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Found 10 results

  1. Hi guys I want to share my expericence in migrating and integrating a HC2 with 3 HCL. The project considered originally 4 HCL’s, and in the end the client decided that he wanted to acces only one location and control everything from there. So the next step was migrating from HCL to HC2, a process a little confusing, but in the end was working; I updated everything to firmware 4.6 and tried to add the HCL’s to the HC2, with no luck I tried from another HC2 and also no luck, (strange that another HC2 couldn´t add the HCL´s ). So I started asking for help and some colleagues recommended to test using the HC2 from scratch, (erase everything to factory restore) and that finally did the trick. I have to say that auto search didn’t work, and I had to type the IP manually. So my theory is that the migration process must have done some block configuration in the HC2 because the operating system was coming from the HCL which doesn’t allow slaves. What do you think??
  2. Hi Fibaro experts, I have been using my fibaro setup for a couple of years with mixed success. Some things work quite well and some, well not so well. Feels at times as if the software really isn't tested before it is released which is unfortunate. Anyway I still like what it can do so trying to live with the problem it causes. However, this problem really annoys me and must be fixable somehow so hoping someone out there has a clever answer for it. One of the setups I have today: 1 fibaro dimmer 2 in the hallway 1 fibaro dimmer 2 in the kitchen The dimmer in the kitchen is associated with the hallway dimmer so that S2 is able to control the light in the hallway. This works fine as long as I always control it from the kitchen. So if I press once the hallway lights up and if i press another time the hallway goes dark, just as expected. However, If I press once on S2 in the kitchen and then switch it off in the hallway (with the wall switch i have there) the control in the kitchen looses sync why i need to press it twice to light it up again. So what happens is that the kitchen dimmer works fine as long as I don't use the wall switch connected to the hallway dimmer. If I do then the dimmer in the kitchen Case 1: 1. activate S2 in Kitchen > Hallway lights up. 2. activate S2 in kitchen again > Hallway goes dark Case 2: 1. activate S2 in Kitchen > Hallway lights up. 2. activate S1 in hallway > Hallway goes dark 3. activate S2 in kitchen again > Nothing happens (reason is because the kitchen dimmer tries to shut down the hallway light as it wasn't aware that i already killed the light via the hallway dimmer) 4. if i then press S2 in the kitchen again the light in the hallway lights up again. A small thing but oh so irritating. There must be something I am missing as I have the same functionality in my walk in closet and my bedroom. However, with the difference that i there have a dimmer 2 in the bedroom and a dimmer 1 in the walk in closet. For some reason these two devices sync perfectly and work seamlessly together. Anyone out there that has the same setup? Have you been able to solve it? /Peter
  3. I have added a new HCL as a slave in a Master gateway (HC2). Issues: - Rooms are not being synced in either direction - Some of the master devices show up in the HCL slave, but unconfigured, with no names and with rooms not assigned - List of shared devices are empty Both gateways are running 4.520 Have tried the following: - Master (HC2): Under Config>Gateway Connections I have Imported multiple times. Slave rooms show up, are checked, but after a quick Sync the are not added to room list. - Master (HC2): Under Config>Gateway Connections I have Synced multiple times - no effect what so ever - Master (HC2): Under Config>Gateway Connections I have Deleted the slave (HCL) and re-added. No luck - Rebooted both devices twice. No luck I would be very happy for any advice. Device list on slave:
  4. Hello guys, I want to connect two HC2 over internet using gateway connection, but how can I do that. When I try to add a HC2 over gateway connection I enter the public ip and and the creditials but it says that you must check if HC2 is connected to the internet.
  5. Hi everybody, Can I have Master-Slave Gateway-Connection between two Home center with different frequencies? Like have a US and a EU versions at same home? Best Regards to all
  6. Hi guys, I tried to find this in the Fibaro documentation but it is still not clear to me. If I have a master HC2 connected to a slave HC2, and the slave has it's own scenes, can those be imported into the master? And does this mean that the actual scene would still run on the slave but can be triggered using the master? I am attempting to add around 250 devices so was planning to use two HC2's due to the maximum number of devices limit. Thanks
  7. Hi all, where can i find information about Master-Slave Gateway-Connection between two Homecenter? I have established such a connection between HCL (buero) and HC2 (home) via VPN and like to get some help – sharing devices, scenes, alarm, video etc. Is there an official guide from fibaro?
  8. Guest

    Master - slave

    When installing the Wall Plug, this device shows up in the HC2 with a "Master device" linked to a single "Slave device". Only the Slave has functionality (On/Off). Other devices also show up with a Master, which apparently serves to tie up multifunctionalities (e.g. the Fibaro "Eye". But still: What's the purpose since each function is operated independently? My question is very simple: What is the purpose of the Master - since it appears to be inoperable ? I have searched for wisdom in the user manual and on the Forum, but so far without luck.
  9. Hi All! I woul'd like to have a feature, when assigning a device to a room, to assign the master and then all the slaves woul'd be automatically assigned to the same room. This will ease up the configuration. After all in the most cases all the slaves will be in the same room Ofcourse a user shoul'd be able to assign individual slave(s) to a different room. Thanks.
  10. Apologies for what is probably a stupid question, but can someone please explain the purpose of the master / slave settings behind each of the devices? I'm sure I will kick myself when someone explains it, but I can't find a simple explanation of the purpose of this and / or how one goes about using / modifying it and why. Many thanks in advance for all and any help!
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