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  1. Version 1.14


    It's a "simple" QA that relies on the QuickAppChildren to realise the Hue devices. This means that the user interfaces are limited to what are supported by the child app classes. Supported Hue device classes: ZLLSwitch. Hue switch with 4 buttons. Creates centralSceneEvents similar to a Fibaro keyFob (com.fibaro.remoteController) The interpretation is keyId = hueKeyValue // 1000 keyAttribute = ({"Pressed","HeldDown","Released","Released"})[hueKeyValue % 1000 +1] It also supports setValue('value',value) to simulate a key press. ZLLTemperature. Hue temperature sensor. Behaves like a standard fibaro.com.temperatureSensor. ZLLLightLevel. Hue light sensor. Behaves like a standard fibaro.com.lightSensor. The device quickAppVariables 'daylight' and 'dark' is updated with resp. Hue attribute. ZLLPresence Hue presence sensor. Behaves like a standard fibaro.com.motionSensor. Extended color light Hue RGB light. Behaves like a fibaro.com.philipsHueLight. supports: fibaro.call(<id>,"turnOn") fibaro.call(<id>,"turnOff") fibaro.call(<id>,"toggle") fibaro.call(<id>,"setValue",value) -- dim value 0..100 If the value is a table the value is sent directly to the Hue light as a Hue property table. Ex. fibaro.call(<id>,"setValue",{effect='colorloop',bri=50}) fibaro.call(<id>,"setValue",{startup={customsettings={xy={0.73500005089041,0.26499994910959}}}}) fibaro.call(<id>,"setColor",red, green,blue). -- color 0..255 fibaro.call(<id>,"changeBrightness") -- brightness 0..255 fibaro.call(<id>,"changeHue") -- 0..65535 fibaro.call(<id>,"changeSaturation") -- 0..255 fibaro.call(<id>,"startLevelIncrease") fibaro.call(<id>,"startLevelDecrease") fibaro.call(<id>,"stopLevelChange") fibaro.call(<id>,"toggleDim",<boolean>) -- Toggle dim direction. true with 'stop' The device quickAppVariable 'state' is updated with the Hue state Dimmable light Hue dimmable white light. Behaves like a fibaro.com.multilevelSwitch. supports: fibaro.call(<id>,"turnOn") fibaro.call(<id>,"turnOff") fibaro.call(<id>,"toggle") fibaro.call(<id>,"setValue",value) --- dim value 0..100 If the value is a table the value is sent directly to the Hue light as a Hue property table. fibaro.call(<id>,"changeBrightness") -- brightness 0..255 fibaro.call(<id>,"startLevelIncrease") fibaro.call(<id>,"startLevelDecrease") fibaro.call(<id>,"stopLevelChange") fibaro.call(<id>,"toggleDim",<boolean>) -- Toggle dim direction. true with 'stop' The device quickAppVariable 'state' is updated with the Hue state Color temperature light Mapped as a Dimmable light Color light Hue color light. Behaves like a fibaro.com.colorController. supports: fibaro.call(<id>,"turnOn") fibaro.call(<id>,"turnOff") fibaro.call(<id>,"toggle") fibaro.call(<id>,"setValue",value) --- dim value 0..100 If the value is a table the value is sent directly to the Hue light as a Hue property table. fibaro.call(<id>,"setColor",red, green,blue). -- color 0..255 fibaro.call(<id>,"changeBrightness") -- brightness 0..255 fibaro.call(<id>,"startLevelIncrease") fibaro.call(<id>,"startLevelDecrease") fibaro.call(<id>,"stopLevelChange") The device quickAppVariable 'state' is updated with the Hue state fibaro.call(<id>,"toggleDim",<boolean>) -- Toggle dim direction. true with 'stop' Room Hue light group. Behaves like a fibaro.com.multilevelSwitch. fibaro.call(<id>,"turnOn") fibaro.call(<id>,"turnOff") fibaro.call(<id>,"toggle") fibaro.call(<id>,"setValue",value) --- dim value 0..100 If the value is a table the value is sent directly to the Hue group as a Hue property table. fibaro.call(<id>,"changeBrightness") -- brightness 0..255 fibaro.call(<id>,"startLevelIncrease") fibaro.call(<id>,"startLevelDecrease") fibaro.call(<id>,"stopLevelChange") fibaro.call(<id>,"setScene",<Hue scene ID or scene name>) fibaro.call(<id>,"toggleDim",<boolean>) -- Toggle dim direction. true with 'stop' Hue CLIPS devices CLIPPresence => com.fibaro.motionSensor class='ZLLPresence' CLIPTemperature. => com.fibaro.temperatureSensor class='ZLLTemperature' CLIPPressure => com.fibaro.binarySwitch class='BinarySwitch' CLIPHumidity => com.fibaro.humiditySensor. class='Humidity' CLIPOpenClose. => com.fibaro.binarySensor. class='BinarySensor' The startLevelIncrease, startLevelDecrease, and stopLevelChange makes it possible to bind a remote controller that support centralSceneEvent to dim when a button is held down and stop dimming when the button is released. The lights store their Hue values in a quickAppVariable 'state'. This can be retrieved like below and ex. used to set default startup values for Hue lights... local function getVar(id,name) local vars = api.get("/devices/"..id).properties.quickAppVariables or {} for _,v in ipairs(vars) do if v.name==name then return v.value end end end function QuickApp:main() state = getVar(1435,"state") -- retrieve current color fibaro.call(1435,{startup={customsettings={xy=state.xy}}) -- set as default startup end
