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Found 5 results

  1. Hi Fibaro/Community, Before buying fibaro and 90+ devices to set up the house, I did some basic programming on the HC2. I liked the ability of making a small function library and using my functions in scenes and triggers. I am not a great programmer but the great help of the community and code snippets available make a central function library VERY useful to a novice like me and makes it easy to write a function once and then use it successfully later. However I ended up buying HC3 and here EVERYTHING is different. As many have written. For the great programmers this seems to be no problem, you guys are deep into QuickApps and OO classes and the loss of the HomeTable is not a problem for you, and the amazing EventRunner class in HC2 seems to have found a home in Quickapps - BUT - this is pretty hard for the novice like me to follow. It is like Fibaro has decided to provide a super complex API but no path to learn in steps for the novice. Like playing Donkey Kong without ramps up. Fibaro if you are listening : What is the way for a novice to make a function library with simple small functions to reuse in scenes? Like a small function to turn on a given ID of a light, then turn it off 60 seconds later. Trivial I know, but why copy this 100 times in each scene when a function would do? Fibaro, also, how to create a table of all the IDs of my motion sensors and a column with light IDs to turn on, and the time delay until turn off? The hometable concept in HC2 could have done that. But in HC3? I know it is super advanced somewhere up there but for basic programmers like me who have googled and read the forums and only found the super stuff like Quickapps, what do we do? It seems to me there are only 20 people in the world who understand HC3. Like Quantum Mechanics. You need please to help the people below that..
  2. QA for creating HomeTable in global variables in HC3. Why using hometable? Instalation: 1. upload this QA 2. In QA variables you can change name for hometable, name for scenes and time for regular update of hometable 3. In QA -> source files -> ManualData you can add your own data (it will be also saved in final hometable in global variables) How to read data from hometable: -- in case that your name for hometable is default=HomeTable local tbl = fibaro.getGlobalVariable("HomeTable") local HT = json.decode(tbl) -- structure for devices is <room>.<deviceName> local idQA_TV=HT.LivingRoom.TV -- structure for scenes is <ScenesName>.<sceneName> -- default value for <ScenesName> is Scenes local idSc_Lights=HT.Scenes.Lights -- structure for your own inputs from ManualData local myValue1=HT.myData1.myNameValue1 -- 0 local myValue2=HT.myData1.myNameValue2 -- "default value" Names for rooms, devices and scenes are corrected by following replaces: {["%."]="",["-"]="",["%("]="",["%)"]="",["&"]="",[":"]="",["%["]="",["%]"]="",["%+"]="",["%%"]="",["%/"]="",["%$"]=""} {["Á"]="A",["Ä"]="A",["Ą"]="A",["À"]="A",["Â"]="A",["Č"]="C",["Ć"]="C",["Ç"]="C",["Ď"]="D",["É"]="E",["Ě"]="E",["Ë"]="E",["Ę"]="E",["È"]="E",["Ê"]="E",["Í"]="I",["Ï"]="I",["Î"]="I",["Ĺ"]="L",["Ľ"]="L",["Ł"]="L",["Ň"]="N",["Ń"]="N",["Ó"]="O",["Ô"]="O",["Ö"]="O",["Ő"]="O",["Œ"]="O",["Ŕ"]="R",["Ř"]="R", ["Š"]="S",["Ś"]="S",["Ť"]="T",["Ú"]="U",["Ů"]="U",["Ü"]="U",["Ű"]="U",["Ù"]="U",["Û"]="U",["Ý"]="Y",["Ÿ"]="Y",["Ž"]="Z",["Ż"]="Z",["Ź"]="Z",["á"]="a",["ä"]="a",["ą"]="a",["à"]="a",["â"]="a",["č"]="c",["ć"]="c",["ç"]="c",["ď"]="d",["é"]="e",["ě"]="e",["ë"]="e",["ę"]="e",["è"]="e",["ê"]="e",["í"]="i",["ï"]="i",["î"]="i",["ĺ"]="l",["ľ"]="l",["ł"]="l",["ň"]="n",["ń"]="n",["ó"]="o",["ö"]="o",["ô"]="o",["ő"]="o",["œ"]="o",["ř"]="r",["ŕ"]="r",["š"]="s",["ś"]="s",["ť"]="t",["ú"]="u",["ů"]="u",["ü"]="u",["ű"]="u",["ù"]="u",["û"]="u",["ý"]="y",["ÿ"]="y",["ž"]="z",["ż"]="z",["ź"]="z"} Hometable in global variables will be overwrite only if newly generated hometable will be different. Version of QA HomeTable: 0.12 - 21.1.2021 HomeTable.fqa
