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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, everybody, I use the HC2 with the current firmware version 4.570. I would like to install my netatmo weather station (indoor and outdoor module) using the existing plug-in. I get access to the weather data, but unfortunately the weather data is not updated. The only update I can achieve by restarting the HC2. I have already created a 2nd app at netatmo, experimented with the query timer (different values between 60 and 3660) all without success. I have also deleted and reinstalled the plugin several times, all in vain. The displayed values remain constant until the restart of HC2, no matter what the weather is doing. Now my concerns: Does anyone have a LUA script where I can actively fetch the values in a certain time grid at netatmo, because the plugin obviously does not fetch the values regularly or only after a HC2 restart. Thanks in advance for your help
  2. Hi! I have had Netatmo plugin running flawless for 3 years. 2 Days ago, Fibaro suddenly stopped pulling the API. When I select "get devices" from plugin, nothing happens. If i try to deactivate and reactivate netatmo account (dev), nothing happens. But if i restar the HC2, it will pull the correct vaues one time, then stops. Anyone have a solution to this? Other than deleting plugin and readd it, cause i have alot of lua scenes based on the devices. Best regards Chris
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Some of the icons i use for my VDs for the netatmo weather station
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