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Found 7 results

  1. I added 2 brand new oomi multi-sensors (Similar to Aeotec). It added every sensor but the motion on both units on multiple attempts. Has anyone had the same issue with oomi? I tried with and without security.
  2. I've added a Zipato ZP3102 as a new device to HC2, 4.560. It shows up in the 'Unconfigured devices' list, no full configuration. I chose 'Reconfigure', woken up the device a zillion times, no success. HC2 does show the message 'ID xxx: Device configuration finished' after a soft configuration, but the configuration status remains 'Not configured'. Notifications show '[Reconfiguration failed]' with a spinning waiting sign. I retried soft- and hard reconfiguration multiple times but no to avail. The device reports its temperature fine but not any motion. In the devices list it shows 'Never breached' but the hardware does detect motion, the light in the detector flashes once when it detects motion. But apparantly no communication between HC2 and the Zipato ZP3102. When I wake up the device by pressing the program switch or activate the 'tamper mode', both motion and temperature device in the fibaro devices-list show 'transfer OK'. Just to revert back to the message 'Never breached'... Any ideas how to get the motion-communication going? Thanks
  3. In my toilet i have an AEON LABS Multisensor 6 Aeotec, whereby my light is been triggered by the sensor. You can see the scene below, often the light goes out because there is no movement anymore in the toilet, while the person is still in the toilet! if I increase the reset time, then it takes longer before the light dims (off), but on the other side, I would like to have a scene, when I step outside the toilet the light dims to off, within around 5 seconds. Does somebody has an improved scene from his or her timer from the toilet or any other scene what is equivalent (revised) to this scene? --[[ %% properties 442 value %% globals --]] -- User Settings local debug = false; -- true local toiletSpot = 408; -- ToiletSpot -- function variables local time = 0; local timeReset = 15; -- delay in seconds during which PresentState will not change after last breach local timerStop = 16; local motionSensor = 442; -- Motion Sensor Toilet local Motion = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(motionSensor, "value")); local toiletSpotStatus = tonumber(fibaro:getValue(toiletSpot, "value")); local function log(str) if debug then fibaro:debug(str); end; end -- avoid loop of this scene if tonumber(fibaro:countScenes()) > 1 then fibaro:abort(); end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Do Not change below this line ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- function toiletFunction() fibaro:call(toiletSpot, "setValue", "75") log("Light Turned ON"); log(timeReset.. " seconds before Light goes OFF starting at " .. os.date()); fibaro:sleep(5000); -- loop start ————————————————————----------------------------------------— repeat if tonumber(fibaro:getValue(motionSensor, "value")) > 0 then time = 0; log("Movement detected from Motion Sensor"); else time = time + 1; log("No Movement " .. time .." of " .. timeReset .. " seconds Detected"); end fibaro:sleep(999); until time >= timeReset -- 16 > 15 fibaro:call(toiletSpot, "turnOff"); log("Timer stopped, Vanity Mirror OFF"); log("-------------------------------------"); end if Motion > 0 then log("Start Timer") toiletFunction() end
  4. Has anyone powered the (Aeotec or Fibaro) multisensors with a USB power bank? If so, any calculations for power drain over time? (based on the multisensor being configured as being USB powered, and therefore providing frequent reports).
  5. I have a new Aeon Multisensor which is failing to install. If it does it installs and shows not configured. I have removed multiple times and re-installed. I have factory reset the device. Does anyone have any suggestions, besides returning the device?
  6. HI I have an HCL with a MultiSensor 6 (ZW100 that has worked fine until a few days ago (could be the beat update not sure) But what happens now is the motion sensor on the multisesnor no longer works, you get no indication on the sensor that there is any motion i.e. no green LED being triggered. Also the HCL alway say the sensor is breached. Tried removing, reseting sensor re adding and still no luck but now it does not say breached but when armed nothing happens Any ideas Thanks Kelvin
  7. Quick question. Is the AEON Multisensor a real PIR sensor or just movement detector? The reason I ask is that I have positioned this outside my house and it is above a plant. And it constantly keeps triggering movement notifications. Is there a setting I need to set in HC2 to work on IR movement sensor only?
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