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  1. Version 3.1


    Philips HUE AIO VD v3.1 (standalone version) With Philips HUE preview VD v1.1 - brings easier setup and support for multiple Philips HUE bridges INTRODUCTION Philips HUE lighting brings colorful way of lighting experience. More about this lights you can find here https://www2.meethue.com/en-us Philips HUE AIO VD is All In One solution for HC2 owners to control Philips HUE lighting with support for all types of HUE lamps made by Philips and some other manufacturers. PREREQUISITES Fibaro Home Center 2 with firmware 4.120 or greater (tested up to 4.540) Philips HUE bridge V1 (round) with firmware up to 01041302 (released 05 February 2018) or Philips HUE bridge V2 (square) with firmware up to 1901181309 (released 07 February 2019) FEATURES Consists of two VD's: Philips HUE Preview VD which connects to Philips HUE bridge and downloads information of all lights and groups of lights and greatly simplifies installation of Philips HUE AIO VD that controls individual HUE bulbs or group of bulbs. Also added unreachable icon for Philips HUE bridge v1. Philips HUE Preview VD has button for generating authorization username and for easy connection to Philips HUE bridge Support for multiple HUE bridges and most of the Philips HUE bulbs including bulbs from other manufacturers that can be connected to HUE bridge. HUE AIO VD recognizes different types of bulbs like multicolor, white ambience and dimmable and enables proper controls Can control brightness, hue, saturation, color temperature and transition speed that can be set from instant to 10 seconds duration Buttons to activate colorloop efect and Alerts Multilanguage support with 27 languages included. VD's can use HC2 selected language or user can select any other available language. VD will be automatically translated to the selected language (visible after refreshing page on browser or refreshing network data on Fibaro mobile application) Easy setup for VD icons that will also setup icons for all buttons and sliders of the VD. (on UHASTM compatible version is even more easier to setup VD icons with Icon Preview VD) On HUE AIO VD user can setup separated on and off button or have on/off toggle button Self adding of global variables needed and global variable data integrity checking Automatic repair of global variables without user intervention New approach to programming other code to control this VD enables future upgrades without needing to change that code. (See more about that in User Manual provided) INSTALLATION Please check provided User Manual where all steps are explained in detail and this video made by @MarcoTorino71: PACKAGE CONTENT Philips HUE Preview VD v1.1 standalone Philips HUE AIO VD v3.1 standalone Icon pack Philips HUE E27 bulb indoor Icon pack Philips HUE E27 bulb outdoor Icon pack Philips HUE GU10 bulb indoor Icon pack Philips HUE GU10 bulb outdoor Icon pack Philips HUE LED strip indoor User Manual v1.1 EN CREDITS Many thanks to BodyArt, gucio1234 and many other Fibaro forum users for help with testing, translations and user manual. TERMS AND CONDITIONS Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, personal use and non-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement is hereby granted, provided that the copyright notice, with "Terms and conditions" and "Disclaimer" appear in all copies, modifications and distributions. It is strictly forbidden to sell, rent, lease and/or lend this software for profit without prior consent from the Author. DISCLAIMER This software is provided by copyright owner "as is" and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the author and distributor be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage. Fibar Group S.A. and their employees are not responsible for support of the Philips HUE AIO VD. Please contact the author Sankotronic, on the Fibaro Forum, for any questions or support required. LEGAL NOTICE HUE is registered trademark of Philips Lighting Holding B.V. registered internationally. LATEST NEWS 1 April 2019 Philips HUE bridge firmware new version 1901181309 is out. If you upgrade to this latest firmware Philips HUE AIO VD will continue function properly. VERSION HISTORY 3.1 - Corrected bug that was causing HUE AIO VD main loop to stop with error if user set light or group ID that does not exists on HUE bridge. Also corrected bug that was not updating list correctly after first scan if user removed or added light or group on HUE bridge. 