  3. Hi, This tutorial is based on an idea that i believe originated to @cag014 some time back and has been adopted by many. So well deserved kudos to @cag014 and others that helped originate and develop the concept. I am merely a scribe that has benefited from this and wanted to share the process I used. Special thanks to @ReneNL who provided the part of the scene that searches through you HC and parses/formats the table before saving. I decided to write a quick tutorial for two reasons... I implemented this over christmas and and found it very useful and much easier than I thought It would appear that we have some new forum members that got HC2 devices from Santa The core of this approach is to store all the reference ID's to your devices, virtual devices, scenes, etc in a json encoded table. The references like jT.kitchen.light are used in the scene or vd and device ID can easily be changed in the table. One important benefit is that it you need to exclude/include a device the device ID will change. With this approach you simple change the reference in the Home table and your done. Without this approach you wll need to go through your code and change the device ID where appropriate. ** This doesn't get over the need to enter ID as triggers in the scene headers as fibaro doesn't allow variable in the header ** The solution has two parts to it. The home table itself where the data is stored. - this is held in a predefined variable (lower part of variables panel) The references in your scenes and virtual devices use this table HOME TABLE This can be created and maintained through either a scene or a virtual device. Edit: I use a scene with %% autostart. This allows the table to be reloaded after a HC2 restart in addition to saving the scene. (thanks @Sankotronic ) Go to Panel, Variables Panel and create a new predefined variable (lower part of panel) called HomeTable. When you create a predefined variable it has two values. Name the variable and save. Edit the variable and simply delete the second value. When working with the variables panel please DON'T use the save button on the right side. It can corrupt other variables. Using either a scene or a vd create your table with your data and store it. This is lua from the scene. The top part shows the format of the table. I opted to place each element I am looking to store into rooms and/or other natural groupings but you can choose any way to structure. I'll attached a copy of my full table at the end of this to show what I use it for. The next part encodes and stores the data The last part is where I read back one entry to show the table stored okay. --[[ %% autostart %% properties %% events %% globals --]] local debug = true --set to false to stop debug messages -- HOME TABLE FOR ANYTHING IN ADDITION TO DEVICES, VDs, iOS DEVICES -- EDIT TO YOUR NEEDS OR KEEP BLANK: jsonHome = {} jsonHome = { scene = { MainScene=614,AlarmControl=598,rebootHC2=593,goodMorning=463,goodNight=331,LeavingHome=483,welcomeHome=488,quietMorning=499,kidsToBed=490,plaroomTvOn=580,firstFloorMusicOn=579,firstFloorAllOff=578, hallSceneControl=519,StairsLight30=556,GateOpen5=526,GateOpenHold=361,GateOpenClose=425,DumpEventLog=565,PlayroomOff=617 }, users = { admin=2,frank=1564,sylvia=1565 }, } -- NO USER EDITS NEEDED BELOW local function log(str) if debug then fibaro:debug(str); end; end devices=fibaro:getDevicesId({visible = true, enabled = true}) -- get list of all visible and enabled devices log("Fill hometable with "..