  2. I have started to use this QA instead of my old ChildrenOfHue QA. My Hue integration philosophy is I use the Hue hub as the main controller as I prefer the Hue app to set&control lights + that I have other Hue integrations, like nodered. Letting the HC3 be the zigbee controller and taking over the devices is not an option for me. YahueV2.fqa v0.54 (upgradable to v0.55) So, this QA imports some of the Hue resources from the Hue hub and creates QA child devices to represent them. It supports Hue devices/resources such as door/window contact sensor Implemented as a com.fibaro.doorSensor motion sensor Implemented as a com.fibaro.motionSensor temperature sensor Implemented as a com.fibaro.temperatureSensor lux sensor Implemented as a com.fibaro.lightSensor rotary sensor Implemented as a com.fibaro.multilevelSensor. Sets the value of the sensor 0-100 when rotary is turned. args={div=4} will divide reported steps with 4 - gives a smoother turning. button dimmer/switch remote Implemented as a com.fibaro.remoteControll Sends centralSceneEvents, "Pressed","HeldDown","Released". Experimental support for double-clicks... plug Implemented as com.fibaro.binarySwitch room & zone Implemented as com.fibaro.multilevelSwitch turnOff turns on light group associated to room/zone turnOn recalls scene for light group if quickVar 'scene' is set to scene name. Otherwise, the light group is just turned on setValue sets the dimming level of the associated light group At the moment, if any light is off-line the QA will set the dead property. This way scripts can react if lights are powered off/on. It may become a configurable option... Support for leveChange commands. startLevelIncrease,startLevelDecrease,and stopLevelChange. args={dimdelay=10000} sets dim cycle (0-100%) to 10s. Some of the Hue controllers will be realised as several QAs. Ex. the 'Hue tap dial switch' is realised both as a button/remote control and a rotary sensor QA. The 'Hue motion sensor' is a temperature, motion, and lux sensor and can create 3 QAs. It even works with the Hue secure camera providing motion and lux sensor. It does not support lights directly, but it supports rooms and zones. (to represent lights using the HC3 UI and rgb/xy issues, makes it too cumbersome, and scenes/zones gives the control I need) Rooms and zones are represented as a multilevelSwitch, providing turnOn,turnOff, and set brightness/dimming turnOn/turnOff operates on the light group associated with the room/zone. If the room/zone's QA has the quickAppVariable 'scene' set to a scene associated with the room/zone the scene will be recalled when doing a turnOn. If you need the to apply different scenes, update the scene variable for the room/zone QA, before turning on. To configure what child devices to create, go into the QA file "Map" and set enabled=true for the QAs/devices to create. If you do any changes in the Hue hub, just restart the QA, the 'Map' will be updated. ...and it uses the Hue v2 api that should be more efficient as it streams the events and no need to periodically poll the hub. If you have more than one hub, install additional Yahue QAs... Setting the quickAppVariable 'update' to 'yes' will download the latest version from my GitHub while preserving configuration. Examples: Turn on a room/zone at 30min past sunset, and turn it off 60min before sunrise. (zoon/room has deviceID 1128). Set 'scene' quickVar if you want the zone/room to turnOn with a specific scene. Conditions triggers: { conditions = { { isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "sunset", type = "date", value = 30 }, { isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "sunset", type = "date", value = 360 }, { isTrigger = true, operator = "==", property = "sunrise", type = "date", value = -60 } }, operator = "any" } Actions: local time = sourceTrigger.property..":"..(sourceTrigger.value or "") local zone = 1128 if time=='sunset:30' then fibaro.call(zone,"setVariable","scene","earlyScene") -- First scene 30min after sunset fibaro.call(zone,"turnOn") elseif time=='sunset:360' then fibaro.call(zone,"setVariable","scene","lateScene") -- Second scene 3hours after sunset fibaro.call(zone,"turnOn") elseif time=='sunrise:-60' then fibaro.call(zone,"turnOff") -- Turn off in the morning end Another example. A Hue tap switch (deviceID 1596) with 4 buttons controlling 3 scenes for a zone (deviceId 1587) (+ turnOff) Conditions/triggers: { conditions = { { id = 1596, isTrigger = true, operator = "anyValue", property = "centralSceneEvent", type = "device" } }, operator = "all" } Actions: local zone = 1587 if not sourceTrigger.property == 'centralSceneEvent' then return end local key = sourceTrigger.value.keyAttribute..":"..sourceTrigger.value.keyId if key == "Released:1" then fibaro.call(zone,"setVariable","scene","Red") fibaro.call(zone,"turnOn") elseif key == "Released:2" then fibaro.call(zone,"setVariable","scene","Blue") fibaro.call(zone,"turnOn") elseif key == "Released:3" then fibaro.call(zone,"setVariable","scene","Green") fibaro.call(zone,"turnOn") elseif key == "Released:4" then fibaro.call(zone,"turnOff") end There was a bug for remotes/buttons so update to v0.53 and recreate the remote/button devices (delete them)
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