymore. The password can not be reset because I seem to have disabled it. What else can I access in the home center to access? I want to perform your reset, because I'm afraid, then no longer activate various modules (such as the shutter modules). Can someone please give me a hint. Can not access the box with a master password or access via LAn. Thank you in advance. Best regards Peter
  7. Where is the road map of the features that Fibaro is intending to put into the software versions that run on the Home Center 2? It would be good to know what Fibaro is planning as I am finding there are a lot of glitches with support for Google Home devices and Amazon Echo devices in recognising what is a light. For example, Home knows that Hue lights are lights and will control those easily from the visual interface on the Home Hub but it won't recognise z-wave lights. This is very irritating. Also, what is the official level of support for the AutomationBridge by Skaro? I bought the Home Center 2 for its flexibility and integration but it needs a bit of a facelift and some rethinking of how it will operate in a world where people want to use voice and not have to go to an App as much. Anyway, it would be nice to know what the priorities are for the software updates and expected release timelines.
  8. Hello, I'm trying to modify a already define global variable using the REST API for the HC2. This is done from a ESP2866 (nodeMCU-isch) board. I can do a http.get towards the HC" and I get the correct JSON information. When I do http.put I seem not to be able to set the variable. My message headers contains a basic auth, and I have payload that looks like this {"value":"On"} The address looks like this According to the httpclient i'm using i seem to get return code 200 but no result and the variable is not changed. Using the hc2ip/docs link I can test this out with the correct payload and it works fine. However I'm logged in as an Admin then. Trying to change the user from my ESP2866 I just got that the HC" banned me for 30 min. So is there a problem using normal users when trying to modify a global variable ? Do I need to be admin ? Or is there something else I need to check ? Regards P
  9. Hi All, After purchasing a replacement HC2 (because I broke my old one!) I am unable to add ANY of my existing devices to it. I have factory reset it several times via Recovery, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas?
  10. I have some problem with my heating panel and i do not find the usage of "none" temp explained anywhere. I guess its better explained with a screenshot. See below.. My problem is that i have a temp sensor in my garage that is paired with a wall plug connected to a space heater in my garage. This i try to control via a heating panel. 01:00-05:00 the temp is set to 6c all the other times it is set to "none" At 01:00 the wall plug is switched on and starts heating when it reaches 6c the wall plug is switched off.. All good so far. Before 05:00 the wall plug was switched on again. The time passed 05:00 and the wallplug is still switched on and never switched off again until i noticed this at 10:30 and turned the wallplug off. The temp was then 10c. So.. My question is, what is "none" referring to? I thought it was "do not heat" during these times? Can't i use the heating panel in this way? And yes, i know that the temp sensor is too close to the heating source as you can see in the temp chart.. I will fix that when i got it to work correctly
  11. Hi, So, I've just bought the Home Center 2, and some sensors, and I'm now trying to set up my first scene. Basically, I'm trying to turn on the light if it's dark and motion, and turn it off after 60 seconds. But I run into a problem with 'too many instances', even after I've added some code to the LUA that I found here on the forum. I followed this guide perfectly. Here is my LUA: if fibaro:countScenes() > 1 then fibaro:abort(); end --[[ %% properties 7 value 5 value %% weather %% events %% globals --]] local startSource = fibaro:getSourceTrigger(); if ( ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(7, "value")) < 20 ) and ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(5, "value")) > 0 ) or startSource["type"] == "other" ) then fibaro:call(35, "turnOn"); setTimeout(function() fibaro:call(35, "turnOff"); end, 60000) end
  12. Hello, everybody, I have a problem with Home Center 2: I forgot user and password! How can I reevive a hard reset? I'm desperate!
