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Found 13 results

  1. Is there anyone who could write QuickApp to connect and obtain data from Wunderground? I have PWS which is able to send the data to Wunderground. I want to use them in HC3 as weather provider.
  2. I'm asking the forum for support regarding the creation of software documentation in HC3. (please answer yes/no) I propose to create a button in the /app/settings/general/main location, which would make a documentation in the text format as similar as possible (included a graphical side) to the HC3 programming area in LUA scenes. The file name should be DocFIBYYYYMMDDTime.LUA. It would be used for comparison with older versions of the software in Visual Studio Code (Microsoft). I really appreciate the HC3 system. However, my customers and I lack a documentation of all scenes in the text format in one file. This collection would allow me and my customers to rewiev the previous data to remind ourselves the original state of the software and settings. When our system doesn't work, I would like to find what I have changed before or what have gone wrong. By comparing the original documentation with the new one, I would have an immediate overview. Furthermore, this documentation could be useful to search for the ID numbers in the scenes. As you probably know, sometimes we are forced to remove and add the ID again. This causes the ID to be renumbered. As a result of it, it is necessary to replace the old ID numerical codes with the new ones in all scenes. When renumbering the ID of, for example a three-phase electricity meter, it has to make 32 times. The structure of the documentation is described in the "BLOCK Scheme" below. An example of the documentation is given in the "Example of documentation" below. Experts may program in other languages and make extensive use of APIs, but the system is not intended for them, but for the general public. The public needs outputs perhaps more than experts. I would be grateful if FIBARO looked into this as soon as possible. With thanks for your cooperation ing. Petr Boltík "BLOCK Scheme the documentation" procedure CreateTXT(DocFIBYYYYMMDDTime.LUA); var i,sceneMAX: Integer; BlockScene: boolean; begin for i := 1 to SceneMAX do --the main passage if exists(scene[i]) then begin if BlockScene then TraslateBlockToLUA; SaveNumber and NameScene; Save DECLARATIONS (Conditions/Triggers) scene; Save "---------------------------------"; Save ACTIONS scene; end; for i := 1 to QuickUPMAX do --passage QuickUp if exists(QuickUP[i]) then begin SaveNumber and NameQuickUP; SaveDevice??? SaveMain; end; for i := 1 to rowDocumentTXTMAX do --passage control on exist ID and SC begin if search ID (not exists in systém HC3) then begin changetxt "IDXXX" on IDXXXNotexists or IDXXXERROR end; if search Scene( not exists in systém HC3) then begin changetxt "SCXXX" on SCXXXNotexists or SCXXXERROR end; end; for i := 1 to IDMAX do --passage ADD params ID begin SaveNumber and NameID; Save name Params and value; end; end; "Example of documentation": --SC46 on device >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> table = { isTrigger = true, operator = "match", property = "cron", type = "date", value = { "0", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*" } } -------------------------------------------------- local currentHod = os.date("*t").hour hub.call(467NOTEXIST, "turnOff") hub.call(468, "turnOff") hub.call(469, "turnOff") hub.call(470, "turnOff") if (currentHod == 0) then --hub.call(470, "turnOn") --zahrada vzadu elseif (currentHod == 1) then hub.call(467NOTEXIST, "turnOn") elseif (currentHod == 2) then hub.call(469, "turnOn") elseif (currentHod == 12) then hub.call(470, "turnOn") end --SC47 off device >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> table = { isTrigger = true, operator = "match", property = "cron", type = "date", value = { "0", "*", "*", "*", "*", "*" } } -------------------------------------------------- --local currentHod = os.date("*t").hour hub.call(467NOTEXIST, "turnOff") hub.call(468, "turnOff") hub.call(469, "turnOff") hub.call(470, "turnOff") --SC48 on device >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ...