#devices.." devices") -- FILL THE HOMETABLE WITH ALL VDs, DEVICES AND iOS DEVICES for k,i in ipairs(devices) do deviceName=string.gsub(fibaro:getName(i), "%s+", "") -- eliminate spaces in devicename -- Uncomment this to eliminate all non-alphanumeric characters in devicename -- deviceName=string.gsub(fibaro:getName(i), "%W", "") if fibaro:getType(i) == "virtual_device" then -- Add VDs to Hometable if jsonHome.VD == nil then -- Add VD to the table jsonHome.VD = {} end jsonHome.VD[deviceName]=i log("i="..i..", type="..fibaro:getType(i)..", device="..deviceName) elseif fibaro:getType(i) == "iOS_device" then -- Add iOS devices to Hometable if jsonHome.iOS == nil then -- Add iOS devices to the table jsonHome.iOS = {} end jsonHome.iOS[deviceName]=i log("i="..i..", type="..fibaro:getType(i)..", device="..deviceName) else -- Add all other devices to the table roomID = fibaro:getRoomID(i) if roomID == 0 then roomname = "Unallocated" else roomname=string.gsub(fibaro:getRoomName(roomID), "%s+", "") -- eliminate spaces in roomname -- Uncomment this to eliminate all non-alphanumeric characters in roomname -- roomname=string.gsub(fibaro:getRoomName(roomID), "%W", "") end if jsonHome[roomname] == nil then -- Add room to the table jsonHome[roomname] = {} end jsonHome[roomname][deviceName]=i log("i="..i..", type="..fibaro:getType(i)..", device="..deviceName..", room="..roomname) end end jHomeTable = json.encode(jsonHome) -- ENCODES THE DATA IN JSON FORMAT BEFORE STORING fibaro:setGlobal("HomeTable", jHomeTable) -- THIS STORES THE DATA IN THE VARIABLE log("global jTable created:") -- STANDARD DEBUG LINE TO DISPLAY A MESSAGE log(jHomeTable) When I run the scene, it reads back the ID (1548) stored for Motion under the kitchen grouping. This allows me to verify that the table saved correctly. I would recommend using an external editor like Notepad++ or Zerobrane to edit/manage the code in the vd and then copy back to the vd when ready to update as the HC2 lua editor is very small @ReneNL has rewritten the scene so it eliminates the need for both the py script and manually create the data yourself. When you run the scene it'll dump out the table but can be difficult to read. To make it easier to see the table and the structure copy the lower part of the debug window Head over to http://jsonprettyprint.com/ and paste the data into the windows and it presents the json in a more readable format. REFERENCING THE TABLE CONTENTS IN YOUR SCENES AND VIRTUAL DEVICES For this you need to place the following line of code in each scene or vd local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) and then use references instead of device ID's in the scene code. The easiest way to explain this is with an example. This scene switches on a light in my kitchen if it is dark, motion is detected and no light is on already --[[ %% properties 1548 value %% events %% global --]] local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) -- KITCHEN AUTOLIGHTS if (tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("Darkness")) == 1 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.kitchen.Motion, "value")) > 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.kitchen.Spotlights, "value")) == 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.kitchen.Pendant, "value")) == 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.kitchen.Table, "value")) == 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.sunroom.Light, "value")) == 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.sunroom.Lamp, "value")) == 0 ) then fibaro:call(jT.kitchen.Pendant, "setValue", "40") UpdateEventLog("kitchen lights auto on") end It's easy enough to see how the references are built up if you examine the scene v the table n the pre-defined variableat the top of this post I also like to read back a entry in the table to make sure it saved correctly and use the following code -- I then like to read back a entry from the table to show that the table didnt get corrupt in the process. local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) -- REFERENCE TO DECODE TABLE log(jT.scene.MainScene) -- DISPLAY ONE VARIALE You will need to change the last line jT.scene.MainScene to jT.section.entry where 'section' and 'entry' exist in your HomeTable Slight addition for folks from the international community (special chars in the names or labels) thanks @FredrikKarlsson Therefore, your scene "Start på morgonen" will be encoded as ""Startpåmorgonen" in the table. You will need to use square brackets log(jT.VD.