3.0 - All In One solution, one VD for all types of bulbs and for control of individual light or group of lights with supporting Philips HUE Preview VD. 2.1 - added Philips HUE White dimmable VD of same version as color version. 2.1 - Corrected error handling when HUE bridge is not reachable. 2.0 - Added On/Off button; two version available: 2.0m with Main loop refresh or 2.0b with button refresh for systems with more than 15 HUE lamps to improve response and reduce network traffic; changing brightness, color or Saturation sliders now immediately refreshes VD status; code improved so users can easier setup necessary data 1.5 - Added sliders for color (hue) and Saturation, VD is now getting ID & TCP port setting from VD general tab 1.0 - Changing icons based on the brightness level, Changing icons based on HUE lights state (unreachable/error); Error handling for HUE response data, status information in the bottom bar of the VD; detailed comments in LUA code, main loop refresh code added Here is a new look of Philips HUE AIO VD and companion Philips HUE Preview VD: Enjoy coding and your new Philips HUE virtual device! Sankotronic PS This solution is only for HC2. If you have HCL then please check @AkilliYuva.com solution here:
  2. I am not the Author, but this is such a great guide that I think it should be here. https://snillevilla.se/styr-philips-hue-lampor-med-fibaro-home-center-2/ You also need to check Developers.meethue.com and follow the tutorial there to get a user made for API https://developers.meethue.com/documentation/getting-started Files for icons and VD files here: https://github.com/snillevilla/Philips-Hue-VD-for-Fibaro-HC2
  3. I am currently renovating my house and looking for a system that can integrate with 3rd party products. I need one interface and be able to have the 3rd party devices respond/act based on an action. For example I would like to have a smart-lock at the front door that when it is unlocked when it is dark, the light goes on etc. I intend to heave the following devices: Lights: Philips Hue Smart lock: Danalock (as i believe it is Z wave) Roller blinds: fibaro Can this work together? Is there a tutorial or documentation that supports this? One more question is: If I use the Fibaro Roller Shuuter system, will my existing normal wall mounted roller shutter switch work? TIA aussie
  4. Version 1.0.1


    Philips HUE virtual device is revamped to version 2.0 check here: Here are icons for Philips HUE E27 indoor bulbs to use with Philips HUE VD
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Here is my version of Philips HUE strip icons: turned off: turned on: I hope is ok. Cheers!
  6. Hi all, is there a way to receive the power status of the hue bulb? E.g. If I turn my lights off via a fibaro relay, I would like to see if the hue light is actually supplied with power or not... cheers
  7. Hi, Is it possible to control Philips Hue with the Swipe? If so how can I fix this? Marlon
  8. Season holiday iscoming so I am happy to share the scene to control the VDs for PHILIPS HUE. That can be used not only for the color lights during holidays, but also for decorative light arrangement in the garden or wherever. The scene is controlling the VDs published by @Sankotronic here : The user settings is very simple. There are three parameters to be entered. 1. timeBRI is the value for the cycle of the brightness change 2. timeHUE is the value for the cycle of the hue cycle 3. lights ={} contain the IDs of the HUE lights to be controlled. I reccomend to experiment with different values and see the result of the "DYNAMIC RAINBOW" with your lights. -- BEGIN OF USER SETTINGS -- time for BRIGHTNESS cycle [ time units depend on number of lights ] local timeBRI = 100 -- time for HUE cycle [ time units depend on number of lights ] local timeHUE = 20 -- IDs of HUE lights VDs to be controlled local lights = {1240,1247,1249,1250,1251,1252,1253}; -- END OF USER SETTINGS The scene is running in the endless loop, so if you want to stop it, you have to press button on the scene icon GUI. DYNAMIC RAIBOW 1.01.txt UPDATE: There are quite interesting result if you run two instances of this scene at the same time :