  13. First of all apologies if this has been already asked but I did do some searching but was unable to locate. I am installing a Fibaro Home Center 2 into a friends house however his house is bigger than the Fibaro's range can a extender be purchased to capture all the devices and if so can any recommend which extender to use. Thanks in advance
  14. Hi, I need to know the specifications of the HC2 power supply, for example the current and voltage. Thanks
  15. Witam, Chciałbym przerobić sterownie ogrzewaniem w moim domu aby móc sterować zdalnie. Obecnie do kotła De Dietrich MCR2 używam termostat pokojowy Celcia 20. Jakiego sprzętu użyć firmy Fibaro i jak go podłączyć aby zachować wszystkie możliwości sterowania temperaturą w pomieszczeniu jak również grzaniem centralnej wody użytkowej? Wszelkiego rodzaju sugestie i schematy mile widziane. Dziękuję za pomoc, bs13
  16. I am new to the technology and have problems understanding when to use what option, when making a scene that includes the motion detector. The following options are avaiable: Add Magic scene Tripped Not tripped tripped more than X minutes Armed Disarmed Armed and tripped Add scene using graphic blocks Armed Disarmed Breached Breached and armed Breached and disarmed Safe Safe and armed Safe and disarmed Tamper tripped Tamper not tripped But when shall I use the different options and what is the difference between them? Feels like a stupid question, but hope you will still help. Thanks.
  17. Witajcie, mam pomieszczenie, w którym głowica jest trochę osłonięta (t.j. jest wpuszczona w szafkę częściowo w otwartą półkę - rezultat rozwiązania konstrukcyjnego). Na urządzeniu mam temp 22. Ustawiam harmonogram na 22-23 stopnie. Dodatkowo zainstalowałem w pomieszczeniu czujnik ruchu, który ma przede wszystkim robić za czujnik temperatury. Na nim mam <20 stopni. Jest on ustawiony jako czujnik temperatury dla pomieszczenia. Pomimo ustawienia harmonogramu na 22 stopnie i ustawienia czujnika jako punktu odniesienia dla temperatury, grzejnik chodzi na swoim nastawie 22 stopnie i pomieszczenie się nie dogrzewa. Jak to skonfigurować by osiągać w pomieszczeniu 22 stopnie?
  18. Hello all, I have an Amazon Echo Dot and I've enabled the Fibaro Smart Home Skill and Fibaro Custom Skill. I have a Home Center 2 set up. I've installed my first Fibaro RGBW Controller today with existing RGBW LED Strip and I was looking forward to controlling it with Alexa from my Echo Dot.. The issue I have is that I can turn on/off and dim/brighten the LED strip (it starts by default on white color) but I can't seem to get the advanced commands to work. For example, when I say "Alexa, ask Fibaro to activate Rainbow on LED Strip" (I've named the RGBW Controller as "LED Strip" on both HC2 and Alexa app), Alexa will tell me one of the following: - LED Strip is turned on (LEd strip was already turned on) - Wasn't able to turn on LED Strip (my LED strip is actually turned on during that time) -> I have tried the above with the LED strip off as well, same outcome - Having trouble communicating with the Fibaro Custom Skill (this is usually after I try the commands several times consecutively without any luck) My RGBW Controller was added perfectly to the Z Wave network and Alexa discovered it easily but I can only turn on/off or adjust brightness through Alexa. I would like to do the following: - specify which color I want through Alexa - ask to activate a program (Rainbow, etc.) Can anyone help? Thank you.
