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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, im pretty new to the fibaro system. i saw a video where they used lili and wanted to try it, i got a HC 2 and a dimmer-2 That i wanted to try it on, but i could not find «lili commands» in advanced settings, nor could i find «reload lili database» in the general information site of the HC. Ill be gratfull for any help?
  2. I have given following Lili commands, but Lili was not able to respond it. (It was listing correctly.) 1. Turn ON TV 2. Turn OFF TV 3. Turn ON AC 4. Turn OFF AC 5. it's party time 6. it's Movie time Can any one explain what's the Issue with these commands? Thanks in Advance.
  3. I installed a dimmer 2 several months ago and on the advanced set up panel i can give it Lili commands. This works well and enables me to turn the lights on and off using Lili. I installed two more dimmer 2 modules yesterday (the same firmware as the previous) but i dont have the option in the advanced panel to set Lili commands. This entrigued me so i checked all my other devices and it seems i cant find an option for this for any of them other than the dimmer 2 module already mentioned. What gives? How can i set voice commands to my other modules? Why is the option missing on the other two dimmers? Do we have a set of commands ready built into Lili? For instance on my ipad i have an option (pre built in) to turn all the lights on in the house. Do we have pre-built commands for this kind of thing in Lili? How would i add new commands to Lili? Cheers.
  4. is there a option to not use a button on Lili first :S (Why I still need to puss a button, useless like this) just as google now (Oke Google) or assistent.ai from api.ai (Hey Assistant) it wakes up the device if its in sleep-mode and you can just talk to it i like to use it if i go to bed i tell it good night and its runs a specific scene how can i make something like this work? whit-out a server running 24/7 just a tab or phone (Android)
  5. Hello guys As you know, lili is created to send a command to Fibaro, which unfortunately doesn't work long long time ! Now, The amazon came to this purpose. I want to have a device that talks some reports of house , such as: no one is in living aream light will be off ! How can I make a solution to say reports ? How Can I send commands to be done ? Thanks to answer
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