  9. Dear people, I have a little puzzle... We have Sonos, Hue and fibaro devices and a very irregular live. Our routine for waking up is setting seperate timers for Sonos (actual wake up time), Hue (starts 10 minutes before actual waking time) and our thermostate (danfoss via Fibaro, starts 45 minutes before actual waking time) via the native apps. We have multiple routines / scenes (per device) which we can activate to do so. For Fibaro I have multiple scenes to set a global variabele for the thermostate time and multiple scenes to actually set the temperature (depending global variabele and time). Any suggestions how I should combine everything so I only have to acitivate1 routine? General direction would be great! I presume fibaro should be in the lead... Thans for you help! Kind regards, Roland
  10. Dear forum, I googled a lot but cannot seem to find a solution. I bought a Philips Hue motion sensor and want to use it in my scenes. I wrote my own VD (loosely based on @Sankotronic's Hue VD) in order to use the motion sensor in my scenes. However, the response time is very slow. I read somewhere about a 3 second delay, not sure exactly what it is and if you can influence that. It correlates however with my observations that the VD seems to trigger itself every 3 seconds. For a motion sensor, you want instant response without delay. Anybody any suggestion how to speed up the VD response or how to read the data from the Hue motion sensor faster? I pasted my VD source below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Philips HUE Motion Sensor Virtual Device ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local hueTemperatureDeviceID = 2 local hueMotionDeviceID = 3 local hueLightlevelDeviceID = 4 -- enter name of the user that you added to the HUE bridge local hueUser = "your-user-here" -- enter icon ID's for corresponding status of the virtual device local iconOk = 1048 local iconUnreachable = 1033 local iconError = 1034 local debug = false -- get this virtual device ID vDeviceID = fibaro:getSelfId() -- get IP address and TCP port for PhilipsHUE bridge hueIP = fibaro:get(vDeviceID, "IPAddress") huePort = fibaro:get(vDeviceID, "TCPPort") -- connect to the Hue bridge Hue = Net.FHttp(hueIP,huePort) -- TEMPERATURE response, status, errorCode = Hue:GET('/api/'..hueUser..'/sensors/'..hueTemperatureDeviceID); -- continue if HTTP status code is 200 if (tonumber(status) == 200) then jsonTable = json.decode(response) -- get the temperature data hueTemperature = jsonTable.state.temperature if debug then fibaro:debug("hueTemperature = " .. tostring(hueTemperature)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.temperature.value", tostring(hueTemperature/100)) fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconOk) else fibaro:log("Hue: Bridge not reachable") fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconError) end -- MOTION response, status, errorCode = Hue:GET('/api/'..hueUser..'/sensors/'..hueMotionDeviceID) -- continue if HTTP status code is 200 if (tonumber(status) == 200) then jsonTable = json.decode(response) -- get the motion data hueMotionDetected = jsonTable.state.presence if debug then fibaro:debug("hueMotionDetected = " .. tostring(hueMotionDetected)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.motionDetected.value", tostring(hueMotionDetected)) if hueMotionDetected then huelastBreached = os.time() else if huelastBreached == nil then huelastBreached = 0 end end if debug then fibaro:debug("huelastBreached = " .. tostring(huelastBreached)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.lastBreached.value", tostring(huelastBreached)) fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconOk) else fibaro:log("Hue: Bridge not reachable") fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconError) end -- LIGHTLEVEL response ,status , errorCode = Hue:GET('/api/'..hueUser..'