["Startpåmorgonen"]) jt["Köket"]["Läckagediskmaskinen"] AMENDING A SINGLE PARAMETER IN THE TABLE This can be useful if you don't want to adjust one value in the table -- NEW PARAMETER VALUE jT.kitchen.Motion=2000 -- TO SAVE THE CHANGE jSonosTable = json.encode(jT) fibaro:setGlobal("SonosTable", jSonosTable) fibaro:debug("global jTable created") Hopefully this will help some users If you have any suggestions as to how to improve this please let me know and I'll edit @AutoFrank & @ReneNL Copy of my table to show what I use it for Sample HomeTable.json
  4. hi, This tutorial is based on an idea that i believe originated to @cag014 some time back and has been adopted by many. So well deserved kudos to @cag014 and others that helped originate and develop the concept. I am merely a scribe that has benefited from this. I decided to write a quick tutorial for two reasons... I implemented this over christmas and and found it very useful and much easier than I thought It would appear that we have some new forum members that got HC2 devices from Santa The core of this approach is to store all the reference ID's to your devices, virtual devices, scenes, etc in a json encoded table. The references like jT.kitchen.light are used in the scene or vd and device ID can easily be changed in the table. One important benefit is that it you need to exclude/include a device the device ID will change. With this approach you simple change the reference in the Home table and your done. Without this approach you wll need to go through your code and change the device ID where appropriate. ** This doesn't get over the need to enter ID as triggers in the scene headers as fibaro doesn't allow variable in the header ** The solution has two parts to it. The home table itself where the data is stored. - this is held in a predefined variable (lower part of variables panel) The references in your scenes and virtual devices use this table HOME TABLE This can be created and maintained through either a scene or a virtual device. I chose a VD but there is no advantage I can thing of using one way or the other. Go to Panel, Variables Panel and create a new predefined variable (lower part of panel) called HomeTable. When you create a predefined variable it has two values. Name the variable and save. Edit the variable and simply delete the second value. Using either a scene or a vd create your table and store it. This is lua from my VD. I create one button and enter the code below. The top part shows the format of the table. I opted to place each element I am looking to store into rooms and/or other natural groupings but you can choose any way to structure. I'll attached a copy of my full table at the end of this to show what I use it for. The next part encodes and stores the data The last part is where I read back one entry to show the table stored okay. -- HOME TABLE FOR ALL DEVICES, SCENES ETC. jsonHome = { hall = { Lights=88,Lamp=1421,Temp=1,Motion=1,Humidity=1,Lux=1,ZRC90=1447,SmallBathLight=147,SmallBathMotion=1, SmallBathTemp=1,SmallBathLux=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, kitchen = { Pendant=176,Table=174,Spotlights=90,Temp=1549,Motion=1548,Humidity=1551,Lux=1550,UV=1552,XmasLight=1531, WineFridgeTemp=1,Dishwasher=1,rcTV=1490,rcSonos=1561,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, } jHomeTable = json.encode(jsonHome) -- ENCODES THE DATA IN JSON FORMAT BEFORE STORING fibaro:setGlobal("HomeTable", jHomeTable) -- THIS STORES THE DATA IN THE VARIABLE fibaro:debug("global jTable created") -- STANDARD DEBUG LINE TO DISPLAY A MESSAGE -- I then like to read back a entry from the table to show that the table didnt get corrupt in the process. local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) -- REFERENCE TO DECODE TABLE fibaro:debug(jT.kitchen.Motion) -- DISPLAY ONE VARIALE the output of this when I click the button (or run the scene is as