I have yet to have the Fibaro Intercom installed, but as I have seen mentioned by others, which is worrisome is that despite on their website clearly stating it's resistance to extreme weather, the user manual makes it sound as if it is not weatherproof at all. Also, on the website it is said to have theft deterrent alerts, implying that it is a built in feature, in case someone tries to tamper or steal the Intercom, but again, in the user manual it says it can be connected to an external system to alarm it for this purpose. I'm also afraid about other problems people have described thus far with the application and it's reliability as I purchased this to replace our OUTDOOR intercom that is placed outside of our gate with the hopes of being able to let delivery drivers in to drop off packages when we're not home after they have paged the intercom and we open the gate for them, also for other workers that come to the house and need access. I chose this device because it seemed as if it would be a perfect fit for what we were looking for, but if it is in fact unable to withstand the elements (we live in Liguria in Italy, so it's not extreme weather or anything but we do get plenty of rain in the winter and spring) that would absolutely be a deal breaker. Being that I haven't seen a single video actually reviewing the Fibaro Intercom, I was hesitant making the purchase because it is expensive compared to what some others offer, but it seemed to check every box we had (based on what was shown on the website) and so I hope it wasn't a complete waste of time taking the risk of buying an unreviewed piece of tech. So please, if someone from Fibaro could comment on the specs that are touted on the website vs what is written in the user manual, clarifying just what in fact this things capabilities are before I pay to have someone come to install it, that would be great.