  3. Dear users, We would like to encourage you to take part in a contest prepared for FIBARO Forum users only! The purpose of Your Quick App: underfloor heating control contest is to prepare a solution that will reduce the offset of temperature regulation for underfloor heating. The contest will last until 21.10.2022 and the results will be announced on 31.10.2022. Where there's a contest there is also a prize. The winner will receive a voucher worth 400 Euros that can be exchanged for FIBARO products available in our portfolio. More details regarding requirements, prizes, and dates can be found in Terms and Conditions: https://www.fibaro.com/legal/twoje-FIBARO-en.pdf To submit your Quick App just fill out this short registration form: https://fibaro.typeform.com/to/ScWKdDLH We are looking forward to your ideas!
  4. This is a Quickapp script for HC3. I am trying to get this to work in a VD on HC2. Is it possible, or do I have to do it together with a scene to make it work? Can anyone help? function QuickApp:onInit() self:updateProperty("unit", "kr/kWh") self.refresh = 60 -- in seconds local function loop() self:webrequest(); setTimeout(loop,self.refresh * 1000) end if self.username ~= "changeme" then loop() end end function QuickApp:webrequest() local tid = os.date("%R") local minutt = os.date("%M") --OPPDATERER STRØMPRIS OG SNITT HVER TIME if (minutt == "00") then self:OppdaterPris(); self:OppdaterSnitt(); end end function QuickApp:OppdaterPris() --Opprette lokale variable local GammelStrompris = fibaro.get(126,"value") local NyStrompris --Definerer http local http = net.HTTPClient(); --Definerer strengen Payload til å være kommando til tibber local payload = '{"query": "{viewer {homes {currentSubscription{priceInfo{current{total}}}}}}", "variables": null, "operationName": null}'; --API.POST til Tibber-- http : request('https://api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql', { options = { method = "POST", headers = { ['Authorization'] = '.........', --Min Tibber ID her. ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, data = payload -- Query. }, success = function(response) --fibaro.debug (response.data) --Verifiser at en har fått response.data. Dette er data som en har fått fra Tibber local data = json.decode(response.data); --fjernet local under??? NyStrompris = json.encode(data.data.viewer.homes[1].currentSubscription.priceInfo.current.total); self:updateProperty("value", tonumber(NyStrompris)) --print("OK") end, error = function(err) fibaro.debug ("Error:" .. err) end }); end function QuickApp:OppdaterSnitt() --Definerer http local http = net.HTTPClient(); --Definerer strengen average til å være kommando til tibber local average = '{"query": "{viewer {homes {currentSubscription{priceRating{daily{entries{total}}}}}}}", "variables": null, "operationName": null}'; --API.POST Til Tibber http : request ('https://api.tibber.com/v1-beta/gql', { options = { method = "POST", headers = { ['Authorization'] = '...............', --Min Tibber ID her. ['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' }, data = average -- Query }, success = function(response) --fibaro.debug(response.data) --Verifiser at en har fått response.data. Dette er data som en har fått fra Tibber local data = json.decode(response.data); local Nypris = tostring(json.encode(data.data.viewer.homes[1].currentSubscription.priceRating.daily.entries[31].total)); self:updateProperty("log", tostring(Nypris)) end, } ) end
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Panasonic comfort Cloud app What it does: Control you Panasonic comfort cloud compatible heat pump devices. just like the android or apple app, but from you home center 3 Comfort Cloud installation: Upload the quick app to the hc3. Go to the variable panel and change the email and password. Wait a coble off second then press on button. Variable settings: for setting start temperature in the aircon modes. WARNING!! Do not set it to a number that larger or smaller than you Panasonic is capable of. so do not set cooling start temp to 5 degrees when minimum is 15 or heat to 65 degrees when max is 30, you get the point. Extra fun stuff: Since there is a thermometer in the inside & outside unit, i added two global variables that you can use in other apps GlobalVariable('inside heatpump temperature') GlobalVariable('Outside heatpump') Added a function for retrieving energy and more for. it can be viewed via the debug buttons. located in Oninit and use function QuickApp:getHis() Plan is to make a app that just shows energy data and more. Troubleshoot: it is crucial that app retrieve token before app runs. i have very fast internet so could be that with slow internet that timers have to be adjusted up. located in Oninit important that they execute in that order! fibaro.setTimeout(1500, function() QuickApp:turn1()() end) --token first fibaro.setTimeout(3000, function() QuickApp:turn2() end) --when we got token we can run the rest. fibaro.setTimeout(604800000, function() QuickApp:onInit() end) --token restart every month Full Code on my Github page: Code Last words: Damn this was hard to make when never haven writing Lua before. Enjoy!