follows) It is reading back the ID (1548) stored for Motion under the kitchen grouping I would recommend using an external editor like Notepad++ or Zerobrane to edit/manage the code in the vd and then copy back to the vd when ready to update as the HC2 lua editor is very small At this stage you now have your table REFERENCING THE TABLE CONTENTS IN YOUR SCENES AND VIRTUAL DEVICES For this you need to place the following line of code in each scene or vd local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) and then use references instead of device ID's in the scene code. The easiest way to explain this is with an example. This scene switches on a light in my kitchen if it is dark, motion is detected and no light is on already --[[ %% properties 1548 value %% events %% global --]] local jT = json.decode(fibaro:getGlobalValue("HomeTable")) -- KITCHEN AUTOLIGHTS if (tonumber(fibaro:getGlobalValue("Darkness")) == 1 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.kitchen.Motion, "value")) > 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.kitchen.Spotlights, "value")) == 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.kitchen.Pendant, "value")) == 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.kitchen.Table, "value")) == 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.sunroom.Light, "value")) == 0 ) and (tonumber(fibaro:getValue(jT.sunroom.Lamp, "value")) == 0 ) then fibaro:call(jT.kitchen.Pendant, "setValue", "40") UpdateEventLog("kitchen lights auto on") end It's easy enough to see how the references are built up if you examine the scene v the table at the top of this post and that it !! Addition: If you need to adjust a single parameter in the table you can use the following. This can be useful if you don't want to adjust one value and then copy the whole table back into the vd and update or more useful if you want to adjust the value in the fly in a script. -- NEW PARAMETER VALUE jT.kitchen.Motion=2000 -- TO SAVE THE CHANGE jSonosTable = json.encode(jT) fibaro:setGlobal("SonosTable", jSonosTable) fibaro:debug("global jTable created") Hopefully this will help some users If you have any suggestions as to how to improve this please let me know and I'll edit -frank ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Copy of my table to show how flexible this approach can be jsonHome = { system = { Sunset_SunRise=1560,houseStatus=1507,alarmStatus=881,HouseTemps=1236,sonosSummary=1407,sonosTTS=1452, sonosSequences=1536,TVSequences=1545,lightingSequences=1534,powerConsump=1484,specialHouseMode=1538 }, hall = { Lights=88,Lamp=1421,Temp=1,Motion=1,Humidity=1,Lux=1,ZRC90=1447,SmallBathLight=147,SmallBathMotion=1, SmallBathTemp=1,SmallBathLux=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, playroom = { Light=84,TVLight=1438,XmasLight=1518,Motion=1595,Temp=1596,rcPlayroomTV=1487,rcSonos=1574,Lux=1597,Humidity=1598,UV=1598,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, living_room = { Light=231,libraryLight=164,libraryTopSocket=166,Temp=1584,Lamp=1423,Lux=1585,Motion=1583,Humidity=1,UV=1,TVLight=1499,XmasLight=1513,rcSonos=1,rcLivingRoomTV=1506,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, utility_room = { Light=141,Temp=1194,Motion=1270,Humidity=1,Lux=1,UV=1,FreezerTemp=1,Washer=1,Dryer=1 }, equipment_rack = { RackSummary=1453,Rack1Temp=1192,Rack2Temp=1193,fanUpper1=1432,fanLower2=1434,powerAmpLower=1269, powerAmpUpper=1267,heatingFlowTemp=1199,rcSatBox=1491,SatBoxPresets=1492,rcHdmiMatrix=1489,rcAppleTV=1539, rcAppleTvSystem=1540,rcBluRay=1544,rcDroidBox=1541,networkMonitor=1493,avDeviceMonitor=1494,haDeviceMonitor=1495,hc2Resources=1391 }, kitchen = { Pendant=176,Table=174,Spotlights=90,Temp=1549,Motion=1548,Humidity=1551,Lux=1550,UV=1552,XmasLight=1531, WineFridgeTemp=1,Dishwasher=1,rcTV=1490,rcSonos=1561,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, sunroom = { Light=172,Lamp=6,projectionScreenPower=1509,rcProjector=1542,rcProjectorScreen=1543 }, dining_room = { Light=25,Lamp=1,Motion=1,Temp=1202,Lux=1,Humidity=1,rcSonos=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, pizza_bbq_area = { CenterLights=253,Spotlight=710,Lanterns=712,HeaterSwitch=255,LEDLights=238,Motion=705,Heaters=250,Temp=1,Lux=1, Humidity=1,rcSonos=1,PizzaBbqCam=761,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, garage = { Light=895,BenchLight=1,DoorOpener=80,DoorStatus=778,Temp=1578,Humidity=1590,Lux=1589,Motion=1587,UV=1591, GarageControl=1559,rcSonos=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, driveway = { porchLight=68,pillarLights=145,Spotlight=893,Motion=1429,GateTemp=958,GateOpener=94,GateStatus=956,GateControl=1537,DrivewayCam=1556,FrontDoorCam=1557 }, back_garden = { patioLight=64,utilityLight=76,sidePatioLights=60,boundaryLights=62,Spotlight=58,Motion=1427,Humidity=218,Lux=217,Temp=958,XmasLight=1523,BackGardenCam=1558 }, hotpress = { Light=143,DoorStatus=888,Temp=890 }, bathroom = { Light=162,MirrorLight=1468,MirrorDemist=1470,Temp=1170,Humidity=1,Motion=1 }, guest_bedroom = { Light=31,Lamp=718,Temp=1588,Motion=1587,Lux=1589,Humidity=1590,UV=1591,BathLight=1,BathTemp=1,BathMotion=1,BathHumidity=1,BathFan=1,BathMirrorLight=1460,BathMirrorDemist=1462,rcSonos=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, master_bedroom = { Light=56,LampDad=29,LampMum=1,Temp=1,Motion=1247,Lux=1, Humidity=1,BathLight=1,BathTemp=871,BathMotion=870,BathHumidity=1,BathLux=872,BathFan=1,BathMirrorLight=1464,BathMirrorDemist=1466,rcSonos=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, lau_eth_bedroom = { Light=52,Temp=1185,Motion=1253,Lamp=1440,rcSonos=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, frank_bedroom = { Light=54,Temp=1200,Motion=1255,Lamp=1450,rcSonos=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, office = { Light=33,Temp=1186,Motion=1251,Lamp=720,rcSonos=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, Landing_Stairs = { stairsLight=92,landingLight=168,rcSonos=1,TTS_message="",TTS_volume=10,RadFav=3,IsPlaying=1,nowPlaying="",vol=1,clip="" }, scene = { MainScene=614,AlarmControl=598,rebootHC2=593,goodMorning=463,goodNight=331,LeavingHome=483,welcomeHome=488,quietMorning=499,kidsToBed=490,plaroomTvOn=580,firstFloorMusicOn=579,firstFloorAllOff=578, hallSceneControl=519,StairsLight30=556,GateOpen5=526,GateOpenHold=361,GateOpenClose=425,DumpEventLog=565,PlayroomOff=617 }, vd = { AlarmManagement=881,TVPresets=1545,SonosTTS=1452,LightPresets=1534,HouseModeExt=1538,SonosPresets=1536,RackTempMngt=1453,MediaSourcePresets=1567,JhomeTable=1566,GateControl=1537,GarageControl=1559 }, users = { admin=2,frank=1564,sylvia=1565 }, ios = { frankS6=993,sylviaS7=1526,frankipad=1532,sylviaipad=1533 }, IsOnline = { GlobalCache=1,SatBox=1,AppleTV=1,AndroidBox=1,TVPlayroom=1,TVKitchen=1,TVLiving=1,Projector=1,HC2=1,SynNAS=1,AlarmGateway=1,AlarmPanel=1,SonosAPI=1,DrivewayCam=1,GardenCam=1,FrontDoorCam=1,PizzaBBQCam=1,Internet=1,USG=1,HouseAP=1,GarageAP=1 }, }
  5. Hi, I have implemented @cag014 HomeTable to track the device ID's of my HC2 the table structure is like this office = { Light=33,Temp=1186,Motion=1251,Lamp=720,rcSonos=1 }, Landing_Stairs = { stairsLight=92,landingLight=168,rcSonos=1 }, scene = { MainScene=614,AlarmControl=598,rebootHC2=593,goodMorning=463,goodNight=331,LeavingHome=483,welcomeHome=488,quietMorning=499,kidsToBed=490,plaroomTvOn=580,firstFloorMusicOn=579,firstFloorAllOff=578, hallSceneControl=519,StairsLight30=556,GateOpen5=526,GateOpenHold=361,GateOpenClose=425,DumpEventLog=565,PlayroomOff=617 }, vd = { AlarmManagement=881,TVPresets=1545,SonosTTS=1452,LightPresets=1534,HouseModeExt=1538,SonosPresets=1536,RackTempMngt=1453,MediaSourcePresets=1567,JhomeTable=1566,GateControl=1537,GarageControl=1559 }, I can update the whole table but was wondering if it was possible to update a specific vale such as "scene.AlarmControl" in the example I posted above. Any helpful code snippets gratefully accepted thanks -f
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