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Found 3 results

  1. QA for full control of PC from HC3 (On, Off, Restart, Sleep and Hibernate states) You will need: 1. PC is connected via Fibaro wall plug (or other device with power measurement) 2. installed application Switch Off 3.5.1 from Airytec on your computer http://www.airytec.com/en/switch-off/get.aspx 3. In Switch Off application - go to menu -> Options -> Remote -> Edit web interface settings -> you have to define your port ie. 28100 and password 4. In PC firewall you have to allow Incoming rule for TCP port that you have defined in SwitchOff application ie.28100 5. Working WakeOnLAN (WOL) on your PC (allowed in PC BIOS and on your net card) Installation: 1. Upload this QA to HC3 2. In QA variables you have to define: - PC_DevID : ID of your PC power plug in HC3 - PCAirytecPort: port define for web interface in SwitchOff application from Airytec - PCAirytecPassw: password define for web interface in SwitchOff application from Airytec - PC_IP_Address: IP address of your PC ie. - PC_MacAddress: MacAddress of your PC for WakeOnLAN (WOL) ie. 4B:BC:24:D1:E5:25 - PC_WOL_Port: Port for WakeOnLAN (WOL) - usually 9 - Level<xxx>PC : power in W for showing correct PC state: power >= LevelRunPC PC state: running power >= LevelSleepPC PC state: sleeping power >= LevelHiberPC PC state: hibernating power >= LevelOffPC PC state: off power = 0 PC state: fully off (power>0 to LevelOffPC also means PC state: off) QA PC version: 0.20 - 13.2.2021 PC.fqa
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Several icons to visualize the online status of devices alexa, pc, tablet, laptop, smartphone, tv
  3. wouldn't it be great to have a windows app working similarly like the mobile apps? when working on a computer it would be really nice not to have to reacht for the mobile phone or log onto HC in a browser. as an addition, or even instead of such a software a really nice effect would be links on the windows desktop to start scenes / switch devices on/off. Wouldn't this also be a relevant and nice idea for homescreens on android smartphones?
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