  6. hi, i need to send this command "https://IP/api/callAction?deviceID=136&name=pressButton&arg1=1" to HC3 but the answer is "Class does not have pressButton function defined - action ignored". To do this I created a quick app of the type "remote controller" but i think is not the same as a "virtual device" https://forum.fibaro.com/topic/12399-beta-api-http-commands-3341/page/5/ so I would like to know how to create a virtual device who responds to the action call. thanks
  7. Hi I have to understand the Quick app HC2 code to make the same app to HC3. This Quick App control Multiroom AMCP MR4.50-XT - 4 Zones with Itach RS232 Serial Interface. I do not understand where in the LUA Code call function like above: local ID_VD = fibaro:getSelfId() fibaro:call(ID_VD, "pressButton", "6") fibaro:sleep(600) fibaro:call(ID_VD, "pressButton", "16") fibaro:sleep(600) fibaro:call(ID_VD, "pressButton", "26") fibaro:sleep(600) fibaro:call(ID_VD, "pressButton", "36") fibaro:sleep(300) Where I need to looking for some information about this code? MULTIROOM.vfib
  8. Hello, Can someone tell me whether there is a possibility to integrate sensors from Aqara at Fibaro and then use them for scenes? Regards
  9. Is anyone have experience with setting up garage door device built on smart implant + hc3? Currently it works perfect in my setup but looks like simple light switch, so i looking for any suggestions to turn it to garage door.
  10. Dear community, my current project is using Hoobs to control Fibaro HC3 devices, IR controller specifically. Hoobs does not detect the quick apps in HC3. May I know whether there is any method for Hoobs to control quick app in HC3? Thank you.
  11. Hi, I'm new to Fibaro (HC3) and just finding my way around things. I've seen some reference in other forums that Quick Apps (buttons / controls) are not currently available in the Home Center mobile app - is this correct and still the case? Seems like a pretty basic requirement to be able to use Quick Apps doesn't it, or am I missing something? Otherwise, what is the point of them and how do you use them from your mobile other than building individual scenes for each action you want to take with it? Is anyone aware of a mobile app update on the horizon soon which will allow control of Quick Apps from the mobile app UI? Thanks
  12. @T.Konopka, @A.Socha, @K.Drozynski, What is the role of this section when nothing is allowed to be uploaded here? There are a lot of users who have above-standard knowledge and produce a lot of QA fqa files. I understand if it is part of the topic being discussed and someone has done a QA and will attach it in the forum as a solution to the issue. However, a lot of solutions are created directly like QA and then it turns out that they are differently fragmented on different topics (most often scenes). I understand that Fibaro wants to fill its Marketplace, but this may be the interconnected place where creators can provide support to users for their products (QA). In addition, other creators can use this section without having to produce in the Marketplace ... Fibaro, please, what are your intentions with this section and other features to support QA. The idea of some kind of code-sharing repositories already arises here, but I don't think it should be a matter for users (programmers), but a matter for the manufacturer. After all, these people are trying to move your product forward. Take an example from them, perceive what they solve. Fibaro, please, what are your intentions with this section and other features to support QA. The idea of some kind of code-sharing repositories already arises here, but I don't think it should be a matter for users (programmers), but a matter for the manufacturer. After all, these people are trying to move your product forward. Take an example from them, perceive what problems they solve and what they want to achieve. After all, they do it for free for others, for you (and for you). Thanks for the answers .. Edit: Note - why the "Downloads" section is actually available, via import functions. But there is a "DOWNLOADS" section in the forum and it doesn't really lead anywhere. What is the idea of using different sections when they are not linked? eM.
  13. I’m a newby in the home center world, and i wonder if it’s possible to adjust the parameters with a quick app of a linked Z-wave alarm sound device, so it can make different sounds based on the event? Such as beeping softly at a entry delay, or alarm sound at a burglary. The sound device supports these capabilities, but i can't find a working solution in the HC3.
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