  19. Good evening, My Fibaro Home Center 2 keeps crashing. Tried a lot of things already, like recovery and putting back the backup. Recovery and completely reinstalling the setup (excluding and including all devices) helped for a month or two. Then coming home from a short vacation, the HC2 had crashed again. I notices that the Aeon Multisensors kept sending updates on humidity, lux, etc all the time. So I switched those updates off, only using the breached/safe status updates. Still the HC2 kept on crashing. Updating from 4.130 to 4.140 did not help. Then I did another recovery and putting back the last 1.40 backup. Now I monitored the CPU activity. Figure 1: Without any reason, the CPU starts to behave very erratic at 17:15. Figure 2: During that time no updates are recorded on the laptop. But somehow the HC2 survived and kept on going. Figure 3: Another spike at 19:10 Figure 4: But the HC2 keeps performing normally Figure 5: At 19.35, again this erratic CPU behaviour, but now the HC2 crashes while we were watching Netflix. So no activity/movement in the house. Can anybody explain what is going on? What is causing these strange CPU activities? Are these CPU activities linked to the crashing of the HC2? And what can be done to prevent the HC from crashing over and over again? I appreciate any comment. Setup: HC2 Aeon Multisensors 6 (5x, using adapters, not batteries) Fibaro Dimmer 2 ( 4x) Fibaro socket switch (1X)
  20. Good evening everybody, I am new to the Home Center 2. Before today I used a Raspi 3 with "Home Assistant" and I have quite a few z-wave devices, like the Fibaro Roller Shutter 2, Fibaro Motion Sensor and so on. Since the whole "Home Assistant" thing did not work out 100% with all z-wave devices (problems with Sensative Strips binary mode, Motion Sensor, z-wave USB stick crashes) and it is also pretty uncomfortable to configure, I decided to go the Fibaro Home Center 2 way. Since I am pretty impatient I ordered the Home Center 2 from Amazon prime-now same day and just got it delivered. After unpacking and connecting to the router I receive a "503 error - server unavailable". I rebooted everything and still the same. Things I tried: - empty caches, using different browsers and computers - recovery - even it should be on factory settings anyway - disconnect a couple of minutes from power - reboot Fritz!Box (using a 7590) I spent now 3 hours and I still have not seen any login screen. Very frustrating! Oh yes, the leds: the right 3 ones are on, the "update available" is blinking. Any ideas from someone beside sending it back to amazon? Regards, any help appreciated, Marc
  21. Hi, I have a strange issue with the Popp KFOB-C that I just got. (Here is the manual for the device, in case you are interested) I've set it up according to the information in this guide http://www.z-wave.info/include-popp-kfobwall-c-into-the-fibaro-homecenter/ and therefore I now have these parameters set (sorry for the Swedish language in the interface, but I am sure you can make out what is what :-)) Now, I really think that either one of these scenes should get me a printout in the interface: a) --[[ %% properties 522 sceneActivation %% events %% globals --]] fibaro:debug("Test"); b) --[[ %% properties 522 sceneActivation %% events 553 CentralSceneEvent %% globals --]] fibaro:debug("Test"); but I get nothing when I press the buttons. What am I missing???
  22. My YR weather data is way off. This is unfortunate as I have some anti-freezing scenes which did not trigger. Fibaro Center is displaying data from some other location, most definitely not mine. Weather data has been close enough to fool me a while but now it is off by 10 degrees. Accessing YR weather data through web has the correct weather information for my city. My exact location has been set for Fibaro correctly and this has been double - and triple checked. It matches in coordinates as well on map. Anyone have same kind of problems? What to do?? As a quick fix I would like to change the weather data provider to something else than YR Weather. How to do that? The appropriate menu only has one option; YR weather to choose from.
  23. An unusual request maybe, but: what are the possibilities to rack mount the HC2 in a 19" rack (purely for neatness and asthetics), and not just on a shelf, but using rackmount kits / ears?
  24. To everyone who currently has Fibaro HC 2 i just have a few questions: Are you happy with the product? What issues do you have with it? Do you get any lags or whereby scenes or devices do not respond to commands? We are currently building a new house and got a quote of 120K (in South African Rand, which in USD works out to around $12000) for the following products: Description Quantity FIBARO Relay Insert 2 * 1.5 KW 90 FIBARO Relay Insert 1 * 2.5 KW 31 FIBARO Motion Sensor 10 FIBARO Flood Sensor 2 FIBARO Smoke detector 3 iTach Flex WiFi 6 iTach Flex Link 6 Blaster Cable 6 FIBARO Door- and Window Sensor 10 FIBARO Z-Wave Home Center 2 1 Before spending that much I want some real reviews of the product and real life experiences. In my country (SA) there is very little support and nowhere I can go to view the products. Appreciate all feedback Thanks
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