/sensors/'..hueLightlevelDeviceID) -- continue if HTTP status code is 200 if (tonumber(status) == 200) then jsonTable = json.decode(response) -- get the lightlevel data hueLightlevel = jsonTable.state.lightlevel if debug then fibaro:debug("hueLightlevel = " .. tostring(hueLightlevel)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.lightLevel.value", tostring(10^((hueLightlevel-1)/10000))) hueDark = jsonTable.state.dark if debug then fibaro:debug("hueDark = " .. tostring(hueDark)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.dark.value", tostring(hueDark)) hueDaylight = jsonTable.state.daylight if debug then fibaro:debug("hueDaylight = " .. tostring(hueDaylight)) end fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "ui.daylight.value", tostring(hueDaylight)) fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconOk) else fibaro:log("Hue: Bridge not reachable") fibaro:call(vDeviceID, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconError) end
  11. Hello all, Situation I've been rebuilding my house and i have this room in which i have a philps hue light in the centre of my ceiling. This can be controlled by my homecentre 2, which tells the hue bridge what to do. Some spots are also mounted in the ceiling, they are LED and dimmable and they can be operated by a dimmer2 (tested) On the wall there are LED lights, this ones are not dimmable. Also on the wall there is a double switch. What i want When using switch A -> spots and wall lights ON/OFF (spots back to the last intensity of light) When using switch B -> philips hue light ON/OFF (back to the last intensity/color) i've tried I tried wiring the dimmer 2 on the ports S1 and S2 and i have the feeling i will get the spors and the philips hue working. I wanted to put the wall lighting between the switch A and the S1 port to use this loop to power these spots (so control them by the "old-way" circuit) I dont dare to divert to far from the existing schema's that are provided. What i need What would be a good electric schema for my lights and switches Can i use my dimmer2 or do i need additional hardware?
  12. For the Philips Hue lovers there is cheap Osram Lightify Smart Plug, which can be easily added to Philips Hue bridge in order to make non Hue lamps controlled by Hue bridge. I made a simple small VD based on @Sankotronic's Hue devices. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Osram Smart Plug On/Off ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --[[ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 Original VD written by CHRISSXCROSS © 2015 VD modified and upgraded by Sankotronic © 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --]] local _f = fibaro local hueID = 40; -- get name of the user from global value local hueUser = _f:getGlobal('HueUser'); local iconOff = 1226; local iconOn = 1227; local iconUnreachable = 1012; local iconError = 1013; -- END OF CODE PART FOR USERS TO EDIT AND SETUP -------------------------- Id = _f:getSelfId() Ip = _f:get(Id, "IPAddress") Port = _f:get(Id, "TCPPort") -- connect to the Hue bridge Hue = Net.FHttp(Ip, Port) -- Now do light, get previous settings and send new -- HTTP GET to get all the info from the light(s) resp ,stat , err = Hue:GET('/api/'..hueUser..'/lights/'..hueID); -- continue if HTTP status code is 200 if (tonumber(stat) == 200) then jT = json.decode(resp) -- get the on state hueOn = jT.state.on _f:debug("hueOn = " .. tostring(hueOn)); hueReachable = jT.state.reachable _f:debug("hueReachable = " .. tostring(hueReachable)); -- if light is reachable then check if it is ON or OFF to toggle it if (hueReachable == true) then if (hueOn == false) then hueOn = true; ic = iconOn; else hueOn = false; ic = iconOff; end -- HTTP PUT to set the new values resp, stat, err = Hue:PUT('/api/'..hueUser..'/lights/'..hueID..'/state', '{"on":'..tostring(hueOn)..'}'); _f:call(Id, "setProperty", "currentIcon", ic); else _f:log("Hue: Unit not reachable"); -- change the icon to unreachable _f:call(Id, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconUnreachable); end else _f:log("Hue: Bridge not reachable"); _f:call(Id, "setProperty", "currentIcon", iconError); end I hope someone will have use for it
  13. Hi everyone, It appears my hue lights are not responding to any scenes after the HC2 and hue hub had a power outage. is there an easy way to reset this? I dont want to create new bulbs with new device ID's because then i will ave to change all my scenes Thanks in advance!
  14. Hi all, Is it at all possible to make use of , add Philips Hue Dimmer switches as an device to the HC lite world? Would be great to make use of them...
