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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, I have two location where I have HC 3 lite and final destination with HC3, I want to migrate all of the devices to HC3 automatically and make it as slave. Is it possbie in Fibaro ecosystem?
  2. I have just bought a HC3 and could login. i just migrated from HC2 to HC3 bij using https://home.fibaro.com/ with transfer configuration. Ater this i can no longer login on the HC3. I tried resetting my password by using the "forgot password?", but i dont get any email What should i do? It is urgent for me, since i can no longer can control anything in my home, since the HC2 stopped working
  3. Hi all, I 've just bought my new HC3 but before I do the migration I have one issue: After the migration the z-wave devices will network anymore ->ok But I have some VDs only HC2 where I do not have an idea on how to migrate them to HC3, somy Idea was to keep those on HC2 and leave them running, if that is possible at all? e.G. I have one VD that is doing call handling (sending messages on Calls) with my router (fritzbox). This one is actually quite stand-alone, and does not need other devices. Would that work in general, or are all VDs not communicating anymore? cheers joystick
  4. fabione


    Hello, I would like to know if is possible to make a backup and transfer the data from a hc3l to a hc3. right now i have a hc3l that gives problems and disconnects, the supplier gave me a new hc3l. the problem is that i can't load the backup from the old hc3l to the new one. how can I do? thanks
  5. New HC3 on its way: Do I Migrate my HC2 via the transfer process or setup everything from new? I am sure many people are asking what are the pro's and con#'s of each route: Migrating Pros - Known: Sections, rooms and icons will be migrated Z-Wave devices assigned to the rooms and their icons parameters of these devices Cameras not created via plugins associations Migration Con's - Won't be transferred Scenes plugins virtual devices cameras via plugins schedules (watering & climate) Questions: If a device is transferred, does HC3 tell the device to use 500 series communications automatically and will HC2 put the device in secure mode? (All my Heating Controllers (Fibaro Thermostats) are not in secure mode as you cannot upgrade if they are in secure mode Can I force Secure mode of a device that is transferred or do I have to remove it and re-add it to enable secure mode? Are my LUA scenes compatible (Cut and Paste [Changing deviceid as needed] from HC2 to HC3)? What are the other Pro's and Con's people have seen? Any pit-falls to watch out for?
  6. I have Followed the described process (latest firmwares etc) --> HC3 applied latest backup (moved from HC2) --> configuration steps --> Added static IP --> Reboot --> Stuck! Dashboard/Devices forms hanging like trying to load and never stops) Then into Recovery mode --> only option "Reset Network setting" --> Reboot!! Now it gets funny! Now the system never comes up! All LED's is OK except for "Security" LED, which is blinking!? Only option is turn power off and try again --> never getting any further. When trying to "Reset to factory mode" ON PHYSICAL BUTTON as described in the manual (more than 20 secs) Press button in the back during startup - nothing happens. - was expecting to be able to switch between Static/dynamic IP (blink yellow/green), again it ends up with only the 'Security' LED blinking nothing happens????? The point is that it never gets an IP address and goes online! Is it not possible to do a 'Hard reset' on the box to 'factory settings'? Total swipe and start over? Have anyone seen this issue BR / Allan
  7. Hi there, I´m speaking for many users who bought the HCL on an early stage and now there is a need to switch to the HC2. I cannot understand why Fibaro is not working on a supported way to migrate de HCL. They would sell a lot of HC2, because so many people are waiting and nobody wants to start from scratch, especially when you have a lot of relais.... There should be an Fibaro-Supported Thread in this Forum. @fibaro what do you think?
  8. Hello out there I have got a HCL with a lot of devices (about 60) and now I want to turn the System to HC2. Is it possible to easy migrate all devices to the new System? Without a complete re-inclusion? I do not want to pull every socket and every power-/ blind-switch out of the walls to exclude und new include them. The scenes are not that important, I could write them complete new on the new HC. Important for me is not to open all sockets and switches and also to do the tricky inclusion of the window-sensors. Hope there is a way for it... Thanks to everybody who could help or give me a hit!
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