  15. I am using the double dimmers and switches of TKB, eg. the double switch dimmer TZ65D. The link to manual of this switch : https://www.intellihome.be/en/amfilerating/file/download/file_id/1230/ I used to have the dimmer or on/off devices attached to my table lamp, I made an associations to the second button of the wall switch and I could operate my table lamp from the second wall switch. That is clear and simple. I started to experiment with HUE lights. I placed an excellent VD of @Sankotronic : The control of my HUE light works great from the VD as well as from the HUA app on the phone. The question is how to associate/link the second button of the wall TKB switch to control the VD of the HUE light ? I tried to look for this but I could not find any hint.
  16. Hi there, i want to ask, if there is a way to see the Hue-Lamps in the alarm section as light - i can't find them in „Scena LIGHTS ON“. Is there an other way? Thanks Karl Heinz
  17. Hi everyone, I am a new user of home centre 2. I have set up an alarm, but is there a way to turn hue lights on when it is triggered? I can't seem to find a way to do that. Any help would be great!
  18. Hi ALL! Is it normal behaviour that everytime when i reboot my HC2 the HUE lamps are switched on, while there are no criteria matching in my scenes to do so?
  19. Hi all, often i see, that some HUE bulbs are not reacting, to commands throu Fibaro, of that Fibaro says, that the bulbs are unreachable. Anyone simmilar experience with it?
  20. Hi, Specific Lua question I'm hoping a more experienced member can help with. I have a 3-way momentary switch connected to a universal binary sensor which controls my Hue lights via Logic/Lua. I would like to increment the brightness of the Hue lights when the button is held down, I'm comfortable with the Hue control I just don't know how to increment the value for brightness when the button is held. I've attached a screenshot of the scene that I need to add the functionality to, the brightness value is represented by question marks. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Ryan PS. If anyone would like to know how to trigger a Hue Scene or change the state of a Hue Group I'll post something up.
  21. Hello, i'm wondering if it is possible to use my philips hue remote control also for the lights that I have connected to my fibaro dimmer2. I have integrated philips hue with my homeserver2 so I can control them by the homeserver. But it would be nice if i can change the lights also with the hue remote control. My idea is te create a scene that reacts on changes that are made to the HUE lamps using te remote from philips. Is there anyone who has some experience with that? Greetings Wouter (I'd like the fibaro Key Fob better, but i don't know when fibaro is releasing it).
  22. hi i'm unable to find my hue lamps with the Philips Hue plugin my Hue bridge updated to firmware 01036659 recently i have HC2 4.104 Beta i believe it happened before that philips changed the code, so that the fibaro plugin couldn't create a user
  23. Could you guys help me to create a simple lua scene that could turn on HUE lamp and turn off this lamp ? There is no possibility to add hue widget on a home screen on Fibaro ipad app, so i thought that a solution could be a scene. Is there a possibility to add custom icon to this scene that can shows us if the hue is on or off ?
  24. Can anybody tell me how to integrate hue lamps into scenes? I bought the HCL mainly because i want to use hue lamps with z-wave triggers (motions sensors etc.). Is there any solution? Also the VD integration of the hue devices didnt work beacuse of the not existing lua support. I am quite puzzled how a basic feature like this is not working... or is this the problem sitting here in front of the screen? Help would be very much apprciated.
  25. I am starting to make a scene which detects if a lamp is on > then variable turns on to AWAKE (house) I just added a coding for the hue lamp, with: tostring(fibaro:getValue(313, "state")) == true -- floor luminaire 2 hue but i doesn't turn the variable to AWAKE, of course there are many lamps in this list but for the overview i added only a couple below --[[ %% autostart %% properties 79 value 197 value 313 state %% weather %% events %% globals --]] if ( tonumber(fibaro:getValue(79, "value")) > 0 or -- kitchen tsble tonumber(fibaro:getValue(197, "value")) > 0 or -- christmas light 2 tostring(fibaro:getValue(313, "state")) == true -- floor luminaire 2 hue ) then fibaro:setGlobal("Auto_Sleep_Mode", "AWAKE"); end What i am doing wrong? Many thanks
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